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  1. Here's my efforts to test this, the follow through even with the buff active is very harsh.
  2. From what testing I did, the slam falloff perk does seem to work, but the difference in damage is minimal.
  3. That was only on the reddit leak. From my own personal testing, I can assure you it does not change the follow-through stat.
  4. The Magistar Incarnon's first slot feels genuinely pointless. Let's start with Edge of Justice. On its own, it's a fine enough stat, saves a mod slot if you're so inclined. However, it has the requirement of leaving behind both of your guns, which I'm sure most of the playerbase isn't keen on doing. I'm sure there are some builds that could utilise this for some respectable damage output, but ultimately it will prove too restrictive for a lot of people. So, what of those people who don't want to give up their guns, what is the other Incarnon option for those who want a boost in power without as many strings attached? Behold, Crushing Verdict, the absolute worst excuse for an Incarnon upgrade I've ever seen Increased melee slam falloff range? Really? No player in their right mind will even notice the damage boost on AoE slam that: Doesn't scale with combo Cannot crit Cannot apply status Is not affected by most mods "Oh, but the later upgrades have Heavy Attack/Heavy Slam synergy, and those slams do scale with combo, right? So surely you could work that into a playstyle using those" At a glance, it doesn't seem like the worst idea, except for the fact that Heavy Slams don't have falloff anyway, so it's literally a dead stat if you want to go that route. What you're left with is the Crushing Verdict unlock essentially reading "Increase damage by +20. Do nothing." That's the baffling part about this, no one in their right mind would look at this stat and think. "Yes, this clearly is worth a full incarnon upgrade, and can absolutely contend with +40% attack speed when running Sword Alone", and I'm absolutely stumped as to how this made it through testing. Literally any other stat would be more worthwhile. So now, people who took the Magistar Incarnon are left with either losing both of their guns or having one less Incarnon upgrade than any other Incarnon weapon. This could probably do with a second pass.
  5. The Duviri quest thumbnail is blurred out, clicking on it does nothing. If an attempt to enter Duviri is made via external means (through the Star Chart or Dormizone), a prompt will appear offering to set the Duviri Paradox as your active quest. If you accept, an error message will appear saying "The quest could not be started,"
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