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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. 3 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

    Do you even Fireball? Quick cast, guaranteed Heat proc stun in an area. I am casting Fireball constantly when I play melee Ember. Speaking of stun, also Accelerant, which you'll be using against high-level enemies all the time anyway.

    Ha, Fireball? You mean an ability that has to wait horrible charge time to be usable, even with Natural Talent?


    Sir, for now, Ember must keep turn off and on WoF at every 6 to 8s, in order to actually cause the damage. Because of her lack of survival, it is sucidial attempts to go melee on the high level(even consider you are expected to be modded focused on survivability). Not to mention about WoF's delay to apply the damage and proc. So called 'spin to win' seems much faster than that.

    Fireball has horrible casting time, as I said. Quick cast only procs on the small area, and most frames are already have it so it is nothing special. Charge attack is what she really wants, but because of the horrible casting time you better off shoothing a launcher weapon instead - it is actually possible to charge the ability while shooting, but I doubt that it is possible to move, charge as well as shoot the ranged weapon proprely.

    Also... it means you don't have much time and energy to cast Accelerant. You are fully aware that WoF now costs x2 upkeep cost, as well as the costs spend on recast, don't you?


  2. What I don't have among the frames are Excalibur Prime, Gara, Khora, Revenant, Limbo Prime and Chroma Prime. Aside we can't get Excalibur Prime for now, well. making Gara is boring as hell so I have abandon to make her, for her part's ridiculous amount of resouce requirement. 😞 Khora is not just because I didn't run onslaught often. Revenant is not because I can't even meet the prerequisite of the mini-quest - Seriously, what's Quill? You can live without them and it doesn't bother anyone.


    Well. Aside Revenant that I can't even have a glance for the parts and don't have any information for the parts farming, no one is ridiculous than Gara - which is annoying to get the parts blueprint AND annoying to get the resources to build the parts. At least Khora is much better than that, for gether the parts blueprints is the most costy part. Even Ash, Equinox, Mesa, Octavia and Harrow are much more easier than Gara, seriously. I will make a second Mesa if I have to either making Gara or second Mesa, because Mesa is far easier to built. So, I don't think that it is a sane idea to follow the same road of Gara.



  3. For OP, did you ever aware that spamming SQ with an augment after the change makes everything within the area does nothing other than rolled to death? It is still a very powerful ability, and even more deadly than before since the enemy are able to be killed by ragdoll(if an enemy is on ragdoll state too long it is insta-killed) rather than reduced health so you don't need to care for ability strength. Also it just makes everyone stop.

    Even without that, spamming Sonar adds a bunch of weak spots so you don't actually need to count every shot but you can cause much damage by your weapon, and Silence check them at bay and help us to kill them without an effort.

  4. 15 hours ago, Julian_Skies said:

    I was going to question. Why exactly do people laser focus on armor when taking high level content? I abhor endless missions but my understanding of "high level" is that it comes from staying long on those, but aren't those of all four factions? Shouldn't a frame being bad at armor only make it unsuitable for 37% of the content? (25% being grineer plus 13% being half of corrupted). That actually sounds rather good to me.

    Well, good question.

    The problem is, you would be stuck in Grineer or Corrupted mission, as you presume. The problem on Corpus and Infested are their denial techs, but for the durability they can be slain as much as we does in low level. It is only slower than typical star chart games, so you don't need a special tech to kill them.

    Armor, in the other hand, if it is stacks too much you can't simply cause any damage at all, or only cause a dent, means you need the tech to bypass armor or you can't kill the enemy in the most times. In 20 to 40lv normal star chart missions that is not that noticeable, although on tier 3+ they are already quite durable enough to withstand much punishment unless you can bypass or reduce their armor. In Sortie 3 Grineer or Corrupted missions, level 90~110 Grineer soldiers, especially heavy infantry class enemies, are simply laugh off almost all blows unless you can damaging them bypassing armor or melt it. It gets worse if the enemy is Eximus as well, that their type already gives the damage reduction.

    And, only Void - where the faction is fixed to Orokin unless you play an alert mission that changes the faction - have tier 4 nodes, means if you ever want to try tier 4 nodes you need to face those armors as well.

    Not to mention that Grineer have the best affinity efficiency and Hydron, Sedna is one of the most popular affinity farming defense mission until Sanctuary Onslaught is released. And, you will know that you may face Grineer enemy on Onslaught as well, so you need something to deal with them. And, if you have a tool for killing high level Grineer, your weapons are also deadly against Corpus and Infested as well.

    That's why many people are argue about armor system's too high scaling. While Ember is not good at late game, but even before her grave nerf she is not able to damaging the enemy with that much level properly because of this. Even if she has about +400% damage boost it does nothing against high level Grineers' 90+% damage reduction - which is a cherry on the cake of already increased health due to the high level! - , and it is already proven by high crit but low status weapons some years ago.

    There is a reason why corrosive stacks, slash procs and abilities that burn the armors are required on the high level mission and high crit weapons are simply discarded on such levels. You can use such weapons against Corpus or Infested, but high proc weapons are already useful in there too.

  5. Accelerant is good only when her other tools are playable. But, on its own it is a quite good tool and rarely need for something more. What Accelerant needs is just a playable ability with fire damage to boost, not the buff for itself.


    And, while her damage on late level is useless, but it's not just the problem of Ember - you know, horrible armor scaling is the root of the problem and not only Ember is suffered by that. Well, we all knows that it is not the main problem.

  6. The real problem is how to actually apply the damage - with only around 10m radius and no survival kit to get close, and wait a while in order to actually make the enemy aflame, means current structure is simply unacceptable. Not to mention about worse energy efficiency. Honestly, why you need to stick with her for you can play Octavia? I don't get it.

  7. 17 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Oh it does. She neather lost her abilities concept nor it's functionality with the change. Only the range and efficiency was changed to before where she was fine any plenty accepted.

    Means you need to move and collect orbs to get the same results. That's the one thing that changed and the one reason for this whole frickin outcry.

    That people are unable to not move playing her past the change.

    The whole reasoning behind the communitys oppinion is nothing but people refusing to play the game. Noone even cared before. 

    She lost her ability, and her concept is only diminished and she doesn't function well, actually. Didn't I show the truth enough already?

  8. 3 hours ago, (PS4)powderblue10s said:

    I believe you already know what the community wants.Please buff her 

    There are so many thread with same topic, but you need to add your own reason in order to at least discuss anything in here. Other than that it is no more than just a rant without a reason and you better post it on general discussion.

    39 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    That was also the reason she was considered fine before so i kinda doubt that's the reason she would need another one.

    Every bit of damage she does comes with Cc. Quite potent Cc and damage i dare say if played active so it's false to assume that she's only good for damaging low levels anyways. She's rather a frame that transits from low-mid level damaging to high level Cc. Add how well it plays out in melee range with melee animations and you have some awesome melee frame that has easy damage, buffs to the one strongest weapon type in the game and Cc in high levels...what's some fantastic base for a frame if you actually build for it and use it correctly. 


    So i gotta ask @(PS4)powderblue10s.. what is it the community wants exactly? Since only 2 things changed, the preferable choice of weapon (noone really used anyways) and that she can't afk anymore.

    Does the community not want to play the game? 

    Cause it's easier to just close the tab if that's it.

    Not want to play Ember does not connected to not want to play the game, sir.

  9. 20 hours ago, --Q--Savokki said:

    How is melee channeling annoying?

    Is there any reason not to think like that, actually? You need to press an another button while constantly clicking melee button, as well as constantly move and find your target or dodge the attacks.

    Do sword alone means your maneuver needs to be much careful than when you grab the primary or secondary weapon, for you need to face to face with the enemy and expose yourself on the plain ground, so you need to concentrate on the movement well.

    And unlike automatic ranged weapons melee weapons needs to be clicking constantly in order to making the blow as much as you click, so both of your hands are already need to fully works. It is getting worse if you want to making the stance attack. Then, you said that it is not annoying to ALSO pressing channeling button while do that? I don't get it. You need to remember that channeling is already an obsolete feature because of this.

    Also, it consumes your energy as well, not only give you the annoyance.


    Well, on the 'sniping' weapons like bow most of the problems above are cut down, for you don't need to do barrel roll all the time, but I don't think that aim, charge the arrow while also press an another button to channel seems a sane idea.


    6 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Probably because using channeling requires him to use something other than his Spin2win macro.  LOL 

    It is a common sense that channeling is largely obsolete feature and only who has a sure plan for it - such as using Life Strike - uses it, sir. Although I do aware that someone seems to try it with Zenurik focus. How the idea of spin attack can kick in here? Seriously, I didn't even expect for such an incoherent reply....


  10. Well, I don't think that simply compare the second worst group and the worst group seems productive. Why we need to compare both of them, while both of them are bottom of the line and need for a love in the game that concentrates on the close-range combat and 1~4 player versus a ton of enemy? It's six of one and half a dozen of the other, really.

    Can't we have the idea that making bows and SRs to be competitive with the other primary in the most games? Well, I don't think that it would be easy, but they surely need for some love.


  11. 59 minutes ago, Darkmatt3r said:

    it's not even out yet and people losing their mind saying its a horrible idea. That's what I said when they were planning the bubble rework which turned out to be fine.
    Calm downey and wait for it.

    If you wait without a word, the fear may come true(I admit that it is possible that it may not come true, of course, but no one would sure about this). It is meaningful because we may warn it if the problem is correct. I think that overreact seems better than sit idle, because if it is once delivered we will have too much impact, and even if it is no more than unfounded fear all we can suffer is having the thread like this, nothing more.

    Consider the opportunity cost, I don't think that say nothing is the better choice. It is always the worst option we have, actually, regardless of the topic. You know, I didn't gone so far like as 'I will quit the game if it comes to the reality' or do something bad more than this, isn't? So I don't think that I did anything wrong, nor what have I done is actually making a negative result - not even a single glitch.

  12. Channeling on melee is already annoying as hell, and you want to bring it on the other weapons that already have charge mechanism? I don't think that it is a sane idea. It is not connected to against the buffs for bows, though, but I don't think that it is the good way to improve bows.

  13. Well, you know, melee and sniper has combo system, that if you making consecutive attack/shots you get the accumulating benefit. But, is it really needed? It means you are compeled to only use such type of weapon and constantly make a hit, preventing you from do anyting else. Well, it is fine to raise the opportunity cost, but isn't the system makes the game rigid, rather than dynamic? All Tennos are able to use up to 4(or more if you have some main quests), a primary, a secondary and a melee weapon. You don't have to use all the tools you have, but is there any reason to keep something that forcing you to not using anything else? I don't get it. Give something flat bonus to these weapons seems a better idea, I think.

  14. 12 hours ago, Dragazer said:

    My biggest issue with this possible change is that I rebinded my melee attack to left click in melee mode, which might end up getting ruined with this change. 

    That's exactly what I fear, for I did it as well. Only for one swing only press F once is enough, but if you want to fully swing the melee weapon all the times you need to move the attack button to the mouse or your left hand(or right depend on your favorate hand) have to make attack and move at once, which is so annoying.

  15. On 2018-09-15 at 8:51 PM, WhiteMarker said:

    The new system will be just like quick-melee.
    Tapping E brings out your melee in an instant. Just like it is now. Tapping or holding LMB will bring out your Gun in an instant.

    It does not sheath it instantly, and that's the problem. And it means I am compeled to use E as my melee button and can't have more option, include m1 as melee button on sword alone.


    Do your homework first, pls. Don't jump to conclusions.

    As if you give anything to me? I didn't expect such rude behavior, sir.


  16. 1 hour ago, Pent_ said:

    Idk if you guys just read one line of the dev stream or what, but they're making to where if you hit melee, you melee, if you click, you shoot. no more swapping to melee other than just hitting the melee button. 

    What to do for the person that makes m1 as melee attack button while on sword alone mode, then? Anyway, it only brings annoyance. We can draw the melee weapon and keep it if we want already. And the change eliminates the opportunity to use it simply.

  17. That's only a disaster. It means we can't go quick melee at all. Quick melee is interesting and useful because we can draw our melee weapon and use it only once then change to our weapon instantly. And, if it is come true we have to put our melee weapons even if we swings it only once.

    If we need to keep the melee weapon, we must be draw our ones in the first place, isn't? If it is come to the reality, I will simply remove the quick melee button on my keyboard setting and forget about the melee weapon at all.

  18. Well, it would be better if the highest buff persists....

    Anyway, simply override the buff is the most easy solution, and because you need to override the buff as well keep the old buff and don't let the new buff to be kick in seems not an option for them. But, if the buff with highest effect has the priority it seems much better. I doubt that it would be that easy.

    Many players are argue about too high speed bestowed by Volt but it is not the topic here.

  19. 3 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    Oh how I've wished 'back rolling out of volt's sprint' (I usually seem to just 'turn around' when I try to do it...) was a forward roll like limbo so many times when I get some player running a stupidly high level of speed boost on volt....which then means that I can't actually see where I'm going and as such keep catching on stuff slowing me down which in turn means I actually take longer to get to the finish...

    While I prefer a faster frame not everyone wants to run at stupidly high speeds so I quite like this reset to a lower sprint speed. 

    As to your issue, you have a very simple solution, do solo or don't play with other volts...

    Demand to do solo is not a solution on the online game, sir. That's only avoiding the problem, and it must not spoken on such type of game at all, regardless of the issue. It is so easy to put the responsibility on the others, isn't? But it doesn't solve anything, just make an another victim instead.



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