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Posts posted by Meenmu

  1. Aw, from the video the new nova helm doesn't look as twintails-ish as I hoped.

    Looks like they took the tails from option 2 and the face from option 1, even though option 1 won by a landslide.

    The tails were the best part :/

  2. When the whole team "hallway hero"s I usually just join them and let the mission fail. I figure having that happen enough times eventually reminds those players that there is a defense objective.

    Doesn't really work when there is 1 or more good player though.

  3. ... wut?


    Zephyr does NOT have higher air resistance. She had reduced gravity.

    She does have reduced gravity, but she also seems to slow down more quickly when flying through the air. If you read OP, he mentions difficulty with coptering. This "air resistance" issue may be related to the floatiness, but it is not the same thing, as reduced gravity would (/should) not slow you down in the horizontal plane..

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