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Posts posted by Vanadium

  1. I'm definitely getting bored with hordes (ha! HAHA! RHYMED! IT'S FUNNY NAO!).


    Take a break from Warframe? Play Payday 2. What's there? Hordes. Get bored of that, go to Killing Floor. More hordes (MOAR RHYMES IS MOAR LIKE IT!).


    Point is, I want to play a game where I feel challenged by squads of tough enemies, not hordes. I miss the ruthless AI of FEAR and HL2, or constantly feeling threatened by enemies in Thief (old Thief, not new Thief) and requiring stealth to survive. It's cool to feel like an estranged elite warrior caste, but the godhood we've attained is starting to get a little stale. G3 is probably the only challenging enemy and they show up once a blue moon.


    I know I'm whining and I know good AI isn't easy, but I really hope 2015 includes Enemies 2.0. Just sayin'.

  2. Proof:








    What are these things? Are these replacers for dropped credits? Anyway, they seem to either not get picked up when having iffy host-client connection, or even seem to multiply. And the "picked up thing" sound effect plays constantly when in contact with them.


    Wasn't sure if this was an A&A issue or Performance, but here.

  3. Fair enough. The TAG cannon functionality is interesting, though, and I wouldn't want to see it completely removed. I would say "keep that as the augment mod functionality" (with zero tracer ammo consumption), but augment mods typically tend to be a straight buff...


    Never said remove the TAG, just remove the TAG's self-nerfing ammo consumption. The TAG (and the sound FX) are what make the gun baller and interesting. It just needs more tweaking to be 'usable' vs 'a novelty gun' (like a lot of clantech).


    I don't want to see the augment system become a "band-aid" system for guns that just need a few numbers changed here and there. I want that damage/damage+status mod I sacrificed for the augment mod to be worth it, rather than making probably-high-tier guns feasible.

  4. What the Buzlok needs is an augment mod which changes its behaviour as follows:

    -Right-click zooms in as normal, but ordinary shots are fired instead - perhaps with a small decrease in the cone of fire from the existing hipfire cone.

    -Hipfired shots instead have a small (5-10 degree?) sight cone in front of them, inside which they will attempt to home in on enemies. Shots fired while ADS do not have this homing behaviour.


    It doesn't need an Augment mod, it needs to be fixed.


    The tracer ammo consumption needs to be removed. Here we have a non-damaging, non-AoE mechanic that costs 10 ammo and is a PITA to use, while the Quanta shoots an explosive dethcube, that does no damage to user, and that damage can be doubled just by shooting it with the beam. So for 11 ammo, you get 450 (or something) base blast damage, while Buzlok gets seeking bullets on one enemy.


    That and projectile speed needs a huge (4x at least) buff.


    Otherwise, I kind of like your idea just as a normal function for the weapon.

  5. Honestly think it would be baller if you put just half (or a little more than half) of the Steel Meridian sig on the mag. Makes it look sporty.


    But this is definitely something I would want. Hope someone at DE sees this and says "Let's do it!"

  6. Braton Prime is fine now. Here's a loadout:


    5-Forma (all max):


    Split Chamber


    Heavy Cal (6-8/10)

    Infected Clip

    Rime Rounds

    Malignant Force

    High Voltage


    There. A high damage, status-monger that halves everything's health in a line (and stuns them) and actually kills them at the same time. Combine with various CC from your teammates and you'll be fine. Ammo is still manageable. Stop whining about ammo. L2controlled burst. Better than Boltor Prime, hands down.

  7. The projectile speed needs to be buffed in a HUGE way. Both tracers and normal rounds. Also, the tracer should should cost...1 ammo? I like that number. It's not like the Quanta's dethcube. It's just a tracer.


    But the projectile speed feels slower than the Supra, which is definitely saying something.


    Otherwise, such a cool gun.

  8. Why are these replies so weird? Seriously. I cannot tell if anyone agrees that the corpus could use some fresh, new enemy models (the point of OP, in case anyone is confused; i.e. feel free to throw in suggestions) or for some reason disagrees.


    Or if you're all just bumping this thread with weird wisecracks about the game engine and the art/anim dept.


    Someone, please, help me understand...

  9. The Korpes doktrin bayleaf, that a unity between tech and baiyoloji, with countermeasures and separation, rifts, rending asunder, will lead to a prosperous laif, like a leaf.....


    I'm...what? Oh, ok. Bayleaf, belief...lol...gotcha.


    But no, the Corpus protect most of their holdings through robotic, automated proxies (MOAs, Ospreys), alongside crews that are either surprisingly well-trained for bean-counters or use self-guiding equipment, or both. Those guys under the helmets, aside from having extremely long lifespans due to essentially eliminating "average lifespan" via space-medicine, are pretty normal, at least compared to the Grineer.


    But look at how huge that guy is! I'd rather see him in some cool space-power-armor getup. 

  10. I like to run with an ice storm maxed and a rank 1 slip mag, gives it a 30 round mag, though that does kinda hamper it's damage. I do wish they would fix this though.


    Yeah, that slip mag would really kill your damage. The 28 from Ice Storm is almost ok, I can almost pretend, but...I know in my heart, it's still wrong...

  11. 2014-10-30_00002.jpg


    Like, why? He's huge. I thought it was the Grineer who were into all that genetic engineering.


    I guess I'm just tired of the Corpus getting the short-end of the stick when it comes to assets. We just got this Infested Mutalist update with 4(?) new dangerous baddies and they all look cool. Before that, Grineer got their sick beastmasters and their own bat-dog-things.


    Corpus? They get nothin'. As usual. Now, I know that new 'Siege Moa' is coming out, but that's like one new model for the Corpus in...I want to say more than a year. Zanuka/Hyenas don't count. They're bosses. All the bosses have been getting their own models. And the Anti-Moa is just a Fusion Moa with no backpack, so that also doesn't count. Corpus rarely get new assets, usually just getting recycled over and over again. And it makes me sad.


    I guess I just got really excited when I saw "CORPUS CORVETTE" on the new Corpus archwing enemies and I expected this:




    So that one on the left is like a fighter/interceptor, that one on the right is a bomber, that one in the middle is a corvette. What's a corvette (in naval terms)? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corvette


    That's what I thought I'd see. The Grineer got a whole bunch of their own Archwing assets, but Corpus just got recycled again. I just feel bad for the poor Corpus. Their things are rarely as nice as everyone else's.


    I just hope they get an upgrade somewhere down the road.

  12. 2014-09-21_00001a.jpg


    So, yeah. Whenever you turn Loki's head full to the left, this weird oblong shape pops through his neck, which is what I guess you guys used to make sure that Loki's head fit right when you first put him together.


    Well, here we are, almost 2 years later and he still fits, so if you could make this weird dome thing invisible...




    ...that'd be great. Thaaaaanks.

  13. Yeah, this has been a long running complaint. It should ideally be 21 or 24, or even 18.


    Hardly anyone uses the gun, so there hasn't been much support for this.


    Maybe it's time there was.


    I just like it because it has a sweet reload animation and sometimes I want to take a break from all the other crazy secondaries and just use something that...y'know...shoots bullets. Just shoots things good and dead. There are other guns like that, but they're either really bad (Lato) or a pain to use (Lex/Prime).


    Sometimes it's nice to use a gun that's just a gun. I want Sicarus Prime to be there for me is all (and not have a weird mag size).

  14. It's a joke, right? DE? I know it is, you guys are so troll-y sometimes.


    A 3-round burst weapon with 20 rounds in a mag. It's just to screw with us, amiright?




    It's seriously the only thing keeping me from using the gun. It's really not that bad otherwise. But that last burst, them 2 rounds...


    Please DE, just give us 1 more bullet in the mag. Make it a nice, "even" 21. Personally, I'd like 30 rounds, but that'd be greedy. Give this poor gun the tiniest polish.



  15. Just popping in to mention that we were discussing this earlier this week. That doesn't come with any guarantee for changes or anything, but it is something that has recently been discussed.


    This is correct and was brought up in the discussion.


    To be continued.


    DE-senpai finally noticed us!




    Would be cool the use beam weapons that aren't Phage/Quanta again.

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