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Posts posted by mika82

  1. I really do hope you know how you modded the old ember and the new ember rework is perfect...I wonder have you ever play the old ember like a way the hell  back in the days before . Then you'll know there's no reason for her Wof to "nerf" You expected you wanna play this game fun, but some other players wanted to be more fast and efficient rather than being a slow poke and dragging in game. So now she's much more reliable and efficient on mid + level. Tell me why the hell you are crying about it and playing with others. If you really wanna enjoy playing w/o any random people go play solo so there's no "press 4 to win" player to interrupt your fun. Personally, what i think about you is that  you're  low MR player and playing with MR 20+ players and QQ about it of taking your joy away. And yes Im MR 20 and ember is my go to quick and easy frame . I want to get my mission done fast and efficient way and continue to do other mission . But on higher level mission Ember still need to start using her #2 for some Cc ,since she is consider a squishy frame.  


    ps Dont be like this 



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