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Idea-Mashup: Frame, Enemies, Modding System and more


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vor 3 Stunden schrieb TheGiantFox:

Personally, it looks too much of a cross for me. I think the banner should be more 'open' rather than tied to the pole.

Also, why don't you use the eagle as the regalia on the top?

The spikes adds a nice touch to it, but I think you should remove the ones behind/beneath the big V, because I think it could distract the focus from the banner itself. The big spikes supporting the banner and the ones on the bottom are fine as is.

But, overall I think it's awesome and these are just my suggestions, so you don't need to think too much over it!

And that Groot on the corner hahahah...

thanks for the suggestions. I will make some changes as I do think that the eagle one is pretty cool as well as the more Open look. Even though I am not quite sure how to handle that but I will see.

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The first chapter in Detail of the Legios Quest. I am trying to put as much Lore concerning the involved characters into it as I can. If there are major or minor mistakes within the Lore then please correct me. More Chapters will follow

Meet Darvo and Clem at the relais
Start quest with darvo
Zoom out from a Clem meme picture out to darvo who is trying to get his stuff together
Talks to you as you walk and look around
"Ah Tenno, good to see you. I might have to ask you to help me again. Our good friend Clem is gone and I want to find him before he gets himself in danger...or actually gets me in danger!"
Camera focuses on you as you transference out of your warframe.    
"What do you mean by that Darvo? Where did Clem go. What are his plans?"
" To many questions Tenno. We can't answer them right now. Com on. We need to go. I got a hint by an old friend of mine. But we need to pick her up as I promised her that she could come with us!"
Camera zooms out once more into the normal camera perspective again.
You need to go to your orbiter to continue further.
Once arrived Ordis talks to you
"Operater. Are you ANGRY- aware of the situation? The Lotus BETRAYED-left you and you don't want to find her?"
Operator reacts engaged
"Ordis I know that the Lotus has a plan. But we all don't understand it quite yet...but right now darvo needs our help. He helped us in return of saving his life. Now he asks again for help. We can only define ourself by helping true friends...not those who try to betray..."
Darvo interrupts the Operators emotional voice
" Tenno look who I brought with me....don't show her that sad face that you have on right now. Come on smile...."
"Ah darvo you don't now how to talk to kiddos. " Marroo interrupts Darvo and smiles brightly
"Maroo...whatever you are doing right now...you better stop or you scare the kid" darvo says.
"Both of you. Stop it. I am not in the mood to listen you both of your tries to teach me some lessons. Or that I need to hear from you that I am still a kid. Because I am not! Now let's get started and find Clem. Why is Maroo here anyway!" Your Operator tries to defend himself
After a brief moment of silence Maroo answers in a now more serious tone
"Tenno...your are still a kid. You now nothing. The Lotus sacrificed so much for you...one day you will understand"
" ENOUGH!! I don't want to talk about her anymore!" The operator reacts childish
"Look at you kiddo!" Maroo tries to calm your Operator
Darvo interrupts her "Maroo don't...Tenno! Maroo is a good treasure hunter and she recognized a signal far away in the Void and tried to call it. But the only response was Clem. Therefore we assume that it's him!"
" I guess that there won't much else to find if that's what the response sounded like!" The operator answers sassy.
"Great...well let's meat at in void then. I'll send you the position once we arrived
Maroo and Darvo end there call
Ordis talks to the Operator
"Tenno. Whatever your deep BRUTAL-emotions are...don't let that CONTROL-overwhelm you. As you said...these are our allies right now. We don't need them as our enemies as well.."
"I am just so confused Ordis" the Operator says.
"I know Tenno. Now let's see in what kind of DANGER-situation our friends are right now. Location is marked on Navigation."


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the second part of the quest. Everything will be sorted and organized in the main post soon. What do you think?

Traveling to The location in The void will be the next step.
You arrive as normal but Darvo leans against a Wall and Maroo sits on the ground. Both of them will have there own health bar as well as weapon. Darvo probably carries either a Cestra or a Detron. Maroo a Lato or Lex.
Maroo: "Tenno. I have Signal ahead of us. I'll mark it's location!"
Darvo: " Don't worry. We will stay behind you as you are the one who can take more bullets then both of us."
Tenno: " I guess so. Stick together and don't get lost!"
Maroos waypoint will be marked on the minimap and there is nothing else today besides just going there. You can kill enemies etc but they are already alerted. As well as that besides the normal corrputed Void enemies Grineer will spawn as well.
Operator: "Why do they know that we are here?"
Darvo: "This question is easy to answer. This is Clem's fault. We are getting closer!"
Maroo: "My scanner needs to charge up again to scan the area for that one life signal that doesn't want to kill us!"
With that being sad you need to stay in position and defend Darvo and Maroo for one and a half minute before continuing the mission.
Once the timer ends Maroo says: "Tenno. I have marked a new location. Hopefully Clem will be there and we don't waste another scan!"
Like at the beginning find the new location
The next location is at the start of one the secret treasure rooms
"Maroo! We don't want any profit out of this mission. Get us to Clem not to those unfulfilling containers of credits!" Darvo says.
"I am not. This is where the signal is coming from. But if I am quite right. Than this is one of the secret void treasure rooms that are still intact...we must be careful. Tenno! Go ahead and open up the path for us. Avoid the lasers and activate the pressure plates to activate the bridge that will lead back to the start so that we can follow you!" Maroo replies.
"I wonder what Clem is up to if he really is here digging in credits!" Darvo says.
The operator replies to Maroo "Give me one second. I will be back right away!"
You need to finish the treasure room and open up the doors that lead to the last room. In this last room is Clem facing you with his back. Once reached the room before the one Clem is currently standing in, a cutscene will start.
The camera is facing from Clem focusing on his head and then on the background where the Operator, Darvo and Maroo are slowly walking into the room.
Clem is turning around. "Good friend...what are you doing here?" Darvo says.
"Clem!" Clem responds.
"I see and you are sure about that? You are sure that you are not digging in this pile of credits?" Darvo asks.
"If that's everything he is going to say then thanks for taking me with you. Darvo. You told me we are going on a treasure hunt where he is the major key that we need! But it seems like that all he has to say is Clem!"
"Maroo. You know me and this is the reason why our paths haven't crossed for years. Your thoughts are still all focused on the profit concerning your person. But I tried to free this guy as we both tried to rob a grineer frigate. It didn't go well for me I you remember. I am the one who got caught. You left me behind!" Darvo explains.
A moment of silence sets into place.
"I know." Maroo almost quietly responds.
"Clem!" Clem breaks the new moment of silence.
"That's right. Hehe. You were the guard who was responsible for my cell. To keep me alive until I would receive my process...but during this time you told me about the other prisoner you heard of and needed to guard later as well. The screams you heard almost made you crazy. It  wasn't a scream that feared you. But one that made you want to help this creature, this superior unknown strength captured inside of this cage!" Darvo says.
Darvo darkens his tone "Right. You couldn't stand it. You didn't want to guard something that is being tortured and can't even defend itself. You wanted to free it. You told me about when we were meeting each other. When I was sitting in my cell and you...you were able to talk."
"Clem!" Clem sadly responses.
A short break until the camera position goes back to normal and you are free to control yourself again.
"Clem you have found what you were looking for. Now let's head out of here and tell us what you have found once we reached a safer location!" Darvo says.
You need to head to extraction to finish the second part of the quest and return to your orbiter where the third part waits.

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The third chapter of the Legios quest. Let me know what you think about it. And once again: If there is any Lore that it wrong let me know and I'll try to fix it. Open for suggestions.

Back at the orbiter
"Operator. Glad to see you  COVERED IN BLOOD-again. What did you discover from your trip?" Ordis asks the Operator
The Operator answers: "Well Ordis for now not much. But we will see what Darvo or Clem has to tell us. And Ordis. What do you know about the past of Maroo and Darvo?"
"You are the Operator. I don't have any information about their past. They seem...DELETED-to be missing." Ordis answers.
"We will find out about that later!" The Operator determines.
"Ahh Tenno. I was wondering where you have been. Clem told me everything. He is taking a rest right now as he had a little fight with the grineer." Darvo says.
"Would you tell us what this is or was all about?" Maroo interrupts him.
"Maroo. If you would have let me finish we would be done already!" Darvo replies quickly.
"Fine. I won't talk anymore until Mr. Profit has finished!" Maroo answers.
"You better don't call me like that again. Understood? Tenno whatever you just heard. Forget it. This is the past. Don't let that determine the oath of our future!" Darvo says in a direct tone to the Operator.
" I won't Darvo. But tell us. What was the problem with Clem. Why was he in the Void?" The operator lies.
Darvo quickly swappes back to his cool tone: " Alright alright. You both remember the story I recently told you about me and Clem?" Darvo starts. But there is no response. "I see. We have a really good croud here. Anyway. From on day to the other I had a different guard and I didn't now why. I asked the following guard. He told me that A guard called Clem tried to free a biest. Therefore he got in prison and deserves to be tortured the same way as the "biest". From that moment on I swore that I'll try everything to rescue the friend that I have won and here we are now."
"Darvo...you told us a very emotional story. But we want to hear why Clem was in the Void. Not why he seems to be brain dead or drunk and is only able to say Clem like a plant would say "I have roots."!"Maroo shouts out.
"Maroo! Don't you dare hurt Clems feelings he gave up everything he stood for to safe this creatures life." Darvo responses. "However Clem never really found out what actually  was inside of the cage. He wanted to release the beast out of it's cage but he got betrayed....by the slaved biest. Weirdly enough Clem wasn't able to see anything inside of the chamber as it was pitch dark. But the creature didn't fell like a create. Not like a corpus either a grineer. He felt a huge power source but was never really able to define what  it really was. Until you helped him escape from the prison. He felt the same power once again. Since that moment he knew that the force, the strength he felt was a Tenno like you!"
A moment of silence took over the situation.
"Operator. This is insane! The Lotus would never allow this. She would DESTROY EVERYHTING-do everything to provide this scenario!" Ordis says while sounding like he is going to collapse.
"Ordis I know. But The Lotus isn't here. We must figure out this problem by our own!" The Operator says with a very serious tone. "Darvo! Did Clem found any clues that would give us any further information about this Warframe?"
"Yes. Clem found a Grineer officer that might have the clues we need. But we have to go back to the void. I will mark the location and will send you the specific area where you need to go. By the way. Clem has a personal problem with the target so he wants to come with you. I for myself as well as Maroo will stay here and wait for your both  victory!" Darvo explains.
"Thanks for asking me Mr. Pro...Darvo! I am able to make my own decision. Even though you are quite right. It might be better if we both stay here and give you cover!" Maroo adds.
"Alright. Ordis. While I am  gone try find something in your data or any other Cephalon data something about an unknown strength or a lost warframe!" The Operator says.
"You are the Operator. The Lotus would be proud." Ordis says.
The dialogue ends and you are able to select the next mission what is a capture mission in the void with grineer as special enemies.
Easy normal capture mission where Clem must stay alive and You Need to capture the target as fast as possible because the difference to normal missions is that this time the target will be aware of your position all the time and will run towards it's safe zone from the beginning
After the successful mission you return to your orbiter again and the third chapter ends

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  • 2 weeks later...
vor 9 Stunden schrieb MysticTheif:

well i do get your point I just can not figure out how to change my current design so drastically that it will fit that theme. 

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14 hours ago, LOD07 said:

well i do get your point I just can not figure out how to change my current design so drastically that it will fit that theme. 

you dont have to change it drastically. Just get the general idea of how their art works. Just look at the different parts of different drawings and try to infuse it with some of your original content. This is also your decision, I don't get to choose what you like about your art. Just go your own path. Good art btw!!

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Am ‎30‎.‎10‎.‎2018 um 23:33 schrieb MysticTheif:

you dont have to change it drastically. Just get the general idea of how their art works. Just look at the different parts of different drawings and try to infuse it with some of your original content. This is also your decision, I don't get to choose what you like about your art. Just go your own path. Good art btw!!

thanks man. i´ll try myself on that in the future but for now i need to get finished with the other artworks i promised for a while now

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Primary fire: 

two round burst per shot

secondary fire: 

first shot will track a spot and with a delay of 0.5 seconds all rounds left in the Magazin will home in on the secific spot, 

MR: 8

Slot: Secondary

Type: Two-Round Burst Sidearm

Trigger-type: semi-burst fire

ammo type: pistol

noise: Primary silent; secondary alarming

fire rate: 6 rounds per second

accuracy: Primary fire 60, secondary fire 20

Magazine size: 20 per mag

max ammo: 460 rounds

reload time: 0.75s

Primary fire Damage: 

                   puncture: 0

                    Slash: 60

                    Impact: 20

crit Chance: 25%

crit Damage: 2,5

Status Chance: 15%

secondary fire Damage: 

                    puncture: 60

                    Slash: 20

                     Impact: 0

crit Chance: 10%

crit. Damage: 2,5

Status Chance: 30%



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