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Posts posted by Vanadium

  1. Or at the very least, give it an internal sorting name that is "Gorgon" first.


    At the very least.


    Vaykor Marelok, Sancti Castanas, Mara Detron, Telos Akbolto?

    ... and many more.


    If we are being OCD (which we are not really, of course) let's do it properly shall we.


    It never ends...DE, make it stahp!

  2. Lex Prime.


    Like the looks, I'm not too big on 'mare's legs', and dat sound...


    But it would be nice if the Lex handled better or if I didn't feel so tempted to use the Marelok (Vaykor especially) for its outrageous stats.


    Maybe someday...

  3. This for sure.


    I just starting playing the game with numbers turned off, and sometimes it's a little hard to tell when I've killed something. A little visual/visceral feedback from the baddies would be great.

  4. Seriously?


    There's no reason for either of the guns to need spooling up. The Gorgon doesn't have multiple barrels, it just has a huge shroud, like the old Maxim MGs. And the Supra is three barrels shoved into a space-car battery. Neither of these things justify the spool up mechanic.


    Personally, I'd like these guns to function like the LMGs they are.


    Do you guys enjoy this mechanic or would you rather have full/near-full RoF from the start (like the Imperator Vandal)?

  5. Biotech sensor organ harvested from Infested entities.  –In-Game Description


    Shouldn't these appear on Eris and Orokin Derelict? Why are these on Jupiter in the first place?


    Rhetorical, because I know: Jupiter used to be an Infested zone, where J-3 Golem hung out, dropping Loki parts.


    So, I'm for Neural Sensors appearing in Infested zones.

  6. I've been thinking...that there should be a random voice set (male 1/2, female 1/2, androgynous, etc.) when a player gets in their Liset for the first time. I guess I really just want the option of different voice sets for Ordis. Am I an Ordis hater? Some days...


    But, Ordis is also glitched/broken. He/she/it should be unpredictable.


    And, finally, if you hate your Ordis, you can buy a different voice set on the market (after being able to sample it).



    Please expand Ordis' dialogue (or monologue, since Tenno don't really talk back).



    ...I said the base damage per projectile should be 13, which is a prime number. 13x3=39


    I never said 42 was a prime number. It's a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference and it's a Corpus gun, and I'd figure that the Corpus would be an organization that would be into number-porn. 14x3=42


    But here, I got a present for you:


  8. For void? Nope, you pretty much got it. Personally, I'd replace Jagged Edge, Buzzkill, and Lifestrike with Focus Energy, Fever Strike and Killing Blow, respectively. I don't do the "unstoppable berserker rage melee" build, I go "Kill or be be killed". Just more fun for me.


    As for Fever Strike vs Buzzkill, there's just sooo much dangerous stuff in the Void that resists slashing now (i,e. Bombards). Unless your squad is running 3-4 Corrosive Projections, your slashing damage is gonna get cut in half and the Dragon Nikana doesn't status proc reliably enough to depend on bleeding. Just from personal experience.


    For Infested though, your build will ruin all their days.

  9. Handspring is my drug, it has a special place in every warframe for me


    I like stick it and Constitution on my Trin and Nova for instant recoveries (important for those frames). It looks pretty funny.


    But I'd still like some kind of timed mechanic like in Dynasty Warriors for the rest of my frames.


    We're Ninjas!

  10. -snip-


    Agree with you on some points, especially pointlessly split damage with Corpus guns (just go Puncture, all the way), but some guns have gotten the balance treatment and it worked for them. Look at Bows, look at the Braton Prime. DE does know how to balance, I suppose it's just a matter of...something. I don't know what. I don't know why it's so hit-and-miss with them.


    I guess it's up to us sometimes, since we obviously use these things more. That's why I say the Supra would be much better suited in an extreme sustained DPS role, with ammo regen-esque mechanics and a wall of plasma, since it's already almost there and seems to actually perform well when used in this manner, up to at least W20 T4D. Just me, though.




    That's why I'm for getting rid of raw damage and multishot mods, since it will help out a LOT of weapons by freeing up a couple slots for much needed utility. It'll be Damage 2.0 all over again where every gun (except like...spectra) was viable until power creep kicked in again. Also, they nerfed Acrid, which was hilarious.

  11. Have you tried putting Sinister Reach on it?


    It seems to do ok against infested once you're filling a 32m cone of maxed corrosive and fire damage.


    That said, I hate the design, since it's pretty lazy. They just stuck a few things on a Grakata and said "Good to go!".


    I'd like to see everything about it reworked, the damage, the shape of the flame (I want a REAL flamethrower), and whatever niche it's supposed to fill (which is obviously "the flamethrower" but what does that mean in Warframe with all of our weird AoE weapons?).


    Killing Floor is the only game that I've seen do flamethrowers right.

  12. Though I still think the problem is less about how fast Supra eats ammo, and more about the fact that half the ammo you spend never connects with anything.  Closely followed by how incredibly painful the gun's magazine:reload ratio is.


    I hate to be the "gitgud" guy, but I don't have a lot of issue with the Supra's accuracy, even with a 6/10 Heavy Cal on my loadouts. I'll agree the projectile speed could use a decent boost (since it's unbelievably slow) but, like I keep saying, Supra's great for setting up killzones. The AI is predictable to the point that you can just get them to walk right into the bolts (or maybe I've just been playing this game too long).


    I guess one option that would make most sides happy is to have the Supra resemble the heli-machine gun from HL2:


  13. Yeah, best example would be Shield lancers still fire their Vipers in 3-round bursts. Or them 5-round burst Karaks on Elite lancers.


    That's what the deal with that is? I just thought that was an oversight...for almost 2 years.

  14. Tetra is outdated. It's like giving the corpus a braton and calling it standard. After all, they were all used by the corpus and disregarded(according to the wiki/codex)



    I have no idea where you're reading that. I look at it and see an easy-to-use, lightweight carbine. Also it has higher per-shot damage than the Dera.


    And the idea of crewman shooting dethcubes at me is kind of terrifying.

  15. I reckon you gentlemen are in the market for a Torid, not a Supra.


    Torid is just a different flavor of area-denial. Probably for less ADD people. It's fun sometimes.


    I think ammo pools and drops should be eliminated in favor of a mechanic more akin to that of Archwing weapons, and balance downtime via reload speed or a recharge mechanic.



    The devs were talking about (how the community was talking about) Corpus weapons having an "energy ammo pool" that recharges and overheats and whatnot. Would be great and solve a lot of the Supra's issues off the bat.

  16. It was discussed before, for some reason it is not as simple as throwing random weapons at random NPCs, as AI programmers have to pretty much teach them to use every single weapon available (and when looking at Spectres, I'm wondering if it is still a problem).


    I can understand how that would be a problem and Spectres are pretty dumb. Though, I remember some QQ thread a while back about Spectres with Toxin modded Tigris loadouts...Oh well, that was PvP. Who cares!


    Maybe an AI 2.0 is something that should be considered (again).

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