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Posts posted by Meenmu

  1. Kubrows occasionally seem to just get stuck. I've had mine stick in the most random places. Middle of the hallway, mission start spawn, on some stairs, all sorts of places.

  2. I don't see any other threads about it so it might just be me, but sometime within the last few hotfixes I'm suddenly getting an error message telling me to ensure UDP ports 3960 and 3962 are not blocked.
    Well, I've done so, and have never had this sort of problem before. This issue is keeping me from playing online with anyone else, so it's probably not an erroneous error.

    So far I've checked both my router and my firewall and neither seems to be blocking those ports. Does anyone have any ideas?

  3. Yikes. That does sound bad. Would also like a confirm button.

    And to answer Bunny's question, sometimes the foundry's completed tab is a convenient, free storage location for things you're not using.

    For example, I made a bunch of frames at once a while ago and claimed them one by one to level them. Then Ember prime came out, and I built and claimed her instead. Since then I've had a completed ember (which I'm probably not going to touch any time soon) sitting in my foundry. 

    I also have a viper in there because of the twin wraith vipers that came out.

    If I really wanted to clear my foundry I suppose I could just claim and sell, but that feels like a waste.

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