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Posts posted by Zeromanicus

  1. Whats the'fun gameplay element of having to grind all these junctions in order to do the cool stuff like quests? I understand DE is trying to give us content and stuff to do, but locking stuff behind junctions is just annoying and feels to me like just padding the game out with grindy busywork. 

    Maybe it's different for new players, who may do a lot of this stuff naturally, but for vets we're just going back to do stuff we've already done. People want to enjoy the quest, not whack their head against these challenge rooms for hours.

  2. Yeah, but the text says that the Void link was severed, and that made sense you were in the void and not on the orbiter, and if I'm right, the orbiter is not in the void, so now it wouldn't be the Void link, that was my point. But now that I think of it, Tenno use Void masking to travel unnoticetd so it might be applied to that.


    Might be.


    I think it may be that Tenno are linked to their warframes via the void. The connection to the warframe's isn't anything in our reality like radio, wifi etc, it's a link that utilises void energy and the void itself.


    Finally, there's the identity problem that seems to trouble lots of other players. When the Operator controls a warframe, which one of them is you? Saying "both" is cheating, and also forces me to identify with a being literally beyond my comprehension - but then again, your character does seem to be in two places at once. I guess the question of whether the frame broke the sword on its own volition or on the Operator's command also goes here.


    Furthermore, this raises a problem that wasn't present before the quest. The "operator inhabiting a warframe" still included an element of physical danger for the Operator - if we assume he couldn't jump between frames on a whim, getting captured and/or dissected is a legitimate concern when your mind still occupies the warframe. Now that the operator is awake, that's kind of a moo point. The Matrix scenario, where the awake operator dies with the frame, does not seem to apply - the operator does not react to incapacitation or death with anything beyond a routine transference check. Does that mean the frame can be abandoned at will now, at least as far as the lore is concerned?


    End of rambling. Discuss.


    I think from the operators perspective it's like switching body completely but each warframe might alter your emotional state and perceptions. Sort of like a psychoactive drug, your consciousness is being stored in the warframe's cybernetic brain or whatever it is and each warframe has it's own quirks and personality that subtly effect your own. 


    It's not clear because of awkward stuff like your Operator talking to you on missions and the way it's eyes are open when you look at them in your suit.

  4. I hope we get some sort of ability to define the personality of our Tenno. The voices was a good a start, but i'd like to avoid the Tenno blurting out some of the stuff it does. Makes me feel like i'm playing somebody else's character, not my own. 


    At least have some basic archtypes, so if we want to be the hot blooded murderhobo we can, or the cool quiet contemplative Tenno, the kind you'd expect to mediate in a koi garden.

  5. That's cool, but it's pretty clear that the devs don't favor it at all, and they're making the changes they view necessary to address that, as made evident by LOS restrictions and skill being shuffled around (I.E. Radial Javelin becoming Exal's 3rd and not 4th, and taking a nerf to go with it).


    Hopefully the starmap changes will reduce the primary reason i think people do like press 4 to win, the fact they're grinding the same map repeatedly and just want to kind of play without much attention. During Viver i used to just watch tv while pressing 4 at my computer to get rep.

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