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Posts posted by Djego27

  1. il y a 3 minutes, zzzNitro a dit :

    So basically you are agreeing with me? 

    Well if the question was what is better with less effort, the answer to that is without any surprise Saryn atm. It is not that Ember is weak, it is just that a lot of other things are easier to play with what did not change since 2014 till today. However this might change, like a lot of other things that changed, while Ember will most likely not given that there is technically not really something wrong with it.

  2. Il y a 6 heures, ShortCat a dit :

    Oh, I am not asking for buffs, I am asking for core design change on Ember (it is in my post on the first page), since she is in a wierd place right now. I call her "Accelerant Monkey". And I absolutely agree with non existant weapon balance in the game, whereby the latest weapon pass killed any hope remaining after Rivens.

    Actually, I wouldn't mind actual buffs either, since the game is in a rampant power creep state right now. Why not go "full $&*&*#(%&" and see the whole world burn down? We deserve it.

    Well I do not really see the issue in the core design.

    Fireball is like most first abilities CC, what the ability does sufficiently enught.

    Accelerant is a good, quick cast able stun with a big buff to fire damage applied to the target. Yes it is the "bread and butter skill" most frames have those.

    DE works on fireblast since years, the flame wave was a community suggestion, duno if the damage buff was to. In general I would like to just have the ring in the middle on fire, procing it and slowing down units that try to pass it. A bit like we used snow globe back in the days. While it is certainly not practical in any mission, it would have it's uses at high levels and gives Ember some more tools to control enemy units.

    WoF is just WoF, it changed little with the toggle change(outside of the energy leech aura immunity at the beginning what was removed), it changed little with the last change.

    I do not like the power creep, it already had me drop Saryn from my 2. most played frame, given that she got very boring.

    Il y a 2 heures, zzzNitro a dit :

    Don't look at it from a veteran POV, where you can inflict tons of damage but instead from someone that wawnts to deal damage with Ember, do you go for skills a la Saryn or Weapons? 

    Well lets go a bit into the history of Saryn. When I started Saryn was considered much better then my Ember, given that the frame did massive burst damage what was viable up to L80 by just 4 spam everything(every faction) to death. However the build crippled every other ability and the CC was always very bad, so realistically looking at it, my Ember was just as good at low levels while having the better scaling damage. Then came the rework, and there are probably still some 7h survival videos on youtube showcasing how broken and poorly thought out that was. Then came the "bug"(or a careful placed in inconstancy, choice is up to you) when everybody called the frame useless, what did trigger me to play around with it. Guess what, people on the internet where wrong. 

    The old Saryn was fairly good balanced against Ember(more AOE, less single target damage, awful CC for a bit more EHP), by also being a incredible powerful weapon scaling frame, that also shared with Ember that most people could not do real damage with it. 

    This is for reference the, according to our forums, non working pre rework saryn, what worked fairly well for scaling AOE damage in my personal opinion, assuming you played around with a lot of weapons before settling with specific modded Plasmor, given that it produced the quickest runs for soloing 60 waves of defence with Saryn.


    As it stands, you basically put your money on spore not seeing a nerf coming(what it should see, not only because it encourages passive game play, but also trivializing any armor protection on any level map wide). Or you invest in a couple of weapons(just get a hek and a staticor as a new player, this will punch through any sorti with ease on Ember and will certainly not get nerfed) and a Ember. Believe it or not if you get good at Ember, by experimenting a bit with weapons and abilities and polishing your game play, you will be actually much better with every frame you play afterwards.

  3. il y a 49 minutes, ShortCat a dit :

    It is infenitely more easier than normal defence missions, since the target has infinte HP(revives) as long as you can revive it, which should not be a problem with void mode.


    Unfortunatelly, I already finished todays defence sortie, but you have to believe me it is from the mission. The focus is on "Abilities Used" stat. Unfortunatelly again, void mode counts as an ability and goes into statistic, but I played the whole mission without using any of Ember's abilities. Am I the best Ember player now that don't even need them?

    Well I guess it supports my argument that we do so much damage this days that even fairly potent damage buffs like accelerant can be completely ignored, even solo for what DE considers probably high level.

    This is from a few years ago, 60 waves of solo ODD, what I mostly did to post something based on some actual testing about the vhek, when the forums where full of people that claimed it is weaker then the normal version:


    This is from last year, pointing out that old weapons actually are able to deal with more then L30, assuming people would use them in combination with frame abilities like we did back in the days where nearly all weapons where like that:


    This is from this year on Hydron, where people claimed that pre rework Saryn was completely useless after 10 waves with molt/spore and the AOE toxic transfer mechanic does not work, because they did not look deeper in the mechanics and used the wrong weapons to(keep in mind that doing the 40 waves on Saryn is much more difficult then with Ember, simply because the weapon modding on Ember leans itself to incredible strong performance vs armor, while it did not on the old Saryn).


    As for playing the mission this days completely without abilities, sure it is possible, given that DE thrown out weapon balance out of the window a long time ago it is not even surprising, what makes it just more ironic that people ask for buffs to play L100 ish stuff, given that most will likely never go to the point where her weapons or frame abilities struggle.

  4. I do not use ancient healers outside of higher level defence missions, mostly to protect the pod against what DE considers a well thought out mechanic(infinite damage scaling on NPCs). I never seen a big issue to stay alive with Ember outside of getting one hit killed(like L120 upwards depending on the faction and units) if you keep moving and utilize the CC the frame has. What is more of a issue is when DE allows enemy units with hit scan weapons aimbotting you as host/solo player or one of the many quite bad mechanics(like toxic ancients one shooting you with the breath attack before even starting the animation, shotgun crewman becoming the true successors of the old detron crewman in one hit killing you even at lower levels or hook attack also carry over aura effects like toxin and can proc slash, at what point it is literally a one hit kill before you even get hooked).

    I can also feel your pain with the war blade, I to still miss one and have not seen any drop for at least 30 moon survivals in the past.

    Edit: As for Arcanes, Arcane Victory is fairly easy to get and useful on all frames, even if it got mostly obsolete with magus elevate. Arcane rage is very nice to buff primary weapon damage at high levels, only issue today is that we barely have situations where you would need more damage. Well I guess it helps to kill the the Theralyst quicker so there is that, back in the days before primed point blank and rivens it was a very solid damage buff to my boar prime that did did like less then 1/3 of the damage back then.

  5. il y a 16 minutes, failedtodiet a dit :

    This Sortie is actually far easier than high level survival because their main target is something else, not you. With specters around, I didn't even use 4th skill. But good combination of arcane nevertheless, i've never though of that before because i don't own good Arcanes. 


    I do not use specters and I would not call it easier if you have to revive the defence guy quite a bit and can not chose the positions where you fight because you have to follow him wandering around compared to a survival. I did sorti L100 survival solo with Ember with the extra armor penalty since the WoF change and before and the only issue I see is DEs enemy accuracy, what feels just as bad as pre U17 against solo/hosts and lets you avoid big open rooms against hit scan weapon using NPCs like a plague(what you should not have to do in my opinion, same as you do not have to as a client).

  6. il y a 1 minute, ReshyShira a dit :

    What's that got to do with world on fire?  I'm talking about WoF and it's change.

    That you can still do defence Sortis solo with the CC of WoF and a bit of acclerant thrown in, so it should be certainly good enught for the average player.

  7. Il y a 2 heures, zzzNitro a dit :

    Ember is THE one and only frame that's weapon dependant, when it comes to play Ember not any weapon will do, unlike all other frames were you can have a disconect between modding weapons and frames and go well into the high level stuff, modding for Ember requires special dedication to weapon modding, the right amount of heat damage, status, etc. 

    Most of this got scraped with the weapon rebalance. While there are still obviously weapons that perform much better on the frame, a normal player can use this days nearly everything while being effective up to sorti levels and beyond if he has realized how the damage and status system works. I mean DE more or less thrown that what made Ember a special weapon based frame(interactions with focus, arcanes, pets etc.) out of the window over the years and honestly you do so much damage this days with rivens and the weapon buffs that even keeping up accelerant all the time hardly matters, even for soloing sortis, while I will certainly not do much endurance stuff on Ember with the current state of enemy accuracity against solo/host players.

  8. Il y a 2 heures, ReshyShira a dit :

    Equinox cannot go and make a pizza on defense missions, sorry if you never played the frame and thus don't know better.  Equinox requires the squad to be actively killing enemies to charge it up.  Banshee is still better at killing lower level enemies than either of them (except at like the below level 10 range).  The only thing that Equinox has over Banshee is that she scales indefinitely whilst the others fall off very quickly.

    You do certainly not need a squad to charge up at levels where people claimed her WoF Ember was useful, with stupidity that is meme strike the level hardly matters anyway. While you can not make one while doing the defence you can certainly eat one without to much issues on Equinox(I still can in EOS while doing the highest damage).

    Il y a 2 heures, ReshyShira a dit :

    I know watching a short youtube video is very difficult, but her CC in the form of Fire Quake has been severely diminished by 75% of it's old size due to the new mechanic, whilst not scaling anywhere near well enough to compensate for that loss in survivability.  I hardly ever seen Ember anymore except for fashion framing.

    Watching this fire quake youtube videos is actually difficult to me, given my head mostly hits the desk and starts hurting after a short while. I hardly seen any person that could be described as reasonable Ember player the last 2.5 years as well, given that playing Ember just with WoF is just on the level of Rino/Loki just using 2 or the old Drako Ash master race that always looked like every other button on her keyboard but 4 was not working. There was also a similar outcry when they changed bladestrom, even if it had very little impact on people that actually played the frame proficient, while you could objectively solo your L100 sorti with the frame just fine with the frame that got invisibility, a anti armor augment and on demand finisher damage.

    Il y a 2 heures, ReshyShira a dit :

    Why should you need to toggle an ability, why can't it just.. work?

    Well it does work.



    This is the 2. most stupid defence in the hole game to solo(first one goes obviously to the old archwing defence, that was beyond terrible with unscaled HP on the defence targets, 2 targets to defend and stuff being able to spawn literally directly ready to shoot defence targets or was stuck at some edge of the map what required like 3 minutes each round to find the last units). It is not like the solo, L100, Ember, shotgun only(oh the joy of not having a extra weapon for arson eximus at L100) or armor aspect making it such a pain, it is scaling damage on indestructible turrets and traps that do noting against people cheesing it and making it nearly unplayable for people that actually play the game.

    Even then Ember works fine, assuming people try to use more then the 4 button on her keyboard(or just using this one correctly by just double tapping it every 15-20s) while playing the frame and consider that a weapon to be effective scaling damage on Ember has to be modded different then on her other frames.

    Looking at the saryn rework that changed the frame from being scaling damage via weapon/ability interaction in combination with good positioning and a adequate secondary weapon to deal with certain things in the scaling(toxic eximus) to hiding in a corner with a Ignis and doing damage mostly automated by the press of a single button I could pass on a Ember rework, given that I then most likely need a new frame to main.

  9. Le 23/06/2018 à 05:21, (PS4)aiptekfanboy a dit :

    There is no holy Trinity but there is a holy foursome of buff, buff , buff and buff.

    I.E. Nidus nest, octavia buff , banshee, rhino .

    At nest everyone drops off vapor specter, cosmic specter , clems, ancient specter , crewman specter , etc, etc till the nest is full of specters army.

    Then octavia buff banshee buff and rhino roar at plus 300 strength lol.

    Everything is buffed then buffed then buffed till any enemy just gets one shotted by our buffed specter army and we do this till either 3 hours for lols or we have to stop due to real life saying stop .

    Variety is 4 rhino roar plus specter army lol buff and buff and buff and buff lol

    Other days 4 octavia specter army buff runs.

    Etc,etc buff frames are good frames.


    This is not the topic of the thread, given that I main Ember I have not seen a damage shortage in years in any content that you can still realistic play solo without cheese. The issue is mostly that you can hardly test out newer weapons realistically at levels where they would show fatigue. Something what I for example did with the vhek in 2015 by doing 60 waves of solo defence with it and then starting to post in this "it is worse then the normal hek topics here on the forums".

    Damage buffs should also be revisited, sonar in particular as well as stupid levels of stacking. In general I would like to play the game more like it was 2014, if you go on a non 4CP recruitment chat survival, getting mocked for your frame and your boar prime while smile and wave at anybody after 40 minutes, where here boltor prime or soma suddenly had issues. Assuming we cap enemy damage scaling to a point where you play with the mechanic instead of thinking a way around it would improve high levels a lot, same as solo survival/defence changes in U17 changed them from "hey let me stand here behind that box and use abilities"(because you did get literally melted from anywhere on the map before that) into actually playable content up to L150+ ish or so for solo.

    The game is in my opinion just a lot more interesting if you get further by playing better with mechanics that allow you to play with(getting better as a player), improving your proficiency with your frames and tinker around with consumables, arcanes, weapons and such. Something that I did not really do since years for myself given that we do not have content for that and frame/weapon balance gone just straight downhill, to a point where the best melee player is the one with maiming strike and a macro(I did the last melee only sorti 10 times in a row and I counted not a single other player that actually used melee outside of spin to win, even sorti levels are trivial at best for a good melee player without that) and we got the current saryn(keep in mind the old saryn, armed with a plasmor and a secondary vs armor was already kick ass at soloing something like that) because people till that day do not understand that a extra armor sorti is already fairly trivial if you use a weapon with "technically" low damage that just deals well with this percentage based defence via status.

  10. Sigh there is no holy trinity in warframe.  Being able to take a lot of damage is not bound to dealing low damage and can not hold agro.  Dps frames such as Saryn just got a full rework, to just work by pressing 1 instead of needing a very good understanding of her mechanics,  weapons and modding to do high scaling damage. Healers can't heal people that die instantly.  With the old trinity you did heal 2-3 times per minute,  not to heal but for the damage resistance only. 

    Warframe has tanks being stupid levels of durable just for the sake of it. Only exception being frost that has team and objective based tanking with the globe.  It has dps that hardly require any player skill to do that damage and healers that mainly give damage resistance because you can not heal people that die in half a second or less. 

    Can you link one of this 3h runs without cheese or a very tanky frame? I played a fairly high amount of it and can most likely exactly tell you how they did it,  because there is no black magic or super secret build, but a fairly easy cheese to it, given that if you play the game as it is you will get hit at one point, even of you are very good with cc,  what again means hitting the revive button at sufficient high levels. 

  11. Well it is Limbo and most of the hate is not irrational but based people who used the frame to troll or just handicap others by not knowing what the abilities do. 

    It will hopefully go away now with the changes and people getting more experienced on the frame. 

  12. Il y a 17 heures, SastusBulbas a dit :

    Im sure that with scattered justice regular Hek outperforms Vayor Hek?

    Only on body shots. The vHek is a critical shotgun and will perform better with good aim.  Also given critical modding it is incredible strong with just one damage type what makes it ideal for ips or elemenal resist sortis or on Ember. There is also primed ravage at what point even on body shots the damage difference is very small, while having the higher rof and twice the magazine. 

  13. Rino is good for new players because you do not need mods for the basic tank, different to utilizing a channeled ability like exalted blade effective without burning all your energy.  

    Both Rino and Excalibur are very good if you have most of the Basic mods. You can also get Ember fairly early, what is a very good frame for farming stuff and also to level weapons, given that just adding a heat mod and pressing 2 makes nearly every weapon deal high damage even at low ranks that prevent you from using other mods. 

  14. High damage output is ok, getting killed in single hits however is not. This does also happen with tank frames, just takes more levels. What would be better would be being able to take hits with every frame and throw out the ridiculous Ehp of tank frames and absurd strong resistance and God mode mechanics.  Blessing giving 30% damage reduction could be really good assuming enemy units do not hit you for 2k+ damage and it would also make healing abilities a lot better given that you actually can do something for a good player that does not facetank.  

  15. Il y a 2 heures, TheBlueJelly a dit :

    I mean you could always git gud....

    I fly naked on Titania for Cetus Bounty 5s, and my Sortie assassinate/survival go-to is also typically Titania with only Redir for EHP. Rarely ever get downed.


    I do admit I usually cheese other sorties via Limbo or Hikudo Valkyr or other "more impressed if you did die" picks. But that's part of the game- using the right tools for the job.

    I would suggest soloing L100+ without any cheese to get a good feel for it.  This also applies to all the people using tank frames were I for the most part still do not feel any issues 1h into Mot solo.  I would suggest Ember because the Frame is a good benchmark for stuff like this. 

  16. Il y a 21 heures, GameOrDerp a dit :

    But then on the other Hand, this would mean I could indeed replicate it in the Simulacrum. As I have stated prior this did not happen at all. So My next String of Thought was that It, the Regulators, are affected by ALL Mods present by every other Player's Secondary Weapon present in Your Squad. That for One would explain that I cannot replicate this in the Simulacrum as I have stated 3 times by now. I don't have a clear Explanation for this Phenomenon, but I'm certain that Something has gone wrong.

    As somebody else posted here on the forums today it is most likely a client issue, where where the game taking mods form your secondary as well into account. It will get fixed sooner or later.

  17. Ember(WOF)/Saryn(spore, was much easier with toxic transfers, basically just 1, gas plasmor into a group of enemy units, 4 and you where done), just find a spot where you can jump between walls and hang on to them in a survival.

    Edit: The old void treasure rooms are good for that, they have a open gunfire field of view and 2 walls made to jump between them, given that this was back in the days the parkur path you had to take to room with the containers.

  18. Depends what you want to do with it. I personally put 4 forma on my vulkar wraith and modded it like a Latron(primed fast hands+ wildfire for extra clip size), that is far more reliable to use in any content by the quick reload, good fire rate and the quite serviceable 10 round magazine and good enught for solo sortis and the Teralyst in my opinion.


    In the end just pick what you like most from the mechanics, given that all sniper rifles deal plenty of damage without rivens already.

  19. Le 12/06/2018 à 23:29, Emperrier a dit :

    People were fans of those playstyles though, as shown by the humongous uproar when they were removed. Those people went on to play something else, not because they chose to but because you forced them to change how they played. But nobody's having trouble with sorties or low level missions on account of those playstyles being gone so like... what was gained? You made a lot of people upset and the balance of the game didn't change.

    People where not fans of this play style, nobody uses the tonkor now, even if it is more then enught to melt through sortis solo. What people did love is something different and we both know what that is. If that is making them quit the game(I see no real prove of that on the steam charts btw), then they would have a even harder time to find a new game that is like this, given you hardly could make game play in any co op game easier while still trying to create the illusion that the player is a empowered good player. I mean nearly every frame we got in the lasts 2 years is literally unable to die up to sorti levels, got not a single mechanic to it that needs deeper thinking and got a crap ton of damage on top of that. This is how low DE sets the bar for people that don't know how status works, frames work, frame interactions work, how to properly use rolls and animation cancel, how to use CC, damage types or scalability of weapons/abilities. If DE ever just adds a slot machine(because this is how warframe feels when there is literally no chance in hell you could lose) where you can just press a button and let RNG decide about the reward people would most likely just play that.

  20. Il y a 12 heures, Emperrier a dit :

    But I ask this: Is Warframe a better place when Ember feels bad to play? Does balancing Arca Plasmor do anything except stick in the craw of people who forma'd an Arca Plasmor, and make people going forward just use the next most powerful gun? Is any amount of appeasement going to stop people from hating on Limbo? Did these changes make Warframe more fun? What are these changes in service of? Balance in a PvE game? Pleasing everybody all the time? Fixing things that were unintended for the sake of them not being intended?  

    It is when you do not run into Ember in every single low level mission. Also Ember plays exactly like she did before the toggle change, where they was the same but unusable by nearly the hole community, because hitting 4 from time to time is such a impossible task to ask. The arcor plasmor was incredible broken before the changes, like 97% damage done on the old Saryn in 40 waves defence against my clan leader broken(because it did hit the hole map on the old Saryn) and it is still one of the best weapons in the game. The first iteration of the limbo changes where just stupid, same as "like it or not, everybody uses melee now on my command!".

    50% of the people did not run through sortis with a Tonkor because they are super clever(heck people still use elemental frames&weapons in elemental resist sortis or try to spin to win slash proc her way through IPS resist sortis). You did not see a Ember in nearly every single lower level mission because people are big fans of the frame. Balance in a video game mostly means that the developer does consider you as a intelligent person that is capable to chose between a fair amount of options that can be good/bad depending on the scenario. The lack of balance means for the most part the opposite and stuff is not totally random broken(think of it as a carefully crafted surprise, that you are supposed find), yet super easy to spot even for the given target audience that does not like balanced games.

  21. The only issue are elemental resist sortis(cutting down your damage nearly to just IPS). I hardly notice the difference between normal kuva mission and kuva flood, given that her armor does not mater if you hit them with weapons that proc a lot of corrosive effects. Otherwise Ember is able to solo anything in the game at high level since years.

    As for Eso it is like the first game mode where Ember is not good at for the following reasons:

    1. The limited target count on WoF becomes a massive disadvantage against abilities that can hit everything, both for damage and CC if you basically tipple the spawn rate.

    2. Even if you kill that L100+ as fast as you can point your weapons and accelerant on it, it is significant less efficiency gain that abilities that hit the hole map. To a point where everything ending up in your crossair dies in a second or less(armor or not), is still not enught to make it over zone 6 with the current efficiency drain(zone 5 atm, because it combines armor with massive size of the corpus excavation title set what throttles your solo kill speed by a lot).

    3. Being strong against armor on your own is negotiable by having a saryn in nearly every Eso game.

    4. Hit scan weapons on enemies got pretty much 100% accuracy against solo/host players again(what is just as awful to play as the era between U15 and U17), even if that is not a Ember exclusive issue, the massive spawns and big open maps make staying alive just painful with the frame(you literally not let go the channelling button and your melee).

    5. Eso does not have a solo balance pass, what DE it did with Interception, defence and survival a long time ago, what did benefit Ember a lot(what is most likely a undergarment, .given that it came bundled with a enemy accuracy nerf against solo\host what in return made Ember literally the best solo frame at any content where you did not get one hit killed).

    Outside of Equinox(by using incredible broken melee single target damage that you can then apply to the hole map with maim), Trinity and Saryn there are no other frames I am aware off that can do 8 rounds solo reliable since DE did cranking up the efficiency drain to eleven. Even in a group without 4CP and a lot of coordination it is very hard to reach 16 as we speak given that massive drain beyond 10.

  22. Il y a 10 heures, (PS4)Kairu_Aname a dit :

    Ember needs to be reverted because with the changes she had done to her they don't fix what DE said they were trying to fix, and in fact nerf her overall survivability in higher missions because less range on her cc ability. 


    Go watch quite shallow's video on the subject. Objectively it's a nerf for no reason other than, "we don't like ember in higher lvl missions". 

    She still nukes low level missions just fine. The thing de was trying to stop(whyyyyyyyyy even change this).

    Well I can still solo stuff like todays extra armor L100 survival with Ember so I guess survivability is fine assuming people use accelerant for the stun and double tab WoF a few times per minute. Or it would be assuming DE would get around and fix hitscan weapon aimbotting you across the big rooms non stop, what makes the game feel like the U15 to U17 era for solo\host players were they kind of overlooked that making units more accurate in archwing had a fairly noticeable effect on other parts of the game. Well at least to the few people that do not run around with next to unkillable frames and actually play high levels instead just cheese them.

    It is fairly unlikely that the intent was that "We don't like Ember in higher lvl missions.", else they would have most likely nerfed the damage output that you can archive in combination with her other abilities instead of buffing them. What is more likely that they did not assume that people that play at high levels actually have issues to press some more buttons.

    Il y a 10 heures, paul5473 a dit :

    A lot of people used her in high level missions as a CC knockdown frame. She was helpful in reducing the amount of enemies attack at once with her WoF augment and now her range is useless and no long useable, that's why she should be reverted. Nothing to do with low level clearance it's to do with high level knockdown with her augment.

    That's the reason right there why she needs new kit! You've just described why because no one really uses it.

     Well a lot of people could just use a real CC for that, if her intend was to play that. Vauban or some other frames are a lot better at this with the only difference that people have to press a few more buttons. I am also not really a fan of the firequake augment, given that people using this in sortis and other stuff for the most part where not really that useful and did more or less just reduce the damage of anybody in the group that could do headshots by 50%.

    I believe that using the frame for kind of hands free CC while throwing your hole damage potential with your power strength out of the window(remember Ember is a damage frame) is not a very compelling reason to change all her abilities. Especially since WoF does literally the same as firequake with high power strength minus the knockdown(what is a huge damage bonus) and given that you press 2 in between to do damage with your weapons as well the CC is in general more or less the same. 

    Il y a 10 heures, (PS4)big_eviljak a dit :

    Drop WoF altogether and bring back overheat.

    What would solve this? You basically would replace a ability that is the main reason why players have next to no idea how her frame that they play a lot actually works with another one that was just as bad (technically even worse, given that it did next to no damage).

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