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Posts posted by Adaptor-Face

  1. All this and other posts is complaining because you guys didnt get your way. You guys for some reason think that majority of the community agrees with you and shares your concerns about tax free rails when they obviously dont. Instead of coming to the forums makings 10+ threads a day about certain nodes and alliances why dont you get people together and do something about it.

    you get 1 split second every 36-48(?) hours to "do something about it"

  2. My problem is that there's NO quest...no Kubrow, no Mirage! How can I get to those after I skipped the prologue?

    That's pretty bad right now.

    Any info on that front? I really think DE should have Quests that exist always as an option. Right now I'm kinda screwed with that account. Not in a million years I thought it would prevent me from doing the Kubrow or Mirage missions...that's just weird!?

    did you beat the four legged mechanical beast or buy the hidden messages item in market? each of these is the "start" of kubrow and mirage quest

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