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Posts posted by XAN3MK

  1. For each time I kill a boss it counts as one? So if I kill Salad 7 times? 7 times that Stalker will follow me and stab me?


    To my knowledge, yes.


    For every inbox message you get from stalker is a separate mark. So, the only way to get rid of all your marks is Stalker either kills you a bunch of times or you kill him till all your marks are gone.


    Afaik, you get a Death mark for every boss kill, regardless of whether you've recieved a message or not, unless something was changed recently.

  2. Every time you kill a boss you get a Stalker mark, regardless of whether he sends you a mail or not. A mark is consumed only when you either kill Stalker or you die by his hand - that is a single mark.


    It is borderline impossible to get rid of Stalker Death marks. I'm still being hunted for boss kills that are like half year old.

  3. It does net you more.  I agree, playing different game modes is dull as a dishwasher. /s


    I didn't find every medallion either, just grabbed the ones on the way.


    End result:  Your opinion with no backing.


    Other game mods are fun and games when you are interested in doing them, not when you are forced to do them. I tend to play endless game modes 80% of the time, yet those mods are the least efficient as Syndicate missions. So, whats your point exactly?


    End result: Yes, my own opinion, but with becking -- 20k daily rep vs the 10k that I get now. I do the same amount of Syndicate missions now that I did before, ~1-2/day, thats as many I can stomac daily. Net result: Less snading/day.

  4. No amount of data will remedy the fact that an option, an approach to how people used to cap their standing, was taken away and replaced with an inferior one. Even if we assume that the new system nets you more standing than it did previously (which it doesn't), one would have to assume that people are interested in wasting their time with dull as a dishwasher Syndicate missions and hunting easter eggs, while previouslly it was your own decision how you'll work on your standing.


    I'm MR9 and I used to have ~20k daily standing which I capped in 1-2 Interceptions on Stephano/Draco/Cerberus.


    With the new system, I'm only running SM dailies to offset the RV lose while running missions with CS sigil. And no, I don't bother with finding every medalion on the map. Peaking in corners and vents is not what I play Warframe for.


    End result: The new system is inferior in every way possible.

  5. I am not familiar with the mechanics of Path of Exile. Perhaps you could share some of the merits of said games systems?


    As far as Kubrows and Archwing being gimmicky culture, as it stands you are maybe correct. But, DE has been pretty good at sweeping iterative improvement to nearly every part of the game. The pet system is ripe for improvement, and Archwing is clearly a place of great potential for Warframe.


    I didn't mention it explicitly in my OP, but I also like my idea because it can plot/lore thread into the game.


    Edit: Oh and thank you for contributing.


    PoE's skill system, which is give or take the equivalent of our modding system, is far more sprawling, complicated and detailed, and while it does have certain keystones that are obviously superior and more vital from others, it allows for insane levels of customisation (Think of Final Fantasy X Sphere Grid, if you are familiar with that title). The other thing is the way they handle their loot drop in the sense that the loot tables in that game are FAR more diluted that what we have in Warframe yet obtaining loot feels infinitely more rewarding. It is not a surprise that people like it when the enemies drop relevant loot as well, instead of praying that they might get a certain reward by the end of the mission.


    The last thing is the way enemies scale, as in, it is a more controlled environment, and while health and damage indeed scale to one-shottable potential, they are never really the crutch. Think of them as our "Eximus" but with way more modifiers. So, as an example, lets say we have an Eximus Bombard who has frost resistence, has a chance to apply frost status effect which each hit, leaches life with every hit and reflects physical damage back to the attack -- and then this kind of enemies are grouped in different categories (think rare, champion, unique, elite etc. etc.) which determine the complexity and the count of the modifiers and this enemies are pretty much all that you end up seeing in high level missions. So, instead of fighting an infinately scaling bullet sponges you end up with a game where you have to take in consideration how you approach your enemies.


    All this is not necessarily relevant to your OP, but you did ask for explanation so there it is :P


    As for Archwing, my "issue" with it is that it was not needed, per se, plus the idea that DE will keep linking relevant progression and power increasing content to a mode a lot of people feel it is a gimmicky waste of time and have no interest in it, yet be forced to invest in it or give up on certain (event) rewards. The way I see it, the only way Archwing can end up being decent is if it remains contained in its own ecosystem and with rewards and events that only put content to that ecosystem. that way, those who enjoy Archwing can keep investing in it, while those who have 0 interest in it can completely ignore it and not feel like they are missing on something.


    What is everybody's problem with MR gating?! As somebody already said on a different thread, if 90% of mmos, where do you see level 10- dudes running around with level 100 stuff??? Why the f*ck would it cut revenue? That's the point, a new player sees how awesome that weapon/equipment is and it inspires him to work towards that goal while not cutting 60% of the game's content, which is the number of weapons. I can't see the problem of people not being able to buy a certain equipment before he reaches the required experience (MR) level, and being able to only but it at that point if they still don't want to bother farming it out.


    The problem is not with the MR gating, but with the fact that MR is a broken, useless and unfit for purpose system. There is no skill, effort and any kind of illusionary complexity to the system, it is just a "Look at all the garbage I've ranked up to increase my Mastery Rank" and nothing more. It is an artifical content bloat and one that is ever so glearing when you take in consideration that you have access to 90% of the gear in the game by the time you are MR6, MR8 unlocks the last few pieces of gear and MR10 unlocks your last extractor. After that you might as well stop giving an effin F about MR because it is about as useless as it can get.


    Trying to link any form of relevant mechanics or progression to a system that is flawed by design is well, just a bad game design, and it is a good thing that we haven't really done it thus far. All in all, the MR system either needs a complete rework, from scratch, or to be canned completely.

  6. While I understand what you are trying to push across, I feel it is just another gimmicky mechanic that adds nothing to the game as a whole.

    Personaly, I'd rather Warframe adopted Path of Exile's way of progress, via complex and detailed mechanics and upgrades, and provide depth by allowing FAR larger customisation and diversity, instead of slapping all this gimmicky clutter (ala Kubrow and/or Archwing) which provide nothing substential to the game and are nothing more than additional busy-work.

  7. I don't think there's much deep thought going behind stuff like the void trader. Double/triple a mod's power, reskin a gun, ask for unholy grind in order for you to acquire it, remove methods of making it a tiny bit faster.


    I find that the biggest problem is his "rotation and cycle of appearing" If he was omnipresent with only his stock being updated, I think way less people would find the changes frustrating.

  8. Regardless of where I stand on this issue, I find it absolutely silly that people are willing to talk down other people about how they decide to play their game. If somebody wants to powergame and man/max efficiency, why shouldn't they? It is their right, especially when the game gives them the tools to do so. It is the same nonsensical argument people come up with when some complain that certain content is not challenging.


    The issue here is that the game DID provide means for efficient farming and for quite a long time I might add. What ties into this is that DE like to backtrack on decisions and are, more often than not, absolutely not communicating them properly with the community. It wouldn't be the first time they make/backtrack on a change that drastically changes how people approach the game's content.

  9. First and formost, I'll say that I've completely ignored the Primed mods so far. You don't fix an already inbalanced system by adding more disproportionate S#&$e to it, and tbh, I can't be arsed to grind for them anyways. It might come back to bite me in the arse one day, but so be it.


    With that being said, I haven't done a lot of farmiing of ANYTHING in a long time. Nowadays if I need anything I just pick it up on Trade and recoup the cost in the long run by selling the "junk" I get from your avg runs.


    This might be slightly off the topic's mark, but what I want to know is what people thing about the implementation of R5 packs in "high level" solar system Survival and Interception. I did 2 Interceptions today on Pluto and got a R5 pack on the 3rd wave and a T4 key on the 4th wave. Now, I know this is a terribly low sample size to judge anything, so I'm interested in the exp. of other people. Are the R5s a common reward in this mission/s and if so, would that be a rather slow yet reliable way to access R5s.

  10. I'm willing to buy Soma Prime parts, assuming I can get them within a reasonable price range.


    A small reminder -- The platinum offered is what I find the parts to be worth to me. I'm fine if somebody is not willing to sell for that price, but I'll appreciate if people won't just show up to preach about what they believe something is worth.


    I can be flexible with the pricing and am willing to haggle, so give it a shot.


    Soma Prime Blueprint          15p

    Some Prime Barrel               25p

    Some Prime Receiver           35p

    Some Prime Stock                25p


    Also, I'm interested in Vile Acceleration for 10p and Rhino Prime Blueprint for 10p.


    Thank you in advance.

  11. I'm interested in buying couple of different goods. The presented price are not necesserely fixed and I can be somewhat flexible for haggling.


    Transient Fortitude    - 10p

    Boar P Barrel x 2       - 20p

    S. Gammacore          - 50p

    Soma P Set               - 80p

  12. Do you think Sliding, Coptering, and/or Wall Flinging should be changed in some way?

    I'm fine with Sliding and Coptering as it is, but I would buff sprint slightly, if only so those who don't feel inclined to perform finger gymnastics on their keyboard can at least keep up with their team.


    What is your opinion on pure damage mods (for example, Serration)?

    I'll just quote two posts of mine that I've recently written on the subject. Hopefully they are conveing my train of thoughts the right way.



    I'm not sure if what I'll say is relevant directly to the topic, but it is relevant to the subject overall.


    I don't think removing Serration will fix anything at all and that is marginally due to how the statistics and damage system function in Warframe. From my point of view, removing Serration will just open another slot for an elemental mod. It will obviously not scale as well and the overal damage output in the game will be reduced, but nothing will change in terms of how we mod our weapons. This is a result of damage being present through many different pipelines and since damage, whether raw or elemental is preferable over other statistics, it will remain the go-to foundation for weapon modding.


    Now, this is not saying that your suggestions are bad, but they are utterly irrelevant in the face of mods that directly affect the damage output of the weapon and are at best bandaids for the shortcomings of those weapons. Let me clerify:


    Ammo efficiency is very important when going on a long and/or endless runs, but there are weapons present in the game, usually some of the top-end weapons, that are very ammo efficient and have a steady ammo economy. The changes mentioned in the OP will make close to 0 difference on these weapons since they'll benefit more from damage mods. Obviously, there are the weapons who have a sub-par or inneficient ammo economy which will benefit from these types of mods, but then we bring up the question "Why would you use that weapon over the ammo efficient one?", which is a valid question, since the efficient weapon most likely has a more consistent damage output, both as a result of having better ammo management and more slots dedicated to damage mods.


    In an attempt to make this more focused -- Serration is not the real culprit here and its removal is just tinkering with the symptoms instead of targeting the disease, so to speak. Taking in coniseration all the elemental mods that are now present in the game, regardless of whether we have Serration or not, the two main avenues for weapon modding will still be the rainbow builds and the crit builds, with status builds being a modification of the first, and the removal of Serration will make no difference at all in this regard. -

    - and this is w/o mentioning the elephant in the room that is the terrible design of over 3/4 of the weapons in the game which are absolutely useless in the face of the top dogs. A huge portion of Warframe's arsenal is completely a waste of time, gimmicky and inneficient in the face of the Soma's and Boltor P's (or the explosive weapons for that matter)


    To be able to even remotely fix this imaginary problem that Serration is creating, Warframe needs to completely revise how the weapons are designed and to make sure they are properly tiered and/or gated on the progression curve, but even more important how the available arsenal is reflecting on the environment towards which it is balanced.


    tl;dr Removing Serration fixes bugger all, the problem lies elsewhere and it is far bigger than just scalable damage.



    Exactly, for the most part. Removing of the extra or scalable damage doesn't fix the inherent issue that is the luckluster stat system of Warframe. DE tried to remedy that with the elemental combos, but the end result was "nothing has changed". If anything, it is made worse by the fact that the best status mods are the event rainbow mods which basically devours the potential for diversity in the status builds by making them the equivalent of rainbow builds.


    Even if the pure damage mods (Serration/Hornet Strike/Point Blank/etc) are removed, the current status won't change since we'll still only have the choice between Rainbow/status builds or Crit builds (Multishot is very one dimensional and lacks variety and in its current form it is mandatory in every build)


    The other thing is that even if we *repair* and modify the luckluster mods, they are still gonna remain luckluster due to them only being bandaid for luckluster weapon design. For example, why bother fixing the ammo economy/efficiency of the Supra when you can just load up Boltor Prime with double rainbows and go to town. Some will bring the argument of preference, but you can't balance your game around preference and ignore the idea of efficiency and relevance.


    To put it simple, for any real build diversity, as far as weapons go, a direct gain of % damage should go the way of the dodo, elemental mods need to be rebalanced and elemental mechanics changed AND on top of everything extra stats and stat mechanics should be introduced while the weapon design takes them and their effectivnes into consideration, with enemies and encounters that are efficiently affected by them and being able to answer/counter them.


    tl;dr This is a huge gemplay (re)design black hole.

  13. How "bad" a community is comes down to the nature of the title and what kind of people it is going to attract. PvP and competitive titles tend to have more volatile and rough communities and it can be somewhat overwhelming to a newcomer to such environment. It is to be expected however since the competitive nature of those people is far less tolerant towards F*** ups, especially if you are a new player.


    There is this word "toxicity" thrown around and I don't think it means what a lot of people assume it means - and even then, can a grown up person really be affected what a random person on the internet says? I do find that very infantile, but at the same time I'm fairly biased in that regard since I started playing DotA back in the days, when it was still a WC3 map, way before the "MOBA" gener blew up and became popular, so I guess I was "trained" when the scale was smaller(?)


    That being said, Warframe has it easy in this regard - a PvE title with a content that has a pretty big accessability rate. If there is a PvP and competitive community, it is revolving around specific clans and game modes so their mood (if it is present) is contained in those circles. Outside of the few elitist pricks here and there, there is no reason to be bad towards people, and in case you question the competence of other people when it comes to end-game content/endless runs, you just do them with friends and/or clanmates.

  14. I think if you put my two threads together they make a more satisfactory solution. A problem with taking this suggestion by itself (unless I'm misunderstanding your post) was that without the damage based multishot and elemental mods, there wouldn't be enough worthwhile ones to fill the void. The problem with taking that thread by itself is that those mods still cannot compete with the damage based mods. But doing both would fix both in my opinion.


    Exactly, for the most part. Removing of the extra or scalable damage doesn't fix the inherent issue that is the luckluster stat system of Warframe. DE tried to remedy that with the elemental combos, but the end result was "nothing has changed". If anything, it is made worse by the fact that the best status mods are the event rainbow mods which basically devours the potential for diversity in the status builds by making them the equivalent of rainbow builds.


    Even if the pure damage mods (Serration/Hornet Strike/Point Blank/etc) are removed, the current status won't change since we'll still only have the choice between Rainbow/status builds or Crit builds (Multishot is very one dimensional and lacks variety and in its current form it is mandatory in every build)


    The other thing is that even if we *repair* and modify the luckluster mods, they are still gonna remain luckluster due to them only being bandaid for luckluster weapon design. For example, why bother fixing the ammo economy/efficiency of the Supra when you can just load up Boltor Prime with double rainbows and go to town. Some will bring the argument of preference, but you can't balance your game around preference and ignore the idea of efficiency and relevance.


    To put it simple, for any real build diversity, as far as weapons go, a direct gain of % damage should go the way of the dodo, elemental mods need to be rebalanced and elemental mechanics changed AND on top of everything extra stats and stat mechanics should be introduced while the weapon design takes them and their effectivnes into consideration, with enemies and encounters that are efficiently affected by them and being able to answer/counter them.


    tl;dr This is a huge gemplay (re)design black hole.

  15. Ah PS4 it explains the post and the attitude. Maybe you are unaible to level them up yourself thus being jealous for other having it and instead working to get it you come here to find 'excuses " for them to be removed because you are unable to get them . Which means if other having fun with something that you CANT it means it must be removed .Annoying ppl  , all those mods WILL stay because that is how the way of warframe works atm . IF they get removed the WHOLE game must be remaked so i dont see it happening soon . It may happen but not now . Besides how all the ppl that have used formas on all weapons to get teh maximum damage potential gonan get a refund? and if you say " it is de they can change everything because they can" a huge HUGE amount of players will be leave and rage quit which is a no move from DE . But hey at least you will happy right? Because everything is roating around you and your perfect little world


    Good, let them go, those are exactly the type of people who you don't want around in your game (outside of business, obviously) and providing input.


    It seems that a majority of the people who are agaisnt balance changes and restructuring are people who have no longterm MMO exp of any description. Leaving detrimental systems in the game just to not piss the vocal minority off is the worst thing you can do to your game. The balance in an MMO shifts from patch to patch and Warframe should be no different in this regard.


    That being said, the removal of Serration and/or damage mods won't solve anything, the problem is far larger than this and it ranges from 3/4 of the weapon arsenal being absolute tosh to how the damage and the stat systems work (and the lack of variety in that regard)

  16. I'm not sure if what I'll say is relevant directly to the topic, but it is relevant to the subject overall.


    I don't think removing Serration will fix anything at all and that is marginally due to how the statistics and damage system function in Warframe. From my point of view, removing Serration will just open another slot for an elemental mod. It will obviously not scale as well and the overal damage output in the game will be reduced, but nothing will change in terms of how we mod our weapons. This is a result of damage being present through many different pipelines and since damage, whether raw or elemental is preferable over other statistics, it will remain the go-to foundation for weapon modding.


    Now, this is not saying that your suggestions are bad, but they are utterly irrelevant in the face of mods that directly affect the damage output of the weapon and are at best bandaids for the shortcomings of those weapons. Let me clerify:


    Ammo efficiency is very important when going on a long and/or endless runs, but there are weapons present in the game, usually some of the top-end weapons, that are very ammo efficient and have a steady ammo economy. The changes mentioned in the OP will make close to 0 difference on these weapons since they'll benefit more from damage mods. Obviously, there are the weapons who have a sub-par or inneficient ammo economy which will benefit from these types of mods, but then we bring up the question "Why would you use that weapon over the ammo efficient one?", which is a valid question, since the efficient weapon most likely has a more consistent damage output, both as a result of having better ammo management and more slots dedicated to damage mods.


    In an attempt to make this more focused -- Serration is not the real culprit here and its removal is just tinkering with the symptoms instead of targeting the disease, so to speak. Taking in coniseration all the elemental mods that are now present in the game, regardless of whether we have Serration or not, the two main avenues for weapon modding will still be the rainbow builds and the crit builds, with status builds being a modification of the first, and the removal of Serration will make no difference at all in this regard. -

    - and this is w/o mentioning the elephant in the room that is the terrible design of over 3/4 of the weapons in the game which are absolutely useless in the face of the top dogs. A huge portion of Warframe's arsenal is completely a waste of time, gimmicky and inneficient in the face of the Soma's and Boltor P's (or the explosive weapons for that matter)


    To be able to even remotely fix this imaginary problem that Serration is creating, Warframe needs to completely revise how the weapons are designed and to make sure they are properly tiered and/or gated on the progression curve, but even more important how the available arsenal is reflecting on the environment towards which it is balanced.


    tl;dr Removing Serration fixes bugger all, the problem lies elsewhere and it is far bigger than just scalable damage.

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