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Posts posted by sappinmahsentry

  1. Opticor takes S#&$loads of time to charge. Chances are anyone who's using it can butcher you just as easily with something else.


    Sancti Tigris? Get away from his face, See if he can kill you.


    Burston? I dont know what is wrong with it..


    Sybaris? Can i laugh at you? Unless they fixed that horrendous accuracy that weapon is nowhere near OP. 


    Sometimes people forget that they can bulletjump and get out of danger immediately. We're spaceninjawizardpirateknights people. Use your buttons throughly.

    >implying anything other than frames with higher than .90 mobility can reliably bulletjump to safety.

  2. The Stalker appears in a mission with a time delay of 30 seconds to a max of 4 minutes. You are making it sound like you lost "lots and lots of hard earned loot".


    You lost at max 4 minutes of your time, it's not even a full set of 5 waves. I find it even hard to understand how you could lose the pod that fast 4 minutes into a defense mission even with a death, when you can revive in seconds. Did you try to fight him and left to Pod to die? If that was the case, even if you had fought him and won, you probably would have lost the pod anyway.


    Getting killed by the Stalker has ZERO consequences other then a few wasted minutes. It's not as if you have to rebuild the Warframe you died in.

    I've seen Stalker delay his arrival to about 10 minutes until the wave was ended and then he one shot the guy who was marked.

  3. dont think so


    1 ive heard that DE claimed that the story of dark sector is not connected to this (idk right) but if its true technocyte in this universe may not exist, also, it seems like they found a way to make the name tenno of this world, and not a connection ith dark sector (Zariman ten-zero----> ten-zero--->ten-0---->tenno  its a theory but a very solid one knowing this isnt onnected to dark sector)


    2 hunhow say "just a metal puppet dangling on tenno strings" so maybe they are made of flesh but i think made of more things, if not he wouldnt say that


    3 infested saying we are made of their flesh it looks like they think, like other bosses that we are inside the warframes.


    4 operator says we are his flesh, operators are their flesh, warframes; idk

    IIRC Technocyte was mentioned in a codex entry.

  4. Alone again... Rest in peace. 


    A soulless husk.


    That is what I am to you... To most


    To some, I am not but a memory.


    I still exist in game.


    But, the forums have banished me to the dead lands.


    Never to return.


    I must take it on myself.


    To keep this place ablaze.


    With people's sins and sorrows.


    And my own death that borrows.


    I am dead to the forums.


    Only posting when I get the chance


    To get the air of fault.


    And nerfs of salty malt.


    This is the end of me, or maybe here at least.


    It seems no one will read this post.


    Or at least see me at most.


    This is the end of my paradise.


    The end of my friendship that never was had.


    The fake friends I made.


    To abuse my power at hand.


    But this is not a poem.


    I'm trying not to rhyme.


    Besides if I tried, it would be even more crap than this...


    That is all.

  5. This does not give me headaches but obstructs view rather badly.


    Her HIS ring is designed to disappear in many animations so it's a good sign that someone may care.



    We ask for power color intensity slider for years, for the same reasons.


    Power visibility is obviously not an issue since we can color it black.



    The solutions are simple - make dangly bits a cosmetic showing in mustaches section.


  6. For one, roar needs to be a multifunction ability like so many others already are. After rhino gains proper tanking capability, it needs to act as a taunt to draw fire away form allies, have the augment built in by default and cause an impact proc for minor grace period.


    Stomp itself is, like I said, the most borderline basic CC possible considering we have ultis that blind, strip armor alongside stunning ect.


      All the other "cool stuff" is already taken by the majority of actuall CC frames. What I would do with it, is scrap it and replace it with another ability to aid in rhino's tanking, leaving his CC instead of abilities, to the actuall roar, that draws enemies to him using himself as the control.


    Stomp needs a lot of work to offer something unique to the game.

    Stomp doesn't need anything unique, if you actually knew how to make a stomp build you'd see it's among the best CC in the game. As you can lock down an INFINITE amount of enemies for more than 8 freaking seconds in a 25 meter range which you can increase through OE and Stretch. Oh, and it's spam-able. Stomp is by far Rhino's best skill, no matter how you buff everything else. No other ultimate absolutely deactivates enemies in such a long, unhindered by terrain range other than Mirage's Prism. But building for that absolutely destroys her other abilities, and melee enemies will hit you if you so much as make a tiny peep. How about you rethink your life choices, because Rhino may not be a tank, but he'll be something better. That something better is one of the best CC machines in the entire game. Oh, and you have a timer on your stomp so you know when to reactivate it.

  7. I think that weapons with special charges should be exempt. The point of charge attacks on a normal weapon is to boost the damage at the cost of time. You're just hitting harder. Special attacks though need to be fluid and compelling to use.


    I have largely adopted my Lacera as my new general melee. But as it stands now, I have absolutely zero desire to use the special attack, unlike the pre-update Sword Whip special attack. Which was also an entirely different attack before U18, which really irritates me. I never use Glaives as it is, but when I tested it while fooling around with Ivara in the Simlacrum, it made me even less inclined to use them. I don't even want to test my Redeemer's charge attack at this point.

    How about we make ALL charge attacks faster?

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