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  1. I feel relief knowing that Koumei will have 2 signature weapons.
  2. The daikyu still is a beast in Conclave: I use it myself from time to time and even got a triple collateral 😎
  3. I hope next devstream give us some info about the next prime: Lavos or Xaku (althought it’s probably too soon to speak about a new prime), being Xaku the one with chances of holding Daikyu prime. And it would make sense, knowing that Xaku has a japanese-themed deluxe skin. I just hope we don’t have to wait for Koumei prime to obtain Daikyu (around 2028 😱).
  4. I recently checked out Daikyu’s launch date and it had took me by surprise: it was launched on May 12th, 2015; alongside Atomos and Boltace (one of my favourite warframe melees in design and performance). In a few months, those three would have 10 years in-game, yet still the daikyu is the one without a variant (Atomos Incarnon; Telos Boltace).
  5. Congratulations for Nautilus for becoming the next prime, along with his weapon, the Verglas ! I know I’m a little bit late for this announcement but better late than never.
  6. …and the premise of the 1999 quest is set on December 31! That’s a good point u doing @Xycelium.
  7. Good to see u @Skoomaseller! Let’s hope this year we get daikyu prime with Xaku prime, although I’m not sure when exactly is going to appear: Xaku is the “spooky skeleton” warframe so autumn 2024 is a viable option, but at the same time has a lot of lore implications with the void and the entrati (4 the 1999 update this winter). Changing the subject, Did you all watch the tennolive? I’m pretty hyped with the updates to come.
  8. In that same devshort they talked about a “list” with unprimed stuff, including Fusilai and Akzani. We just need to wait for a prime resurgence of forgotten weapons.
  9. That’s correct! In one of the last devshorts they talked about the fusilai situation, knowing Jade Prime could have the same fate, so there’s a chance Jade Prime could bring all 3 weapons.
  10. I didn’t mention them cause Quassus prime is 99.99% guaranteed. Maybe Lavos Prime could bring Tonbo/DualZoren Prime along with Cedo Prime? Would make sense for a “Condition Overload” warframe to have a primed melee Also, it’s been a while since last time I saw @Skoomaseller around the forums.
  11. I heard about Quassus potential but I haven’t tried yet. Now I’m curious to try it.
  12. Itzal Prime with Sevagoth? Bonewidow Prime. Bonewidow need some love
  13. I wonder what weapon could become prime with the arrival of Xaku Prime (this summer, probably). Here’s some options I found: -Attica -Daikyu -Veldt -Kunai -Castanas/Talons -Taxon -AnyArchGun Which of these weapons is your favorite to get that prime-motion? Any other option you have in mind?
  14. Maybe some information on Xaku Prime?
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