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Posts posted by Culaio

  1. 10 hours ago, 0bsi said:

    If that was the intention (and it wouldn't surprise me), then it's even more disgusting.

    Its extremly unlikely because this quest was in development for a LONG time, at least since early last year, we know that from last year AMA, it was in april of last year, someone asked during that AMA to make Stalker playable and DE response was: 

    "Currently, no, but if things go according to plan (fingers crossed) this won't be the last you see of Stalker in 2023, but what that actually means you'll find out at Tennocon (not PVP lol).

    - [DE]Rebecca"

    They eventually didnt reveal anything stalker related during the tennocon, but when they eventually announced Jade shadow this year during devstream they mentioned that they orginally planned to reveal it during tennocon but their plans changed(dont remember what though), so its without a question that Jade shadow was in develompent since at least april of last year.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2024-06-21 at 11:52 AM, Voltage said:

    This. I'm honestly not a fan of how many pity systems they keep adding, which erodes most of the value from several items.

    Are you seriously complaining about pity systems in this game ?

    Pity systems are good for this game because devs want you to have all the gear.


    Pity systems are good because they help you avoid extreme bad luck, while such bad luck is rare it does happen to everyone from time to time, here is one example of what happen to me, I was farming prime access and one rare part it taken me over 20 radshares, keep in mind with radshares you have 92.02% chance of getting part you want in 6 radshares, quiet high but thats almost 8 people in 100 who wouldnt get it in 6 runs, but you have 99.03% chance of getting it in 11 runs, thats still almost 1 in 100 who wouldnt get it in 11 runs, in 17 runs you have 99.92% chance of getting it but I still didnt get it... I get it eventually on my 22 or 23 run, keep in mind that at 21 run chance of getting it is 99.99% and I still didnt get it, chance of such bad luck is 0.01% and it still happen to me.

    Keep in mind rare shares have HIGH chance of droping something, imagine being within 0.01% for something that actually has low chance of droping, like things from the new mission to be within 0.01% you would have to do 175 runs  without getting part you want

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

    The fact alone that so many people are complaining about it is a sign that something is extremely wrong here. Or how many complaints were there about Grendel or Styanax nipples?

    There are always some people complaining, including about those frames, there were people complaining about octavia frame not fitting with the game theme and so on.

    • Like 3
  4. 3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Jade dies by getting 100% disintegrated. Hunhow gives us the main blueprint that he has managed to create, that is the blueprint of Jade only. Saying it is probably what Jade would have wanted.

    The baby just happened to grow in her Jade Light chamber. Which isnt exactly odd, since the Jade Light is both a source of life and destruction. And since she was pregnant when she turned into a frame it somehow grew inside her for an abnormally long time i.e 1000+ years instead of 9 months.


    I am assuming that she isnt pregnant but there is some evidence that she may be, the light the chamber is moving like its alive when she touches her belly, another evidence is the fact that she has two aura slots, and from the beginning it was implied that second slot represents her baby...

    I dont think that DE expected that community would look that deeply into this, many things in this game exist to represent some visual themes even if they dont make sense, but they are there to look cool.

    So I assume that Jade is supposed to visually represent theme of pregnancy(and also angel), but we arent supposed to feel like we are literally a pregnant character who constantly puts itself and its baby at risk for dying from fire, corrosion, toxins, radiation and more.

    • Like 3
  5. On 2024-06-20 at 6:16 PM, Loza03 said:

    However, it does potentially point to the idea that conscious Warframes maybe should be considered as a separate species or group, potentially with their own rights, and one nearing extinction. Could be an interesting plot thread, should DE choose to

    Interesting fact, in the orginal script for war within quest, there was mention of name for warframes that are acting on their own: "Umbra", yes "Umbra" was supposed to orginally show up in war within quest, Ballas too was supposed to be mentioned. 

    here is part of orginal script: 


    "Pupil! We have to go! NOW!"


    "Teshin, what was that? What is Umbra?"



    "A fury untamed by Tenno control. A rogue Warframe."



    "How is that possible?"


    "It is beyond me. Focus on the now. We must escape. Your life depends on it!"


    Going by this classification, Stalker, Jade, Dante and probably some other waframes could be considered Umbra frames(well it doesnt apply to Jade and Dante we build since they no longer can act on their own). its very likely though that this is no longer canon.  

    • Like 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    Because this quest is literally a twitch-chat meme, where someone asked DE: "Can warframes get pregnant?". I'm not joking, this happened once during a Devstream (or was it DevShorts?). However, nobody thought they would ACTUALLY act on it though... let alone make a quest about it.

    But yeah. That's the quality of quest writing we get now, sorry. Nothing was lost, nothing achieved, nothing changed. Stalker's status as - well - our stalker included... It hasn't changed. It's literally a waste of time.

    Its actually oposite, during interview recently Rebecca confirmed that Steve almost spoiled quest before, she of course didnt say when it was but she said that once we play quest people will understand, well we now know she was referencing that stream where people asked if warframes can get pregnant, if you dont believe she meant this, during that stream Pablo actually acidently confirmed we would be getting pregnant warframe, because Pablo in reference to that question said: "Spoilers"

    So Jade was in development before people asked if warframes can get pregnant : )

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Waizard13 said:

    Played all nodes and here is my feedback:

    - Completely separating the railjack portion from the frame portion of the missions was a very bad decision. Specially in missions like defense, which take forever to do and have a map far to big. Allowing the option to "lock" the railjack in case all crew-members enter would be fine, but forcing the whole crew to enter the airlock is dumb and actually makes players try to skip the railjack part. In grinner missions before update there was no problem in separating the crew to fulfill multiple objectives, corpus missions should be the same.

    The  thing is that I understand why they did it, people hate defense mission if I had an option to not doing I would stay on railjack, imagine whole team deciding to stay on railjack because everyone hate it which would make finishing impossible, that would most likely lead to host threatening to leave if someone doesnt go, host would always be the one who gets to have fun doing space combat in space combat game mode.

    As I mentioned before ground part of mission is too long, there is more walking(well parkour) then actually action.

    Railjack game mode should be always first and foremostly focused on engaging space combat.

    I am not against whole team going into ground part of mission but it has to be done better, like more to do in space than its currently, then ground section of mission that is shorter then currently and then another section of mission in space.


    There shouldnt be any defense  type missons  ground missions in railjack(anythiing that is about players spending most of time waiting is bad), that destroys flow of mission, volatile on other hand is pretty good, its pretty engaging for players.

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  8. Railjack become too focus on ground missions, litereally majority of mission is spend on the ground, space combat become afterthought in game mode that was supposed to be FOCUSED on space combat.

    Ground part of the mission is unnecessarily long(ships are too big inside), some of side objectives spawn group of enemies to kill but the problem is that enemies can spawn almost 500m away from each other so you keep running back and forth over very long distance while barely doing anything.


    Focus of railjack rework should been making space combat engaging. give a lot to do for each member of the crew, make team work together to win. Make everyone in the team important(pilot, gunners, ship engineer).

    • Like 11
  9. On 2021-03-15 at 8:49 PM, Scruffel said:

    Well they accepted the V3 of that skin, not only because it's the most recent version that was actually submitted, but the old and outdated versions were already denied by DE. They were simply not considered, and can't just be reused as new submissions without changes; which is what the V3 technically is.

    I know but thats my point why DE had problem with better looking skins and selected the worst one.

  10. railjack become TOO solo focused, when you are on well geared railjack pilot will pretty much solo all enemies, rest of team is pretty much left with side objectives, if there are any, if there arent you are left with nothing to do, DE ruined co-op aspect of gamemode that was supposed about crew of players working together managing the ship to defeat enemies, either changes course of this game mode how it was supposed to be or DE needs to scrap idea of players working together on ONE ship, and give each player seperate ship. Currently railjack is as fun as playing ground missions where EACH mission ONE player brings frame that kills everything before rest of team can do anything(like old mesa)

    • Like 3
  11. On 2020-05-06 at 5:48 PM, Wearbe said:

    Once the intrinsic is unlocked that makes 360 visibility possible, that problem of sick side-gunners mostly goes away as side gunners can "face forward".

    having 360 visibility doesnt help when you are focused on aiming at enemy when pilot decides to do quick turn that still affects you, you are focused on what is in front of you while you feel like you are pulled to the side.

  12. 12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    If you get motion sick on a turret, nothing can fix that for you. It's free movement in 3D space, and you have an intrinsic that removes all points of reference on the ship itself. Your "solution" is IDIOTIC. If people get motion sick playing a game, then that's their problem. It can't even be fixed in many cases. There are some things that can be done for some people, like making an "anchor point" for the eyes in the center of the screen, such as a crosshair, but that's already there in Railjack. But to say "I get sick in a 3D spaceflight game, so everyone should stop moving so fast" is exactly as dumb as a seasick passenger demanding the captain stop the ship and let him off.

    There is problem with what you are saying, I dont have motion sickness, I played a S#&$ ton of combat flight/space combat simulators both with realistic movement and more arcade-y movement and nothing ever made me feel sick, hell I was one of players asking for  6DoF(Six degrees of freedom) for archwing, when experimental flight for archwing in settings was thing I always had it on, sometimes when I was doing bounties on plains I was flying around upside down for fun to see if I wil lbe able to reach target without crashing into tree or ground. Nothing of that ever made me feel sick, yet railjack does when makes very tight turn when I am in gunner position. Thats not problem with me, its problem with railjack gamde mode.

    12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    And yes, if you remove too much pilot power, you will kill solo play.

    what a meaningless to say, you litereally provided NO counter arguments to my examples of using auto-turret mod or NPC'S to shot enemies for solo play.

    12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    And if it was always so easy, did you speak up against the changes to make it easier? Where were you when everyone was complaining about how "hard" railjack was and how "weak" it felt? And yes, I seemingly understand Railjack better than pretty much any player I've ever played with, or seen play elsewhere. Seriously, it's something else. I'm not some expert gamer, I get wrecked in competitive games, and I'm no genius at figuring out game mechanics in general, but holy crap, it really seems no one understands how to play Railjack properly. As I detailed in my original comment, I strongly suspect that the handful of Warframe content creators that put out total baloney on Railjack early on put an bee in everyone's bonnet and essentially made them unable to figure it out on their own.

    first thing, I was waiting to see changes its stupid to judge changes before experiancing them for yourself. Second thing, the nerfs to enemies didnt atually had impact on problem I was talking about, pilot before could instantly wipe enemies and pilot still wipes instantly enemies.


    Its pretty arrogant of you to think that only YOU know best, maybe you should look better at yourself, maybe you will realize that you are the problem not everyone else...

    12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    Also, what the heck is with this statement?

    "Alternative to removal of pilot weapons would be to disconnect movement direction from aim of pilot wepaons(like wasd for direction and mouse to aim), in that case removal of weapons wouldnt be needed, thought it would take a bit to re-learn how to fly railjack."

    It's already like that! I can move in any direction and aim in any direction! The only way the mouse affects the movement is if you just hold one direction, like forward, and then aim around to steer. And I'd like to see how you would have us steer if the mouse can no longer control our direction.

    Dude, do you even play railjack ? its NOT like that at all, if you move mouse slighty to left or right as a pilot ship will slowly turn left or right, if you you move mouse toward border of screen ship will turn faster and until you move mouse back your ship wont stop turning.

    disconnecting movement direction from aim means that you could move mouse all around your screen and ship wouldnt turn ever, you would be able to aim at anything on your screen without moving ship in any direction and to change direction of ship you would have to use keyboard.

    12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    Bottom line is this--you suggesting removing pilot power is going exactly against what seemingly everyone wanted. Nobody want's the ship to be slower. Nobody wants them to be weaker. Nobody wants them to be clunkier. That's just you, because you forgot to take a Dramamine. I get it, getting motion sick sucks, but demanding the entire game to slow down because you can't handle it is ridiculous. 

    Where did I say slower ship ? I mentioned only slower turning, thats not same thing, in real life there are many fast planes that have slower turning..

  13. 17 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    If you over-nerf the power the pilot has, you effectively kill solo play, which is a terrible, terrible idea. I honestly can't find a single thing you talked about that I agree with. Remove the ability to make tight turns? Remove pilot weapons? What? What dreadful ideas. Also, have you forgotten than gunners can use the railjack abilities, like the newly buffed Seeker Swarm, or Void Hole, or Munitions Vortex? Also, have you forgotten that you don't need to just sit on the Railjack and complain that it is "boring"? You can go out in archwing and fight everything directly with the newly buffed and properly scaling archwing weapons.

    You do realize its possible to  nerf power of pilot without killing solo play right ?  Orginally when asked about solo play DE given possibilties like auto-turret mod  for rrailjack or NPC doing gunner roles and thats how you can keep solo play viable without giving pilot too much power.

    You say all those ideas are bad so tell me HOW are you going to prevent gunners from feeling sick ? because its unacceptable that pilot can make gunners feel sick when he is chassing enemies. 

    I only mentioned possibility of removing weapons from pilot because to prevent gunners from feeling sick ability to make quick/tight turns will most likely need to be nerfed, this in turn would impact pilot ability to aim his weapons. Alternative to removal of pilot weapons would be to disconnect movement direction from aim of pilot wepaons(like wasd for direction and mouse to aim), in that case removal of weapons wouldnt be needed, thought it would take a bit to re-learn how to fly railjack.

    You are correct that gunners can use abilities but its pilot who control where railjack is going and he is always first one who has opurtunity to use ship abilities since he is on front of ship.

    I would fight with archwing if you know pilot already didnt wipe everything soon after it spawned...archwing cant compete with railjack abilities that can wipe 10+ enemies in instant.


    17 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    Also, here we go, exactly as I predicted, people are now complaining that it's too easy, the pilot wipes everything too fast, no challenge, yada yada yada. Now made even easier with the recent and much demanded changes of hugely nerfing enemies. This community--I swear, so many of you all dropped your brains out the holes in your heads with Railjack. Schizophrenic, inconsistent, and oxymoronic complaints about things you don't even understand how they work.

    You seem to have misunderstood me, I am not complaining that its too easy now, pilot was able to wipe all enemies in well geared railjack from the beginning, I played a LOT of railjack game mode, I experianced both railjacks that were extremly fragile and railjacks that  nothing could take down where pilot soloed pretty much whole run(except for other objcetives), railjacks with very best gear, where every time he used ship abiltiies 10+ enemies died instantly.

    17 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    Like I said in my first comment; DE has made a lot of mistakes, and community feedback is normally fairly solid, so they would do well to listen to it more. But not Railjack. The community has lost its collective mind over it, and is just objectively wrong about so much concerning it. 

    But YOU know whats best for railjack...

    • Like 1
  14. 20 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

    I feel like I must be the only person on earth who actually likes Railjack.

    Quite literally every single complaint you voiced is a problem with the main game too, and even more so in many ways. If anything, the basic Railjack gameplay loop is more fun to me than the main game. It pretty organically involves every aspect of Warframe in a connected fashion: ground, archwing, and space. It's visually gorgeous. It's actually pretty well paced, in my opinion, and is far less of a 1-dimensional meatgrinder than the regular game is. Perhaps it's my Elite: Dangerous experience talking here, but the space combat is actually pretty well designed in Railjack missions.

    I believe there are two main reasons a lot of people are saying various negative things about railjack:

    1. They don't have one, or have a very, very basic one without good intrinsics or avionics, so it feels bad--kinda like the normal game does before you have good mods. Just sayin', a lot of you have forgotten what a drag it is to be a beginning player without basic mods. Remember the Grendel missions? Yeah...that's what it's like. This could be a valid criticism if it weren't for the hypocrisy involved, e.g., forgetting that the entire game is like this.

    2. Several big youtube content creators have put out utterly bogus, factually incorrect, and downright moronic information about Railjack, beyond just their own opinions. Things like "Railjack feels so slow" (bruh, do you even drift??), and "I'm always on fire" (like how? How are you flying so badly that you're getting hit all the time?), "Enemies are so tanky/my guns are garbage" (you mean like every enemy and every gun in the game is before you properly upgrade? See above). And like a hive mind, the community has latched on and made those opinions their own without even learning how to Railjack properly themselves. I've watched these youtubers play, and it astounds me how bad they are at it, considering they have thousands of hours in the game. This is further reinforced every time I do a pub mission in railjack, or when someone else hosts and wants to fly their own ship. It sounds so arrogant to say, but I legitimately begin to wonder if I'm the only person who knows how to properly fly the thing (I'm not, I at least know my clannie is a great pilot as well, maybe even better than me). Ramming themselves up the anus of a CS for no reason, never drifting, just slowly turning around like the thing is a walrus on land trying to catch dragonflies, then acting all surprised when they take tons of damage and their ship is on fire, followed by going to the forums and complaining about railjack.

    Now, there are valid criticisms of Railjack, for sure. Bugs are a big one, and by the void, they were awful at the beginning, but significantly less so now. Progression is completely borked--the best strategy is to completely skip mk1 and mk2 stuff and just hitchhike to the veil to get mk3 stuff, because costs are so prohibitive that you just can't be wasting resources building subpar equipment. Intrinsics are a pretty crazy grind, and several things that should be default are locked behind intrinsic skills, like dodging or boosting (what the heck, DE? should bullet jumping be MR locked or something?), making basic things in the forges, or even using the basic equipment in the railjack, like the artillery or the archwing slingshot. RNG equipment used to be a huge problem, but with the changes to it, and the addition of valence transferring, it's mostly moot now. Costs are still rather high, even with titanium and asterite drops being tripled. Amesha being the only valid archwing to the point of the others being totally unusable was also a problem, but again, some of that has been rectified in the recent changes. Amesha is still by far the best choice.

    There are also invalid criticisms of Railjack; "Railjacks feel so slow"--because you have no idea how to drift, and how utterly bonkers your mobility is while in drift. You can quite literally fly circles around everything--I can trace a 1000m radius circle around a CS faster than it can turn and look at me. I can instantly leave all fighters in the dust and give myself a full 30 seconds of space between me and them to do repairs, forging, etc. I can quick burn tens of thousands of meters from one objective to the next in seconds. I can make the thing dance while in drift. Oddly enough, and contrary to popular opinion, Railjack mobility was nerfed in Railjack revisited, because you use your boost meter twice as fast, dramatically limiting your drifting potential. "I'm always putting out fires/dealing with boarding parties/everything is overwhelming"--because again, you have no idea how to fly. Even before the changes, I would solo veil missions all day, and maybe deal with one fire and one hull breach, neither of which did a darn thing anyway. I rarely even took enough damage to matter, because I could kill everything fast enough, and move fast enough to get out of the way of most damage. NOW? It's almost stupidly trivial. In the dozens and dozens of missions I've done since the update (the vast majority solo), I can count the total number of hazards I've had to repair on my ship on two hands. AND MOST OF THEM ARE BECAUSE A RAMSLED HIT MY SHIP WHILE I WAS IN A POI. Fighters get swatted so fast the second crewship doesn't even have time to spawn before I've killed the required number of them. It's so fast now it's a joke.

    DE has done a lot of dumb in the past, and there are TONS of problems with warframe, and most of them would be at least improved if they listened more to the community. But not on this. Railjack has been the one big thing I have sided with DE on against the community. I've never seen the community be so wrong about things before, and I'm not just talking opinions here--I'm talking about the community being very ignorant of how a game mode works, and how to play it.

    TL;DR Railjack is much better than most people say it is, because most people don't have a clue how to play it. Long essay over. 

    There is plenty of people who are neither of those who have good reason to criticise railjack, for example me, I spend quite a bit of time with railjack(all avionics, maxed out all intrinsic, and most of gear in max bonus), also I genereally criticise stuff others people dont, like for example I have problem with the fact that when railjack pilot does tight turns it makes people doing gunner role feel sick DE should nerf railjack ability to make tight turns to prevent that from happening, though that could negativly effect pilot ability to shot with weapons he has so maybe they should remove those weapons completly, pilot in the first place shouldnt chase enemies like they do currently.


    DE should also give more to do for the person doing engineer role on the ship, player doing this role already had barely anything to do and last time I heard Scott planned to make this role even more meaningless by nerfing amount of fires, not sure if that change went live, because all the ships in was one were very well geared so enemy didnt had much opurtunity to damage it. DE needs to give MORE to do for player doing engineer role, not less, being fourth player on the railjack is very boring.


    DE should also nerf power pilot has in his hands, ther is currently too much power centralized in hand of pilot, many times I was on very well geared railjacks where everyone but pilot had nothing to do(other then maybe other objectives) because pilot was wiping all enemies alone before gunners could even shot them(and since they were wiped so fast, enemy didnt had chance to damage or board the ship), rest of team with exception of guy doing other objetives were standing by the pilot bored, pilot wiped all enemies before guy finished doing other objective.



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  15. On 2020-05-02 at 2:07 PM, ProjectPeachy said:

    I love it. I just love it. Like the old Guns of Icarus, I got my crew, they know what they're doing, I know what I'm doing, and I get the big seat.
    I think a lot of people think that railjack could have been better based on their own imagination of the initial spoilers. Your own faults, don't expect so much, you're entitled to nothing, they owe you nothing and they did great on it.

    Its nowhere near as good as guns of icarus or other games of that type though its simply too fast paced for that and pilot has too much power in his hands, you know there is a problem when in well geared railjack pilot can wipe all enemies before gunners can, there were times when I was in team where pilot wiped all enemies alone before one guy from our crew reached one of objectives, rest of crew did nothing because there was nothing left for us to do, we were just standing there bored, since pilot killed everything before gunners could shot anything and in the process he prevented ship from being damaged/boarded.

    Also in general person who is supposed to be space engineer has nothing to do because there is very little to do for fourth player on the ship unless its not geared ship.

  16. There was thread created  by @Raskol in november of 2019 talking about what element bonus is best for each kuva weapon and whatever its better to have high or low bonus(in some rare cases it was actually better to have low bonus to maximize weapon potential), here is link to the thread:

    So I was wondering if anyone knows how recent changes to status including removal of IPS weightening affected what are currently best elements for each kuva weapon, including whatever its better to have high or low bonus. Also since that thread was pretty old it didnt include what are best elements for kuva nukor, hind and bramma so I am also interested about best elelemtns for them too.

  17. I hope DE scraps Shedu and returns sentient arm cannon to what it was supposed to be, what was promised  to us: procedurally generated super weapon, yes it was supposed to be procedurally generated, and I mean its appearance orginal concept shown multiple different versions we could end up with.

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  18. -True sentient arm cannon when ? I mean shedu is neither procedurally generated nor a super weapon like sentient arm cannon was supposed to be, it was also supposed to be connected to some special sentient enemy.

    -When will we get Alchemy system that was supposed to use infested chair room ?

    -Since orbiter got redesigned recently, any chance we will see in near future the docking animation of landing ship with orbiter, also is there a chance we will be able to finally see orbtier in its full glory ?

    -Any chance we will be able to dock landing ship and/or orbiter in the dry dock ?

    -Any chance you will add in the future more different crew ships(in style of railjack) into game, that have different stats(like being more focused on attack or defence, or having greater speed/maneuverability or maybe being more focused on gathering resources) ?

    --If we get more ships in the future is there any chance we will get different class of ships ? like for example both smaller and bigger space ships, like 1-2 space fighters or larger space cruiser(maybe with 8 player crew for somekind of space raid, if not then some systems could be automated)

    • Like 2
  19. 5 hours ago, hendrix923 said:

    Hello. I did the missions maybe a week or two after Grendel was released.  I used the Hall of Malevolence augment and Ignis W.  Remember it being really really easy. If that has been nerfed then I’m sorry 😞

    I have a lot of hours in WF and before I used Mirage I was having a hard time with the missions so I feel ur pain!  If I could I would just give u my Grendel (on my trash frame list currently). 

    Dont worry I did get Grendel eventually, didnt do it solo though, did it with group with very competent players : )

    Reason why I told you about my experiances was to show you how far DE went to block the exploit, they didnt fix the exploit  instead DE completly broken frame making it unusable in the those missions.

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  20. On 2020-03-04 at 9:00 PM, hendrix923 said:

    I did all the missions solo with Mirage and her damage augment and the ignis maybe. Super easy but damn I hate the frame.  

    you must have done it pretty early then because when I tried to do it with mirage DE seem to have intentionally completly break mirage in all grendel  missions, how so ? mirage clones didnt move AT ALL from place they were spawned, and also spawning them made ALL mirage abiltiies unusable, also made it impossible to interact with terminals or anything else.

    not sure if its still like that but I did grendel mission long after  grendel was added to game, maybe DE changed it again eventually but that was my experiance I even posted this in bug section, I had also other people confirming it.

    This problem was ONLY happening in grendel missions, mirage was working perfectly fine everywhere else, so this seems to confirm that DE "fixed" exploit breaking frame used for the exploit

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  21. On 2020-02-28 at 9:51 AM, OMG_EV_DO_SOmEthing said:

    Just add a real end game... i mean we already got weak and squishy bosses such as eidolons (Which are boring af btw cuz u can just one shot their parts with godly rivens)


    Can there be added some real end game raid bosses with very good rewards ? Like the caliber of where you need a team full of people with god riven weapons and fully min maxed builds / warframes to have a decent chance of completing it...


    Bla bla new players wont be able to play it yada yada... So what ??? end game isnt meant for new players its meant for filthy rich veterans who are bored of their mind trading 24/7 cause there is literaly nothing to do in this game besides sit in trade chat all day reselling and doing fashion.


    With that alot of us bored af full time traders will finnaly have some god damn use for our large riven collection to try them on actually challenging bosses


    and would give another real source of plat income besides reselling in trade chat.


    This game really lacks any sort of end game. Stop adding noob friendly content ... and yes liches are noob friendly to they melt really fast and are extermly easy to cheese if you pick something like rhino and shot them a few times in the head with a sniper or a melee 

    I Dont mind much harder game mode needing to have top gear but balancing around rivens is utterly UNACCEPTABLE, that would push warframe into pay to win category and thats something majority of players do NOT want to see, I would rather see this game die then become game that rewards players who throw most money at it(people who throw most real money would get the best rivens while normal people would have to depend on luck)

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