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Posts posted by Meenmu

  1. I understand the importance of unlocking nodes by yourself, I absolutely understand that. However the RNG for alerts can be horrid and it may just end up in that one node you don't have time to unlock for x reason. And for those who are going to say something against this, yes you can have had advanced enough in the game and not have unlocked all of the nodes of every planet.

    If you really need to do an alert on a node you haven't unlocked, just taxi to it. Newer system will support it if you misunderstood the first two pages of the thread. Just don't expect to play nodes you haven't been specifically invited to until you have unlocked them for yourself.

  2. Read the thread title at first and thought "oh lawd not again," but OP actually made good suggestions. A third number near health and energy or something along those lines would be really convenient.

    Refreshing iron skin should be possible, though only to the normal initial value; if it stacked it would be way OP.

  3. Harpoon like weapon with 2 shot clip. Tigris like firing mechanism, fire both harpoons at once or fire one into and enemy and turn them into a pinata by firing the other into the ceiling. Mostly penetration damage with equal slash and impact damage. Could be used to make trip up traps.

    Flashbacks to Just Cause 2. I like this. Would love a JC2-style grappling hook as a melee weapon.

  4. Yeah, at the very least those eximus units should have a smaller, visible field that follows them around. It could look and work something like the frost eximus snow globe, but instead of blocking bullets, it disruptor-izes anyone who enters it (kinda like the mag bubbles from breeding grounds).

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