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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. 19 hours ago, jalen961 said:

    Sure it does. When players know there is an issue it'll become more common for them to pick better energy colors. That's more likely then this little thread maling a change because cry babies can't aim right. This honestly isn't even a real issue just get better and hope that people are more sensitive to your needs just like people have with limbo.

    No it does not. You can't force all of us to pick the most visible color. You don't have the right to do so, and even if someone try to do by find out good color still there are so many players out there. You don't have the authority to force it as well, and no one would. Also I don't know which one would be most visible either.

    It is not the problem of the individual users as well; if there is a solution, it is on DE's graphic team.

  2. 14 minutes ago, jalen961 said:

    I think Melrose need to just pick a better energy color. Mine are usually orange and that has kept me from having this issue. Sorta like how limbs should make a white or black energy when playing with others so people can see through their food bubble

    You can't pick your teammate's energy color, sir.

  3. 14 hours ago, schilds said:

    My suggestions were not theory crafting. They are what I, and others, do to keep WoF going in a fight while killing things. I'm not debating them. They work. I'm giving you advice.

    You'll notice they're mostly about timing, and keeping your frame moving. If you're struggling to keep WoF going and kill stuff, then I suggest that you need to practice those things..

    If you want to dismiss my advice and continue to live in your fantasy world where it's all doom and gloom, that's up to you.


    I don't need the 'advice' that I know already(and I did recasting WoF on the fly when I picked her, of course). I just live in the real world.

    WoF takes some time to cast. Although it is not that annoying by itself for Ember can cast it while on the fly, but it do makes serious problem when you need to recast it for every 6 to 8 sec.


    22 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    That "pitiful range" is defakto the standart for any nuke type ability in the game.  For reference: Miasama starts at 15m, Maim at 18m, Sound quake and Avalance at 20m too.

    How did you need move her more then any other nuker? I mean - you could it beeing what it is, a channel that did not freeze you on spot. Add the Cc  the augument gave you, the hell of a efficiency that made maxing it unnecessary and accelerants damage boost and you could leech for a solid hour in survivals without ever needing to move if it wasn't for energy orbs.

    Because WoF is not an instant area DD ability. You need to keep the enemy in the area, and need some time(not more thant 1sec, though) to affect its flame. You will be aware that WoF has limited flames per a second. That makes the huge gap between the others. Also, it can't forfeit power and just aim for fire proc because ability power also affects its fire proc rate.


    And, Ember is not a nuker at all, for she lacks a hard punch and what she can is make some damage per second area, which is simply opposite with one big punch - cause the damage is only part that they shares. Perhaps once were she was, but even before the removal she is a shooter-bruiser frame that need to keep the enemy within her range of WoF then kill the enemy by her weapons as well as WoF augmented by Accelerant, while enhance her durability by some modding and make up her lack of survival tool.

  4. 1 hour ago, schilds said:
    1. You recast WoF while in the middle of a jump/glide.
    2. You don't need to have WoF going the whole time.
    3. If the enemies are close (which they will be in the middle of a fight) then you don't need to recast it.

    1: It was already considered. So pass.

    2: That's why you need to recast it so fast.

    3: You need to sit down and grab your sidearm instead, in this case(and await for your teammate for 20 sec or stand up instead).

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    And @DroopingPuppy how come ember needet to move? To not trigger the full afk lock? Cause the targeting isn't nor was it affected by you. 

    Because of WoF's pitiful range, of course. Even before the removal of her, Ember's World on Fire only affects range around 20m if you put Stretch, and 25m if you also put Auger Reach. It is not enough to kill anything while you play a tree, and that's the reason why you need to move in order to cause any damage to it. Also, as you know, Ember's damage output is not great so you need to do something with your weapon as well. It was the basic move to use Ember, sir.

  6. Well, it may a language dependent issue, but I have kicked from the region chat several times just because I was noted to the newbies that 'you can buy that item on market of orbiter/cephalon simaris/etc', perhaps because of the word buy or something on region chat, not trade chat. But such answer is belonged to the region chat, NOT trade chat at all. Also I have seen some people are also kicked by the same reason for years.

    It is funny that you need to risking yourself in order to aid the newbie or someone need the help.

    I am not the native speaker of english and I am only on the region chat of my own language, but didn't you have any issue on your own region chat? Can't DE solve the problem?

  7. 12 hours ago, felixsylvaris said:

    Rush Bullet Jump Mag with Polarize is good for low levels.

    Community has love/hate relationship with nukes.

    Quality of life ember changes:

    • Fireball firepach  has more player energy colour
    • Flash Accelerand does not change elements to complex

    Buff changes:

    • Fireball charges up to x5 and each charge adds armour melting
    • Fireblast firering creates safe space, burning bullets, projectiles and status effects
    • WoF does not overheat, keeps low damage low cost and high range, but affects up to 10 targets. Just accept the damage is garbage and it is more about cc.
    • Passive: Immunity to burning status damage, and burning status melt Ember together instead

    Perfect. Perhaps there is a better answer, but it is all she need for now.

  8. The current range of WoF makes it effectively removed from the game. Even with Auger Reach and Stretch its range is only 13m after some time is passed. If you really want to recast it, see below.


    Anyway almost every kits Ember has are simply inferior to the weapons, or competitive with them at least, for if you ever want to use her kits you can't have the time to shoot or swing. Then, why we are bothered to use her, despite the fact that she is competitive with the weapons so you better have the good area weapons and pick the better warframe and enjoy both the weapons and abilities?


    Well, Accelerant is good, sure. But it is functional only if the other abilities she have are functional too. It may multiply the end result, but you can't get more than zero when you only got is zero and all you can do is simply multiply it.



    10 hours ago, schilds said:

    You can just recast it and you get your range back.

    And all you can do is either move, cast or cancel WoF, nothing more, for you need to recast it almost every 6 to 8 seconds. Where is the advantage of WoF then, that able to use the weapons as well as setting fire on the enemy on the same time?

    You can, but it is obvious that you better spamming Miasma/Discharge/anything else and killing something instantly and/or check the enemy at bay. Not to mention about providing the chance to use the weapons.


    And, Mallets just need to cast for every 20~30+sec, and Maim kills better and wider than WoF already.


    12 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

    Remember guys: Don't Tell DE About Maiming Equinox and how she's better at Low Level Map Clearing than Ember Ever Was!!!!!!! (It's a secret)

    That's the most ironical part that shows how they see the reality. Devs said that 'nerf Ember because she is source of afk killing' but in the reality Ember was not so good at wide area cleaner and she NEED TO BE move all the times in order to affect WoF. Perhaps they need a mirror to see the real games? How terrible.


  9. Well, isn't the long run race only proves your skills mostly? Although only a few frames are suit for the very long run, I think that your personal skills is the most important thing on there unless the frame has stupidly good survival tools on 100+level games.

    Most games are on 30~40 level star chart, but as you know even Embers are playable on these levels(because you don't even need an ability to win and you can handle it only with the weapons), and the actual problems are 50+level enemies on infinite missions that usually lasts 20min to 1h, and sortie level enemies.

    Regardless of the result, I don't think that either of victor proves no more than his own personal skill and luck, that he can survives on the place where anyone can simply one-shot most warframes at ease. Let's get to the reality instead. The enemy with level around of 100 is already enough. It is already enough to kill most frames in a moment.


  10. I don't think that fully optimized Ember would be competitive with moderate other warframes. Even if you provide best possible mods on her. Even with Auger Reach and Stretch WoF's radius is only 13m(unless you are crazy enough to also put Overextended and lost even the faint advantage of Ember), means she needs to be go melee with the enemy. And we know how squish she is.

    Once I have used her, I was put lv10 Vitality and Redirection all the times. Sometimes even Steel Fiber. It was essential since Ember must face to face with the enemy, even before the removal of her. And you say it is fine to get close even now? Ha, that's only a delusion. With double amount of energy spent on WoF, lacking the energy to cast Accelerant, and reduced range that no longer set the fire first before get close and save some precious time? Don't deceive the others, please.

    Even before the removal of her, her damage output is not so good so I have used her as additional damage output method as well as fire proc source. And that's not that good because the numbers of hits per a second is very limited as you know. But at that time, Ember was at least a fine fun frame on the endgame, not so good but at least playable. No more.


    And, so, even if you are correct that Ember is playable, but it doesn't turn the fact that Ember is outclassed by many frames that can be compared. Only frames that doesn't share even a hint of similarity other than being a warframe such as Trinity would be out of discussion, and the rest of them are simply superior to her. A petty CC? Banshee does it by her 3, with more larger distance at ease, and she have more than the petty CC in her arsenal, include damage output. Equinox has better CC by her 2 and has a damage aura by 4 that is much easier and faster to cause the damage than WoF. These two warframes are already makes Ember obsolete.

    Also, even if you want to use her rather than them, Ember is very, very annoying to play right now as well. Fireball's casting time - charge time, I mean - is horribly slow even with Natural Talent, Fire Blast is useless as it does always, and WoF consumes her energy so fast and its pitiful radius forces her to face to face with the enemy in the range of melee weapon all the times. As I said, Accelerant is always good but it can't turn the tide while her other tools are not functional.

    Such problems also means Ember is simply competitive with the weapons, NOT warframes. You can simply choose the good weapons and use the other warframes to make the better result, so why we are bothered to stick with Ember? Nope.

    If you like Ember, then go for it. That will be a proof that able to use Ember despite of her pitiful performance. But, don't deceive the others that she is good right now. She is not only outclassed - both warframes and even weapons! - but also hard and annoying to play. I don't get the advantage on here.

  11. 5 hours ago, jmthebigman said:

    How to tell the difference ?:$


    I personally only see its an asian language, im dead serious!

    For the countries you have linked+chinese...


    Chinese: only using chinese letters, as OP did.

    Japanese: using chinese mostly but also include much japanese letters, like as の, ん, and they use '。' as their period rather than '.' so it is easy to identify in the game as well. In the game non-english letters are only showed as '*', but their specific period is clearly visible so I can idenfity that the person using the period is japanese. 😛

    Korean: They don't use chinese letters at all in the most times, so the language OP used is not korean at all.


    Let's see the diffrence of these forums by checking the topic name of some pinned topics:

    Japanese: Warframeフォーラム使用のルール

    Korean: 포럼 사용 방법에 대하여

    As you see, they are totally diffrent and you can't be confused about them.

  12. I did used Ember many times already, sir.

    Fireball is horribly slow to charge, so it was almost impossible to charge, move while shooting with my two hands. Perhaps an Ember specter can(provided DE upgrades the , but I can't because I am a human with two hands. Then, why I have to use it despite I have some launcher weapons in my arsenal, that doesn't requires Ember warframe to fire?

    And, with the range of only 10m, inflict the damage of WoF means sucidial attempt for her as well. Not to mention about its delay before setting fire.


    And the more problem is, why we are bothered to use Ember despite we have so many better replacements? Just for such petty CC you can simply pick Banshee or Equinox, and they are better at killing while also better at CC. I don't want to count each single warframe's advantage over Ember and why Ember's own advantage is not able to beat them, because many people are already pointed them out.



  13. Initially I was thought that the topic was posted on the local forum then it was transfered to here, but we don't have chinese international forums on here. There is no japanese letters so it seems chinese.

    So, I recommend you to write something readable, in order to say anything to the others. Else, for your case only, go chinese warframe forum and ask what you want to say there - where the others are able to read it, if there is any of(because I don't know it exists or not).

    That's why I try to speaking with my broken english on the game all the times except for local chat, despite I am not the native english speaker - no chat is meaningful if the others are not able to read it.


    On 2018-08-24 at 10:37 AM, Loza03 said:

    Ok, so this is in the wrong forum language, wrong section since it's about PVP not a Warframe or ability feedback and doesn't really have much point, since a lot of games have free-for-all deathmatches that people enjoy, and there's even a team mode in Conclave.

    So... yeah.

    A wise answer to a silly question, really.

  14. 22 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Any frame with a 90% damage reduction can do that and among them nidus is really just the worse. Doesn't mean that all frames need a 90% damage reduction, nor is your nidus tanking it with his stats bu with his abilities.

    Fire accelerant, use WoF and you're keeping enemys from doing way more then 10.000 damage in those levels. Does that make her a better tank then nidus?

    I don't think that you can casting Accelerant while maintain WoF in the reality. Else you must be drinking squad energy restore(large) all the times.


    Also, as I said already, it doesn't cause any damage since Ember must not enter the range that WoF hits the enemy or become bleeding. No damage dealt if you can't hit the enemy at all. Ember is not Rhino.


    And in the range you can use your whip or anything else instead. It would be better if you forgo Ember and use it with various other abilities. You need to acknowledge that Ember's abilities are competitive with weapons, NOT the other frame's abilities.


  15. On 2018-08-18 at 8:47 AM, schilds said:

    Ember's current niche is exterminate, where you're moving through the map killing enemies in low to moderate density and spawn rate. I take her into sortie and kuva flood exterminates and it's rare that I don't have the most kills. There are better (or just alternative) frames for less aggressive missions (capture, rescue), in-place missions (defence, etc), or missions with high enemy density and spawn rate (eso).


    Saryn, Equinox, Octavia are already better at that.

    Even Volt is better at this.

  16. On 2018-08-17 at 9:40 PM, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Anything is better if you blur out the negatives appearently.

    As if there is a positive thing? We can't say something good if there is no worth mentioning.


    Well, I did mentioned about her 'good sides' but the end result is all of her tools are simply outmatched by the other warframes, or even worse, weapons. Why you pick Ember for you can pick the weapons and also enjoy the other warframe's abilites instead?

  17. On 2018-08-15 at 10:23 PM, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

    A better question is what is ember best at?

    The results from this question was from my view that ember is not best at anything and thus in my view i hardly bother with ember due to other Warframe options that are better.

    If you can't afford any other frames, but it can't be happen.

    What she is better at... perhaps, if you can't afford Equinox, but want to go Neptune and need to play melee only. But even at that time I think that you can play Volt and spamming 4 or something similar(Excalibur 3, for example).


    23 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    The exaggeration is hilarious. If you thought ember was "God-tier" before rework, how is she not good now? Her ONLY Nerf is that you need to recast WoF. Other than that, she got at least 2 buffs.  

    That removes her viability, actually. Old Ember's only advantage was she can move and shoot while keep WoF on(and also casting Accelerant). Since she need to recast it constantly(about every 6 to 8 seconds!), and she needs to pay more energy to do, all she can do is advance and cast/recast WoF, nothing more. Increased energy spent means you can't access for Accelerant more as well.

    She was already an inferior Equinox/Octavia, but the change even removes her niche. Since she need to recaste WoF all the times, why not to use many other warframe's ability that damages large area instead?


    As I said above, Volt's 4 seems much superior than that, although its casting time is horrible but Ember is also suffered by it, covers as much radius or more than WoF, and also stalls the enemy. And Volt can also cast Speed and Electrical Shield as well, while Ember got nothing more than damage stuffs that is inferior than the weapons.


    And you know, Volt is not the top frame in the game.

  18. On 2018-08-12 at 1:38 PM, SpacewalkerX said:

    Mostly they say she is trash because they cant use her for afk farming as well anymore. 

    I like to use her for buffing. She got two augments that boost allied damage, and her fireblast adds damage to all bullets going through.

    you can set her up for running and ignoring enemies by maxing sprint and using firequake.

    buliding for short duration and long range lets her stun a lot of enemies with accelerant.

    the rage/flow/quick thinking/vitalitiy combo will work very well for her in just about any bulid, as long as you have some way to heal yourself. 

    Not really. Ember did not commit afk farming, and actually she can't unless on the low level missions enough to kill everything even with Overextended - and is very inefficient as well and there are many better replacements. In such level why you bring Ember to do for Equinox does it much, much better and faster?

    With only 22m radius at most, old Ember NEED TO advance constantly in order to affect WoF. It is essential, for 22m is still too short, and such pitiful radius was only accepted because Ember can activate it and move&shoot as well. Because the advantage was removed, and Fireball is good but worse launcher weapons, Ember lost her purpose.

    Accelerant is good, but only good if her other abilities are functional and it can't do anything by its own.


    Ember can cause some light CCs but if you ever need status effects you should go elsewhere. And you can have some launcher weapons and long-range melee weapons that would be superior than Ember's ability(because you can't do much other than move and recast WoF or simply got killed with her).

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