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  1. Passive: 2 versions 1. Traveling along the ground (by walking, running, or sliding) will build up Volt’s energy generation, adding up to 100% electricity bonus damage toward Volt's weapon attacks and ability casts. This bonus decays if Volt stands still. 2. Traveling along the ground between Volt’s attacks (by walking, running, or sliding) will build up static energy charges, adding bonus electricity damage toward Volt's next weapon attack or ability cast by expanding a static charge. Volt can build up to 100 charges, each charge deals 1000 damage (or damage that scales with enemy level.) Shock: Launches a shocking projectile. It stuns and deals high electric radial damage on impact and chains damage to nearby enemies, pulling them towards the impact point. The projectile lingers for a duration, shocking enemies in its radius. The projectile can be shot on the environment or an enemy but expires if the enemy is killed. Enemies killed while under the effect of Shock have an increased chance to drop an energy orb. Speed: Enemies that approach Volt are shocked in a radius around him (Without the Augment and similar to how Wisp’s shock nodes work). Performing a slide attack will release a radial shock (similar to Radial blind triggered while Exalted Blade is active). New Augment: Untraceable Speed: Volt gains high dodge chance and a critical chance boost to his melee attacks, as well as 25% sprint speed. Shield: Allow Melee weapons to gain the shield's electrical damage bonus and crit buff while the shield is equipped. Discharge: Each electric tick of Discharge penetrates 25% of the enemy's defenses, up to 100% (This is not armor stripping, discharge only ignores it). Optional: Change range scaling to be similar to how Pillage works, where the initial radius is effected by range and the wave expansion is affected by duration. (For more modding flexibility)
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