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Everything posted by Shy0

  1. i've recently returned to this game after a good few years away, and afaik, valkyr's hysteria made her status immune, and i'm not aware of exceptions to her invulnerability in arbitration missions. just did an infested arbitration survival, was wondering why i was constantly being forced out of hysteria and noticed that getting hit by any disruptor would completely empty my energy. made sure that i was in hysteria with the greyed-out hp bar and not holding another weapon, etc. and over many encounters with disruptors, confirmed that i'd get my energy drained even when "invulnerable." i did a couple of steel path infested survivals (even stood in the energy drain eximus pools) but had no issues, and haven't had another infested arbitration show up yet so can't tell myself if it's because of arbitrations or a bug with valkyr, hysteria or ancient disruptor attacks overall.
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