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  1. Thank you, this is a great change. Additionally to this, could you guys please look into adding more than just "X Owned" for Arcanes when shopping from vendors? Currently, when hovering over an arcane it just shows a total, irrespective of ranks, like so: "X Owned" Making it so it shows something like: "1x Rank 5 owned" "6x Rank 0 owned" Would make life a lot easier for people, like myself, who are currently trying to max out all Arcanes. That way someone can see if they have already maxed that arcane and have a 2-3 extra instead of thinking they only have 2-3 total and buying more, wasting standing for the day. The only way to avoid this is by manually opening our arcane inventories first to see if we have that arcane maxed before purchasing from the vendor.
  2. This is exactly what I have been saying as well. The aimless grind from Earth-Uranus is what makes people quit, not "Aw man, I have to do 5-6 hours of story quests!" I feel like the old story events (especially The Cicero Crisis, Gradivus Dilemma, Eyes of Blight, Cryotic Front, Gate Crash, False Profit, Tubemen of Regor, Shadow Debts, & Rathuum) provided huge amounts of lore/background to various characters in the game, and adding that info back in by way of quests, would at least give some worldbuilding to newer players to keep them sucked in until The Second Dream.
  3. Based on the language in this post, it sounds like you guys are planning to release more Heirloom skins? I understand that you cant really take away or alter the current packs since others have already bought them, short of adding to what they already paid for. HOWEVER, if there will be more Heirloom packs down the road, please take the community's feedback into consideration. If you want to make them seasonal FOMO skins, then at the very least make them purchasable with platinum. That has always been one of the major benefits of this game, is that, short of Prime Accessories and TennoGen, everything in the game was obtainable as a F2P player. Because of that model, I have been inclined to support DE over the years, and have probably spent over $1000 in the 9 years I've been playing. But if you begin to start adding more and more time gated, cash-only exclusives like this, it's going to make me want to support you all less and less. On top of making future packs purchasable with plat, PLEASE make the items individually purchasable. I LOVE both of the skins, but I almost never play Mag. Frost I use enough to justify getting that skin, but not at $90. I know you guys listened to us when we screamed about Regal Aya, and you changed it. Even if a lot of people including myself, aren't happy Regal Aya is a thing to begin with, it's at least in a tolerable state. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I want to believe that DE has learned from this mistake and won't try it again, because a third strike and I'm putting this game down for good.
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