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Posts posted by Meenmu

  1. I may be incorrect in my understanding here, but from what I have gathered there is a big difference between armor piercing damage and armor penetration damage. If I am correct, armor penetration refers to damage that bypasses the damage reduction based on an enemy's specific armor rating.

    In contrast, armor piercing (the stuff you see on weapon mods) is treated as an element, like fire, or freeze. That is basically elemental damage that does extra damage to enemies that wear armor (grineer), the same way electrical damage does extra damage to shielded corpus.

    This confuses me. A lot. To the point where I am not even sure if I understand this mechanic correctly. What I propose is a renaming of the "armor piecing" element, to an element that would actually be effective against armor. This may clear up some confusion regarding armor piecing damage, and "armor penetration" as you might read in weapon descriptions on weapons with innate armor penetration. Having played a lot of borderlands, the first thing that comes to my mind is a corrosive element. Of course, simply renaming armor piercing to corrosive wouldn't do; there would also likely have to be some new/altered animations for the elemental effect in-game.

    Man, if I misunderstood this whole "armor piercing" damage I am going to be embarrassed.

  2. As far as I know, "glaive" usually refers to a poleaxe kinda thing. It's interpretation as more of a chakram-style weapon is a bit more recent. But on the subject, yeah a pair of war fans would be badass. Maybe give them a unique block bonus for deflecting bullets due to their relatively large surface area and low weight. Maybe a bonus to stealth dmg. I would totally want to see something like this in the game.

  3. Also agreed. I've noticed #1 before. Looks kinda silly sliding down air.especially if the end was somewhat curved. You end up sliding outwards until you are nowhere near anything that you should be able to slide on.

  4. I think adding a polearm weapon could add some interesting potential mechanics to the melee. For example, normal attacks could be sweeping, multi-target crowd control attacks, while charge attacks could be vertical swings/stabbystabs that focus damage onto a single target.

  5. Paris is rather unique in its function compared to long guns for obvious reasons - it's a bow. I love my paris, and the other day I thought of ways to make the whole experience more unique. I eventually noticed some of my arrows sticking out of things after I fired them and thought, why not make arrows recoverable?

    Now there are some issues with this, such as arrows becoming a nearly infinite form of ammo, rendering sniper ammo drops, when they do appear, somewhat redundant. Some ways to fix that might be giving arrow recovery a failure chance, kind of like in skyrim for example. Attempts to recover arrows might have only a certain, possibly moddable, percent chance of success. An/or maybe a bit of a nerf to the total ammo pool of the paris, to encourage players to go and grab their arrows from their prey, or from walls. Also there is the issue of more than one person using paris in a single game, it would be problematic if they could just steal all your arrows.

    I feel like, especially in stealth play, pulling arrows out of your kills and using them again kinda adds to the whole "hunter" feel of using a bow. I don't know, I've yet to pour a whole bunch of thought into the idea, but I thought maybe someone else might find the concept interesting.

  6. Anyone else notice the enemies know where you are even if they can't see you? I use ghost with my sentinel, and once I trigger alert state and cloak in a group of enemies, the group of enemies seem to follow me from room to room. It's almost like they are just keeping an eye on me while pretending not to notice. When that happens, by the end of a mission, I end up with seemingly every enemy that has spawned all gathered around me at the EP "searching."

  7. Good points.

    Also, somewhat relevant to this topic, I've noticed the landing roll happens a bit too often. For example, sprinting down a short staircase sometimes leads to your feet briefly leaving the ground, and you end up roll-landing at the bottom. Or even going upwards, I often find that jumping leads to roll-landings, even when not appropriate, for example, at the top of stairs or jumping to a higher platform, or any platform of a similar height. The only reasons I find this to be a problem are that, firstly, it just looks awkward, and also it interrupts fluid movement. Especially when moving very quickly, the roll animation really slows things down.

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