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Posts posted by Vanadium

  1. That is a real problem yeah, DE has kinda backed themselves into a corner with Prime Access now.


    At least they aren't bankrupt. Even so, the Rhino Prime Access (which came with BoltorP) was really the only pack that offered an easy mode package (except them Ankyros, el-oh-el).



    It's clearly NOT obvious to everyone. Please don't assume too much about the rest of us as not all of us are as into the game as you seem to be. Ok?


    If that's correct, that just makes it a bit more powerful than the second best weapon(s) and makes it a top tier weapon - and thus worthy of at least MR8 while we're on the topic of discussing the weapon's MR. 


    No offense intended, but your early statement that the weapon IS power creep strikes me as claiming opinion to be fact and as such is a flawed argument.


    On topic: Seeing as Warframe is MAINLY a PvE game...what's the problem with the Boltor Prime being as powerful as it is if it allows you to kill off high level enemies more easily than other weapons? I agree that it should only be accessible to players with a high Mastery level, but honestly, what's the big deal other than that? If the other Prime weapons are not even remotely as good in comparison, why not buff them as an additional solution? I can think of at least ONE Prime that could use said buff, but that's for another topic.


    You're sure are getting defensive. Almost suggests a dependence on Boltor Prime.


    Your last paragraph, you just described power creep. And this is what's been happening since last September: increasingly powerful gear necessitating buffs for the rest of the weapons so that they stay viable. Having a single weapon out of 140+ which is better than pretty much every other weapon is really boring. Though seeing most players using not-Boltor Prime when I know they have one (I do too, forma'd twice), at least makes me think that this community is far from the worst. They (we) don't want easy mode, they want fun mode.


    First, lets just look at the vanilla Boltor. At 25 base dmg and like 10 RoF (too lazy to check), it's hardly OP. Open Beta day 1, the Boltor was 18 base dmg and had a 30 round mag. And that was enough. It was considered powerful since it had armor ignore, and alloy plate being an uncommon resource made it painful grind to obtain for new players. Power creep (and Damage 2.0) have resulted in stat increases like this across the board, because anti-nerf QQers won't allow one weapon to be sacrificed for the good of all other weapons.This creates more work for the devs, which is probably why it takes so long for them to get around to buffing guns that need it. When one weapon becomes the standard that all other weapons are held to, there is no balance. The entire point of Damage 2.0, in fact, was to make every weapon that wasn't Soma/Brakk or had Serrated Blade/Armor-ignore/Armor-Piercing (all different things) viable. And it did. 


    Though, really it feels like completely separate people come up with these numbers. The Boltor Prime and Marelok came out with their bulldozing stats, while Glaxion, Attica, Akzani came out (the first two were fixed) with very underwhelming stats. It's like they're playing different builds of the game.


    Nerfs to powerful guns have happened and were done pretty well. The Brakk's falloff is exactly what it needed, the Straith got its crit chance almost halved and damage reduced by 40, and explosive weapons got their ammo nerf (notice how no one's complaining about ammo nerf anymore?). And these weapons are still very powerful. Given the past, I'm pretty confident a Boltor Prime nerf is in the works and not just an MR restriction.


    Power Creep is bad because it feeds an endless cycle of weapons being released that are too powerful and thus destroying loadout diversity (which makes the game boring), which requires all the other weapons to be buffed and at least optional, which results in trivialized enemies and challenges (where we are now), which requires more implentations artificial difficulty (what we are seeing with Gate Crash), because it's a lot of work to overhaul the way all enemies behave; which in turn results in the community asking either for more buffs or "buffed out of the box" weapons, and it starts all over again.


    The Boltor Prime is the most egregious form of Power Creep yet, and for a measly 40p, any new player can grab one and never need another weapon in the game, ever (probably).


    This is a waste of DE(Ltd)'s time and destroys our (the players') fun with the game. 


    So what do each of these do and what factions are they best used against?

    To go off topic:


    Viral in general, aside from Infested resistances, is very strong against flesh. In addition, it halves enemy health on proc (yup). For low dmg/shot weapons, this significantly reduces your TTK.

    Radiation is good for Grineer elites, less-than-great for everything else, but confuse procs are still useful for CC.

    Electricity's stun is pretty amazing. 3 seconds of completely still craniums for headshots. Not to mention damage bonus against robutts. Helps to negate their resistances to Viral.

    Corrosive is good against everything. Very few enemies resist it. Proc halves enemy armor (working in the same way Corrosive Projection does) reducing your TTK on Grineer.

    Blast is knockdown. Enough said.


    Viral/Rad is great for Grineer. Viral/Elec is great whenever your not facing only Infested. Corrosive/Blast, though the damage falls off sometimes, is good (but not great) all the time (good for Void).


    Corrosive/Fire would be your Infested killer, since all ancients are now weak to corrosive and fire takes care of the little guys.


    But all this really belongs in Players-Helping-Players. Sorry OP.



    I disagree entirely.  It makes little sense to me that simply loading my rounds with poisonous gas makes them hit far harder than using actual armor piercing rounds.  For MOST weapons, the on board damage is just default ammo and should be fairly believable if using a puncture mod on an impact weapon, we swapped out those standards rounds for a more powerful armor piercing round.


    ^ This. I feel like this thread is bring up old arguments of getting rid of incredibly strong elemental mods, removing multi-shot and reducing enemy health to compensate in order to compress the artificial difficulty. With DMG2.0 and the current strength of elemental mods, I feel like I'm playing Borderlands, which is an intentionally over-the-top game.


    Though Warframe definitely has intense, fast-paced action, I don't think it was intended to become this ridiculous. I feel like I focus way too much on the status system and it seems like Status is becoming more desired than other weapon stats, aside from base damage. I feel this attests to elemental mods being OP.

  3. Slash is definitely not useless. 3000+ dmg bleed proc on Corrupted Gunners from my Dread can atest to that.

    Also, puncture is resisted by almost nothing in the game, though its status effect kind of sucks. Should reduce armor, but not as much as corrosive. Or it should have a chance to acquire .5m punch through.

    Impacts blows. The stagger is nice if you have low dmg/shot, but is otherwise outdone by nearly everything.

    I think having element damage scale with physical is a bad idea, as it will destroy player choice and we'll be back where we were with DMG1.0 where only a handful of guns were used. Even now, most players (myself included) go for viral/rad, viral/electric, or corrosive/blast, since these combos reduce TTK and offer great CC. Other combos always feel like less. So, build diversity is alreadya little sparse right now. This also has to do with enemy resistances.

    What needs to happen is:

    Physical damage needs better mods with damage that scales from base rather than the physical damage being modified (again)

    Physical damage procs (except bleed) need to be reworked

    Cold, Mag, and Fire procs need to be reworked

    Enemy resistances should be tweaked again.


  4. Sound good in theory, but any new slot will *always* be used to add more DMG or power/range/duration. Now you can be more powerful so why should you "gimp yourself" with niche mods.


    Because there aren't that many "take it to 11" mods to begin with. There are only 4 corrupted power mods and most frames can only make use of one or two at at time. Granted, with this system, you could probably sport all four and come out on top, but most pro-builds for most frames are done with the first 6-7 slots and those builds are looking for maximizing rather than rounding things out. The freed up slots are just giving an option. And always is a strong word. What am I supposed to do with Blind Rage on Loki?


    With the number of slots we have now, we already have enough room to take all "essential" mods. I don't want for extra for more, because I already got them all. I want extra so my frame can be stronger in a different area, like stamina and speed.


    A simple fix is that a Warframe can only support 1-2 corrupted mods because of reasons (void radiation or something). It's arbitrary but also makes sense in the lore. These are dangerous artifacts from dangerous places.

  5. Completely agree, +1. 


    I'm a zealous Loki player, but I can't deny that Rhino has been and remains the most balanced frame in the game (until you stick Arcane Vanguard on him), in addition to Loki (of course). And I hate Rhino. I hate using him, I don't like his looks, I can't make him pretty. He is my least favorite, but mechanically he has always worked without being ridiculous. All of his powers are useful.


    So, don't hate the player (but do, anyway), hate the game.


    Our AI needs an overhaul. They need to stop relying on relentless CC in the form of knockdown and "git gud". They need to be challenging rather than "arbitrarily difficult" (popular words being thrown around gaming these days). 

  6. All these mods and so little space for them...


    Particularly mods like Flame Repellant, Marathon, and Heavy Impact. Y'know, the not-MLGPro mods. The set up is usually the same: Useful abilities, Redirection and Vitality and/or Steel Fiber, Streamline and/or Flow, power mods (duration, strength, range, etc.), and then you're probably out of space. And that sucks.


    An argument would be "Well, that's what you get for choosing to focus on powers." But screw that. It's a PvE game and we want to make interesting builds outside of power management, which feels necessary for higher level play. But how do we make more room?


    The new UI allows for better space management, thus we now have the opportunity to have more mods slots.




    This is pretty messy, I know.


    The idea is simple though: To give us more space for more specialized mods, let's give Warframe Abilities dedicated slots.


    Up there, at the top. Next to the Aura. This way, Warframes will be able to field all of their powers without having to drop them for utilities and we get more space.


    Personally, I don't think the four freed up slots should be whatever you want. I think that would be a little OP. I think they should only be able to use a mod that matches their polarity (which could be forma'd, but only to another polarity), now that these mod polarities are starting to get fleshed out, lore-wise. Each Warframe might have a different set up, but I feel this would allow us to have power builds with specialized utility, rather than power builds and maybe one or two utilities.


    But that's just what I think. Especially during the Breeding Grounds and with this Gate Crash event, I wanted to put Toxin Resistance on my Loki in case I got caught in a cloud, but everything else I had on was more useful to my playstyle (not getting hit).


    I think more space is necessary if we ever want to see these niche mods get regular use, or if we just want to see more build diversity. It will be especially necessary if the gameplay ever gets overhauled and congo lines/moblobs disappear in favor of difficult/dynamic enemies (I can dream).

  7. Good suggestions, but maybe take this thread to A&A? Not because this is the wrong section, but it's probably going to get buried here under all the "Sheev is bad, buff plz!" and "what these mods for?" threads. And because this is an animation thing (for a weapon).


    At least in A&A, Draice might see it and take it to the animators.

  8. I say nerf, down to 35-40 damage. Yup. And I love the Boltor and the Boltor P (for it's looks; it's a strong successor unlike a few other primes).


    It's really way too powerful. When I read the in-game description, it suggested it had damage falloff, which would also have been a great balance and kind of interesting. But no, it does 55/bolt, has a rate of fire on par with the LMGs, unlimited range and accuracy is rarely an issue in this game.


    Too good for us Tenno. Plz nerf.

  9. archwings are coming

    who needs coptering


    I kinda agree that when Archwings come out, no one is going play any other part of Warframe again, ever.



    This does sound like a good idea for a new consumable or for "universal" warframe abilities (altho the universal abilities would require some kind of rework/replacement for frames with movement-based abilities)


    I wouldn't intend for coptering to be a generic ability. Kind of like how every size-class in Tribes has skies and a jetpack, every Warframe should be able to copter (some better than others) out of the box. There could be mods to effect 'thrust' or vertical movement to horizontal, but having it as a mod itself, when our space is already so limited, would mean that teammates would be lagging behind because they're sporting a mod build that fills all the slots and is more or less required for that frame (like my Trinity's NT/Fleeting build).


    I was also thinking that it would be this new coptering that makes certain abilities possible, like Slash Dash, Tail Wind, Rhino Charge, etc. Really, how does Exalibro do that? Little jet boosters makes the most sense.

  10. Nope, not a Zorencoptering bash thread.


    TL;DR: If Zorencoptering is here to stay, it should be refined, which may include removing it from melee weapons and just having it as something Warframes do.


    Even so, the last Devstream kind of left an idea hanging: "Zorencoptering is like skiing in Tribes."


    Pretty much, yeah. For those who don't know about skiing and it's rich history or about Tribes and it's rich...everything, I'm not going spend time on the exposition of days of gaming yore (also, shame on you and "what r u? casul?"). Point is, skiing was eventually refined, having it's own indicative graphical effect and being easy to use/understand, but hard to master (kind of what DE is supposedly going for with mobility and melee).


    I feel what needs to be done is for Zorencoptering not to be affected simply by what melee weapon you're using. Especially now with heavy melee being weak, lack of coptering is another deterrent for heavy melee use. I would say that heavy melee needs coptering the most, since the slow swings make it easy for the bad AI navigation to just wander off or vampire leap away from you, while you're left in a 1-2s combo. Coptering is necessary to close range fast for heavies and to chase them down again when you miss.


    It also gives speed to Warframes that shouldn't have speed, breaking any inherent drawbacks. "But Zorens are a drawback!" They were, apparently they're pretty good now. There are also a handful of other very viable weapons that also copter, like Scoliac, Bo (Prime), and Fangs (Prime). I'm talking almost solely about Rhino. To get some parallel, the Heavy armor in Tribes always had difficulty with mobility and that was its main drawback. But enough about that.


    Finally, it just doesn't make sense. I spin fast, so I fly forward at ludicrous speeds. Why? Because my melee weapon is fast. Science.




    Really, I don't know. My head keeps going back to the Long Jump Module from Half-Life 1.



    Basically, little boosters integrated into each frame, at points that would propel your center of mass forward (top of the shoulder, lower back, hips, and maybe thighs).


    Not like this, though:

    tumblr_ma5ibd6zae1r24vdi.jpg" />


    still rad, tho


    Because, y'know, we need room for our Birdlifters.


    Another option is just sick Ninja jumping:



    Ninja jumping fits in a game where we're supposed to be ninjas (honestly, I've given up on Tenno being space ninjas).


    That's all I got. Feel free to leave your own ideas and discuss.




  11. Honestly, this just feels like such a $&*^ thread. Given that the Devs like to fool around with their engine, wouldn't it be fun to have a hacked MOA mini-game?


    If you have a problem with a thread, argue it's validity in that thread. Don't make a thread to complain about other people's thread. INB4 lock, probably.


    Like what vaugahn, this "metathreading" stuff is a waste of space and time and obvious flame bait.

  12. We are the true villains of the Origin system, such as we have proven time and time again.


    Genocide, grand larceny, assisting coups, housing fugitives, breaking fugitives out of prison, mass destruction of property, assassination, smuggling contraband, stockpiling munitions, corporate/national espionage, also we're assisting a fully self-aware Artificial Intelligence and those are always illegal.


    Now we can add obscene taxation without representation to the list.


    GG, guys.


    (+1, btw)

  13. I think it's fine. I don't use it for the damage. I just use it for supporting my squad by using a viral build on it. 


    Supporting squads...teamwork...? What? What game are you playing? Obviously not Warframe. The only teamwork in this game is doing more damage than everyone else. And Zorencoptering further/faster than everyone else.


    Man, this guy...

  14. Yup.


    The frames are starting to have a quality of being really internalized, like "Is this too much?" was never asked (Pirate-ninja-jellyfish). It's like DE is just talking to itself and not considering if the idea is too silly even for their setting. It doesn't help that some of them (Oberon, Nekros) felt really rushed on release (and are still broken, aesthetically and mechanically).


    Mirage was a surprise. She kind of brings it back even if the Harlequin thing is grasping at straws for Warframe ideas. And she's good. She doesn't have a hundred wires running over her, her color separation works, and she has some funny bits of costume to give her a unique silhouette. 


    With Mirage, it also looks like we're getting into the gender-switch zone of Warframes, which probably means DE's out of archetypes/elements to explore. Mirage is girl-Loki, if it even needs to be said. Players wanted it (kind of), DE wanted to do it (but didn't have the time/budget in the beginning), and now it's here.


    I just hope the new frames aren't "too much".

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