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Posts posted by Vanadium


    Feedback would be "I have been using mechanic X, I have been having problems in A B C because of X Y Z. Is this intended", and not "the new content does not fit me so here is what needs to be done to fix it".


    I have seen multiple page posts from people that describe a total rework of a particular frame or mechanic. Yes, THAT will go down well, it's basically saying "I think you made such massive mistake that only a complete scrapping and remake will fix it", I think that will annoy a few devs don't you think?



    Sorry, but some things do need a complete rework. How about that nothing outside of some arbitrary length of elapsed time affects our Warframe's inertia? This is preventing an immersive movement system. This is a fundamental problem with the engine, and it needs a hefty amount of work to fix it (because it results in a lot things that look like bugs). 


    A lot of these (good) rework threads have included the "A B C to the X Y Z", and have then suggested some idea or change. Yeah, some threads aren't great and some suggestions, no matter how well-thought out they might be, will result in a lot of work for no change.


    What you're describing is pretty much a detailed bug report thread, with the implication by both the devs and the players that XYZ isn't intended. I don't feel like asking "Is this intended?" is anywhere near as strong as "We want this to change, here's an idea", especially when the answer (for a very negative mechanic) is "Yes."


    Consider when it was first suggested that Handspring should be implemented into core movement and Scott said "Nope." And then there were a dozen threads that said "ABC/XYZ/whatever" and ended with "Nope to your Nope, Scott." They didn't end with "Is this intended?" Now, Scott has retracted his "Nope." (Thanks, Scott!)



    From Devstream #31: "Scott: They may be referred to as 'bandaid' mods, but they're in there for a reason. We've added mods after the fact, like handspring, if you really don't like knockdown"

    And 2 weeks later (DS#32): "Scott: We’ve talked about knockdowns having skill based recovery to recover quicker rather than a mod that is a bandaid mod. We have test animations."


    See? It works sometimes. Obviously a skill-based Handspring (suggested by players) isn't a huge rework, but here we had a bad mechanic that "was intended" and the players requested change to that intent, and we got it.


    It does sucks when devs are almost directly butting heads with players (or even specific players, in the case of Zamboni vs. Steve, again, in DS#31 [which later inspired an apology by Steve in Zamboni's rework thread]), and some rework threads do come off as antagonistic towards the devs.


    The devs don't play the game as much as we do, and it's important to remember this. Sometimes an idea sounds cool at the time (like releasing Detron as indirect reward for doing Grineer invasions) which can have unintended consequences (Detron farming leads to 75%+ Grineer domination). And this works both ways: As players who play the game regularly we need to bring attention to what's bad and maybe offer a suggestion to fix it, while at the same time not immediately thinking of each bad mechanic released as an attack on the player base.


    I doubt many of the devs have experienced the pain of killing Tyl Regor 50 times over just to get Ash, only to have Ash slowly become irrelevant as content progressed. Both of these things have been corrected because players made the devs aware of these problems and offered suggestions. 

  2. Oh, see from Vor's tutorial talk I thought that the Tenno were human at some point, but had become so corrupted by the Void, they were essentially conscious energy that inhabited the suits. The first Tenno may have had bodies, but the process became more refined over time. It also explains why we can switch back and forth between Waframes. 


    This also kind of explains Alad V's intro trailer, where we see an Excalibur (/w Pendragon) get sliced into parts but it's just black and burnt. Could be cauterization, could be that there's nothing really in there (also it's a T-rated game, whatever).


    They breathe because...Warframe stuff.

  3. BirdFrame, JellyfishFrame, DeerFrame...


    And I thought Necro-Falcon-PawnchFrame, DollFrame, and FrenchFrame were bad.


    Don't get me wrong, on some level I like all these Frames, but they don't fit the same way the "Core" Frames (plus Saryn) did. The ideas behind the new frames are starting to get too silly and we just have to cross our fingers and hope that they're 'good' (Mirage is good, at least).


    Feels like these new Frames are killing the mood.

  4. I suppose the majority of players don't even want to think about Kubrow death, but one or two "hardcore" mechanics probably won't ruin the game. Even so, a safety net in case of unforeseeable lack of PC/Console access should be implemented. I wouldn't want my creds/plat go down the drain "just because of X".


    I'd like for a system no more complicated than the power/timer settings on your laptop:


    At -60% Health Degradation (that's 40% of 'normal' health), your Kubrow is automatically placed in Stasis: The big one. -20% is too close for comfort (and would probably bug out, resulting in a Schrodinger's Kubrow), -40% is probably still viable for combat when maxed and modded.


    Option to place Kubrow in Stasis on log-out (performed only once per day): And auto-thaw on log in. This has become a regular practice for some. This would be a nice convenience. Since you probably don't stay logged into Warframe from when you wake up to when you hit the sack, this should only be done once in a 24-hour period.


    If Player doesn't log into WF for X days, place Kubrow in Stasis: Because stabilizers are a little expensive. Yeah, I can get 100k in less than an hour, but I don't really want another reason to credit grind or just to have my stash cut into. Maybe it's a busy week, maybe some new game came out and you just don't feel like logging in. It would be nice to not have to come back to injecting 80k liquid creds into your spacedoge.


    Would help us out and assuage our Kubrow-death fears, while remaining immersive. Just saying.

  5. My god, get this man a cookie. He just learned coding and fixed a "problem" with the game.

    Honestly, if you are getting under 30 FPS, upgrade your system. I get it, right? Not everyone can have a strong system to play games on, but this is PC and not console. By nature, it's alot friendlier to the people that have money to shell out on their rig and if you're under 30 fps... that's on you. Your under-performing computer is making the game into a slideshow, and that's a problem YOU need to fix. Not the Devs. That "Line of code" is in for a reason. 



    Wow, ok. Yeah, just let me buy another $1600 ticket back to the States (4x the cost of my laptop), quit my nice, long vacation, and get right back to playing on my rig. Hell with that, it's beautiful where I am, but I don't like going to bed before 9 and so I want to play Warframe.


    You're basically saying that anyone who can't afford or who doesn't have access to stronger hardware deserves to have their in-game DPS output (not skill, not overall performance) cut down to whatever your FPS counter feels like. I don't have control over a Nova covering an entire tile in fairy dust, or a 4-player pug of Mirages and we all got our clones out. And what reason is that line in the game for? You just said "it's in [the game] for a reason". What does that mean?


    Sorry, I don't feel like shelling out $1200 for an ultrabook that I would use 4 weeks in a year. How do you even maintain that kind of view?


    Man, when I made this post, I knew that people might be apathetic, but outright opposition to something that wouldn't affect them?

  6. Aaah I see, so you want the crinkum in the crackum, but first we need the crackers?




    Sorry, my cereal didn't come with a decoder ring this morning.


    Google Says: crinkum-crackum is elaborate decoration. Yeah, brah. I don't follow.




    Hey, buddy! Look at that! You're a source! GG

  7. Given the onset of increasing powercreep and the lack of love for a good portion semi-auto weapons, it's time to remove this obsolete handicap.


    It really doesn't do anything more than punish users with weaker systems. It also doesn't make sense why it elongates the time between shots on burst-fire weapons. I know this one's easy. Just erase that line of code.


    The reason this system was implemented in the first place was the AkBolto (or reasons and were). Seriously, that's it. The AkBolto's damage + it's RoF + scroll-wheel-binding + armor-ignore allowed the AkBoltos to outdamage everything in a time before OP Acrid, before Ogris, before Vortex-Ignis combo, and definitely before Boltor Prime.


    Really, they could've just nerfed AkBoltos, but they were cooking up the Acrid and they saw the road ahead. It was a bleak future for Primaries.


    Now, AkBoltos are just strong, but are made weak as with many other semi-auto weapons, by this 24 FPS cap, which is broken due to FPS loss on weaker systems. I don't think this will have a negative impact on the game, as most semi-auto fire-rates fall below values where scroll-wheel-binding would be necessary to make the most use out of them.


    Warframe 2014!

  8. There should be a "Take a Look at the Codex for more Info!" tip, at least.


    Am I wrong? I feel like it has all the info you need.


    I'll agree that with the new planet UI, Star Chart unlocking is less self-explanatory. Before, there was a clear path to each node and certain nodes unlocked new planets. The new UI is lacking that, though I do appreciate the non-linear progression for the nodes (we do have spaceships after all).

  9. It's hard for me to tell if this one's just a bug or just a straight up stealth nerf.


    Between level compression, affinity spliting, and this Eximus xp nerf, it's becoming more painful to even get 3 polarities on a gun, which when you can start putting interesting builds on a gun.


    It's true I'm running out of things to do, but that doesn't mean I want to spend my time grinding xp for weapons.


    I already have a 5-polarity Dread and Brakk and a 2 polarity Orthos Prime. I really don't have a reason to forma any other weapon in the game, other than to make fun builds with fun guns. But the constant XP nerfs are making it difficult to have fun with the mod system, especially with all these polarities-not-included new guns.


    Kubrows are bad enough of a grind. The Void is bad enough of a grind. I remember how much of a grind it was to max the necessary 10-rank mods, Those haven't changed, and that's enough of a grind and the true grind for weapon effectiveness. It should remain the only grind for weapon effectiveness.


    At least reduce the affinity needed after each Forma. Would help a lot.

  10. Yeah, what? When did this happen? 


    Buff back up to 190 damage, please. I don't care if it was the easiest event weapon to get, it's still a Wraith.


    Also, buff Gorgon Wraith while you're at it.



    Not many people have these weapons, therefore they do not get buffed.



    Oh, ok. So because I've been a loyal customer to DE for over a year, the content I acquired while supporting them when this game was kind of bad should be ignored?


    Why are you even posting here?

  11. From what I've heard is that apparently the imprints mean nothing in terms of the breed, just how they physically appear. But we haven't had any official word from DE about it so...yeah.


    This too. I've heard they're pretty unreliable right now. Just don't want to waste the plat if I know I can buy it later.



    Yeah, honestly I expected breed to determine body type. Weird.


    Not my point. I also want my Sunika to be fat and tiny, like a truffle pig. I want my Huras to be skinny as possible, like a coyote. And I want my Suhasa (whatever) to be broad and muscular like a rottweiler or super-broad like a pitbull.


    My question is will the new gene shop allow us to purchase changes for all aspects of our Kubrows appearance or will it just be fur color/pattern?


    I want to be able to and I'm willing to (within reason). The point of plat purchase in this game is to bypass timewall and this Kubrow stuff has a hefty timewall. Not just the acquisition of the egg, or its incubation, but also the additional RNG and feeling the need to go out and do it all over again if we don't get what we want. For the first time since picking up this game over a year ago, I am not willing to put the time into getting what I want via grinding, but I am willing to put in the plat. These are purely cosmetic items anyway.


    I just want that option.

  12. So, when my puppy first 'hatched' (what) and revealed itself as a Raksa, I actually got kind of excited, because here I have this fat little puppy, who will turn into this big fat dog, who's gonna follow me around and do my CC for me. But he turned out not-fat. I'm not sure what build he is.


    I became really attached to the idea of a fat Raksa, but the game lied to me. I kind of want to make a new one and buy some imprints, but these imprints tell me nothing. Also, I'm worried about buying one since scamming with these things seem real easy, given that you can't tell what you are getting aside from the seller's word. But he's also my first Kubrow, and I don't want to get rid of him or put him in perma-stasis or whatever, just because he happens to have the metabolism he does.


    I just want to know: will the new system give me the option to purchase builds (as in body types) in addition to fur color/pattern? Because I will pay plat for this (preferably not more than 35, the same price for a new sentinel mesh).


    I just want a fat dog, DE. Being fat is part of genes, too.

  13. I'm confused...is this thread about crit chance or status?


    It doesn't help that Akmagnus' crit and status chances are the same.



  14. Okay, listening to this Yoshida Bros' song...I never got this from Warframe. Ever. This is way too Feudal Japan. Yes, the Tenno have a lot of Japanese-derived things and mannerisms (but even the Tenno written language looks closer to West Asian or way-too-stylized cursive), but Warframe isn't just the Tenno; everyone else in Warframe are very not Japanese.


    The reason I'm still playing Warframe is because DE is taking up the torch of what Homeworld attempted 15 years ago with Space Opera: it's not just about explosions and lasers and gruff bounty hunters, it's about the iteration of human cultures across an increasingly large expanse of frontier (at least that's what it seemed like DE was trying to do, listening to the original Dark Sector vid). And we get to be the coolest part of the story of human migration: a ritualized and deified warrior caste. The cherry on top? The Orokin are dust and we get the run of the solar system, completely unchecked. "Power Overwhelming" defines the Tenno experience right now. Sometimes it's boring, sometimes it's awesome.


    In your terms:


  15. One year into Open Beta and I'm done with coptering. It's time for Warframe 2.0 and WF2.0 has no room for coptering. It's a glitch in the same way Skiing was a glitch in Tribes (except coptering is stupid because it makes no sense).


    I agree sprinting needs to be revamped along with parkour. It's clumsy, floaty, and looks kind of silly sometimes. I also agree that coptering should only be removed once movement is overhauled (I want a huge overhaul, not small tweaks).


    You know what would be a cool substitute for coptering? Grappling hooks. We keep getting these high-ceiling tiles, but we can't do anything cool with them. And not like Valkyr's Rip Line, where it just "reels you in". I want to swing around Earth while off-handing a machine-pistol. It bothers me how nothing in this game has a sense of weight. I feel like I've been playing Half-Life for the last 15 months (1999 vanilla, not Source).

  16. Pull works in one direction. Crush is 360 degrees.



    What game are you playing where Crush has CC?


    The problem with Crush right now is that, if the damage doesn't kill the mobs, their animation pops right back to normal, while Mag takes a ~.25sec animation 'cool down' or something. So you're stuck getting aimbotted by a crowd of enemies for .25 sec, which is death on 30+ anything, even with Mag's great shields.


    Bigger range just means you've aggro'd more enemies to shoot you.


    The community has suggested plenty of ways to make Crush viable.

  17. +1


    DE has been all over the place lately with the stats it hands out to new guns. The last time (I feel) we got a "just right" was with the Bow buff (and that was a balance, not an introduction of content) and that was months ago. It shows that DE does know how to balance, but it's lame to have to wait around until they're done with each big project just to change around a few numbers (which is all some weapons need [i'm not saying that's what the Bow buff was]). 


    Now that U14 is live, I'm hoping they will spend more (preferably a lot) of time going through the weapons and giving some the love they deserve (poor Supra).

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