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Posts posted by Vanadium

  1. It's kind of boring/predictable to see each enemy type with the same gun.


    My thought is that each enemy, much like their loot table, will have a weapon table that they "roll on" when they spawn.




    Corpus Crewman:








       Dual Cestra (This guy just wanted to look cool before he died)



    Otherwise, we never see some of these guns unless we're feeling funky. I'd just like to see these weapons and their nice models put to work.


    Some of these tables could overlap with some enemies, that's fine. That makes sense. Really, just whatever makes sense for each enemy to use should go into their table.

  2. Then in the next stream he said sorry and he'd think about it, after there was a huge thread (in this very feedback section!) that basically said "Nope to your Nope, Scott!"


    So, it's still on the table.


    Also, we're ninjas. We should have been able to do this since day zero.

  3. But that's almost a benefit, the huge spray of bullets is incredibly good for holding choke points. I'd like to see a damage buff and more bullets instead.


    This guy knows what's up. The Supra shouldn't be a stronger Dera with a bigger mag. Let the Dera be the Dera. The Supra is really effective at creating a persistent killzone, making it great for Defense missions. What's wrong with a niche?


    The problem is when the gun easily becomes unable to perform in that role because it's a little weak. I'm asking for like...12% damage buff, maybe 24%. Really not that much. And more ammo (Soma Prime got 200).

  4. Kip%20Up%20R.gif


    With all this CC going around, I'm really wanting this to happen. Sooner rather than later. It's not so much the endless shield lancers anymore, but these SurpriseBombards in the Void, who I can't see/shoot at through these super-bright Nullifier bubbles. Dangerous combos.

  5. Word on the relays is that damage and multishot mods may finally get removed.


    I'm for this (just, y'know, give me more legendary cores).


    But this leaves Supra in a poor position. Right now, the only thing Supra has going for it is replacing the air roughly in front of a Tenno with plasma, making it a great area-denial weapon (if the AI had any sense of self-preservation). A lot of that is thanks to multishot. If the Supra loses multishot, it will suck even more (because of how inaccurate it is). Hitscan weapon can deal, pin-point projectile weapons can also deal (that second shot was just going to the same place). Supra needs that reliable cone of space-death.


    So I got a kill-two-skates-with-one-stone:


    All of the Supra's barrels fire simultaneously AND each projectile does 13 damage, raising it's damage to 39 from 35 with each shot.


    Why? I dunno, I figure the Corpus would like a nice prime number. 14 also works, because 42.


    There. Solved. Also, ammo buff.


    I don't think of them as alternating, since there's not a whole lot of point. Each barrel is already immersed in that huge battery in the front, and they're all drawing from the same power source, so they're all generating/in contact with a huge amount of heat anyway. So, don't bring up that point (please).


  6. I agree that I like the direction the Vaykor Marelok went from Marelok Vanilla, but it was a pretty OP gun to begin with. Honestly, I cringe everytime I use my Marelok because I know it doesn't belong. I know it isn't right. It does nearly twice (94%!) the damage of the Lex Prime. It does 40 more damage than the full sized rifle it's based off of! And it's a secondary, with secondary mods, which are great, making it more OP.


    And suddenly the almighty Marelok becomes the underdog...


    Yeah, Warframe is getting weird.


    With the Synoid Gammaor, I feel like DE (probably Steve or Sheldon; they're so trolly sometimes) is giving us one last troll for New Year's before they get back to srsbsns. It's gonna get nerfed.


    But I hope the Marelok gets nerfed right with it (to 110 damage). Sorry, brah.

  7. I want Assault Rifles (or Automatic Rifle Carbines) to be what they are:


     "short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges."


    Which happens to be what most assault rifles currently are in Warframe. Assault rifles are also kind of perfect for most of Warframe's gameplay. I really don't think assault rifles, as a class of weapon, need a tweak or buff/nerf (aside from a few exceptions). Most perform as intended and feel like assault rifles. And most players do what they can with whatever each rifle allows.


    So there's really not much to discuss :X

  8. I don't because Bows = Masterrace.


    That's why. And because it sounds dumb and the reload animation bothers me (if magazine is in the grip, then why would you tilt the gun OUT to reload the weapon? Do you know HOW UNCOMFORTABLE AND UNNATURAL THAT IS?!?!?!?!111one111?!?! LEARN 2 GUN, DE!!!)

  9. Nope. That's you being able to actually see other player's Lisets moving real time - it's not a bug and it was added in seemingly the same update that made us unable to see other player's customizations. Maybe they can't coexist? Who knows.




    ...Proof. I will NOT be un-unique! I'VE WORKED TOO HARD! (15 minutes of coloring)

  10. Yeah, I just used an MLP reference. I don't know what else to call these blank Lisets. Other than Blank Lisets, but that doesn't rhyme.


    I'm trying to figure out if this is a bug or if you guys just don't know how to color your Lisets. For Free.




    Obviously, mine is the cool one (which I paid plat for, admittedly).


    Even with good host/client connection, mostly everyone is just plain white. Is this normal for everyone? Or are you guys just lazy?


    Remember Tenno, the only way we can truly defeat our enemies is by having more swag than them!

  11. I for one will be a lot happier that Primes and Vandals will be small incremental upgrades.


    We need moar primes like this.


    I'd really like a very official word from DE (unlike the first "official word", which was small upgrades/side-grades) before I agree with you. I'd really just like a commitment to consistency from them.



    This is so true lol. I laughed HARD when I read "guy C".^^





  12. First off, color your Liset's hull. The only way you win Warframe is by looking cool.


    Second (obviously), max out your setup. For a 'Sword Alone' build on your Excal, mostly fine. Personally, I would replace Stretch with Flow for more Channeling kills.


    Your Dragon Nikana on the other hand...


    I have never found parry useful. Since enemies attack sooo slow in melee, you can usually intercept and stun them easily. Replace with any damage mod.


    Reach is kind of pointless, since the Dragon Nikana doesn't have much reach to increase in the first place, especially with Blind Justice (which seems to have the least reach of all the Nikana stances, I have found; doesn't make it bad at all, just something to keep in mind). Reach is much better on long weapons like whips, Orthos, or heavies. Replace with Fury for sure.


    Shocking Touch blows. Replace with Focus Energy (Nightmare Mod, but pretty cheap and common Nightmare mode reward; don't buy for more than 5p). Same damage increase, plus the bonus of reduced channeling cost for less mod points (9 vs 11, maxed).


    Dragon Nikana does score some crits, but I wouldn't call it a crit weapon. Replace both True Steel and Berserker for damage mods.


    Here's my Dragon Nikana Void setup (all maxed):


    Blind Justice (because it looks coolest, thus win)

    Pressure Point

    Killing Blow (in V slot)


    Spoiled Strike (or Corrupt Charge)

    Fever Strike

    Virulent Scourge

    Focus Energy

    -wildcard damage mod- (Either Voltaic Strike [expensive], Corrupt Charge on top of Spoiled Strike, Buzz Kill [or its lesser version, Jagged Edge], or something interesting)


    Fast, one shots most things while channeling.


    Also remember that unaware enemies (blinded, you're invisible, stealth) take x4 damage (you probs already knew that, you have Dragon Nikana). For me, Loki is my Melee Frame (hence the profile pic).


    As a final note, never discount channeling. Nekros players will hate you, but you will put out so much damage when you get good with melee. Channeling only sucks on fast, low-dmg-per-hit weapons like Ichors or daggers, since you drain your energy pool much faster.


    Hope this helps and happy swording! ;)

  13. -snip-


    I was just talking in "gaming terms". No one uses "kick" when talking about muzzle climb in your CoDs or BFs and recoil is used interchangeably with muzzle climb, since there's obviously no way to experience real recoil on the player's side, other than introducing arbitrary time-between-shots (which becomes RoF) for semi-auto weapons.


    My thoughts with the alt-fire (which is still totally broken for no known reason) is that since we can't score quick follow-ups, then there's no point to ADS with this gun and we might as well be hip-shooting anyway. Would rather have a shotty than ADS on a broken headshot-gun. But I was also thinking it could be made into a charge mechanic, just like the Redeemer (quick taps are revolver shots, held LMB shoots the shotty).


    More crit would be great, at the very least. I really don't get the 10% add to status and no change to crit chance, but an increase in crit damage. "All-rounders" generally don't work too well in this game.

  14. TL;DR: Vasto Prime is almost worse than the Vasto Vanilla. Usability traded for barely increased damage. So, buff plz!


    So when the new Nova Prime Access got announced, along with Vasto Prime, I got kind of excited. I like my Vastos (despite being rendered obsolete by power creep), and I was happy to see that the new secondary was something I wanted. After a little grinding, I got all my pieces, assembled my shiny new revolver...and was somewhat disappointed. Maybe even really disappointed. Here's what we get with Vasto Prime over Vasto Vanilla:


                            Vasto Prime            Vasto Vanilla

    DMG:               60                           50

    RoF:                5.4                            5

    Mag:                6                               6

    Reload:            1.0                           1.0

    Crit Chance:    15%                         15%

    Crit Damage:  200%                        150%

    Status:             15%                         5%


    Unlisted: After much testing, I have found the although while the recoil (degrees set off target per shot) of the two are the same, the recoil recovery (rate at which generated recoil falls to original target) is much lower (worse!) on the Vasto Prime.


    This makes it pretty unusable, since with the old Vasto you could at least score six headshots in a row (or 12 with the AkVastos), but the Vasto Prime just soars off target. Given that there's hardly any improvement over the Vanilla, there's almost no reason to use this beautiful gun over the Vanilla AkVasto.


    "But dat status!" So what? It wasn't supposed to be a status gun (Magnus was already the status revolver), it wasn't even really a dependable crit gun. It was a skill gun. If you were good at headshots, it let you get more headshots. That's what its niche was. Now that's gone because the recoil mechanics weren't retained.


    There's no reason for me to use this gun over, say, a Marelok which has more slash damage alone (and more than twice the damage overall), less recoil issues, is almost as accurate, and the same mag size. Vaykor Marelok blows it out of the water even more, with built in explosion-thing. Yeah, I'm comparing it to a Marelok. Their stats are kind of similar until you hit damage.


    I had really hoped they were going to Lemat-ify this gun. What's a Lemat Revolver?  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LeMat_Revolver




    It's a revolver with 9 chambers and a backup mini-shotty. Pretty sick. Why? Because I don't want to deal with AkPistol Prime, especially with what happened to the AkBroncos (another sad tale of Warframe).


    "But the Magnus is already a high-cap revolver" Then when they release Magnus Prime, it can have 12 or 18 or 20 chambers. Whatever. I'd love to see the Magnus turned into one of these:





    Seriously, it's like 3 different people do the stats for Prime guns:


    One guy says, "Prime guns should only be a bit better or even side-grades (Vasto Prime, Lex Prime, Old Braton Prime, Reaper Prime)


    Guy #2 says, "Primes should be significantly better than their vanillas (Burston Prime, Latron Prime, Dakra Prime)


    Guy C says, "I'MACATTHISKEYBOARDSURELOOKSWARM!!!1one1!!! (Boltor Prime)


    Not for the first or last time, I beg from you, DE: Consistency...please.


    In conclusion, if you're not going to make the Vasto Prime a 'Guy #2 Prime', at least give it an interesting mechanic. It has that huge central rod (what is that? sure isn't an extractor), might as well put it to use (as in, make it a shotty). Preferrably, though, do both. Just please make it a good gun. It's a prime, after all. And I want a favorite secondary.

  15. I see that every time I use Blind Justice on my Dragon Nikana. The last chain in the basic combo (overhead ground stab) slices most things in half, though it only seems to occur on certain Grineer models (Butchers, Shield Lancers, Miter-guys). All of those use the same-ish model, so I think that's saying something.

  16. ^This


    Dakra Prime + Crimson Devish + Channelling Damage mods + Ash/Loki = 6-11k hits on things in the Void. Depends on resistances.


    The only weapons I have (which are a lot) that come close to my melees, in terms of efficiency, are my bows.


    I'll agree that we could use a lock-on system for our shorter weapons, and better "soft lock-on" mechanics, but longer melee weapons are still great at single targets and crowds. And I'll also agree that melee needs more polishing for both animations and gameplay in general, but it's still very viable. Just, y'know, git gud.

  17. I think one of the reasons decapitations were removed is because they tended to bug out A LOT.


    I remember that there'd be at least one enemy per exterm whose head would simply float in the air after a headshot. It was kind of annoying. I guess DE's solution for it (which must have come around Gravidus or Damage 2.0) was to simply remove decaps.


    When they worked, decaps were pretty satisfying. When they didn't, it reminded me that I'm playing a game that wasn't/isn't exactly a picture of quality.


    That said, I want to see them come back, polished and reliable.

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