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Posts posted by sappinmahsentry

  1. 16 hours ago, GerberaOverture said:

    bothered by their animations instead of stats

    They're pretty good with this build, tho. They're also pretty mobile. The problem with Okina is that there are melee weapons which are just broken. Melee 3.0 will make them much better I believe.XOwwcSK.jpg

  2. 28 minutes ago, -Defeater- said:

    her 1 is a generic single target ability that half of the other frames have, her 2 is a worse inaros 4, 3 is inconsistant and really only good for self heal, 4 is vaubans 3 but you can only have 1 and it makes everything it grabs swing around. 2 has weird synergy with 1 that brings everything to one spot like vaubans 4 but the enemies have to be under the effect of her 2 and you have to spam 1. 

    like vauban without the grenades, a worse version of 3 and 4, but heey, gets a self heal. i can think of 10 frames that are more versatile, i barely see anyone play her

    All of this shows that you literally have not played Khora one bit. Her 1 is an AoE melee attack like lanslide, but instead it's aimable and doesn't lunge you forward and just has a lot of range and critical/status chance. It completely eviscerates enemies. Her 2 shares literally nothing with inaros's 4, so I have no idea what you're going off here. It's literally an ability that chains and pulls enemies together while multiplying whipclaw's damage by 2 (Whereas inaros's 4 is an ability that either sacrifices health for armor or immobilizes enemies to heal himself and nearby allies. Again, literally share nothing in common other than both immobilize enemies. At that logic, everyone with CC is a copy of Rhino). Her 3 isn't inconsistent, you can target enemies with it to get extremely high heals with hunter mods, Venari also always targets enemies who have been ensnared, giving great synergy with Sharpened Claws. Her 4 is literally nothing like vauban's 3. Literally. I have no idea what connection you see between them other than they are both stationary CC. At that point, Baruuk's 2 is a copy of Vauban's 3, and so is his slide attack I guess.


    You can also have two shatterdomes out at the same time.

    You literally didn't even google up Khora's abilities and you felt the need to argue about them.


    Also, why wouldn't you spam whipclaw? it deals a ton of damage.

    • Like 2
  3. 13 minutes ago, -Sentient- said:

    Why continuity? are thralls even used.

    Continuity is to maintain the mobility of your third ability, Reave. Which you will be using a lot during danse macabre to reposition. Also, I accidentally posted my other post early so the formatting and the rest of the mods were kinda spooked off *and* I accidentally put intensify there twice. The rest of the mods are CorroProj, narrow minded, fleeting expertise, natural talent, and 2/5 streamline.

    Natural Talent is for recasting mesmer skin safely and getting in and out of danse macabre faster to cast mesmer skin during reave.

  4. 8 hours ago, Scruffel said:

    Not trying to bring any doubt to your comment, more of interest, but what build do you use to bring Revenant to that point? I'm interested in getting him but I haven't seen any interesting builds in terms of his survivability, which is one thing I mainly look for in Frames. 

    Transient fortitude + intensify + flow + continuity + CorroProj, narrow minded, fleeting expertise, natural talent, and 2/5 streamline.

  5. Not even responding to anyone in particular, just everyone in this thread.

    If you think Revenant is so bad, you have built him poorly. I have no forma and I can easily, completely effortlessly (barely getting hurt at all) go one hour on survival arbitrations with near top kills (or top if everyone else died) because of his durability, mobility and damage combination. There's also the case of using his first ability in a pickle when you really need to on enemies when they start getting really tanky and you actually need the intense aggro and breather. His first ability is niche, but it has its uses.

  6. 41 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

    Atlas hands down is the best brawler in the game. I think he does what you're likely looking for, he's a melee caster that just barrels headlong into the thick of things, punching everything to death. You could say he's Brick from Borderlands, except it's always punch time. Always. Punch time 24/7.

    He still has some problems, though. He has survivability issues, but they don't show up until you're fighting stuff level 100+. The bigger issue is that he's absurdly energy hungry until you can get corrupted mods and hit or get near the efficiency cap.

    Also remember, Atlas's survivability mostly come from the i-frames from casting landslide. So there's not one second you want to spend in front of enemies that's either rolling, casting landslide or already having them petrified.

  7. I really, really really like Baruuk. He is a fun and satisfying warframe to use and he fits his theme well. Desert Storm's sound effects and animations are nothing short of fantastic.

    What I do not like is how his fourth ability, Desert Storm, is so weirdly weak compared to other exalted abilities.

    Namely, the damage falloff on Baruuk's Desert Wind acts against it, and its stats are pretty weird too. I understand why it exists, to make baruuk's weapon not as powerful when  hitting enemies far away because he's really tanky and they don't want baruuk sniping enemies from other tilesets. But, hitting enemies knocks them away from baruuk, which is weird. The damage falloff just doesn't really bode well, and it turns a frame who could have been really cool into a frame that deals pathetic damage past level 100 on anything but squishy enemies. Which is bad, because it takes approximately 14 years to deactivate the ability.

    Considering how long it  takes to charge Baruuk's fourth ability, it being this weak is weird. However, straight damage buffs wouldn't really make it any better.

    The fact that not only is Desert Storm *really slow*, but also *really weak* is very disappointing. But I believe it can be fixed, quite easily even.

    First: I believe the ability should have far more status chance. 30% at base seems nice, as that will allow him to actually attack heavily armored enemies instead of hopelessly and slowly smacking away.

    Second: Maybe Baruuk's direct fist hits shouldn't knock enemies away so far. I know, it's funny. But it not only makes enemies harder to kill for Baruuk, but also the entire team. Baruuk doesn't need more knockback than the slide attack of sparring melee but on every attack. So IMO it should only be a ragdoll on baruuk's fists, as the knockback from the combos themselves is enough CC as needed.


    Those are all the changes I think Baruuk needs, if anyone else thinks he needs more you can say so. But I do understand that DE does not want to make him better than Excalibur at Excalibur's job. Therefore I'm considering not buffing him too much. Thank you if you read this.


    And before anyone says "baruuk isn't supposed to be able to deal that much damage." That's not my point. My point is that Baruuk's fists are weaker than almost every gun at killing crowds of heavy armored except guns that are even worse. He doesn't need to be able to be excalibur, he needs to be able to actually use his fists as intended (a powerful "now you've made me angry"  thing). Also, many other frames are tanky, have cc, and deal better damage than baruuk. Also yes, I've tried slide attack. But that's very clunky and knocks enemies so fast that they phase through walls.


    • Like 3
  8. A few updates back(I think in Plains of Eidolon), the Bullet Dance stance mod lost some of its high damage multipliers that dealt like 200% damage of the charged attack, give or take. However, the shots in the stance consistently now deal approximately one third of the damage of a charged attack, making the stance's combos useless. I know Melee 3.0 is right around the corner, but it would be great if there was a confirmation about this before it comes out.

  9. https://streamable.com/9vht0


    At the start of the video, you can see normal blazing chakram with the augment mod equipped. Then I use the charged blazing chakram at the end and the chakram bounces off the enemies and doesn't hit them. This is an issue because it makes it much harder to hit enemies in a straight line, essentially removing the utility of charged blazing chakram when spearing enemies.

  10. I have to disagree with one part of your post. If you've actually used Path of Statues you'd know that it's an astronomically useful augment because it affects enemies who are slightly in front of you. Other than that, your petrify solution wouldn't make it useful. A five meter aura is small, really really small. I suggest that the channeling be removed from petrify and it just instantly petrifies enemies instead.

  11. Yeah, stunning enemies for an insanely long time and increasing the amount of damage that they take is absolute trash, right? Come on man, you're overreacting here. The ability is still useful, as I said it's great CC.

  12. 8 hours ago, Navarchus said:

    But it does get addressed in these.

    • Tentacle Swarm (4) - Anti-dragging out defense missions: Warframe melee strikes on tentacles causes them to drop their target for you to kill. Only default strikes work, not slide attacks. Too many whip & polearm macro users for 4 to ever work otherwise. @Vorcov
    • Tentacle Swarm (4) - Synergy & support allies with range: Enemies that are prone when tentacles grab them are held in place, being crushed instead of being slammed against the floor.  @RudyBojangles

    That's not really addressing, because enemies would have to be prone to be held, and meleeing them, as I said, takes the CC away. I know that Tempest Barrage would exist, but you have to know that people aren't just gonna wait til the end of the ability to get the best function out of tentacle swarm. Cause we KNOW that Tempest Barrage is too RNG to be used. This honestly feels like forced synergy, and you know how much the community loves that. Not trying to [redacted] on your rework, but this doesn't really solve Hydroid's mad RNG hell. It only makes it slightly less worse. It's a better idea altogether for the tracking on Tempest Barrage to be made better.

  13. Tentacle Swarm does deal finisher damage, but it deals almost no damage. Without any fundamental tweaks to it, nobody will use it because it will just hold enemies without allowing anyone to kill them without taking the CC away. Hydroid is one of my favorite frames to play. I know that without removing the slamming or adding more damage, tentacle swarm will NEVER be used.

  14. I know that night time is supposed to be challenging. But lots of players, me included, want to have a challenge while getting those parts for those custom melee weapons. So please put some type of enemy level scaling in Plains of Eidolon, or at least an enemy level slider.

  15. On 7/10/2017 at 6:27 AM, Navarchus said:

    Yeah I entirely missed that post, thank you for pointing it out!
    He already has armour stripping as an augment so I feel having armour stripping as a 4 would make the augment irrelevant and need an overhaul, it would also build several hydroids existing builds which I'm avoiding in this thread.

    If they hold enemies at all times and never swing them, then it's the same as Rhino stomp/Nezhas spears though except much better range potential and more damage, not really fair or interesting. Maybe I could add to the list that if you shoot at the source puddle from where the tentacle emerges, it lets the enemy go so you can shoot it as it falls or when it's on the ground?

    Well, Hydroid's ult deals approximately NO real damage right now. Unless I missed something, your rework sadly does not solve that. So I suggest that tentacle swarm deals finisher damage instead of being stupid and dealing magnetic. This won't just make it another Ash ult, as it would deal less damage than it, but have better CC than it. A happy medium, if you will.

  16. To be honest, I don't think we need another exalted melee frame. There's quite enough of them as is, and this hydroid rework doesn't really seem as impactful as it should be. It doesn't fix his biggest problem (tentacle barrage makes enemies almost impossible to hit.) and just adds new abilities, which is a bad thing.

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