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I wish I may, 
I wish I might, 
have these wishes, 
I wish tonight.

I wish:
log in awards for boosters (all & any type) could be 'claimed' and used later or 'claimed and use' now.

I wish: 
that when the relics are unlocked after a void fissure mission, the unlocked item picture had  the ducates value displayed in the picture.  

I wish: 
that I when I viewed the syndicates from the orbital's console that I could switch screens to see the neutral syndicates as well.

I wish: 
that I could actually farm void traces instead of feeling like I was cheating someone out of a possilble reward.  I wish that when I ran a mission in the void that would normally award a relic (defense, interception, etc.), it would instead award a series of void traces, such that for the reward levels it would provide traces instead of relics at the following levels: A-25/B-50/C-100 rewards.  (same as relic improvement levels...)

I wish: 
that when 4 people joined a squad for a rad-share that the chance of dropping the rare item was modified so that all relic roles were dependent upon one another.  
I additionally wish that no one had to role a radiant relic more then 5 times for the rare item to drop.  
The fact that 15 (or more) radiant relic missions (7 and 8 in a row apiece - respectively) may not result in a rare item drop is atrocious!
Why does this make me feel like there is someone's thumb on a scale???

I wish:
I could apply a second catalyst to any warframe that would allow me to permanently add 50% (in 25% increments) to any of the of that warframes power stat efficiencies.  I could choose
to add 25% to two different stats such as range and power, or I could add all 50% to just one, like efficiency.  But I could choose this as I see fit for each application to any warframe.

I wish: 
I did not have to tell people: "I can't trade [this] to you, it is above your MR." I mean really, how many computer programmers does it take to make a message box, pop up? 

I wish: 
Instead of turning an item in for a measly 5k or 10k credits, I could instead return weapons & frames back to the foundry.  I could have them broken down into the smae parts/components I
made them from after I had mastered it them.  If I had been silly enough to actually apply a catalyst or forma to them, I would get a blueprint for these items back once  the foundry
process was complete as well as recieve at least a 50% material return from what was previously invested.  
(or perhaps, instead of returning a forma BP, they would return a one half part for the item [forma or exilus mod] for every investment of that type and that these 'parts' could then be
used to build a new item of the same type.)
Additionally, I wish, that when I turned the weapon/frame in, I could choose instead to 'gild' that weapon/frame into one of it's Prime component blueprints (if it existed and
regardless of if it is vaulted).  For example, if I turned in a mastered Lex pistol, I could choose to 'gild' it into a Lex Prime barrel.

I wish: 
I could build more than 1 forma at a time, actually, I wish I could build more then 1 of any item in the foundry so long as I had the materials and blueprint to do so.

I wish: 
That I could have better inventory management and set parts aside to be reserved for specific blueprints/items.  To reserve them for a specific use - and to have it show up that way in
the foundry... 

I wish: 
I could organize my inventory better.  I wish that I could actually mark things with a category or note.  Put things into a 'reserve' so I did't sell them by mistake.  Mark things for sale, or for trade, and not have them show up in my foundry inventory anymore but instead in my 'trade' inventory. (Or other applicable category...)

I wish:
The menu screens where more user friendly and informative... who cares how 'pretty' they are if they don't let you assess information quickly and efficiently?  
(I mean really, wouldn't in be better for me to be playing the game?  Rather than trying to find out what is in my inventory?  It certainly would be more fun for me...)

I wish: 
Mods that are only available from alerts did not rely on timing of alert/event. There needs to be a better way of attaining these 'random' timing items...

I wish: 
Good lord, how many wishes can I have to improve Baro? 20? 40?
Probably not... How about my top 4?
I wish that I did not have to wait more then a year for a specific prime mod to be made available again...
I wish Baro had an assistant, who was available all the time.  He/she would always have 20 prime mods available and that this 'current' stock would only change when Baro himself
actually showed up to replenish the stock and provide his 'special' items. 
I wish that prime items prices in ducats actually accounted for thier vaulted status.  So that vaulted items were actually worth more ducats.  
I wish that prime weapons, completed and mastered, could actually be turned in for ducats...
Wow, I could really go on for this subject...  There are at least 10 more good ones here to implement.

I wish: 
there were more mission types...
more reasons to go other places like Eris and the Void...
(as well as others...)
There is such a plethora of worlds and places, after a 1000 hours of playing, I am starting to be sick of the deja-vu mission types.

I wish: 
Archwing missions could somehow be fixed...

I wish: 
There was not such a call to nerf good frames, I wish that the dev's would just make them more scalable with enemy/mission level instead.

I wish: 
Rivens weren't such a huge waste of time and effort.
No RNG, All choice.  
Why do the dev's want to implement a failed Destiny concept???
I wish that I could pick exactly what to keep, and what to re-roll.
I wish that the weapon I installed the riven on, determined the riven disposition.

I wish: 
That when I was in the dojo, I could see all tradable items in one sortable and searchable screen and not have to switch between 'mods' and 'items'... etc...
(PS- you can keep the menu graphic upgrades, just give me an informative text list)

I wish: 
the developers at DE actually knew what a game-controller is and how to properly use/program for it...

I wish: 
the definition of 'value' was understood by the dev's

I wish: 
that the maintenance requirements for kubrows & kavats were not so onerous and made to be more worth investing my time and effort into.  Or, just went away entirely.  The investment
is not worth the MR (only real reward) and really make the whole process next to worthless.

I wish: 
That quests were not unlocked until after you could actually complete them with your current weapons and mods.  Having to stop a quest to rank up really does nothing more than break the
story/content and serves more in destroying the new player experience rather then providing any real experience of the story itself.

I wish: 
that there was a better way to get the mods that only drop from alerts like [rifle amp] and [corrosive projection].  A player should not have to wait 9 months to attain these mods but
should be able to farm them in some reliable fashion.

I wish: 
That every prime stat was at a minimum, better by 10% then its' non-prime variant and that the (true) weakness of the non-prime warframe/weapon was better by at least 40%.

I wish: that if there is at least one thing on this list that you agree with, then you bump it and say so...

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1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

I additionally wish that no one had to role a radiant relic more then 5 times for the rare item to drop.  

Why would I ever buy PA if I had this guarantee for Rare drops?

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

Why does this make me feel like there is someone's thumb on a scale???

You need to learn about probabilities.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

log in awards for boosters (all & any type) could be 'claimed' and used later or 'claimed and use' now.

Defeats the entire reason they are given to you when you log in.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

Instead of turning an item in for a measly 5k or 10k credits, I could instead return weapons & frames back to the foundry.  I could have them broken down into the smae parts/components I
made them from after I had mastered it them.  If I had been silly enough to actually apply a catalyst or forma to them, I would get a blueprint for these items back once  the foundry
process was complete as well as recieve at least a 50% material return from what was previously invested.  

This is a F2P game. This is incompatible with that fact.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

I could apply a second catalyst to any warframe that would allow me to permanently add 50% (in 25% increments) to any of the of that warframes power stat efficiencies.  I could choose
to add 25% to two different stats such as range and power, or I could add all 50% to just one, like efficiency.  But I could choose this as I see fit for each application to any warframe.

Completely broken.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

Additionally, I wish, that when I turned the weapon/frame in, I could choose instead to 'gild' that weapon/frame into one of it's Prime component blueprints (if it existed and
regardless of if it is vaulted).  For example, if I turned in a mastered Lex pistol, I could choose to 'gild' it into a Lex Prime barrel.

Invalidate literally any new Prime weapon grind that was for a Prime of an existing weapon.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

I could build more than 1 forma at a time, actually, I wish I could build more then 1 of any item in the foundry so long as I had the materials and blueprint to do so.

Time gates. See answer to why you can't break a weapon down and get resources back.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

I wish that prime weapons, completed and mastered, could actually be turned in for ducats...

Baro and Ducats exist to remove Prime parts from circulation. The Ducats are basically how worth it it is to the game to have that part gone. Completed Prime weapons are worth 0 Ducats.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

Archwing missions could somehow be fixed...

This is literally meaningless and unactionable.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

There was not such a call to nerf good frames, I wish that the dev's would just make them more scalable with enemy/mission level instead.

Game balance doesn't care how you feel about it. If everything scaled, there would be no challenge.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

Rivens weren't such a huge waste of time and effort.
No RNG, All choice.  
Why do the dev's want to implement a failed Destiny concept???
I wish that I could pick exactly what to keep, and what to re-roll.
I wish that the weapon I installed the riven on, determined the riven disposition.

Rivens would sooner be removed completely. 

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

the developers at DE actually knew what a game-controller is and how to properly use/program for it...

Quick tip: don't insult the people you are attempting to convince you have good ideas.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

the definition of 'value' was understood by the dev's

Do you understand the definition of value? See above, as well.

1 hour ago, CitricComet said:

That every prime stat was at a minimum, better by 10% then its' non-prime variant and that the (true) weakness of the non-prime warframe/weapon was better by at least 40%.

Just no. That isn't what Prime frames are and won't ever be. What does the second part even mean?

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7 hours ago, CitricComet said:

I wish: 
that when the relics are unlocked after a void fissure mission, the unlocked item picture had  the ducates value displayed in the picture.  

This one. 


Peterc3 gave a break down that generally meshes with how I felt about most of the others. 

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On 2018-08-24 at 12:20 AM, peterc3 said:

You need to learn about probabilities.

Perfectly aware of probability mathematics - true random roles in a video game suck.  If you don't program in some high limits then people just wind up feeling like they wasted their time for no real reward.  This is exactly why I stopped playing Destiny.

I don't mind a bit of a grind or working to achieve a goal - but this is a game.  Something that is supposed to be considered fun and enjoyable.  Grinding out to roll 15 radiant relics and not getting the rare item sucks.  Having it happen twice in a row for 2 different relics is utterly disappointing.  


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On 2018-08-28 at 12:20 AM, (XB1)Erudite God said:

what am I reading

this literally does not happen

yes, it does.  

Happened to me on multiple quests when I first started playing.  It was so frustrating that I did not play any quest that I could possibly avoid for several MR levels. 

Been a while now - but if I remember correctly I stopped doing any quest until I was like MR 6 or 7 or so.

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27 minutes ago, CitricComet said:

yes, it does.  

Happened to me on multiple quests when I first started playing.  It was so frustrating that I did not play any quest that I could possibly avoid for several MR levels. 

Been a while now - but if I remember correctly I stopped doing any quest until I was like MR 6 or 7 or so.

MULTIPLE quests? Were you just not installing mods or something? There isn't a single quest in the game with any difficulty spike other than Stolen Dreams with the hacking (which is easily bypassed with ciphers)

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In retrospect, perhaps it would be better explained in this fashion:

I do not appreciate the fact that some items are locked behind the random timing of events or occurrences.  There should be, in my view, a defined path to attain or achieve every item in the game.  As an example, Corrosive Projection.  The idea that I have to be present in the game during some random timed alert occurrence in order to attain this mod is ridiculous and mind-numbing.  Just give me a defined path that is not extraordinary onerous.  Kill 100 of 'x' enemies = 2 mods will drop.  Fine.  There should also be a map where I can go and find 'x' enemies.  A second example, the prime mods only attainable from Baro.  Why in the world would anyone think waiting for Baro to "perhaps" bring a specific prime mod once every other year (or whatever it really is) is an acceptable practice.  If I want to get that mod - there should be a clearly defined way for me to attain it without the random waiting.  Do 'A' = Get 'B'.

I do not really appreciate the time required to complete many of the tasks as currently laid out - such as void traces.  I believe there should be a good way to farm traces without going into a void mission as the person without the relic - I think that cheats others out of an opportunity.  Yet, when I go solo into fissure missions - I normally wind up with 7 or 10 void traces as an award.  What a waste of my time that is.  When I go in public session, I get 15-30.  Guess what, I go in public session.  Why not set up a better way to farm traces?  Why not take an area of the map that hardly get played regularly (the void) to do that?  It is not just void traces, there are plenty of materials that need a better farm.

I do not appreciate the fact that some warframes are only good for lower levels.  There is such a plethora of unique warframes that they can truly keep the game interesting and different - but the variety of warframes does not mean that they are well balanced in function on their own.  Many of them require very specific mods, which are only randomly attainable, in order to be useful throughout the entire game.  The idea that a single warframe can entirely NUKE a lower level mission with minimal intervention from others on the team but is still next to useless on higher level mission for whatever their 'defect' or 'weakness' is really sort of absurd.  There should be, in my mind at least, a way to make the warframes more balanced in power and maintain their ability to perform or at the very least, be more survivable at higher level missions.  

I love the fact that there is such a huge environment to play warframe in - I just wish that huge environment had a little bit more variety then it currently does.  There should, at least in my estimate, about 5 more mission types to help keep it interesting.  (not tweaks on an existing mission type)  

Archwing... I don't know how to fix it.  I would love to have a new mission style but I just find this one to be a great concept that does not really do it for me.  Fixing the controller control-ability may be a good first step - but, it may be better to just start with a clean sheet of paper and pivot away from this one....

anyway.  my 2 cents.

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19 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

MULTIPLE quests? Were you just not installing mods or something? There isn't a single quest in the game with any difficulty spike other than Stolen Dreams with the hacking (which is easily bypassed with ciphers)

1) did not have the mods originally

2) when I did have the mods, I did not have the credits or materials to rank them

3) I got sick of unloading clips into enemies that did not die - 

4) I originally was playing solo only - I did not understand until MR 3 or so that playing in public session had 'huge' benefits...

Edited by CitricComet
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On 2018-08-24 at 12:20 AM, peterc3 said:

This is a F2P game. This is incompatible with that fact.


I have paid real money to support this game. (twice now)  I believe it has both merit & promise.

It really just needs focus and reason applied to the updates that are applied to it.  (Something this latest UI update did not include.)

F2P is not equal to low quality.  DE just needs to do better.

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On 2018-08-24 at 12:20 AM, peterc3 said:

Defeats the entire reason they are given to you when you log in.

I do not believe so.  

Understanding the concept of generosity and providing rewards for actions can take a relationship to very high levels

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On 2018-08-24 at 12:20 AM, peterc3 said:

Completely broken.

I am not so certain as to your assertion.  Regardless, something should be done to help fix the imbalance that exists in the different warframes as they exist today.  The 'variety' of play styles and weapons these unique warframes bring to the game is invaluable in keeping people involved for longer periods of time with the game.  There needs to be a better balance to the different warframe powers - they all need to be usable for both higher and lower level content.  To different degrees, fine.  But usable and not so dependent upon mods that are not truly attainable in a reasonable fashion.

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On August 23, 2018 at 10:20 PM, peterc3 said:

You need to learn about probabilities.

You can't actually say that.

The human brain is hardwoods to be efficient, when you see a 99% chance of something happening, your brain sees it as 100% the further away it becomes, the more wrong it is, if you had a 50/50 chance of hitting something, you would expect it to be hit, miss, hit, hit, miss, hit, miss, miss.

In overall probability, it's possible to miss 7 times in a row, you simply see it as wrong, and in fact many developers skew the probabilities so it feels right.

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On 2018-08-24 at 12:20 AM, peterc3 said:

If everything scaled, there would be no challenge.

Definitely not true.  

I have played many games - scaling works better then nerfing.  

Perhaps I should state: my opinion, of course.

Regardless, you don't have to scale it "exactly".  But warframes exist today that can complete NUKE level 1-20 enemies but are next to useless on levels 45-100+.  That is a ridiculous possibility for a game like this.

Quality can be designed in to prevent this. 

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10 minutes ago, CitricComet said:

Only partially true.

They also exist to be the other side of the coin too.  To provide Prime Mods, for Prime Parts.

In return for burning Prime parts and not trading them. There is no other side of the coin.

10 minutes ago, CitricComet said:

I do not believe so.  

Understanding the concept of generosity and providing rewards for actions can take a relationship to very high levels

This is a really bad way to look at a dev/player relationship. I urge you to rethink it. Especially given this game is 100%, no asterisk, Free. Free to download, free to play. 100% of the content is available to you, outside specific cosmetics, for free. The boosters given at login are to make you want to play the game more than just logging in. That is why they are there, not merely a gift for being such a loyal player.

9 minutes ago, CitricComet said:

I am not so certain as to your assertion.  Regardless, something should be done to help fix the imbalance that exists in the different warframes as they exist today.  The 'variety' of play styles and weapons these unique warframes bring to the game is invaluable in keeping people involved for longer periods of time with the game.  There needs to be a better balance to the different warframe powers - they all need to be usable for both higher and lower level content.  To different degrees, fine.  But usable and not so dependent upon mods that are not truly attainable in a reasonable fashion.

This is just a straight buff to every frame. Broken because you've given no thought to it beyond "add more". Also a side note is that it makes people need more potatoes, something you can get on the occasional alert but are generally a Plat item. This is really not what you want.

9 minutes ago, CitricComet said:

Time gates are a failed concept.  I do not log back into warframe just to see an item completed in the foundry.

Time gates are used in literally every F2P game somewhere. The very idea it is a failed concept is, on its face, absurd.

5 minutes ago, CitricComet said:

Definitely not true.  

I have played many games - scaling works better then nerfing.  

Perhaps I should state: my opinion, of course.

Regardless, you don't have to scale it "exactly".  But warframes exist today that can complete NUKE level 1-20 enemies but are next to useless on levels 45-100+.  That is a ridiculous possibility for a game like this.

Quality can be designed in to prevent this. 

Scaling works better than nerfing? Oranges work better than potatoes. Is your assertion nothing should be nerfed?

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On 2018-08-24 at 12:20 AM, peterc3 said:

Rivens would sooner be removed completely. 

This, actually, might be the best option.  Perhaps it would be better to just let the warframes and weapons be modified (after some time level 30 has been achieved) get two more mod slots.  

Perhaps the application of a 2nd catalyst... for example.

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2 minutes ago, CitricComet said:

This, actually, might be the best option.  Perhaps it would be better to just let the warframes and weapons be modified (after some time level 30 has been achieved) get two more mod slots.  

 Perhaps the application of a 2nd catalyst... for example.

This is just power creep and doesn't apply to what Rivens are for.

2 minutes ago, CitricComet said:

no.  but it should be an absolute last resort.

It is the down-&-dirty, I don't want to think about it option.

This is just wrong.

And for the love of god, stop making so many single posts.

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