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Posts posted by (XBOX)Chronisyn

  1. You are more than welcome to join Centaurian Dynasty [CROSS-PLATFORM]. We're newer. Just a month old. But we have all labs built. Dry Dock. Railjack. And we're getting close to 50% research completed. Not bad for just a month, eh?

    We have new players to squad up with as well as more experienced players to assist. I'm a returning MR17. I also have my cross-save linked to PC so i should be able to trade with PC Tennos.

    I just posted a listing for Centaurian Dynasty if you're interested in learning more before deciding.

    We'd be happy to have ya! Cheers!

  2. Come and join a clan who’s top priority is simple. Enjoy the game! No pressure atmosphere here. You get to reap the benefits of being in a clan without all the requirements. Well, there are three. Be MR2 or higher, a cool friendly person, and keep playing!

    We have experienced players to assist returning players and new players. Come on in. The water's fine!

    JOIN NOW—Message me here, DM, or look for me in-game and I'll send you an invite. Gamertag: Chronisyn


    About Clan
    Motto: All we do is for the greatest good. Of course it never hurts to be rich!
    • Shadow tier [28/30]
    • Cross-Platform Enabled
    • MR2+
    • No daily or weekly activity requirements
    • Future Mission/Event nights (Highly encouraged to participate but not required)
    • Discord channel (Highly encouraged to participate but not required)
    • Mics welcome but not required
    • Friendly, helpful attitudes a must
    • Mentoring encouraged. I'm happy help out anytime!
    • Good vibes: Just have fun!

    About Dojo
    • 0% Trade Tax
    • Tenno, Chem, Bio, Energy, and Orokin labs
    • Research over 50% complete
    • Dry Dock
    • Crimson Branch
    • Obstacle course
    • Dueling room in the making
    • Floor plan is a ranch style home with "basement" – Only the reactors are down in the lower level
    • Few decorations at the moment but that will change (Any decorators interested in joining?)

    Requirements (Only Three!)
    • MR2 or higher
    • Be excellent to each other
    • 27 day inactivity limit


    JOIN NOW—Message me here, DM, or look for me in-game and I'll send you an invite. Gamertag: Chronisyn



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