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Posts posted by Wo0dk1d

  1. Oh my god.... the legendary weapon of the first Tenno. Hayden Tenno. If only Hayden Tenno was also frozen in the cryopods along with the others. He probably was the founder of all the Tennos and i wouldnt be surprised if the Lotus was somewhat related to him.

  2. How Exciting! Sadly, I'm going to have to miss this live stream, but I do have a question, if you guys are taking questions at this time.


    About two weeks ago I made a thread suggesting to add to the gameplay by being able to use grineer grunts and corpus crewmen as meat shields. I explained how it could work without sacrificing the mobility and simplicity of the gameplay, but at the same time, adding a more tactical approach to fighting NPCs, such as being able to safely get to cover or to charge or rush at an enemy, another way to bypass the lasers, etc. I also sketched some concept art of it to give a visual imagery on how it would look like. 



    Anyways, on to my question,

    Q: Is it possible to implement a "meat shield" mechanic similar to the one I proposed, or is it already too late into the beta to be able to add it?


    Here is the Link to the Thread:


  3. I am allready a fan of this, but maybe there could be a way to use infested to? Knifes are generally crap against infested but they do have that "armor ignore" function. Perhaps a spin on this would be the ability to jam a knife into the cerebral cortex and use them as shields aswell.

    Though this would be pointless in 9/10 cases the off chance that you're on a map with 2 or more factions could give knife-users (or all) some tiny bonus.

    Yea, but i forgot to mention that if an enemy melees you, then you will let go of your victim. So making infested as human shields will be very pointless, because all the zombies run at you and either melee you or blowup in your face (Runners).

  4. I can see this happening with the Corpus grunts, but I think the Grineer grunts are a tad big for this. Maybe instead of using them as meat shields you could just throw them towards other enemies?

    I do like the idea though



    The first brain storming sketches of the meat shield from the last thread i posted for grineer.

  5. In my last thread I mentioned about the use of  "Meat Shield". I made suggestion that players can use enemy humanoid grunts from the grineer and corpus as human shields. I also drew a very rough brainstorming "doodle" of this concept in this thread.


    Link to My Previous Thread



    Here is my concept.




    To do this, the player must stun a humanoid enemy (Corpus Crewman or Grineer Grunts Only). While the enemy is stunned, the player runs up to the player and holds [uSE]. Then the player initiates the hold and is automatically switched to his side arm. In this state, players can shoot, zoom in, reload and move, and stamina will drain slowly. When the character moves with the enemy, he will always be facing forward (aiming at the cross hair/ facing direction of the camera).


    While in this state, players can also sprint, but the cost of draining stamina faster. When he sprints, he will holster his weapon, pick the enemy up (like in the image above), and sprint in any direction. When the character sprints with the enemy, the character will face the direction of the [MOVEMENT] keys. The player can also jump while in this state.




    Players can also throw their victims on to other enemies, causing the enemies to temporarily lose balance. To do this, the player must hold [sPRINT] + [MOVEMENT] and tap [MELEE]. Players can throw while they are sprinting too. Like Sprinting, the character will throw the enemy at the direction of the [MOVEMENT] keys. Throwing enemies will also cost extra stamina.


    Players can execute the enemies, by either standing still or not sprinting and holding [MELEE]. The Devs can reuse the melee stealth kill animations for the execution animations. Executing will cost a little extra stamina.


    If the enemy dies in the player's hands, then the enemy will just flop into a rag doll, and the gameplay is back to normal. If the stamina bar reaches bottom. The character will let go of the vicitim.


    *Pros for having a Human Shield

      -If shields are drained, then the player has the option to use the enemy as a human shield and back up to cover, or throw the victim towards his buddies and run to cover.

    -Bypass annoying lasers.


    *Cons of having a Human Shield

    -Your back side is vulnerable, meaning enemies can still damage you if they are behind you unless you sprint towards them.

  6. I get that problem too. Because i use controller, i have to use the toggle wallrun in order to shoot and do those fancy tricks at the same time, which works well for me. But, like you, every time i exit and start again, the "hold to wallrun" box gets checked again.

  7. Grineer_Meat_Shield_Ex.jpg


    This is a rough concept sketch of the human shield mechanic involving grineer grunts. I will draw concept human shield art for Corpus humans as well. Meat shields can make use of the useless 2.5 second stun weapon mods that players never use. The player would be able to use both factions as human shields except for the infested, because using a zombie as a meat shield is, 1. It's stupid. 2. Its pointless. 3. Infested aliens melee you anyways.

  8. Can someone tell me how I would take a grineer as shield with one hand and still be able to see/shoot?

    I am currently drawing how it would look like with a grineer. For using them as a meat shield, instead of choke holding them, you hold the from the back of their suit. Also sprinting with a human shield could be an option too, where the player picks them up from the back and sprints with them, but for the cost of draining stamina faster.

  9. You know what would make this game even better? Using stunned humanoid enemies as a human shield and let his buddies shoot the living hell out of him. By doing this, the longer you hold him the more your warframe's stamina drain. 

  10. Will there be any story tie ins with dark sector? Like why the Tenno exist, and how Hayden Tenno has any connection to the events of Warframe, as well as revisiting some of the places and maps that were fought in Dark Sector singleplayer?

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