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Posts posted by Adaptor-Face


    Well... Instead of creating content for highlevel gear we now have to cripple our Warframes and Weapons so to do those Tactical alerts successfully?




    I'm not playing the game to equip crappy gear on purpose to be able to enter such missions.




    Well I'm not playing this. First content I'll skip out on. I don't even like the sounding of the whole bullcrap.


    Dead f*cking serious.



    I currently have my Level 30 Ember Prime equipped and the 3 unranked new MK1 weapons (so no mods on them)... and still have a Rating of over 850 and therefore couldn't enter the mission. So I bet I'd have to take out pretty much EVERY mod of my Ember just so I can put maybe 1 mod in turn on each weapon or something. Screw that. Whoever came up with that thing was drunk or something. oO


    I never gave two cents about the Conclave rating and I don't ever want to because it's something that should only serve for people who like to play PvP... but I don't want to play anything PvP related so why should I want to take care of an unbalanced Conclave stats system that was designed for PvP?


    I hate it and I haven't even run the mission yet. So I don't even want to care. oO


    unequip sentinel/kuburow, unnecesary weapons and you can then go with whatever you want

  2. ...






    God dammit. I wait a month for him to show up...he finally does, and he's bugged in the damned event which is probably the most likely place for him to SPAWN? Because everyone is grinding a Corpus mission like mad.

    keep your conclave rating below 700 to get higher chances for him to spawn

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