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  1. I think that this route is going to hinder the game more than help it. I'll provide a few solutions, some not mutually exclusive. The reasons are because: I think passing a paywall to newbies who don't know better, especially since we're currently unaware of the price, is a bad idea already, but also disrespectful to the immense amount of hard work that has been put into the game so far. I understand people will be able to go back and play what came beforehand, but how many will do so for the story rather than just the rewards? Warframe's atmosphere and story is much of what has kept me around so long and it's already jumbled enough as it is nowadays without the CRITICALLY IMPORTANT Events issued back into the game (that should be). Are people really going to understand just what the hell is going on if you do this? Doesn't that kind of defeat the point of, not the gameplay content, but the Quest itself if people are just going to be confused about and/or taken off guard by it? Player retention might be difficult to maintain for a few reasons. The first would be a lack of guidance. This will only be made worse if this is the only solution we're chasing for this more subcategorical problem of new player accessibility. You know what's provided me guidance in my 10,000 hours of playtime? The Events that have introduced nearly all of the game's systems. These must be reintroduced as Quests. After that, it's a matter of reconfiguring the Junction Objectives and Quest Prerequisites so that the story lines up linearly as it has for veterans across the game's lifespan. Ultimately, I don't think new players accessing new content is the problem. It's investing them so they get that far. I've started a new account on a Switch. It's not half as captivating now as it was for me then without all these patches of lore. The update cycle and growth of the game participated toward much of that feeling as well, but that's its own separate thing. However, if we're really insistent on doing this, here are my few solutions I suggest to you: 1. First and foremost, provide any kind of detailed synopsis for the events of the game up until this point. 2. Even doing that, the new content could be shocking and not representative of the game at all up until this point. Go the extra mile and make a few unique missions for new players, or better yet, a whole 'nother introductory Quest. 3. Follow the earlier proposed idea of redesigning the Events and Quests in order to provide a more holistic experience that will make players more than happy to head toward the new content. This will solve more than one, more than two MAJOR issues with the whole of the game.
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