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Everything posted by Drasiel

  1. I don't think that getting screwed over by this hidden mechanic at least once so that you can learn about it and try to figure out how to avoid it is an acceptable scenario by any means. When you're solo, there simply isn't any need for the game to have this behaviour, especially after they added the code to stop enemy spawns after a certain point.
  2. The thing that confuses me is that we can't pause in Duviri when. Duviri creates an instance of the at-the-time mood spiral and your instance of the spiral doesn't change just because the global spiral is different. While I had suspected that the Devs found a way to create instanced environments and global counters with the introduction of the Zariman and its flip-flopping factions, Duviri definitely proved that in an open-world setting, the needed disconnection from global time for a solo pause can be done.
  3. Ah okay, Thank you for the specifics. So rather than it being the invulnerability phases themselves it seems like the pacing of the fight has become messed up. Seems like there should be a cooldown between uses and the overlapping especially wasn't happening before. I wonder if the abilities are on health thresholds so as we've become better at depleating the health faster it's causing the overlap.
  4. Are these phases particular to a specific archon or are you conflating archon abilities that have counterplay to remove the invulnerability with the scripted ones? Specifics for your complaint would help, considering there are 3 archons with different abilities and behaviours.
  5. Drasiel


    Oh, I love me a good tangent! I get that, but just because there is a report that doesn't mean the bug can be reproduced, and if you can't reproduce it in a controlled environment it can be absolutely impossible to fix. You can get hundreds of reports of "this is broken" or "this isn't working" or "I did X and Y happened" and you take all that information and every single report with even a smidgeon or more of information than "just fix it!" and come up with nada, zip, zilch, nothing, everything A-OK smokey oaky. Please don't take this as an excuse, it is not intended to be, it's just a reality of the situation and applies to all troubleshooting not just computers. Some of the very common and long-lasting bugs have come down to insanely specific behaviours or in a lot of cases it's actually more than just one bug. There are long-term "bugs" that have been a score of different minor bugs that resulted in the same end conditions. Because I find these kinds of emergent issues fascinating I make a note to remember them, especially when the devs pop in on the forums to mention root causes. So just for fun here are some of the ones I best remember: The dreaded BLACK SQUARE - recurringly there have been issues that normally seem to be around bright lights that produce a large black square that could consume the whole screen. This bug was rampant and getting worse after several updates. Almost anyone who was talking about it blamed the lighting engine and how DE kept claiming they fixed it but it would keep happening. Know what it turned out to be? It was a rounding error, the video card would try to do some math sent from the game and end up, due to rounding, dividing by zero, which is impossible and as a result, it would throw up that black square. It's shown up several times because of depreciated video cards no longer getting driver support, changes on the card manufacturers' end for how they do that math, and occasionally just because a new driver shipped with an itty bitty rounding bug. The only way to fix something like that is for DE to go in and solve as many occurrences as possible on their end and then wait for the card manufacturers to correct things on their end as well, often with an updated driver. Another really common recurring bug is swapping to your operator and being locked out of controls. This one is fun because every single time it's a new cause but everyone thinks it's just the same thing breaking again. It has been caused by: Desychronizing from the host during a transition to operator (corrected with client-side operators) Being Knocked down at exactly the same time as you transition to operator, which would prevent the completion of the animation to operator and the would never resolve the transition (corrected by increasing the grace window on transition) and my absolute favourite of this category: Being unable to perform actions or return to your warframe after transitioning to operator while specifically playing any of the archon hunt missions as a client with a video card older than a specific date while only being able to achieve 25fps or lower. (I'm not sure what went into fixing that but one of the players affected was my clan leader and even though we could reproduce reliably if you didn't have that exact hardware you would never experience it) This will be the last one and it's very old. It was around for nearly a year before anyone figured out what it was and to this day I'm not even sure how they figured it out. Back around update 16 when you would play for extended time on the void tileset you would suddenly just at random start dying. There could be no enemies around you, and no one shooting at you and you would just blap die. Seemed to start happening after about 45 minutes. It didn't matter if you were in a group or playing solo, host or client, It happened to any frame with any weapon, and always on the void tileset. Right up until it happened on the Grineer Shipyard tileset and that, I think, is what led to the solution. It turned out that it was the Grineer bombard's rocket explosion that was killing players. They had been added to the void in Update 15 and due to the void being the only place for prime parts it was a lot more common for extended-duration runs to take place there to maximize key values. For some reason, every time a bombard's rocket was destroyed its blast radius and damage would increase. It was invisible, it had infinite punch-through, and the longer you stayed the worse it got, to the point that if you had split up in a mission to completely opposite sides of the map and a Grineer bombard shot a rocket near one player that hit a pillar and detonated it would kill every player in the mission. So I mostly shared those because think they are fun and interesting anecdotes but I hope it illustrates that even when something is happening to everybody it doesn't mean that it is easy or obvious to fix or even that what you are encountering is the same bug as what came before and was "allegedly" fixed already. Unlike a lot of companies, DE does seem to keep a decent amount of QA staff on their payroll and I really do think they are skilled, especially considering some of the bizarre issues I've seen in the patch notes and fixed in-game, but there's only so much time in the day, and only so much anyone can do even when doing their absolute best. There isn't a perfect solution and it's gotta be frustrating on both ends, for players when the bug that seems so obvious isn't fixed and for QA when it seems like the bug is so esoteric that you have to stand on the roof with a pineapple balanced on your right foot and an intermittent 2.4ghz wifi signal to even trigger the bug in the first place but somehow everybody else can trigger it seemingly on demand.
  6. Drasiel


    You can make a very complicated system out of very simple parts. in the real world, you have the pulley, lever, and fulcrum that becomes a Giant crane capable of lifting more weight than a prehistoric man could even conceive. In coding, you have something like REGEX which opens an entire world of data manipulation and conditional potential into anything that creates a string of text be it the code itself, user interactions, or labelling. Honestly for a constantly updated game that never finishes development warframe handles bugs quite well. I find it's important to keep in mind that DE, despite their success, is still a much smaller company than others who are making games of a similar scope and they have a very sizable player base. It simply is not possible to find all the bugs or issues with even a very robust-sized QA department when you have millions of people with different hardware, software, and driver states to push what would have been a very rare edge case among say 50 people looking for bugs, into an issue that can affect thousands. The problem with the "reports" of people being 2035'd that crop up here and on reddit is that they are self-reports, which starts us off with a very unreliable narrator because there is no way from our end to verify if they are innocent or not, and the kind of people that come to the forums to make those claims and stir up others to put social pressure on the company to try to repeal their ban have it in their best interest to lie about why they got banned. There was a period of 6 months where one of the devs was responding to the threads that cropped up here about being banned for "no reason" with their chat logs and oh the things they had said as "a playful joke" would get you in a world of hurt if you repeated that in the real world. They made claims and the Dev would show up with the receipts. I really think it's a shame that stopped happening. The bot doesn't have to be a giant mess of code. A lot of it is going to be very simple nearly modular components like various regex searches that create a complex network of responses while still keeping the overall code fairly simple. search strings are also easy to test because you can just take the chat logs for the day and extract it to a testing environment and check that the searches are working and not throwing up red-herrings or overlooking things. The most complicated part is going to combatting the brilliant and often insane methods the community finds to get around chat filters. While you've said your questions are rhetorical, they actually do have answers, and thus you will be unable to stop people from responding with them. Your example of "Gee haha, that was a great idea wasn't that it" is going to draw out the pendants though because it's a satirical question, which can be rhetorical but is less about provoking thought and more about mocking the person on the receiving end of it. The unfortunate end of the road for the journey down the rhetorical question of why does it have to be confusing and inconsistent like this? Ends up being: Because people suck. You tell someone no and they will move heaven and earth to go against your wishes, because it's fun, because they are bored, or because they don't agree with you. Thus we end up with more vague rules to prevent rules lawyering and catch edge cases, on top of bespoke automation backed up by human intervention to keep abreast of "creative phrasing" so that the chat remains, if not a more welcoming place, than at least a (mostly) civil, none-=racist, non-homophobic, non-sexually-explicitly, toxic quagmire that turns players off of the community and even potentially the game itself.
  7. Drasiel


    I didn't say it discredited your post nor did I even disagree with you. At face value it is confusing, I was just offering you some context to help explain what you are seeing. So, none of us are going to know how Kickbot is set up to actually apply context to anything because we don't have access to it. But if you understand how REGEX search parameters are set up or have dealt with anything programming related you can make guesses. The term Gay can be used here as an example because at one point it was blanket banned because the community would not stop using it as a slur/insult. After a few years of it being totally banned it was allowed back in while being context sensitive. So what did the bot look for? From all appearances, it seemed to be searching for something like "/.+[is|are] gay" which would be checking for "any combination of characters" + "is" or "are" + "gay". This is, of course, purely a hypothesis based on string searches I've done for some phone automation behaviours. Now, while a search like that would pull up most cases where you are calling something gay as a slur/insult it will also catch someone just saying that they are gay because it falls under the same wording parameters, and because players have and will call each other gay as an insult you can't really filter out usernames from the string because they also need to be included. All of this is to say that automation is tricky and that the context has to be programmed into Kickbot by a person to the best of their abilities and within the limitations of the language used (programming-wise and regionally). It also gets further complications when you add in the arms race of players testing and pushing against the context filters to find out their limitations and then utilize them to avoid detection, which is how you end up with the name of the country that is above Nigeria and Below Algeria and Libya in West Africa being banned in chat due to players using it as a replacement for a very big no-no word.
  8. Drasiel


    Generally speaking, most rules in warframe and their application boil down to: don't be a Richard to other people. If you take most of the rules and look at them in that context, enforcement can make much more sense. Did you swear in regard to an enemy unit you don't like? well, that doesn't really affect anyone. Did you swear at another player who likes the unit or swear at the Devs because they made the unit? That's being a Richard at the very least and a Richard Noggin at the worst.
  9. Okay, so it looks like you have extra stats from changing pages or unequipping mods, if you want a clean view you need to exit out of the modding screen and re-enter. That said just from looking at those stats: Damage: the heat value is reduced from 225.9 to none Gas value is increased from none to 130.6 viral is reduced from 1126.1 to 190.6 Radial Attack the heat value is reduced from 301.2 to none Gas value is increased from none to 127 viral is reduced from 751.1 to none Looking up the weapon it appears that it has native heat damage and by changing the lich bonus to toxin you have produced gas.
  10. I'm not going to tell you that you are wrong for shelving it, you do what works best for you, but there are many options to negate or reduce staggers and knockdowns. You've got: Passives Atlas's immovable Lavos' valence block Protection while power is active Gauss' kinetic plating Nezha's Warding Halo Nidus's Parasitic link Revenants Mesmer skin Rhino's Ironskin Titanias spellbind Trinity's link Valkyr's Hysteria (you can quick-fire your guns while in hysteria for a while now) Conditional protection while power is active Atlas' Tectonics if you shoot from behind it Frost's snowglobe if it detonates outside the globe Gara's Mass vitrify if the explosion is outside the glass Geruda's Dread mirror from the front Nezha's fire walker which clears status effects Oberon's Hallowed Ground Volts' shield if you shoot from behind it Augments that grant conditional and active protection Nyx's Assimilate Ivara's empowered quiver, cloak arrow Frost's Icey Avalanche Inaros' Negation swarm Nekro's Shield of shadows Wyrm's Negate (prevents status effects once every 5 seconds) Mods chance to resist Fortitude 20% chance Power drift 30% chance Sure footed 60% Mods immunity Cautious shot Primed Sure footed Mods recovery speed Pain threshold 160% Constitution 40% Handspring 160% so acting like there are no other solutions than removing self-stagger from explosives is disingenuous at best. Arguing that you don't like any of the other options is a valid complaint but it's not going to be an unanimous opinion in the community considering the plethora of options to work around it.
  11. Hmm, fair enough. I haven't encountered that though, due to using toggle crouch if I try to bullet jump while the kaithe is already in the air I start flying and then immediately plummet towards the ground because I'm "still crouching". Aside from that issue, it's always worked before I taught myself not to do that. I almost wonder if after a kaithe falls far enough they should just automatically open their wings but people would probably complain about it. it's so bizarre that they didn't use the solution that was right there for it. There's also another thing that can happen, if you have crouch on while riding a kaithe it shifts down into a slower walk. Which is fun on the ground for immersion but it also affects your speed while flying and can block you from "sprinting" in the air, which is annoying because you have to toggle crouch back on and off and not plummet off the map to fix it.
  12. You can add to this list: Duviri Dormizone Zariman Simulacrum
  13. I'm getting the feeling that most people haven't picked up on the fact you can start flying with a Kaithe by inputting a bullet jump. While the double jump and hold jump option can have detection issues, and the jumping off a ledge requires, well, a ledge, the bullet jump transition is nearly flawless from what I can tell. I just personally can't use it because for some mysterious and unknown reason, the Kaithe uses crouch and jump to move up and down in the air rather than the key binds for Move up and Move down that were added to the game with archwing EXACTLY TO FIX THE ISSUE OF TOGGLE CROUCH MESSING UP ARCHWING FLIGHT.
  14. you can get around this in a really silly way, if you jump off your kaithe then while falling summon it, it automatically flies without that weird upward lurch. I do definitely agree that it is a very annoying behaviour and despite the workaround, I'd love to see that transition made more smooth and controllable.
  15. *looks at kaithe* Ah, yes the skeletal void manifested essence of horse, from the parable for children that is supposed to teach you to control your emotions while being consumed by the void. A story that was bought to life by our fevered and desperate plight as our sabotaged colony ship breached the borders of unreality and become wedged in the neither nor. The horse who, without skin, tendon, or muscle can manifest wings and keep pace with dragons. You know what, I agree, the Kaith is definitely my favourite pony.
  16. Considering founders were moved off the starchart and ported to a very out-of-the-way damn near hidden monument, I think the founders who bought that tier are well within their rights to complain about it.
  17. Maroo is probably cheaping out on repairs again. She's gotta pay off that ayatan addiction some how.
  18. I have never had a Larvling explode, so I'd suspect that it is a Death Detonation issue. What a niche bug if it is, congratulations you unlucky soul, you had the good luck to find it, and the bad luck to experience it.
  19. Mastery level means more than you are claiming. While there are outliers at each mastery level, the mastery level roughly dictates how much damage, critical chance, status chance, and few other stats a weapon will have. A mastery 8 weapon will not commonly surpass anything 4 or more levels above it in mastery.
  20. there are a lot more warframes than just atlas that can use it without worrying about the self stagger: trinity with link, nidus with parasitic link, rhino with ironskin, nezha with warding halo, oberon with hallowed ground, Revenant with mesmer skin, basically any frame that can grant immunity to status effects will be protected from self stagger. Akarius is mastery 8, it should be outperformed by the top tier single target secondaries, chaining guns, and probably even kitguns. About the only equivalent comparison is the Epitaph which is generally agreed to outperform its mastery rank. Just because a weapon is an explosive doesn't automatically mean it's going to be better than everything else.
  21. That's not a bad trick, I normally use captura since we can effectively pause during the animations there to get a good look at the weapons.
  22. That would be ideal, but we've asking for that since the single digit update days so my hope for that level of option is low. I gotta admit I was annoyed as heck when they added zoom to customizing the warframe appearance, but not to the weapons which are the ones that really need the ability to zoom sometimes.
  23. Nikanas are the one weapon type that comes with a sheath, due to this we can't actually see the blade when we are colouring them. My current workaround is using a garish selection of red, green, blue, yellow, and black to colour each channel so I can see what colour goes where then going into capturing to take a picture when the blade is out. Then I colour it with what I think will work, hope for the best and take another picture to check it. Repeat until happy with the colours. Could we get a better method to do this, please? Here are some suggestions: Have the warframe draw the nikana when we click on it in the arsenal. Give us a "forms" button like the warframes, equinox/chroma so we can see the nikana sheathless Hide the sheath when colouring because just like with a bow weapon's arrow, the sheath isn't coloured by the main colours but by the attachment submenu colours. We only need to see the sheath in the submenu.
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