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Posts posted by sappinmahsentry

  1.         Aah, Machetes, Sparring weapons, Dual Swords, Scythes, Whips, and Pole-arms.  What did you ever do to deserve the most uncomfortable or just slow and boring stances?  Well, I think I have the solution for ya, how about we make more or just improve your stances?  Make them less finger breaking and more smooth? That sounds like a good idea! Hey, why not make a Muay Thai sparring stance?  Or make a rare machete stance that's actually worth something?  Maybe fix some frames on the dual sword stances and remap some keys.  Or how about adding something other than HOLD E COMBOES to polearms?  Maybe make scythes look like they actually have momentum, instead of just poofing right into the combo?



           Come on DE, we know you can do it. Make these neglected melees much more fun to use instead of the hard-to-do under pressure pause/hold comboes or the ugly looking animations we have. 

  2. The glaring issue with that video is that the story can't be corroborated. We don't know if the player who was warned had a history of abusive behavior towards others, we don't have chat logs of what was said, and we don't have access to the support tickets that were presumably submitted against the player. I would hazard a guess that the player mentioned in the video had a recurring problem with behavior towards others, because support does not immediately flat out ban users until the end of time if other users report them for bad behavior. It usually starts with an in-game warning, followed by a temporary suspension for a day or two, then a week, then it's forever.


    For all we know, the story could be the victim of over-exaggeration in order to redeem or exonerate otherwise rule violating actions.


    Also, in many other games, if you get banned, you lose all your progress and purchases--including Battlefield games, CS:GO, and DOTA, etc; and bans in CS:GO usually result in a VAC ban, meaning you get banned from ALL Valve games.


    Beyond that, if a player receives a warning from support in regards to in game behavior, that player should open a dialogue with support. Even if you don't receive a warning from support, you should immediately contact support if another player threatens you with a ban. As in, if someone in game tells you "Enjoy ban" while you're talking with them, screenshot the conversation and send in a support ticket.


    Best thing you can do is cover your own bases and have evidence to support your own defense. And also follow the rules. Following the rules is pretty crucial.

    Thanks, dogebrow.

  3. It's been more than a year since I've been playing warframe, and the most common updates were my favorites.  While there were bumps here and there (warfarm has been getting harder to farm), the updates like Second Dream, Parkour 2.0, and the great reworks of frames have been amazing.  The first month of 2016 is a good start, why with bringing new, better mods to melee (maiming strike thou') that allows them to get reliable crits and berserker buffs. the cool new Destreza Rapier, and the prime vault and many bugfixes (except for the ones that brought bugs instead of fixing them)/  This has been a pretty cool month. While it did have some bad things, it wasn't the worst thing that happened to warframe at all. I hope that things just improve from here on out...






    Or maybe I'm just not dramatic and salty enough anymore.


  4. Um...






    For those interested, the OP is suggesting adding tougher content and slowing down the rushing nature of the game. Making combat interactive and such.


    I think.

    At least OP types better than the people I live around speak.


    But really? Slowing down the game? Since when were space ninjas with space magic and dual wielded assault rifles ever slow? I would love tougher content, but making the game slower isn't the way to go.

  5. How would more exp from stronger guys encourage people to actually use the item they're ranking up? If the weapon can't kill the enemy, it's irrelevant how much affinity the enemy gives.


    I feel like using the weapon should be how you level it, and that seems to be what DE originally intended.

    Leveling a gun to where it can compete with a higher leveled enemy is easy. The weapon damn sure can kill the enemy if you start off with low level enemies and go to high leveled enemies.

  6. I don't see why the reload is a problem. You can shoot in the middle of reloading and still have some ammo gained. It's a shotgun that can actively fire and reload at the same time.


    If we had a total reload time of like 2 seconds, well then the nerf hammer would hit on it so hard.

    The problem is that we used to be able to load 8 bullets in less than 2 seconds, now it takes us more than double to do the same thing.

  7. It was a terrible design. Would be much better to have him be permanent with his inventory changing daily. Encourages visiting him every day and poor offerings wouldn't matter since they'd change in a day. And a new player joining game will have a chance to get all relevant items in a month or two.

    Didn't mean he had to be killed.

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