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Posts posted by Djego27

  1. On 14.4.2017 at 10:00 PM, Almagnus1 said:

    Please refer to http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Status_Effect and refresh yourself on the status effects.

    The biggest problem with having a ton of impact damage is the staggering status proc from Impact damage - which can make you even more inaccurate on a weapon that's not very accurate to begin with.  Again, that's one area where the Akstiletto Prime beats out the Prisma Grakata because the Akstiletto Prime, like the Soma Prime (even with Heavy Caliber), are accurate enough to use at medium and long ranges... whereas the Grakata series of weapons generally aren't IMO.  Coincidentally, the same can also be said for blast - which is why I generally prefer Corrosive/Fire for DPS and Corrosive/Blast for CC.  I'm ignoring the ammo efficiency issues with the weapons as I'd generally run Carrier Prime as my sentinel if I'm using any of the three because of Ammo Case.

    Going through the rest of the procs, while Puncture, Radiation, and Electricity are good on paper, most of the time the target should be dead fast enough that they don't really get to do a lot of work (granted, there are exceptions).

    Magnetic's the only proc that's not really useful because you can either tear through shields fast enough that they basically don't exist or use status procs that bypass shields and armor and outright kill the target while they have full shields.

    It is a point blank rifle, you do not use it at medium range for more then CC at high levels. This is possible on the grakata because it does CC 100% reliable with fire/impact procs you can stand in front of L100 unit without any issues, because you do not get shot. I have called the prisma grakata the best status shotgun in the game for 1.5 years because this is how you use it, what it does better then other rifles and both of our old status shotguns are only good if you invest a massive amount of time and a riven into them or use something like Volt to fix the reload speed issues on the strun wraith.

    You should try your carrier plan one day in person, given that even maxed primed ammo mutation(still a metric ton better then the normal one, where you did see issues at the 40 minute mark) is not enught on a prisma grakata to solo 60 minutes into a armor survival without ammo restores on a frame with a very high self damage buff(what is incredible handy on ammo ineffective weapons) and sentinels are compared to kubrows incredible prone to die at high levels.

    As for the video, the bug that status procs continue during the frozen state and the target becomes immune to new ones is very old and should be fixed since it prevents Frost from using any status weapon at high levels what is utterly annoying. You do not use the weapons like the prisma grakata or status shotguns outside of her niche at high levels(what is against armour, because it needs the highest amount of status effect stacking to remove that, hence you pick weapons with the highest proc rate in the game). Slash, toxin, gas builds are pointless on most of the weapons that naturally lead them self to that, because they scale of base damage per bullet or pellet what is not a strong side of nearly all high status/s weapons(staticor is a massive out liner, while the akstilleto by the higher base damage and the added crit scaling also breaks this general limitation of this weapons). The armour ignore mechanic on slash or the toxin dots are not really relevant to you, because you remove that armour damage reduction what makes other people struggle and fire damage is incredible strong to deal with the flesh under that armour.

    You can read for yourself what amount of cheese people come up with just to do a L80 grenier survival, where I for myself did not look at the level and only noticed it 12 minutes into the mission getting one shot killed by a balista. This is because you normally do not get shot by your strong CC based defence and there is no big mechanical change in shooting a L50, L100, or L150 armoured units with Ember, assuming you use a status weapon like the boar prime it will take roughly the same amount of time(give or take a few bullets), because armour scaling is removed from the table and grenier do not scale as aggressive as for example Infested heavy units in HP. You can hardly tell the difference between 5k HP under the armor or 50k HP if even a single shot out of the lowest damage per shot primary shotgun(if we ignore the Kohm) does already 25k+ damage against cloned flesh. You can even ignore status and use any of the weapons that are considered top tier and use crit/head shot damage scaling like people normally do. My vhek that does like 70k+ just in fire damage per single shot on a 245% power strength Ember, before you even take head shots or crits into consideration at what point you still 1-2 shot grenier in sortis.

    On 14.4.2017 at 10:00 PM, Almagnus1 said:

    No, I think she's generally fine, but as I said earlier:

    I think I have a good enough grasp on what her 2 and 3 can do to appreciate what the frame can do.  IMO, there's other frames that do sorite level content much, much better than Ember/Ember Prime can - which is fine because she's good enough for most of the star chart content and that's just fine by me.

    IMO, as Ember/Ember Prime is basically a star chart warframe, there's no need to nerf the abilities because her AoE damage isn't good enough for sorties.  Ember's fine as is.

    If you ever did high level missions with Ember you would realize that the ability to CC while reloading with Fireball is very useful or in general if you use a vhek or a rakta cernos that do not bring continues CC to the table like Embers status weapons do.

    Fire blast is a niche tool that does not work in that niche what should be addressed, assuming we talk about levels where the damage component is irrelevant.

    It is not used on the star map because it is more effective then other ways to accomplish quick missions, it is mostly used because people are lazy and it comes at the expense of people that like to play Warframe as a co op shooter, where you know actually shoot your guns. While it was back in the days mostly drako and a few farming missions where nearly everything was AOE nuked, you can hardly go into any mission this days without seeing a Ember for WoF spam.

    Ember should be changed, because even for me as somebody that plays everything with Ember it is annoying. Given that the "Ember is bad at high levels" general opinion has not changed in the last 3 years that I play the game and the frame, DE should look into basic stuff like giving extra base status chance to accelerant and scalable fire dots, reducing Embers dependency on specific gear. It also prevents Ember from being at mercy of bad reworks of hole weapon classes(like our shotguns 2 years ago) that massively over buff top tier shotguns while making status shotguns utterly bad at the only thing they are good at, high level anti armour use. I for myself do not need that rework because all this issues are fixable with the right gear, gear that I did acquire, test and judge myself if that works on Ember or not because there is no such thing as a real Ember guide, however I consider that gear dependency excessive and one of the main reasons why Ember in the hands of most players does actually perform not that good as damage frame.

    That there are much much much better frames for sortis is also just your opinion, based on a lack of experience how the frame works outside of situations where WoF plays the game for you. However you are not alone, you are a member of the majority of Ember players since the WoF changes. In my experience Ember is one of the best solo sorti frames, combining a high level of CC that allows you to defend stuff effective with a damage output that is similar or superior to other weapon based elemental frames(like Frost or Saryn). You are also not relaying on overpowered weapons, invisibility or god mode cheese or team based tactics what is very convenient if you prefer to play Warframe as a shooter.

  2. On 9.4.2017 at 4:31 PM, BornWithTeeth said:

    Nonetheless, there it is in black and white. It is players' attachment to the modding system which they have invested in which is standing in the way of a systemic overhaul. The significant outliers for investment in the modding system are Primed mods and Riven mods. DE recognize that changes are needed for the game's own good, but they don't know what they can do about it now.



    Well they could at least hire a single person that does game balance. This way we would probably have a much better focus system then somebody at DE did prototype in a lunch break. I get it, time was not there to finish it with the Second Dream coming up and they had to put into the game. but that is 1.5 years by now with no real change to have 80% useless stuff, 15% that is all right balanced and has some niches and 5% totally broken in power to a point where anybody uses it.

    I have all the primed mods and quite a few rivens and I have no problem if DE takes every single one away to have any chance to make the game more interesting. Then again how many years is damage 3.0 promised to be in the game some day and I highly doubt damage 3.0 can be done in one go, given that there is just so much wrong with overpowered weapons, frames, enemy damage, armor scaling and high level mechanics. It would be far more realistic to hire somebody that knows the game well and start working step by step through old systems(will probably take over a year for sure) till there is a realistic chance to add a damage 3.0 that could be better then the current damage 2.0.

  3. Well you can only try again and field a bug report to help DE to fix that issues.

    I for myself did not look at the level and did it solo with Ember and no cheese, outside of getting one shot killed by Balistas that DE refuses to fix since years a few times it did not feel any different from just soloing sortis.


  4. The prisma grakata got the higher innate fire rate what makes it the better status rifle in situations where it comes down to proc/s(what is vs armor) compared to the braton prime. The idea that you need the added damage of slash damage procs is a incredible naive way to look at the prisma grakata, given that the only thing they do is add some dot(what will be not that much given the kill speed and the low base damage) and ignore armor what again is fairly pointless if your gun already removes the armor.

    To follow up on your request, I am not complaining, I am just highly irritated by people that defend a quite questionable AOE low level farming method(not even the quickest, just the one with the least amount of effort required) since it is as far the public opinion goes the only thing a player can do with the frame, want to point out that they apparently have a good understanding of status/frame based interactions by putting a single status mod on her secondary that does not even need a single status mod on it to play through a sorti solo and halve afk and should look up some academic lecture regarding balance to be on the same page as others talking about it(mostly to understand the definition of the therm itself).

    I guess since you want me to do so, I will be as direct as I can:

    You are defending a lazy low level farming method, because it suits you, while others hate it(me included as somebody that plays the frame more than anything else), you know not enught about the mechanics of Ember and status to find any use for it outside of the 4 button what in return makes you believe that you lose something important or even any use for the frame if DE would change WoF into something that is no longer used to semi afk finish low level missions. Something that is objectively not true, since you can play with Ember quite effective at L100 as dps frame against any faction in the game, where WoF is just CC and that is good enught.

  5. While you can obvious hit targets with the flight speed of the projectile putting out consistent head shots is much easier with the Lex. Even if you just use the basic crit of 15%, it moves the lex to 80.5 damage per shot without the issues of the zoom and projectile travel time like on the Seer.

    I do not think that it would be good if we give weapons armor/shield ignore by her base damage type(assuming what I did read about damage 1.0 is correct since I have not seen that myself, one of the issues was that weapons that dealt finisher damage where just better then others), while status weapons can do that in trade-off for other downsides with them. As for void damage, I am fairly sure if it would be a balanced damage type you could just as easy use damage types like radiation or corrosive that are already in the game.

  6. Why should I not link them? Wouldn't it just defeat the hole purpose of the discussion here if you could not watch them yourself and come to your own conclusion why the opinion about the same thing can be vastly different?

    As pointed out before you can use the akstilleto without any crit mods and it will easily punch through a L100 sorti like butter status modded(especially on Ember, since again status modding comes at no downside on the frame by the way fire damage scaling works), at this point it is still vastly superior to every status rifle in the hole game, weapons that also can blow through that L100 sorti missions reasonable well, even if nobody uses them for that, given that there is a metric ton of weapons that are just easier to use and do the job as good or mostly better.

    Balance means you are presented with a lot of choice and the designer treats you as a intelligent person that can judge for himself what is good and what not. Imbalance like with the akstilleto prime means there is no real choice. It is simply better then any status rifle in the game, it is better than any crit rifle in the game and you do not have to be intelligent to figure it out, given that difference is quite big and very obvious. Yes it is a very good status weapon and can overcome high level units with status(especially armored ones), however that is often negotiated in favour of the crit stats that are also on the weapon.

    In contrast to that look at the prisma grakata. There is no crit or status on the weapon, it only works with crit and status at the same time, because the base damage is otherwise to low to make it shine at the very high levels by it's status mechanics. If you just crit build it, it is inferior to the soma prime(ammo use, accuracy, damage), if you just status mod it is inferior to the braton prime, since the braton prime has higher base damage and is not modded for crit. It is only good in very specific builds, where it does out scale other status rifles and the crit ones, yet it is in general considered as fairly bad weapon because people do for the most part not know that, there is no video about it that explains the mechanics and it is not even overpowered if you know how to use it, because it actually is the only rifle in the game that has something like spread and is ridiculous ammo ineffective what is a problem especially at L80+. This is balance done well, what is unfortunately the exception instead of the norm for most stuff in the game.


  7. I mean mostly the stance towards status of most popular youtubers and how poorly reviewed most status weapon are on youtube.

    As for the akstilleto prime, most likely because it is a poorly balanced weapon, that even in a status build hits harder then most soma prime builds without having any real drawbacks to justify it's power.

    Edit: If you want, you can test that for yourself, switch out pathogen rounds for pistol pestilence, throw 200% power strength on your Ember and jump into the next anti armor sorti, press 2 instead of 4 and look at the numbers. Now repeat the same thing, but chang the crit mods for dual status mods to make corrosive, add scorch and seeker. You might realize the reason why people like the akstilleto prime that much is crit, even if you might notice(if you have enught experience with status weapons to rate it correctly among others) that it is actually already one of the strongest status weapon in the game but hardly used as such in favour of it's crit stats.

  8. Why? Should I join the "status is useless" and Ember is only useful for pressing 4 at low levels club because it is the public opinion?

    While you might think I am just try to be "edgy" with calling youtube videos bad just compare this two:

    The first on is actually a fairly good guide, explaining how the higher fire rate of the mara adds some issues for mouse wheel or full auto macros, how high level modding is done and why you would build around certain elements. I actually could add to the first one that the higher fire rate also has it's advantages like proc/s if you fully status mod it. The reason why this option is not used in the first video is because it is a massive damage loss outside of Ember, however on Ember it comes at close to no damage loss whatsoever and a very big utility and damage buff. It is a guide done by somebody where you can see that the person knows the weapon fairly well and uses it himself probably a lot.

    The second one is just "is it worth the effort" video like everybody does this days, staring weapons they probably do not use and just thrown a few forma on for a demonstration of how they think the weapon works or not. Given that it can not deliver in her hands and it is not in the broken level of weapons but a fairly balanced one the answer is no, it is just a waste of forma and time to them.

    While second video the maker likes to point out how bad it is, in the video before it apparently does absolute fine against high level stuff.

    I for myself also happen to use the mara detron more then any other secondary in the game and if you negate stuff like the staticor that is just incredible poor balanced given how much stronger it is then nearly every secondary and primary status weapon in the hole game while throwing the core advantage of innate radiation damage in the mix as well, the mara detron is a very powerful high level weapon if used correctly and can blaze through sortis solo without much issues.

    I for myself 100% agree on the last note of the first video "The detron is a nearly perfect example of what a strong weapon should be, without being a no brainier or just overpowered." even if the weapon is considered in any other guide as plain bad.

    Edit: The reason I used the detron for this example is that there actually is not a single good guide for the boar prime, it is A: "weapon does so much less damage then my Tigris and is crap" or B: "the corrosive/blast thing" what is similar bad if you actually put it to the test and try to solo a sorti with that in a glass cannon frame. On Ember it is exactly the same, it is "duh WoF is good at low levels since I do not have to do anything, but Ember does not scale." or "Firequake f2w" in every single content video that google manages to find.

  9. I am sorry for actually type out my thoughts on the forums and explain a bit more precise how stuff works and why it works and why changes should be made or not.

    Just ask your fellow you tuber if he did at least 100+ solo 1h+ survivals with the boar prime, then ask if he even did one. The answer you get will be the same and there is a reason why I complained for nearly 2 years about the status nerf on the boar prime while others point out that blast/corrosive is super good in her simicarium tests while in reality it is utterly crap in practical applications(the knock-down kills your dps vs groups and blast is utterly inferior to fire when it comes to deal with non armoured HP, the reason why I only need 7 rounds to kill that thing that the guy in the video spend 40 on). If you put a proper used vhek against that L145 target you will see for yourself what kills faster, hint it is not a corrosive/blast Boar prime at L145.

    While you find the video yaw dropping, I find it terrible and it is people like this, or people get her opinion from videos like this that comment on how good the boar prime is while having literally no real experience with the gun itself what drives me insane every time it I start a topic about it. A corrosive/blast boar prime is utterly bad compared to a proper modded Tirgris(all of them) or the vhek in literally every practical application for Warframe players, what is the reason you always see the vhek and Tigris in sortis and that is it. You next to never see a boar prime and the chance to see somebody that out damage you with a boar prime is literally me and maybe 5 more people in the hole game ending up in the same sorti like you, this is how much of a niche gun it is.

    TLDR: Boar prime you tube videos are just as bad as Ember videos. Watching people in videos talk about corrosive blast boar prime is like watching a fire quake Ember video. :sad:

    Edit: Did you ever consider the chance that people on youtube might be just wrong in regards of Ember or nearly every single status weapon in the game? Because they actually are from my experience.

  10. On 12.4.2017 at 2:59 AM, Almagnus1 said:

    And a vet bragging about how things used to be benefits newer players how?

    For a newer player, assuming they don't spend platinum on the warframes, Atlas is off the table because it requires endgame content, Necros is also very difficult to acquire because you have to get to the derelict, and be able to kill Lephantis, and then there's Hydroid Zoidberg which is a punishment to the player if they're running THAT warframe.

    Not to mention that Vay Hek is the worst boss in warframe to farm because of his immunity mechanics - which requires a warframe that can survive through the BS and then shoot him.

    From a new player perspective, Ember's actually really good with where she's sitting in the star chart, and what she does, and how difficult she is to build until one of those frames can be farmed out.

    It is not bragging, you simply used to spend a very big amount of your time in the void survivals to get the latest prime access(took me like 40h T3S to get the last saryn prime part before I took my break). Also I levelled nearly everything on Helene instead of drako(because the amount of afk and people that could not care to bring at least one useful weapon or frame to the map), what drops 1-2 per single 20 wave run. Big bonus point was also that you could just do the first 20 waves with your levelling weapon, just slap a 1-2 fire damage mods on it and use it with accelerant that turns nearly every weapon in a BFG.

    Hydroid was a all right solo frame(next to infinite ammo and energy plus extra loot) before the necros rework, that removed the biggest disadvantage for solo necros(not being able to wave your hand while you have to shoot stuff). Vay Hek is not to bad to solo with Ember, I did give lots of newer players in the clan a hand with that on Ember as well. It is just that most players do not play it a few times to figure out the mechanics.

    New players will get the biggest bang for the buck out of Rino, since the frame does work without any mods and is incredible good once you get your mods(high dps with roar, very good team based utility, god like CC and fairly durable and mobile). I for myself stopped using Rino nearly completely over Ember 3 years ago early on(in a time where accelerat could not re stun and playing Ember at high levels was Russian roulette) because I really like Ember. However I would not suggest that to a new player, if you are not ready for a vertical learning experience.

    Ember in contrast to that is the complete opposite, she starts with incredible weak defences, offences and utility and is only used for a passive AOE damage that falls off fairly quickly. Just look at your own experience with the frame or put in "Ember scaling" in the search and you will see your opinion repeated for years(well not years, since even for AOE farming Ember had a bad rep before the channelling change, while you could actually just the same as you do now before, just required a different mod setup and scaled a bit worse). Even if you manage to figure out Ember, it takes a metric ton of framing to get what you need for the frame to work well and the result is far less broken then a lot other things in the game. 50% of the limbo damage done in today's sorti interception, next best player had 1% damage done on his name, however while it is fair to assume that DE will tune down Limbo p4tw, nobody will nerf Ember dps, since I am nearly sure not even DE knows where Ember is dps wise between other options since high level dps Ember is so rare that it falls through any kind of use statistic for sure(I not seen a single Ember that was not below average for dps output at high levels in the last 3 years).

    Ember is gear dependent what is a massive problem for newer players, since the frame in her hands is actually fairly weak and can not scale well, what should be lessened in my opinion(the reason why I suggest adding status to accelerant and scalability to WoF, even if both things are hardly any use to myself since you can overcome all this issues with specific gear). I do not agree on all the "Ember falls off at level X", since I hardly notice the difference between kuva flood/sorti and a normal mission with my Ember(you actually do, this is because of the power of your CC what prevents hits and weapons like the boar prime do low damage but have nearly infinite scaling, what means you will not notice the difference between a L50 and L100 heavy gunner, because the gun takes the same time to disable the armor and the HP under that are only 4-1% of the actually EHP, weak to fire and de buffed to take insane fire damage), however I know where it is coming from, why it is the common image of the frame and that it should be looked at by DE.

  11. On 11.4.2017 at 11:56 AM, Ryunokage said:

    Disagree, tonkor rounds now arm at a minimum range of 6 meters after being fired. Coupled with its drastically reduced bounce and propensity to spontaneously detonate on contact with anything uglier then you are, you'd have to be colossally stupid to get killed by your own tonkor blast now.

    In which case the current amount of damage dealt to back blast is perfectly within reason. If anything DE should implement some kind of a penalty for exploding yourself with tonkor grenades, just because its so difficult to manage that now. I'm in favour of credit/affinity/resources/mods being lost, ideally in a quantity equal to 10% of the player's total inventory, or complete loss of currently acquired material, during that mission.

    Assuming self damage that will kill you guaranteed if you get only slightly touched by the AOE is reasonable, what kind of self damage would be unreasonable?

    Stuff can just run into a grenade as you fire it and the bouncing grenade would need a very good visual and a meter counter above it to make it predictable, currently it is just as much rng as a penta grenade(with the advantage that you can if you are in doubt just go 20 meters backwards and then detonate your grenades). Self damage is ok, the fully modded self damage that is way out of line with any HP pool we have as players is not.

  12. On 11.4.2017 at 11:03 AM, taiiat said:

    sudden spitball idea - what if Seer dealt Void Damage or Finisher Damage rather than IPS?

    while AkLex is unnecessary Powercreep, Seer does deal higher average Damage per Shot than Lex, so there is a reason to use it.

    You can much easier land head shots with the normal lex to beat the Sear in practical application, if you crit mod the lex it pulls ahead very solid, aklex is just plain better(especially the higher rof is nice since the normal lex feels a bit sluggish). Finisher damage is overkill, but radiation or corrosive work very well vs armor and elemental damage weapons are better status weapons as well(by the lack of IPS procs). My mara detron had no issues to punch through the L80 and L100 sorti targets today when I did run out of ammo on my Boar prime(oh the joy of using a status shotgun again). It only deals 105 radiation(4k per shot,  on Ember round about 28k damage per shot after the viral proc), while the sear would have 84 without the spread what is fairly decent assuming the reload time would not cripple it.

  13. I always found the flight speed the main issues why a Lex will perform much better at medium range+ and the zoom that does handicap the weapon at close range.

    While a specific mechanic for crit less weapons regarding damage or status would be nice, crit in the end, even while not modded for it is just a damage modification. 10% crit chance with 1.5 crit multiplier at base even unmodded just means 5% more base damage(with a lot of RNG to it). While I welcome mechanics that separate weapons a bit more, I would fear that it would just make this weapons with 0% crit better at the expense of some that have crit, but are not modded for it.


  14. On 9.4.2017 at 2:24 PM, (PS4)Santar0s said:

    I have been giving the latest weapon rebalance some thought and as a player of near 3 years the more I think about the more it irks me.

    If you really play the game for 3 years you should have seen it coming. If you can not do a single mission without running into players spamming the same hand full of weapons that are better than any other counterpart in her own class for no good reason it will land on the chopping block sooner or later and I for myself have no idea why the Tonkor was around that long, even if it was considerable less annoying then Simulor Mirage lighting the map up with Neon colours to a point where you hardly could see a thing.

    "Carrot on a stick" balancing is very common in all online games when it comes to push sales, however it will sooner or later crate fairly bad balance in the game, something that DE could fix by actually hire somebody that does balance her game full time for the benefit that old content does not all the time turns older content not desirable any more and does not make players invest time or more important for DE plat into it.

    Btw I actually do agree that the current mechanic with self damage that kills nearly every frame in a single hit is stupid and it would make far more sense if that is just limited to weapon base damage. 325 blast vs the 50 the old Tonkor had would hurt considerable more if you use it like a shotgun, however they would not kill people that get a unlucky bounce or a Kubrow or other player running in front of them while firing to the ground instantly.

  15. Adding a small AOE would help, however there are still little to no reasons to use it over a normal lex or the aklex that you can get just from the market, while the seer needs farming.

    I would rather see it getting a high status chance(like 50%) to work without the status mods reasonable well in the hands of new players and give it corrosive or radiation base damage. With this it would be different to the lex or other heavy pistols and a good option against the faction new players will most likely struggle early on before upgrading her mods, grenier and her armor.

    Also the projectile could be a bit quicker as far as flight speed goes and the extended zoom should be removed since it is not a good long range pistol(by the flight time) and it is more of a drawback then a advantage at close range.

    Edit: Reload time should also be looked at and tuned down to something like 2s, making shooting more shots for status purpose feasible on it.

  16. While armor scaling is in desperate need of a total rework, capping it at 90% would already help people that have not the tools to bypass the mechanic to deal with it at higher levels or in sortis.

  17. On 10.4.2017 at 1:36 PM, (PS4)vrykolacas82 said:

    I'm sorry why exactly would you switch teleport mobs out of a snow globe at any level? Snow globe's recast does that for you....

    And loki can prevent a load of nasty situations with zenurik, irradiating disarm and perma invis.

    There was actually a time where this was not in the game and frost could not be in any snow globe at once, if you used multiple for CC in stuff like the phoenix interception event. A well played Loki is very useful, nobody denies that. However all what you see in most public games and even recruited ones are people that do not even know that the frame got more than a 2 button(similar to rino). Does not matter if you see them in L100 sorti or a L1 alert.

  18. It is a very old bug(with the status) that I and others reported since the frost rework without DE ever explaining if it is a bug or intended mechanic. In general you are better off by only use avalanche if you really need it and work with Ice Wave Impedance for the most part, since it only applies a normal cold proc without the freeze mechanic what does not prevent from applying status procs or stops enemy units in a pose where it is hard to get a head shot on them. .

  19. On 9.4.2017 at 1:00 AM, Z1011 said:

    I potatoed my Glaive Prime in the simulacrum to test how it holds up against high levels and instantly regretted it. It REALLY needs a buff, considering its also a staple of Warframe.

    If they fix the life strike on throwing weapons channelled it is actually quite a good high level weapon, even if it would help a lot to actually make AOE exposions affected by the channelling multiplier, given that throwing weapons enjoy the benefit of mod like killing blow since they are use with the channelling mechanic full time.

    On 9.4.2017 at 9:39 PM, Insizer said:

    Unless you buff the damage to stupid levels, thrown melees will never be comparable to gunblades in terms of damage.  Thrown melees can only compete in terms of utility.  We need to buff/give utility to many thrown melees.  As for Kestrel lovers, I'm one of them, and I do not feel screwed at all.  You don't use the Kestrel for damage, you use it for the forced ragdolling of enemies.  Frankly, the Kestrel is one of best thrown melees in that regard because it doesn't even try to compete in terms of damage but rather utility.

    I agree, utility is very good on throwing weapons and should be improved on instead of giving them stupid high damage.

  20. While I agree that it does not make much sense as AOE nuke it is still a very strong scaling fame without even pressing 4. 

    The animation on his 4 is kind of a trade off for damage(that is still sufficient to take out targets at sorti levels) and the ability to escape death by it. What you describe is more or less Ember, with a passive AOE damage(negotiable, even if it is one of the strongest scaling 4 in the game for raw damage if you stack power strength and use accerlerant) and CC(actually quite good at any level, assuming 200% ish power strength in combination with a fire status weapon you will revive that tank frames in sortis instead the other way around) while using accelerant to give your weapons incredible punch and weapons to negate certain mechanics like armor scaling(what ash comes with out of the box).

    For me Ash was and still is enjoyable to play, because armor ignore is incredible powerful and outside of defending other people he is the much more powerful stealth frame then Loki because he is pre-emptive, while what you do with Loki is reacting to situations that you can not prevent with your abilities or weapons(like mass switch teleporting stuff out of a snow globe a thigh levels if things go wrong on the Banshee player end). Keep in mind that this is still not weak, since I could in the original Phoenix interception(L150 grenier heavy blade only interception) prevent any enemy from taking points or get to close to the team in the snow globe in the middle of the map by switch teleporting them to spots where they will be no problem.

    From my pov, DE should have given the armor strip ability build into his one(make a augment a glaive like bounce between targets), his 2 should have 1-2 more seconds base duration and the augment should have useful range(like 20m at base) and the augment for Teleport should give all weapons CL ability what means you can again use a melee weapon you really like instead to being forced to using a dagger.

  21. On 9.4.2017 at 9:43 PM, -Defeater- said:

    I tried making a thread about it the other day and it got moved to the rework mega thread because i mentioned the rework mega thread -_-

    and yea, theyve said nothing about the "rework". Ive stopped playing him since, something needed to be done about his 4 but not this. Kinda sad, but will be funny to see him at the bottom of the "most used frames" list right next to Zephyr if they dont do anything with him. So many other frames can do the same job better, idk what they were thinking 

    Set you mouse to low sensitivity, use a big mouse pad and just move it all over the place for halve a second. Bladestorm nearly works like it did before with that, without the ability to kill stuff out of line of sight. Other than that Ash is very good, beside of it's 1 that needs a augment to scale(then again it does scale to any level with that), invisibility is broken good and instant guaranteed kills no matter of level, armor, HP, resistances is also borderline OP if you use a CL dagger and Teleport(just stand in front solo at L150 against a toxic ancient with Saryn or a Arson Eximus with Ember and you will see my point, because this units have a ridiculous defence against all your scaling damage).

  22. On 9.4.2017 at 11:54 AM, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    To be honest, i was very upset and against the nerf from the first time i heard about it here on the forum.

    And got really pissed off after getting it on console

    BUT, after playing with ASH, i found it better and even a more assassin frame, better than B4

    Now i use it for extremely hard sorties

    You just need to know how to really play it (by the way, i don't use smoke screen, it has less than 1 sec duration)

    I found a better way to deal with the nerf, a way that is easier than before.

    So honestly, i wish they just keep it as it is now

    Ash was already incredible strong before the changes in sortis. If you play him with 1s duration on smoke screen, than that is your choice, even while smoke screen and a AOE melee like the Orthos prime is plenty to do 60% of the team dps while only using your 4 twice to avoid lethal damage, since your melee weapon similar to back in the days of Drako is actually quicker then your 4 to kill stuff for the most part, even at sorti levels(throw in the augment for his one and all this extra armor sortis are no challenge as well). This is just how strong stealth buffed melee can be and how bad literally every loki player that shows up without pressing 4 once or not using melee really is.

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