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Posts posted by Djego27

  1. You can punch through L100 with a fully heat modded weapon on Ember, like the vhek or rakta cernos or lots of others that I do not use that often. Same as I can do with other frames with that weapons where you simply add viral or corrosive for scaling.

    The boar prime is a very good weapon, it is just happens to not come in the form of 50k damage each shot like the Tigris prime and requires the player to actually know how status shotguns work(what they don't for the vast majority of the player base) why it does scale better then other shotguns, even with all the disadvantages on it, different to the Tigris prime where DE just slapped a 30% status chance on it after higher damage for no good reason. The reason I did not use it the last 2 years is simply a change from 40% base status to 30% in the shotgun "buff" as a trade off for 10% more dps and 5 more rounds in the magazine with a longer reload while the weapon purely scales over status.

    I do not play the emotional card, because this is actually what my disability prevents me to do. Why do you believe I would not know what standard divination is? What do you think you imply mathematical with a edge case? Since you probably not know, it is simply min and max of a function while also stating that my feedback should be ignored, what eliminates the max since this would lead to the conclusion that my input would be more valuable then others, therefore by the process of elimination you actually express that my opinion should be ignored because it has such a low value. That is nearly as cute as a guy in a documentary about another autist I seen once that did give his wife 3 mathematical functions when she asked him how much he does love her. The woman was incredible confused of how this could be a answer to her emotional related question. Then the man did sit down, did grab a piece of paper and did draw the functions and explained it to his wife that has like most people issues to visualize a mathematical function in her mind. The reason why people use visual calculators that do that, while I was the only person of 60 in higher math or one of the 12 that did electronic engineering II(part one had a 80% failure rate, of people that are very intelligent and do study), where you use complex numbers instead of real ones, at the university with that http://ernst.mulder.com/calculators/casio-fx82super-index.html. The first one was a quick rising with a quick fall one, expressing his excitement meeting her first, the 2. one was a lower rising slower falling one, describing the time it takes learning more about each other and the last one a non linear rising one, describing his feeling that he appreciate her as a person more and more as time moved on. This is probably a incredible weird yet logical example of how you approach a purely emotional question as a person that does not know how to do that with math(what the person does know very well and you will find nothing more clearly defined on the planet, where infinity, impossibility and even not solvable are all common and clearly defined states till somebody solves it or redefines the impossible in a clearly defined logical way better then a person before it), compared to a neurology normal person that would just say "I love you."

    While my electronic engineering professor was universal hated by nearly ever student, because he liked to showcase how dumb we are actually(to a point where he suggested to one of my room mates that he is to stupid to be in his class and should stop to study, after enjoying to watch him fail at a mathematical problem for 10 minutes in front of the hole class, that he solved for him in 20s, since he cached him sleeping in class). I actually did take every single one of his classes and always look up to him, because I never since did meet a person that was so rational, tame and just so mind blowing better then you at complex thinking where your talent at rational thinking compared to your disability of relating to emotional driven one just looked like another disability, because it was so incredible bad in comparison.

    A riven on a status weapon works not like "uhm it should have damage, crit and crit multiplier or multishot"(what makes most old weapons that relay on damage stats still worse then newer ones without a riven on it), it only significantly changes the weapon if you know exactly what you need and how this will change your weapon that scales not really with damage but status effects. You only need a 60% status mod that does not also has cold(what a lot of my rolls had) because it is terrible with a corrosive/blast given that the knock down combined with high spread vastly reduces the low base damage even more as far as hitting multiple targets with as much pellets as possible and that it does not work on a frame that scales not all damage but only fire. You do not need the 160%+ extra base damage(I had a status + electric roll that worked even better at higher levels because it changes the proc weighting) and status duration is also not required, given that you do not get the damage scaling by dots, it does not need more CC and corrosive is a instant proc, not modified in power by duration.

    The reason you have to hit 100% status with a shotgun(before multi shot) is a bug in the status chance calculation that turns 1 pellet to be a guaranteed proc into all pellets being guaranteed procs, making status shotguns the most powerful status weapons in the game when it comes to stack stuff like corrosive procs, while they are fairly weak for stuff like dots, given that the dot scaled with the damage of the pellet(where slash proc from a dread in return is very powerful). Multi shot does not affect this, it just creates more pellets and has no other influence on the mechanic other then just providing more proc/s and making shots more consistent(given the 9 pellets of the boar prime can actually all miss a man sized target at 20m range, given the massive spread).

    Nobody seriously uses nano applicator, if you want to know why just play with it a 1h solo survival zoomed in a using a ability every few seconds, it is terrible as any mod DE tries to sell as a status band aid outside of conditional overload or weeping wounds that is just as bad as blood rush. 

    As I told you before you do not need to use status on your "status" weapon because it is very strong with crit alone. The ak stilleto would be perfectly fine without the crit, less status or fire rate. You do not have to trust my judgement, just get a braton prime and play with a actual status weapon with a base damage of 35 per bullet for 1h+ in the void(where the gun is actually fairly good compared to a soma prime, because it uses a lot less damage and actual status instead of crit) and compare both.

  2. You can do the same thing with just top end weapons using simply heat scaling mechanics in stuff like L100 sorti what is basically low level, status Ember like I play it is incredible old school form a time long ago where it did actually outperform nearly everything in the game while being considered as useless since even WoF was kind of meh.

    Rivens are incredible bad, I actually agree with that.

    Without my boar prime and a riven I would just use something else, same as I did the last 2 years, that does not need rivens and is even more powerful, because balance is next to non existent in the game.

    The reason why you will never find a god roll boar riven in trade chat is that the person that rolls it would need the same understanding about the weapon as the person that buys it to judge the value what is impossible given the low amount of users(it got the max amount of riven scaling for that reason), while it is not even that powerful given that other weapons can pull it off without rivens.

    As for the edge case, like I am explained in another topic, it is not really something I chose to be, it is just what I end up to be for the rest of my life because I am that 2% that does not share any common nominator with the 2% or anybody else on the planet. The boar prime at face value and without the 40% status however is incredible bad, adding damage to it does not really matter much, because you only add damage to a weapon where damage does not matter(it would be like crit modding my 2.5% crit mara detron).

  3. On 2.5.2017 at 0:56 AM, Almagnus1 said:


    Do you know the chance of getting a useful boar riven in trade chat? It is zero, because sellers as well as buyers do not know the weapon. This is why people try to sell crit/damage rolls and people actually pay incredible high amounts of plat for that. A riven on a status weapon is like a massive space for possible solutions, in the meaning that my electric + status roll I used before actually did scale a bit better at very high levels, simply because it improves the corrosive proc rate, while my current roll makes it a bit more of a general shotgun that you can use to blow through lower levels similar as other shotguns with less ammo issues by the added base damage.

    As for the boar prime, it is actually a balanced weapon, it had the 40% status before the shotgun rework(where it was undeniable one of the strongest weapons in the game that nobody used, because it is not a OP weapon that one shot kills stuff even at low levels, it simply just happens to scale incredible linear by the way it works with status) and you can do the same with top end shotguns on Ember by "yeah lets just scale up base damage". It also does not one hit kills the star map different to the akstiletto prime if you do just add some crit mods.

    I did not make a shotgun version of the akstilleto prime, I made the status shotgun I used before the shotgun rework 2 years ago and I know that the akstilletto is still better, same as the staticor, this is not because the boar prime is bad once you emulate the 40% base status it used to have with a riven, it is a very capable high level weapon that will out scale nearly any other option in the game vs armor, it is just that the current base damage and crit weapons will just outperform it in L100 what is sortis because they are just to powerful to create any resistance at this level while DE and status weapons is just 100% hit and miss when it comes to balance. The boar prime is not a good choice vs infested or corpus, because it does not maintain it's scalability there and is just a low damage shotgun, with the worst range, the worst ammo economy and the biggest spread of any shotgun available, while a vhek will just perform against any faction up to sorti levels plain better.

    As for fire damage it is already in a good spot. You can combine it with viral and corrosive for incredible good scaling on most weapons, even with radiation and viral/corrosive at the same time on a hand full of weapons in the game(what can make a mara detron at a 50% base damage cost the preferable option compared to brakk for me, because I use my mara detron every day and next to never use a brakk) where it is more then just good but makes the staticor just the old tonkor of status weapons, with the difference that status weapons do not have real fatigue at high levels, they just need a bit more ammo what is not a big deal on the staticor, given that it is unreasonable ammo efficient as well if you compare it to a boar prime that needs 1 ammo restore every 2 minutes at high levels.

    Edit: I love the boar prime any single advantage and flaw on it, since years, because it is the most plausible and balanced shotgun DE ever released and miles above a Trigris prime from a design point of view, since it does not require incredible high damage(it did less damage at point blank with no pellets missing then a boltor prime), it does not require reducing the flaws of the weapon, it does not require that a prime weapon necessarily outperform other options at lower levels. Similar as the Latron Prime it just scales better at high levels. It is the pinnacle of shotgun balance, unintentional by a bug in status calculation what just did hit the spot, what never did flourish with weapons in it's class after it and redefined shoguns as a weapon class long before one shooting the hole star map with a shotgun.

  4. I did not not test healing return on it, given that you need a high up front healing form R1 Life strike on frames like Ember after stacking accelerant and heat damage(like instant full heals) at higher levels to keep going(my kubrow actually died by toxin dots even with that at L100 ish vs Infested in a solo survival) by the lack of EHP. My guess would be no, given that life strike is also not working for a while now on throws, what it is fairly disappointing given that it is my most used melee for the reason that it was very good at it without melee counter or berserker spin up time given that you had the room to utilize channelling damage mods to hit hard from 0 melee counter. 

    I can give healing return and the Halikur a try later.

    The change where somewhere in the U20 update it increased status change what makes it much more powerful with condition overload and as status weapon, I think it also was not in the patch notes. It is fairly close to the prisma dual cleavers now, given that you do not have to use crit mods and can push attack speed even higher actually a bit better for status a bit worse for dps, what is in case of Ember and corrosive/heat modding actually a very good deal. In combination with attack rate provided by berserker(I went dual heat mods against non armored targets what works a bit better on Ember) and primed fury, slight damage buff and guaranteed slash proc on throw(what is actually strong enught to kill a stuff in grenier L100 sortis in 2 throws with Loki and invisibility).  However it would be far more interesting if it would work on the AOE explosion and using the status modding on the weapon to get some AOE fire procs with it on Ember.


  5. On 1.5.2017 at 4:12 PM, Xekrin said:

    You forgot nova's MP, mirage, rhino and banshee, if not more.  Pretty much any weapon or damage type can shine with the right combination of perfect shots, abilities and mods all working in concert.

    With enough effort behind me I can use gas damage and Saryn against armored grineer/corrupted to amazing effect while gas alone is essentially useless against armor unless you rely on finisher damage with melee.

    It is just what you can use on your own or on a fire based frame like Ember. With mprime, roar and sonar you could buff it further, however you for the most part only need one buff to really make it powerful enught to blow through sortis.

    Gas works very good on Saryn vs armored grenier, it is the far better option then toxic even at sorti levels, given that stuff dies to quick anyway and the gas proc gives you another 5m of reach on your AOE weapons compared to toxin.


    This is what levelling a primed reach status modded gas mios with Saryn in a syndicate L35 grenier interception looks like, the Ember even given up on WoF and you can not even keep up a melee counter like this, since you simply non stop run out of targets on the hole map, similar as you had issues with that on Drako back in the days. :awkward:

    Fully solo melee build for L100+, however you use corrosive against armor for the procs(because it is the highest scaling defence), given the range and duration on spore is not that great in a melee build and your 3 adds the toxic you need for spore anyway.

    On 1.5.2017 at 4:12 PM, Xekrin said:

    Heat by itself is nothing more than CC in most cases and my personal opinion is that is a sad place for something as destructive as fire to be.

    Hell, what I'm proposing actually increases the CC of it exponentially, making it scale without the need for certain weapons or specific frame combinations.  Somehow that's a bad thing?

    Well it already does more damage then electric and cold with the dot. Increasing the CC component would just make it plain better then cold(that could need a mini ice wave impedance of like 5m around the proc to work as reliable with any weapon as it does with stuff like the Torid) and electric. It also does bonus damage to all kinds of flesh, the reason why corrosive/heat works universal great in the void and is often the preferred modding.



    This is what you can do with heat damage, status and a shotgun that most people complain about that it does not have the crit, the damage, to little range and to much spread and next to everybody consider useless next to her Tigris prime(while you can kill that L97 bombard in 1.5s, it would kill a L200 bombard in the same 1.5s, similar to any weapon where you line up status and heat damage correctly, since it will scale incredible linear), on a frame that nobody wants to solo with at high levels because apparently it is heat based and has massive issues with damage at higher levels. I for myself with Ember do not even realize the difference between kuva flood and normal because outside the amount of kuva and getting one hit killed occasionally in the L100 version there is non if your really utilize heat to the full potential. :shocked:

    This is not because heat is incredible overpowered to everything else, but because it scales incredible well once you remove the issue that it does not scale well vs various defences by removing that defences with status(running around with a 500% damage buff on your frame all the time might also help).  Also yes, it is a solo extra armor L100 sorti survival done with Ember. :scared:

    Then again take this with some grain of salt since last time I pointed out a bug with the armor bonus from the moa swarms not getting removed while soloing 1500 L100 sorti excavation with Ember people pointed out how bad a radiation base damage weapon is for a secondary only sorti vs infested, and it resulted in me going 1.5 pages why mathematically it is plain superior then other options on Ember, while the funny thing is that I only noticed a 90%+ damage reduction because I never deal with that, given that I actually main a heat based frame that is perceived as weak and pointless at higher levels by nearly everybody that plays it.

    Edit: Heat damage on it's own is not less or more powerful then other alternatives, it is just more effective at lower levels before the defences catch up, perceived as weak at higher levels with the defences in place and superior to other options once you reduce or remove that defences. This is the reason why incredible high damage frames such as Ember are perceived weak at higher levels, because different to saryn "lets make it AOE and put gas on it" will not work, it requires a deeper understanding of why the damage type is more or less effective and how you make it scale with the downside of becoming incredible numb to enemy scaling after this, because a by public opinion bad scaling frame scales so linear that there is no difference between shooting a L50 bombard to a L200 one, simply because the EHP values are not that different to matter once you remove the 1-2M in EHP from armor other people apparently deal with. As Ember you could put the highest damage weapon in the hole game to shame at a level where they did look like water guns compared to what you got(what was not hard if you benchmark boltor prime vs boar prime above L100). Overall heat is incredible overpowered, underpowered, niche, meta or anything in between, because it is kind of balanced, even with frames like Ember that move it into broken territory if you really want to, and you should because this is the only way to make other people consider Ember as dps frame at higher levels(10 minutes talk about why I use Ember, 8 minute mission in a L100 defence in recruitment chat, you might get why I solo all that stuff most of the time).

  6. Well why would fire need that?

    Fire on it's own does have the image of bad scaling because it is much stronger affected by some scaling defences in the game then other elements what produces the common opinion that it is only good till L40 with AOE weapons. However used in combination with other scaling multipliers(accelerant, crits, head shots, primed bane mods etc.) it is very powerful at high levels while also providing good CC and it is plain fantastic on status weapons that remove the defences that create the problems with high level enemy units while at the same time doing incredible good damage and CC better then other choices.

    While most people think of the Ignis or Atomos when it comes to fire damage, I for example as somebody that mains Ember since years next to never use them because it is not not necessary all what you can do with fire damage.


  7. What you suggest is more or less just giving into power creep as a solution to unneeded power creep, what is kind of just increases the problem.

    Glaive prime got a buff a while ago and people complained that it does not have enught crit, because everybody knows that a melee weapon must have crit to scale well with her blood rush and all other weapons are just bad. Right? Right? Guys? While the design is not perfect and it still struggles being A useless as throwing weapon or B useless as melee weapon depending on how you mod it, you can do 1h survivals with it now on Ember melee only, that is pretty much the same ballpark of most good melee weapons in the game and only outdone by a few if you do not use cheese or much stronger scaling mechanics like rag doll effects, invisibility to the ability to do on demand finishers(like with radial blind or inaros).

    Most old weapons that are considered bad actually still work, I did a L80 sorti interception vs corpus with Rino and my first formaed weapon the Tiberon solo a few days ago and it is doable, it is just not as easy as doing a left click on everything no matter what level number and how you mod your weapon and it will die, because the community is always very loud in demanding stronger weapons for the same content, acts like the end of the world just happens when they hear the word "nerf", while also demanding more difficult content because everything is so easy if you utilize all the overpowered tools they wished for and DE followed suit to put in the game.

    After spamming 2 and 4 while one shooting everything(also doing the most kills and highest damage of the team, close to doing solo what all others did together) with my puncture modded vhek as Frost with a saryn spamming spore and misasma, a mag spamming polarise and a atlas spamming petrify in the extra elemental damage defence sorti I took my Ember and did level my Tenora in some solo syndicate missions with 2 mods on it and no WoF. I for myself liked that a lot more and put on some sentential music on thinking about a time when warframe was a fun co op shooter instead of a press 1 to 4 simulation and enemy level had any kind of meaning to it.

    What DE should do is balance gear roughly around the same level of power(like it is done in some cases like soma prime vs boltor prime or prisma grakata vs braton prime, brakk vs mara detron and so on), sure people will always go after the newest shiny tools but it also gives a reason for people to go back and check out older weapons and frames. Especially for newer players, that demand massive buffs to frames like Ember at higher levels, not because the frame does need them(Ember works totally fine in all but elemental resist sortis solo) but because it is more difficult to play for them compared to all the infinite damage and semi god mode the game happens to suggest to them as balance baseline to compensate for all the incredible poor mechanics at higher levels that DE refuses to address since years.

  8. On 30.4.2017 at 10:49 PM, Xzorn said:


    Except due to Parkour 2.0 and our ever increasing damage output they now overwhelm the player through cheesey knockdowns, hook attacks through corners and behind their own backs, instant energy drains, CC immunity, one hit breath attacks that have poor animation, needless spitting attacks and stacking sightless energy drains.

    Their original concept was a rampaging onslaught of creatures not.... whatever this mess is.

    Could not word it better.

    As for energy leech, they are 50% of the spwan table of the eximus for infested, what means without the rage mod and ability to take hits on your frame you will have a very bad time solo after 1h+ or 40+ waves against infested if you do not bring lots of energy restores.

    Line of sight should be required, it should draw similar to trinity link a line to the eximus do you can actually find it and stacking of the aura should be removed.

    You can hardly see a eximus, given that everything is covered non stop in disruptor auras(that needs a visual makeover, to allow you to see other effects as well) at higher levels, leave alone in a bunch of 20 infested that literally instantly re spawn. If you combine that with low light and constant green toxic clouds by the ospreys at what point you could hardly see it if it is 5m away from you.


  9. Stackable dots like toxin or slash do no CC, while CC effects like cold and electric do no dots.

    I could only see stackable fire dots as a replacement for the current World on Fire, removing the damage(or most of it) to tune it down at lower levels to how it works at higher levels where it is still very effective for damage and CC if you disable protections like armor, auras or shields with other status effects from your weapons. Otherwise it would be just better then toxin because it does CC as well and better then slash on specific weapons that can take away armor quickly, where it is already vastly superior.

  10. On 1.5.2017 at 8:23 AM, FATEdPondera said:

    I've been playing warframe for a number of years now, and have come to the opinion that status effects are invaluable for higher level play. However, they are by no means perfect and one effect, corrosive, stands head and shoulders above them all. It does +75% more damage to tougher grineer and ancient infested, and lops off 25% of current armor, meaning 8 stacks strips a target bare. This can be easily done with a weapon with even decent rate of fire, considering the status effect of corrosive is permanent. So, rather than corrosive being nerfed, something that would make high level players (or anyone who likes weeping wounds on their melee weapon) absolutely RIOT, I would suggest some buffs to bring the other effects in line with corrosion, as they currently do not scale at all well and underperform in nearly every circumstance.

    That is not how corrosive works, it increases damage by 75% against ferrite armor(what is not all grenier but actually the minority of your targets at higher levels) and reduces the amount of the current armor on the target by 75% for the damage calculation of the final damage.

    8 procs do not clear all armor, take the wiki example of the L108 heavy gunner with 8405 armor. 8405 -> 6303 -> 4727 -> 3545 -> 2659 ->  1994 -> 1495 -> 1121 -> 841. Your heavy gunner still does have 73% damage reduction after 8 corrosive procs, what is not no armor, even if it is considerable more manageable then the original 96.35% damage reduction.

    Also from somebody that uses weapons specific build around armor disable(like prisma grakata and boar prime), it is not easily done with any weapon(even if broken design like the staticor or aksomati prime makes it look like that), your options both melee and ranged that perform good at this task at L100+ are very limited and less then 5% of the total pool of the 300 weapons we have.

    The corrosive proc is the one that needs the highest stacking in the game(by a margin of 20x) for it to remain effective at high levels(keep in mind weapons that are balanced options that are good at it are incredible ammo inefficient and for melee generally come with the drawback of lacking CC, range and lower base damage then her pairs), compared to effects like viral that offer a 100% damage buff on the first proc and are easy to maintain on nearly all weapons in the game.

    Instead of buffing every single proc, DE should actually rework armor scaling. That could be done tomorrow, get a coder, add

    int DR = armor / (300 + armor); if(DR > 90) DR = 90;

    till you have more time to separate base armor from scaling armor and scale it more in line of other defences, like shields, auras, eximus effects etc. Preferable in my personal opinion would be a full rework, where corpus get her own armor that is weak to magnetic as well and armor acts more like a shield on enemy units, that takes damage by getting shot and loses it's protective function by that in a more linear way.

    As for the other status effects:

    The Impact proc is only useful for melee or very high fire rate weapons to consistently stagger units, on ranged weapons it is annoying since the impact movement of a unit can also happens on units that are already in CC from another proc, you can see that very clearly on weapons like the prisma grakata.

    Puncture is useless, given that 30% less damage at high levels does not make a difference given enemy damage does not scale in any way remotely related to actual player HP, what should be also changed, instead of releasing more and more frames with god mode mechanics or 15k EHP health pools. The puncture proc would be a lot better if it removes the amount of armor from the target that you have in puncture damage on the weapon, what helps it to maintain it's design as anti armor damage type at higher levels where puncture is not really good, given that 50% armor ignore still means incredible high damage reduction by the way armor scaling works and impact weapons that generally go around that with various status effects or slash based weapons that do finisher damage as dot scale better.

    Fire dots, like all dots should be based on the actual elemental/IPS damage that causes the proc on the weapon instead of the base damage what should be fixed. Fire does not need a armor debuff, it already is incredible effective against most HP types after you strip the armor, exactly the thing you do with "a weapon that could be any in the game with high rof" in your opinion if you solo L100 extra armor sortis kuva fortress survival with Ember. It also it is the best CC proc when it comes to consistent CC uptime on weapons with spread and punch through(like you know a status shotgun, the best weapon class in the game to archive the massive amount of corrosive procs you need to make it effective), especially if you have a riven that gives prolonged status duration like the one I have for my Boar Prime.

    You do not need to buff Frost, it is already one of the strongest frames in the game properly used. What cold could use is a small patch of cold around the target you hit with the proc, similar to the ice wave impedance effect, that also procs cold on any target that is in it or walks into it for 6s(without triggering a new ice patch on the ground). This would bring it in line with electric and makes it as reliable as if you use it on a persistent AOE weapon like the Torid on all weapons for CC.

    Electric is fine, it chains for AOE what is better then with fire for pure CC reasons.

    Blast again is only good for the knock down if you do melee, otherwise it is a dps loss, given that it prevents head shots, prevents consistent damage application against groups with punch through and is heavily resisted by armor and not even effective against infested, given that the CC component is very weak if targets have a quicker then normal recovery form knock downs(like chargers do).

    Magnetic should be more effective against robotics so it is used again vs corpus(that are far easier killed by plain toxic modding, by the lack of proto shield mechanics outside of sortis). The 100% energy drain should be removed(it is absolute terrible for melee in high level infested missions where disrupters add a chance to proc that on all affected units) and should rather disable auras on enemy targets(both the received aura from a eximus or all AOE aura support on a eximus/healer, similar to how it works if you let a radiation proc travel to the healer, by shooting anything under his aura effect) for 6s and prevent us from using abilities for 6s.

    Radiation is fine as it is, it is already very effective against all factions vs alloy armor, vs robotics, vs aura protection with the utility of semi reliable CC with some damage units do against each other(what is negotiable in most cases because her damage and HP pool are balanced around what we can do, not what they can do against each other).

    Viral is highly effective against nearly any health type but light infested and even against Infested the status of choice against L100 heavy units(since the -50% against light units does not matter, given how low her HP pools are compared to eximus healers or boilers if you look at L150+ onwards) and can be even preferable vs light infested if you deal your damage with another element(like highly scaled heat damage on Ember, where it is a damage gain to put viral over corrosive on your mara detron for L100+). It is also by the low requirement of 1 proc every 6s very consistent on nearly any weapon if modded for that.

  11. Today I spend a few hours to test out the glaive prime changes, including ranking it up from 0 in the first 2 sortis melee only(since I need to add more polarities now compared to my old build, I did give up on Alad V, since your 99% god mode one shot damage design is just bad and your should fix your 5 years old lunch break design what is called enemy damage scaling and still in the game because apparently you can not spare a day or two to fix at least the biggest issues). This is not arrogance, your damage scaling mechanic was never designed to provide a good challenge at higher levels and years after raids and sortis it is still in the game unchanged giving players that actually play the game like you intended it once to be played years ago a horrible experience while pushing people to boring cheese tactics.

    The good part:

    - it is a passable melee weapon now, even if it still suffers the same issue that it will be only a ok melee or a ok throwing weapon(assuming you do not consider condition overload just as bad for melee as blood rush, I however do), not both at the same time

    - using berserker and primed fury together can compensate for the lack of body count(what you can not use because you are to short on mod space)

    The bad part:

    - channelling throwing attacks do not work since a while on thrown weapons for life strike, fix that

    - the power of the weapon comes from high attack speed +  status or damage buffs for throwing purpose, it is literally impossible to make anything useful in between(even on Ember what gives you a very high damage buff for that purpose) what is not justified, given that it is not a top tier melee(it lacks CC for that, status + damage wise as long as you resort to condition overload it will do) and while throwing damage should not have infinite scaling it lacks proper damage and utility(like guaranteed slash + 2. status effect that is one the weapon for the AOE explosion, or guaranteed disarm on the AOE explosion for the Halikar, guaranteed toxic proc on the Cerata etc.) since a long time

    - while this is only a incredible minor detail, the lack of mod space gimps the weapon for people that play Ember, because there is no other frame that loses so much by one mod slot you can not spare and gains so much by giving you a free mod slot, like you did on the rakta cernos, building speed trigger into the weapon stats

    - the visual effects of throwing the glaive out do not extend the hit box what is very misleading and another 0.5m vertical for the hit box would do wonders when it comes to hit flying targets or targets below you, like a charger that did run under you, this is not a issue on other melee weapons and should not be for the throwing weapons in normal combos




  12. After thinking about it again, lets do some math and use the example from the wiki for a L108 heavy gunner:

    8405 armor what equals a 96.35% damage reduction with 48040,5 HP what would be around 1.4M effective HP.

    With Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion and Lethal torrent you end up with 760 base damage(assuming we do not add void extra damage mods or you have a riven that affects multi shot or base damage, assuming you consider magnum force like me as a damage loss on head shot orientated weapons). This would mean 63 hits. If we head shot 32 hits, if we mod it with viral(what probably everybody would) it means 16 shots. Since we do not have viral up from the first shot and we will not land a head shot with any single shot, lets say it takes 20 rounds, that is on a current seer with ice storm(11 rounds) and quick draw and stunning speed(1.5s reload) around 10s with void damage.

    It does however nothing against Infested and only would be useful against armored corpus units.

    A corrosive or radiation base damage seer with 50% status in return could be modded with 100% status and corrosive in any single build, what means you get a corrosive proc out of nearly every shot. After 8 corrosive procs(lets say 10 shots fired) you already got less then 500 armor on the target. Where you still have 10 rounds left compared to the example above that will do round about 30k damage(if you add into consideration that armor will be next to non existent after the next 5 shots and corrosive got bonus damage most likely more). This is even before we consider adding viral for even quicker kills or cold/fire/electric for very desirable CC that might not affect kill speed that much but is useful in it's own rights.

    So I am actually suggesting the stronger gun then you do, with things that are already in the game and it would be more flexible against other factions as well, given radiation is good vs robotics(this includes oxium ospreys and brusas both the highest EHP targets of the hole faction), can disable shield osprey proto shields in sortis(what are just as annoying as healers, given that they block all slash, gas and toxin damage from penetrating the shield) and can disable eximus or healer auras what is incredible good at high levels. If it would be corrosive at base(what I think is a bit less flexible then radiation) you can add the radiation effects with mods as well and corrosive is again fairly useful against heavy infested units and is the highest scaling anti armor solution as status effect before completely ignoring armor with finisher damage(slash procs, finishers etc.) or in your example void damage, while still offering other options like viral, gas, toxin or additional CC effects.

    Given that 50% status chance makes it usable without all the dual status mods it would be a fairly good entry level status weapon for a newer player, completely different to the grakata, that might be MR2 but has it's power completely locked behind a grind wall for specific mods at what point the new player will already run around with a soma or better weapon and will most likely not look back.

    I for myself still work on a akbronko riven(got 50% reload speed and mag size so far with status duration, would it be status chance it would be perfect). If I get my god roll(what you can not even buy for plat, given that everybody thinks damage, multi shot and crit are the only good rolls on weapons) for the gun I will not completely replace my mara detron with the akbronko prime(while I did completely replace the akbronko prime with my mara detron back in the days) because oversized proc rates are not really that useful outside of armor and the mara detron is a very flexible status weapon(that works well enught with non stackable status effects while being one of a hand full of weapons in the game that can be modded viral, radiation, fire what is incredible powerful on Ember) with the full punch of a high damage secondary. The akbronko is much more limited after status modding in regards to total damage on the gun, especially before solving the reload and mag size problems what just cripple it for no good reason at all both for having fun with it at lower levels as a plain fun secondary shotgun that looks cool as well as at high levels, where it is the best anti armor scaling hand cannon in the game. This is good(if you overlook that you need a riven to make the akbronko prime work with Ember, similar as the boar prime what is just stupid in my opinion) because it given 2 very strong secondary weapons, that both share that they are looked down at by the majority of the community as bad weapons a place to coexist in the hands of people that like her function and value her performance at high levels as what it is, what is actually fairly good compared to other options.

    Void damage in comparison would scale better then any other weapon in the hands of a new player against armor and only armor, it would scale better if you use a lot of damage multipliers(roar, sonar, mprime, stealth etc.) while outside of this would be the much less appealing then other options that got just straight more base damage, what is again the only benchmark for the weapon against non armored targets, since it does not offer anything else interesting.

  13. This is where we disagree again, not refreshable means you still have nearly full uptime of the excessive damage bonus and non refresh on kill would remove one of the befits it actually should offer.

    Synergy is not irrelevant if we speak about invisibility(what is like the rag doll mechanics one strongest damage multiplier for melee in the game) even if you look at the massive power creep that DE decided to add with blood rush, while at the same time refusing to make body count a base mechanic, because it finally allowed to not lose your melee counter non stop in missions.

    Energy overflow should be tuned down to 1 or 2 at max energy per second and instead void puls should give you the ability to not only restore your own but your teams energy with Energy surge instead of DE giving it 24 energy every 3+ minutes. The new moon mechanic is actually the best example of what a focus school should be, you need to use your focus ability to get charges, it is incredible useful not only to yourself but your team as well and actually requires players to look at her focus meter, while we with any other focus school in the game just activate it once for the passive and then never again.

  14. The reason why it does bother me:

    1. It removes any kind of challenge and gives weapons scaling they only should posses if you use invisibility properly at high levels(like with Ash), what makes people accept incredible bad enemy design and scaling issues, what they would probably not if they would not have this ability to ignore them for the most part. 

    2. What personally drives me crazy about it is however that it makes any discussion about actual melee or frames(like Saryn) absolute pointless, where you run 80+ minutes solo melee only without it, fairly benchmark it against my main(Ember, where you could call Ember a melee frame as well, since it performs fairly similar), point out that spore should have a CC component because otherwise you spend 30-50% of your time in the miasma animation and toxic leash should also provide at least some base resist(not on the block, it can be only active while you have your melee out, what is absolute fine, but currently Saryn feels squishier then Ember at L100+ solo) with a unreal amount of people that state "nah Saryn is fine, I use shadow step and never seen that as a problem".

    In my opinion it should give 3s of invisibility on crit(cancelled with the next attack) and 8s on kill. While most people will now say this is useless, I dare you to play with Ember or saryn over 1h in the void and count the amount of accelerant and miasma you have to spam just to get into life strike/ melee weapon CC range of your next target, you will be surprised. Instead DE should put invisibility as 30s ability on focus use and give similar to all other focus schools affinity based aid with the recharge, what means at higher levels with more eximus you can use it more often.

    On 29.4.2017 at 9:13 AM, Ethermie said:

    Funny how hating on a meta is a trend now, where its entirely optional.

    all that is needed for shadow steps to get in line is to make it not refresh while the buff is active, and may be reduce the duration to 5-6 sec.

    Is it powerful?.. of course.. is it broken, hell no. And heres the reasons.

    1. if you are playing a squishy frame and depend entirely on to it, you are vastly locked to couple of meele weapons.

    2. you still have to go to the face of the enemy and keep hitting him till you crit, and you will absolutely die if you do it only depending on shadow steps.

    there are other ways to entirely faceroll high lvl enemies than shadow steps. A inaros or excalibur with covert lethality dagger has infinite scaling. So i dont see why shdow steps should be entirely demolished just coz its good. 

    I disagree, given that I was in 4 runs today for the alert(finished it on the first, did the others for some testing, giving the Juggernaut just jumps off the map in the similcarium before you can do any testing) the only person that used a melee weapon was a Nova with a attarx(where is highly questionable if you still want to consider spamming E for AOE damage as real melee). Yes it was on Ember and yes I did in 3/4 runs the highest damage with my scindo prime and accelerant(because WoF is just a waste of energy in melee runs and absolute pathetic for dps compared to melee weapons), was only once beaten by a 4 spam Excalibur. Melee only in warframe means "cheese it" this is just as bad(because melee is very strong, got as much options as guns and is interesting to play on it's own) as DE deciding to add a L120 juggernaut to the otherwise very easy solo able defence(with any frame, Ember is literally already maximum easy mode without even using WoF). There is a reason why I seen only a hand full of people pointing out that you can hardly hit the Juggernaut weak spots with melee weapons by the way hit boxes work(go into the similcarium, try it out, you will be surprised), guess what I killed it with Fireball instead of the Scindo for that reason. All you hear is "yay, was challenging but I did" because literally nobody in the game actually does melee only with a melee weapon.

    1. You are not depended on it, just learn to play your squishy frame with the drawback that it is squishy(if you want to complain that DEs enemy damage scaling is poor and needs work, welcome to the club I do that since years). Melee does not need that and scales better then ranged weapons on most frames(both for survivability as well as damage) without it already. This is not so much because melee does ridiculous higher damage then ranged weapons outside of some cheesy mechanics but melee allows for more durable builds(power efficiency and range can be dump stats) a full heal is just a right click away with proper use of damage multiplication, melee counter and trigger it at the right point in your combo or ground finishers and given that slash and other stackable damage procs are fully affected by all the countless melee multipliers gives it great dps as soon as not everything dies instantly.

    2. Yes you actually die in the game at high levels if you do not use CC and your melee weapon correctly, while the one hit damage and pure rng with animations overriding CC is bad, people hardly use any other tool available for them and mostly relay on cheese or insane HP pools to negate all that. It is not that I am the best player in the world or other players necessary worse then me, it is just that hardly anybody plays melee as what it is, a actually very good and interesting alternative to guns that enables me to do 1h+ solo melee only with Ember while they complain how weak ember is every single week on the forums.

  15. On 27.4.2017 at 5:15 PM, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    But that is what they do regardless of level. It's their schtick.

    It is still does not make any sense, since you can not dodge it while doing actual melee. Similar to the toxic ancient that one shots everything in a AOE without a cast animation long enught that would give you the chance to get away from it. If it is meant as non lethal damage that can do no harm to normal frames like mag it should not be included in the damage scaling, similar as including tar(with it's do damage to it and it will be removed mechanic) is not a thing that makes the mission more interesting for the player any more after DE did give it HP scaling, it is just full of tar that got so much HP that you can not kill it any more at higher levels, what means the hole mechanic was taken out of the game, again for no good reason.

  16. On 29.4.2017 at 0:57 PM, DarkDoomguy said:

    Only when I faced the Jug at lvl120 with melee only do I realise how absolutely poorly designed the enemy is. It doesn't help that he can one-shot you with a shotgun that was fired 90 degrees in a different direction with no warning, which means that unless you play an invincible frame like nidus or valkyr, you're just 100% absolutely screwed.


    There is nothing wrong with the L100 defence, it is not even hard to do more damage then every other player combined with a frame like Ember and without WoF(what is not even effective in a melee build) just using my old scindo prime. Does not need naramon, god mode frame, invisibility or any of that cheese, just a bit of know how how melee works and not a levelling melee weapon.

    The juggernaut however is just poor design, it was when DE introduced it( let me 2 shot it with nova and a torid while other players had to suffer for like 10 minutes with the plain stupid 99% god mode uptime), the wide spread, the to short animation to dodge it properly for players and the one shot damage produced by the poor scaling system that the game suffers from since the beginning.

  17. While there is no physical reason for that, given limitations of the time it was used to make early 3d games(where space was a popular thing, given you only need a skybox and no 3d terrain to render) to reduce calculations, fore example a Laser could shoot 5 times per second and would take like 2s to reach his max range you only did need to check 10 vectors at max for hits all the time, since by the range limitation and stopping the calculation there you limited the amount of calculations you had to do, therefore improving performance. Later down the road it was also utilized to great effect to give the games more depth. In warframes case it was that on the old interception maps you had free line of sight to other capture points and snipers(Dual Decurion and Velocitus) do not have damage falloff and can take out specific targets multiple kilometres away.

  18. Well void damage is not on any weapon. Given that damage types normally come with unique death animation(like the slash proc, fire proc, corrosive proc), it is not on the wiki with strengths and weaknesses and it would probably have a lot of issues to fix(like not for example that the damage buff of accelerant does not work on bosses since the rework with the stun resistance) if we actually would use it a lot.

    In my example both frames had access to the same damage multiplication(since accelant is AOE and even if it would have been weaker or stronger on the other frame, as long as both use the same scaling multiplier at the same time, what is given since they overwrite each other, it is comparable for ability and weapon damage), so the difference is just how you mod it, how good the player is with it(what is fairly hard to judge) and base stats on the weapon. While WOF is a factor kt is certainly not something you make 600+ or 400+ kills in a like 8 minute sorti interception with, at what point it did look literally just farming focus on the old drako.

    The mara detron got 105 base damage what is worse then the aklex prime, it got 2.5% crit what is worse then the aklex prime, it got 10% status what is worse then the aklex prime, it got 8 rounds instead of 16 what is again worse then the aklex prime, it got a lot of spread while the aklex is incredible accurate at any range.

    So how can a weapon like this beat the aklex prime even remotely in damage? The answer to this is mostly because the aklex is played like a one shot gun, utilizing the full fire rate would create a lot of missed shots, while the mara detron does not miss(because it hits the hole screen at range), however if you want to hit with full damage you need to be within 5m of a target at a point where you can actually utilize the full fire rate and the quick relaods(since you just mag dump even with 11 rounds after modding non stop) what also triggers viral on targets that can take more hits at what point you do bigger damage that the aklex prime at base and the high power from the weapon only comes from careful aiming and crits what takes time and rng, while the mara detron is much more straight forward, get close, utilize nearly assault rifle rof on a 12k(24k with the viral proc) on Ember with a single shot weapon while pulling the mouse downwards to compensate for the incredible kick in a controlled manner to hit targets for maximum damage.

    Every weapon can be incredible with a high damage buff, while this is true it is a different story for elemental and or status weapons. You can not mod a brakk viral, radiation, fire, similar as you can not get that much punch out of a mara detron against a faction like infested with a universal damage buff, because this would make it highly reliant on radiation and viral for damage, while on Ember it is just optimal to disable 90% damage reduction and double both weapon as well as ability damage output while 80% of the damage comes from another element on the weapon. Same as you can not make a boar prime competitive with a vaykor hek for raw damage output(even with sonar you will still miss the weak spots with 80%+ of your pellets), while it at least on Ember can be fairly competitive in kill speed at L100+ against armor, because damage against armor(what all normal scaling abilities would raise) is not important if the gun disables armor anyway and the fire scaling that is stronger then pure all damage buffs to deal with what is left of the EHP after disabling the armor.

    In the end, a gun that does come with incredible CC and utility what allows you to kill much higher levels does simply scale different then a gun that does just does damage and with damage buffs you just push the point where it falls off later down the road.

    Edit: The mara detron is one of the strongest scaling secondary weapons on Ember because it got radiation base damage(if you consider the staticor as just plain stupid overpowered with it's double status mechanic on hit and AOE) and even outside of Ember it is very effective because it provides the utility of what is normally only present on a low damage status weapon on a weapon that can challenge most of the weapons in the game for effective dps on targets at higher levels. It is also the only shotgun in the hole game that can make status modding without hitting 100% status before multi shot look good, what is mostly the case because it comes with a very useful elemental proc(and dose CC and de buff targets), different to the IPS of the brakk.

    Edit2: Same is true for the prisma grakata what is considered as bad gun, even if it will outperform a soma prime at higher levels by the proc rate  of corrosive vs armor and because it provides 100% CC uptime against anything that is remotely close to what you shoot at.

  19. On 25.4.2017 at 6:43 AM, taiiat said:

    i didn't decide on suggesting Void Damage because it would make it deal the most 'Deeps' to Enemies, but because it makes a unique Weapon that has unique traits to make it actually worth using.

    I did not state that you did and also did not think you would have the intention of doing so. However it would be much easier for DE to just use existent damage types instead of putting a new one in the game and corrosive or radiation as base damage is very exotic for a single shot high damage pistol(even more so with one that could have a high status chance) and works very good for the needs of newer players, while also providing options after you get a few status mods to be a very solid sorti coice.

    My Mara Detron is often looked down at for being -50% damage compared to a brakk and radiation instead of IPS. I have a 4 forma brakk and a 5 forma Mara Detron and I know exactly why I did use my mara detron for infested L100 sorti excavation on Ember doing it solo while I next to never use my brakk.

    On 25.4.2017 at 11:51 PM, (PS4)MrNishi said:

    I think with the current Fire-rate, mag, and reload speed it wouldn't be king of 'Deeps' to Enemies, just that it would be consistent to be a relevant choice from early game access to Sortie.

    Like the Brakk, Detron, or Dread (if acquired early on at MR0)


    Would also still be fitting if that was what made the weapon unique for also retaining to have Zero critical chance.

    Well Dread is a very solid bow and fairly balanced against the best of his weapon class, brakk is the highest dps secondary shotgun and can stand up to any later MR weapons. Detron kind of with the Mara version, even then it is considered "yeah, 3k mastery points" by most, I really likes it and use it over other alternatives, given that it will scale after modding a bit better then the brakk at L100+ and high end shotgun secondary weapons are very strong, sporting incredible dps and can even make non 100% status shotguns work as status weapons(what is mostly based on the high fire rate, super quick reload and not being IPS).

    I framed, formaed and used a Seer on this account early on and it was very good, however replicating this with my 2. account to try out the new player experience again nearly 2 years ago it is just a waste of time compared to the lex or the akbolto(by puncture base damage works very well against anything with armor up to L50 with close to no mods). 

    A Seer with a high status chance and non IPS base damage, be it corrosive or radiation would be already a very sorti capable gun, given that I used my Mara Detron over any other option to solo a 1.5k excavation at L100 vs infested on Ember, not because it does the highest dps(what it does not) but because innate elemental damage with status modding makes it able to negate all the problems other weapons would run into with auras and viral + high status chance just does double your weapon damage what is incredible powerful if you can add other scaling multipliers like mprime, roar or accelrant.

    My mara detron got 2.5% crit chance and it works, while a non IPS based single shot heavy pistol with a high status chance is very interesting, both for new as well as advance players.


    Just take today's sorti, try hard Ember A vs try hard Ember B, Mara Detron vs AkLex Prime in a killing spree contest in a L80 secondary only corpus interception sorti:


    Even with gimping my own damage with flash accelrant to buff team damage, damage count takes overkill into full account(what is far more present on a high crit damage head shot weapon compared to just mouse wheel spin to win weapons) I did manage to pull slightly ahead compared to what most people consider as one of the strongest weapons in the game. This is not because I am a just super good at the game, but because specific weapons, even if they considered as bad by the first look at them or the majority of the player base are actually fairly strong in proper application, even if base damage values might suggest otherwise.

  20. It is not really all AOE, but mostly WoF. This is because it is a non stackable dot that will be out healed by the first hit.

    From the Ember pov of days when Healers could also be under the effect of other healers(that did mean the days where 60+ minutes solo Infested survival with Ember did mean everything got 90% damage resistance + 90% warfame ability damage resistance on to of that non stop) get a radiation base damage weapon like the detrons or the staticor on Ember and just status mod it radiation, viral and fire(radiation, corrosive, fire works on the staticor, not so much on the detrons), you actually will never look back at other secondary weapons with Ember after that. This is mostly because with accelerant scaling(500% in my normal builds) it will pull off around 140k dps after the viral proc while also disabling healers and other eximus auras and is at least on Ember usable against any faction, since radiation/viral if it come at no damage loss(what it does for Ember, given that the gun is carried purely by accelerant based heat scaling, what gives it 10.5k heat damage every single shot on a weapon you need a free spinning mouse wheel to fully utilize the rof) works incredible good vs infested and gives it also a good damage profile vs high level armored units(still works reasonable well at L100+ with just 1 CP solo).

    This is what I use most of the time, given that staticor is just OP easy mode:


  21. On 25.4.2017 at 11:52 PM, Harikusa said:

    Basically imho all energy draining eximus must be nerfed, or atleast reworked. The thing is that it's just broken, for some reason when you have your own regen (energy siphon + full zenurik) and after that they shoud berelly drain anything from you but their drain just ignores that you suposed to regen energy and drains energy from you as if you didn't have energy regen from the start and it just must stop and fixed.

    They do stack. Given that you have like 20-30% eximus at higher levels a and energy drain is like 50% of the infested eximus spawn table you will lose a lot of energy to stuff you can not even see yet, given that it might be at well in the next room or around the corner.

    - DE should disable stacking

    - DE should make it line of sight, or at least give you a visual indicator, like the link lines on Trinity where the units are that drain your energy

    - DE should rework the spawn table, to tune down her numbers, given that at L100+ one will re spawn nearly as quick as you can kill the one in front of you

  22. You are probably right that I am kind of biased towards my Raksha. While the target limit mimics necros fear ability, you are right that this is in most cases at higher levels simply compensated for with a bit of spamming(I still run natural talent on the frame because of that) while a kubrow got no such options. So I guess increasing the target limit or removing it would be a fair point.


    Looking at your replay I actually did took my Chesa out of stasis and did give it another spin while also doing some forma on it(never really did that, since it did not need forma if you just used the percepts and a few defence mods). I also tested with Ember 40 waves of Helene solo one time with WoF and one time just using my accelerant and prisma grakata(since it should trigger the ammo retrieve a lot).

    The good things, compared to back in the days:

    - outside of combat state it works nearly flawlessly efficient and quick(similar as the dig ability) if you look at the things it should get for you

    - DE actually added the instant item transfer I suggested what I was not even aware off(I did not use it in a long time), even if it could use a small aoe of 5m or such to deal better with bigger piles of different loot drops

    The bad things:

    - the 18m range is a massive deal breaker compared to how it used to work, given that it makes it just a worse sentinel, compared to getting stuff far outside of sentinel range if you could not leave a position(like in high level defence), it should be at least 36m if not 72m to allow it to work like back in the day where it was a bit more specific but good alternative to vacuum, while the disarm also did scale far better at high levels then the sentinel dps

    - It appears to have inconsistent line of sight mechanics, like not picking up items that where slightly around the corner after a wave in defence(what I checked for after the kubrow was in combat state again each wave), it did however pick up a energy orb in a experiment I did in a void mobile defence, looking the other way and keeping stuff stunned with accelerant and leave the kubrow with the killing. However all the ammo(about 15 drops when I looked at it again after like 2 minutes) was not picked up even if I made sure to not be at max ammo with my prisma grakata. However when the Kubrow left combat state and I did keep looking at them it picked them up nearly instant without me moving towards it and the ammo within the 18m range.

    - it appears to trigger at least in combat worse on ammo mutation needs then it does for normal ammo need(picking up rifle ammo or pistol ammo if expended, while often not picking up sniper/shotgun ammo for my ammo mutation prisma grakata) what I never seen in the old days where it did provide a very good way to keep ammo inefficient ammo mutation weapons going at higher levels(while not as good as on a gmag, it was fairly efficient)

    - the path finding problem and bugs on some maps(like on Helene if it is at the edge of the moving defence platform it sometimes gets stuck, or in void mobile defence in the square room with the 2 levels and 8 doors it keeps jumping up and down or runs circles on the same level sometimes) keep it suspended in combat state as well as preventing it to trigger retrieve what is probably one of the biggest issues, since it needs to move to a position for both percepts to work, while this is not really the case with a raksha that probably has the same issues but they are less apparent given that his abilities are AOE or can trigger if it is just near you, what it basically always is

    My suggestion as it is currently would be:

    - Remove the line of sight and increase the range, it is not better then vacuum if you can walk around and pick stuff up, it is worse since vacuum will pull all loot at once, while a chesa will be slower at the same task, the main point of a chesa should be that you can do other stuff while you can not leave a spot and your kubrow will do the walking around for you, since you can not really do that if you have to put up a new snow globe every 4s or are stuck in a static position with banshee, in both cases unable to pick stuff up during next to the hole mission

    - fix the different utility between being in combat state or not, if that is not possible suspend combat state for 10s when retrieve triggers, so your kubrow got 10s to gather loot what would be a massive improvement compared to how it is now

    Full AOE on the disarm would be a bit to much in my opinion, since with 2+ Chesa you would basically have a extra good loki player in your team(given that it is just with single target disarm often better than a player with a loki), however I could see like a 8m disarm around the focus target work, given that at higher levels there is no shortage on focus targets and nullifiers, bombards, heavy gunners often group up in small group spawns what help the ability to not having to trigger multiple times to do it's job and would leave more time to use retrieve. 

  23. On 23.4.2017 at 9:37 PM, Latiac said:

    Low mastery ranks using frames like Rhino and Valkyr - I get it, they are your favourite frames or something, but they do very little to aid the team in a level 100 survival or defense, VERY little, also experience - almost every low level player (10 and below) seem to do something horribly wrong, they'ld go into a spy vault and trip the alarms without checking if someone else is in there for example, sure there ARE exceptions, but most of the time those are rare to find.

    Rino is very good as far as CC and damage buffs go if properly played. The problem is most of the newer players only use Iron Skin(same as new players with Loki that never use disarm). Valkyr, while not that good of a choice in a defence type mission by the lack of CC can be very solid for both damage as well as utility(like reviving a CC frame that got one shot killed) in survival, as long as the player likes and understands how strong the frame actually is for melee the damage is also incredible good. The problem again is most people that play the frame do not really like melee and mostly only use it for the god mode.

    I could probably still solo a sorti defence with valkyr(given that you can just revive the defence target) and it would not be difficult at all with Rino.

    Since the rescue is not a big deal, here is todays L80 90% ips resist sorti interception done solo with rino and the weapon I used my first catalyst and forma on, the almighty Tiberon(what I got at MR4 and invested into as new player 3+ years ago).



    The starter frames or all the common new player options are all usable at high levels and can contribute a lot, similar as weapons that are low MR and considered incredible poor can pull her weight in sortis if the player invested into them and is familiar with her use, it just comes down to the player and how well he utilize his tools, that might not be the best tool for the job, but will get the job done if you put a bit of effort into it.

  24. I am mostly on the same page as KIREEK about it. If people have issues with your rank and frame before they even look at how you play they are not really a big help to you. I for myself never had issues to carry MR4 or people without fully formaed snipers/bows through a sorti. Simply because I am aware that it is with the gear at MR4 a next to impossible task on your own and some people might not have weapons they in general do not like or use fully formaed. Then again I rarely play them in pugs this days, given the very high amount of afkers and leechers that drive me crazy, so I just solo them most of the time.

  25. On 20.4.2017 at 9:55 PM, moon.boots said:

    I'd deeply appreciate it if pets took reduced damage from traps (sapper osprey/moa tar/fire/etc) because the AI is too goddamn stupid to avoid them.

    I do agree, it should also include AOE damage from rockets and such, given that your kubrow is mostly a bit behind you when you doge such things it will often hit it. Kela De Thaym as sorti is probably the most uncanny example for this where your Kubrow gets non stop hit by the AOE you dodge and dies(I actually had to use a sentinel when I did it solo, since it became next to impossible to do anything outside of dodging and reviving my Kubrow). 

    As for the rework, it is fairly sensible.


    As my most used kubrow I do not think you need to reduce the cool down of howl, given as it is, it is the the strongest CC ability of any companion in the game by a very big margin.


    Digging is only done out of combat state, what is true and should change since this massively diminishes his use in survival and only allows it to work once each round in defence and interception.


    The disarm should be limited to focus targets(bombards, Napalms, Nullfiers, Balistas, Heavy Gunners, Techs and such). This would vastly decrease the number of targets it can pick from and prevent the use of the ability go to waste on a smaller unit. Cool down could be a little shorter as well.

    Retrieve: While I like the running around with the loot thing, it works decently well and is the much better option then a sentinel in a defence with a frame like Frost\Banshee at higher levels where you are kind of stuck at your defence target and it looks cute, the issues is that if you are on the move it takes a very long time to get to you and preventing the Kubrow from doing things like disarms and attacks so getting the loot on pick up would be appreciated, so the Kubrow can use his other abilities more.


    You are right that it basically got 2 similar abilities. I for myself do not use it because you hardly need the feature in a capture mission and it just does damage, while all other kubrows(assuming Dig can be used in combat state) give you some CC and staying power in form of shields or ammo/energy/health.

    Unleashed should provide the ability to put priority targets to the ground(for like 5-8s) while the kubrow can do other stuff after the move, so it becomes part damage, part CC.

    Savagery could change from being a damage ability to a howl like ability, buffing team weapon damage by like 25% for 12s every 30s or so. By this it becomes like a more offensive focused raksha kubrow.

    Furthermore Protect should also work on team members around you(like within 15 meters), Sahasa should also dig out health orbs when other players need them(only does this when your HP is not full, where you actually take damage just to make it dig HP orbs for other players) and Retrieve should share ammo drops not used by you with people in your team that need them(that otherwise would not get retrieved). Basically Kubrows should be a bit more of a asset to the hole team, like the raksha with howl currently already can be.

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