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  1. I agree, nobody wants to see EXP or stats become paywalled.
  2. Would you have preferred a “Donate” button? If they are giving supporters something nice for their charity, are we upset because we are anxious that this will become the standard, or upset because they tried to create a 10 year anniversary donate button?
  3. The real issue is that for those few Tenno that have purchased every single Prime access, they now have regal aya that is worthless. This should never become a reality. I understand that they wanted regal aya instead of just giving the primes in the bundle because they had to since those frames are the current Vaulted pack, but for the handful of fans that have literally purchased everything before this heirloom pack, the regal aya is useless. To further make good on this injustice to the players that previously bought prime accesses before regal aya became an option, there needs to be compelling things in which the regal aya can be used. Perhaps an option to sell the regal aya and turn it into platinum might quell the real frustrations. At this point, making a lower tier pack would be a slap in the face of all the early supporters, so they as devs are stuck in a hard spot for this first iteration of Heirloom. I do agree though, if for Founders packs they said they would never have FOMO sales, I would love to see the clip of them committing to such a thing, but for varying consoles they have always had time gated cosmetics, so I highly doubt that claim someone previously made. I agree, FOMO practices are not cool for consumers, and should have no place in “The Perfect Game”. However I’m strongly inclined to give them a pass for this one since it is in fact exclusively cosmetic unlike the initial Founders gear. “FOMO” for art is what makes art precious, so I have to even slightly disagree with the “popular opinion” of dissatisfaction. It would have been best had DE declined to say if heirlooms would come back similar to Prime Vault. It would have given them space to put all heirlooms up again for the 20th anniversary as well as adding new ones, but now it becomes a bit of a hard pill to swallow since they seemingly committed to the exclusivity being a “once in a lifetime” event. I would strongly prefer they make a system for heirloom cosmetics to eventually come back similar to prime accessories. Leaving a few years of exclusivity before they come back. But we shall see. Serious question though, if they sold the promise of exclusivity, and then caved taking away the exclusivity. Would that be a W or an L. I say selling and leaving the exclusivity as ambiguous would be best, but who knows how desperately they needed funding to push out the deadlines they are aspiring to hit. 🤷🏾‍♂️ If we get more massive updates similar to what founders sales allowed them to generate, then it’s all g, even better than founders sales, because this time around there is no game stats nor EXP tethered to sales. Caveat to the TLDR: Usually FOMO art has resale value which is why price is irrelevant, games making you pay for art and saying you can’t transfer the art away… I don’t know how I feel about that, seems annoying complex selling art that can’t be transferred. I understand the need to avoid secondary markets though, so deciding how to monetize “digital art”… 😵‍💫 TLDR: Selling FOMO art is fine. Selling FOMO stats/EXP is a sin.
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