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Everything posted by Ikusi_Prime

  1. Limbo was the frame that made me decide to pick up Warframe, but he's become increasingly worse as the game evolves. The only things he's really, truly good at are cheesing Mobile Defense missions and breaking boxes. It was bad enough that a relatively common Corpus enemy completely shuts down his kit, but more and more content in the game is immune to CC and The Rift, so Limbo is stuck breaking boxes with his 4. His last revisit made him less frustrating to play with. He now needs a revisit to make him more fun and useful in the average mission. I would love to see Stasis become similar to a max-Strength Gloom from Sevagoth or Zenurik Temporal Drag, where it slows enemies and their projectiles to a crawl, even ones that are supposed to be CC immune. Make it decay on bosses so they aren't perma-slowed.
  2. The new Dex Operator and Drifter gear look really cool, but they suffer from DE yet-again not making these materials customizable. The primary color slot doesn't take color. It's glaring white by default, and you can slightly tint that white with a different hue, but if you try to make it a dark color or even a moderate color, it just becomes white again. It's so frustrating. I have a really specific look that I go for with my cosmetics, and it doesn't involve the majority of my Drifter being white or off-white. Why can't it just take color? Why can't it just be the color I pick? It shouldn't be this difficult or frustrating to customize a cosmetic. It's incredibly obvious with this one, but this issue has plagued cosmetics for years. Different materials take color differently, so you have to slightly adjust hues and shades to get everything to match, which is annoying on its own. But to not take dark colors at all and go back to white as you approach a darker shade is just insane to me.
  3. Gonna bump this with another suggestion/solution: let us color individual cosmetic pieces separately. You can leave it like it is for most people, but an "advanced settings" option that would let us color individual cosmetic pieces independently of anything else would be a massive improvement. That way, you don't have to go out of your way to map materials to specific slots. It would make mixing and matching different armor pieces so much easier, especially if we could save colorations for individual cosmetics and apply it to multiple things. I'm one of those people who wants all of my gear to match a specific color scheme. I would drop 2000 platinum right here right now for an RGB slider color picker that let me color cosmetics individually and apply it to every frame that is wearing that cosmetic.
  4. The Loreryder outfit looks cool from the Market, but it is yet another example of disappointing customization options that stem from inconsistent mapping and materials. The closest thing these cosmetic pieces have to a metallic is the shiny leather underneath everything, and it's in the primary color slot, not the Lining Color slot. The Lining Color slot, that every single other piece of Operator/Drifter cosmetic uses for its metallic accents, colors bits of cloth accents. This is a horrid decision by the art team. It means that you cannot combine the Loreryder set with any other cosmetics because you won't be able to match material colors. If you want shiny gold bits on your Templar hood, you need mustard cloth on your sleeves. If you want a pop of red cloth (like the default colors), have fun with your cherry-colored metallics. Further, the buckles on the Loreryder outfit's belts are tied to the Secondary Color slot... along with the cloth shirt. Again, looks great with the default neutral colors, but you can't give yourself a colorful shirt without colorful buckles??? It's infuriating how inconsistently these materials are mapped, and it feels like the art team didn't even try to make it customizable, they just ran with their original colors and ignored other combinations. The easiest fix would be to make the shiny leathers and buckles map to the Lining Color, move the pants and straps from Tertiary to Primary, and make the accent cloth the Tertiary colors. Just like how nearly every other cosmetic works. Why did you have to make it difficult?
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