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Idea-Mashup: Frame, Enemies, Modding System and more


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vor 8 Stunden schrieb keikogi:


I don't really know why but the lightning in this and in another picture are terrible. To bad I can't fix this right now. But indeed it increases the feeling of the menecing grineer

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As mentioned before. I am going to stay in Kuba for about two weeks from now with very limited access to internet. Therefore I will work on some artwork stuff but I don't know in how far I can keep this thread updated or not

However stay tuned for more... 

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MR/ Difficulty Additions/ Changes + Mod Changes



Enemy Level adjusted to players MR to increase difficulty overall

Mod additions with rarities of mods to increase replay ability of missions and increased feeling of being rewarded


Difficulty adjustments:

As Warframe is currently struggling with keeping up the difficulty bar with our immense search for power creep and old tile sets, whether they are getting visually reworked or not, are forgotten by old players because there is no reason to go back there, I came up with an idea that might change that.


As DE is already planning or thinking about a similar thing, I believe that my idea isn´t to far off in regards of fitting the game mechanics, game overall and speed of the game.


Our current MR System has (to be really honest here) no use whatsoever. So I thought of why don´t adjust the enemy level on each planet according to the players jumping into that mission.

To give an example:

A MR 0 Player is basically facing the Enemies with the levels as they are now.

But if a MR 27 Player would go to earth, he would start off with Enemies at level 40.

So some kind of formula that takes in consideration the MR of a player and adjusts the enemy level.


With multiple people in a group there should be the average of their two, three or four MR´s.

So that a MR 0 and a MR 27 would face level 20 enemies on earth.


You might argue that this isn´t new player friendly in terms of getting help by their high MR friend. However, a level 20 Enemy isn´t a thread for that MR or shouldn´t. So he basically would kill of everything he sees before his friend recognizes that there were enemies anyway.



Mod changes:

Still there is this big issue of replay ability of old missions.

And if we would consider the above topic to be in game right now, there still would be no real reason to go back to earth, plains (not including eidolons here), etc besides doing some kind of shenanigans.


The system that I would like to present is somehow already existing in the game.

If you remember the broken mods, then you might have an idea of what I am talking about.


As it stands now Warframe has 5 different Mod value categories.


Broken; Brown; Blue-Silver-ish, Gold and prism (to keep it short, basically Primed and Umbral Mods combined) in terms of colour.

What if we would have a similar system to upcoming empyrean with mods that have different rarities (uncommon, common, rare, UUUUULLTRA rare etc.).


So basically, the same mods that can be levelled up as they are right now, but with a brown serration, gold serration, primed serration as well as for all the mods.


The droptables would stay the same however for getting a certain mod there is another percentage of which rarity you are getting this mod.

Obviously high-level enemies (obviously can be pushed by MR etc) have a way higher chance of dropping gold or prism rarity then low-level enemies with a high chance of dropping broken or brown mods


With that being said there are probably a couple of issues that you might think of.

(If I don´t mention something please let me know)


What about Power Creep, aren´t we already too powerful:

Yes we are, however with the MR or Difficulty adjustments facing of Level 100 enemies right at the start or even going into 150 Level territory is somehow difficult with some of our current mod setups (no Meta weapons, strategies included here as they will always exist no matter what you are trying to do against them). Therefore, I believe that something like that would help getting rid of the word power creep in general as then we would have something to shoot at with a good chunk of difficulty.


Isn´t that really Forma-Heavy if you want a full loadout with rivens and primed version mods…:

Yes, it is, and the ratio of getting forma should be increased for that matter (because of the number of Frames, weapons, companies etc.). But think about it. Shouldn´t difficult content requires a high tier build??


You know that this does increase the grind of this already to grindy game?
I am aware of this and there are two sides to take into consideration here. This is for high tier plays… this should take time to accomplish and for all those completists… I´m sorry.

Now if you have bad luck and want a better version of a mod then I do understand why this could be seen as something terrible. But I would have a solution for this as well.

As Warframe already has multiple “mobile” features why not include some kind of smeltery where you need 4 broken mods to get a brown version and so on and so for.

It probably would be more time expensive to get a mod to prism rarity with just broken mods instead of hoping for a prism drop but at least you would have the opportunity to get a better version otherwise so players don´t feel forced to do that too much.

Still there should be a high resource cost involved (credit endo kuva idk) so that low MR players don´t rely on that too much and actually play the game.


Why those changes?
This is pretty easy to answer. First of all, Warframe is a great game. But it has so much more potential and it keeps struggling with content drowns and burnouts of players. Sadly ,these ideas aren´t going to fix the burnout issues but could solve the content drown problems. Because of challenging enemies and in the end a feeling of being rewarded properly.

And with that DE has less struggles with keeping up somehow busy while actually working on something big.


Please support this Idea if you like it and share thoughts on it.

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Had the time to take a deep look on the warframe gota say the visual are gorgeous and the skill fit well the theme. I love the overall aesthetics and the armor sets looks good. I think the syandana is bit too bulky but I generally dislike all the wings syandanas so in this area my opinion has heavy bias.

Now my feedback on the kit.


On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

Gains 10% more finisher and groundfinisher damage and has a 10% chance to open up enemies for finishers on hits with melee attacks. Within affinity range gives all allies an additional 20% casting speed ( stackable)

10% finisher damage helps but the player can’t feel it, maybe change it to finisher speed.


On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

Legios throws a void spear towards the direction he is aiming at. This ability has a 10/15/20/30 meter range and passes through every enemy it hits dealing 100/125/150/200 damage to each damage and causes knockdown effects.

While Phalanx is active all clones will throw a spear towards enemies dealing 100 damage per spear. If the spear is thrown during Phalanx the ability cost is halfed.

The Spear is throwable while airborne and while aimglide. While airborn or aiglide and phalanx active, you throw one spear but deal damage equal to all of your phalanx imitations alive plus your own damage.

It is quite good when phalanx is active but with it is a simple straight line knock down. You can add a powerful debuff to the main spear thrown so it is good on its own. You can also add melee scaling to the main projectile (the phalanx one can’t have this scaling because the AOE damage would be insane)


On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

Legios summons his own void eagle that surrounds him and targets and attacks nearby enemies within a 7/10/15/20 meter range. His attack speed is 1 attack per second. One attack is a swipe around him and deals damage towards each enemy within his path. He deals 100/150/200/250 damage with a 100% Chance of dealing a bleed and impact proc. Has an energy consumption of 2 energy per second. By holding this ability the energy consumption will stop and while aiming at an enemy you will teleport towards that enemy by becoming the eagle. Once arrived the enemy is opened to a finisher but will be notified about your presence. This effect costs additional 20 energy.

while Phalanx is active the eagle will deal additional damage to knock downed or thrown back enemies. Gaining a Damage buff of x5 per swipe.

The damage aspect of this skill is too weak, the mobility aspect is nice. Maybe give him the ability to create week spot on enemies so it scales better. You can also add the effect the he claws of the eyes of the enemy he is attacking, the enemy is not open to finishers but will suffer the sheath multiplier form melee attacks and the spear thrown.


On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

Legios puts down his banner that will buff all allies health and shield within it's range. This banner will search out those allies with the lowest HP and giving them an immunity phase of 0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds with a 1/2/3/4 second cooldown for this certain ally. However it does priorities Warframes. Once hit by the effect it will increase the allies health and shield pool by 50/100/200/300 health, not healing them but giving them the potential to be healed up to this point for the duration of this ability. The banner itself has a duration of 7/12/16/20 seconds and gives an additional effect similar to the rage mod. Allies taking damage towards their health gain 30% of this health as energy. This banner can only be placed down once at the time. This ability is not affected by power strength mods. However it is stackable. Warframes like Nidus and Inaros with no shield will gain the 50/100/200/300 shield counted towards their health so gaining 100/200/400/600 health towards their HP. When Legios or allies leave the ability range the additional potential HP and Shield stats will stay for the duration of the ability. However leaving the ability range will cause that you won't gain any immunity phase or the Rage Effect


I really like this one, I don’t know if it good or a bad but I like it.


On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

Legios puts down his banner that will buff all allies health and shield within it's range. This banner will search out those allies with the lowest HP and giving them an immunity phase of 0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds with a 1/2/3/4 second cooldown for this certain ally. However it does priorities Warframes. Once hit by the effect it will increase the allies health and shield pool by 50/100/200/300 health, not healing them but giving them the potential to be healed up to this point for the duration of this ability. The banner itself has a duration of 7/12/16/20 seconds and gives an additional effect similar to the rage mod. Allies taking damage towards their health gain 30% of this health as energy. This banner can only be placed down once at the time. This ability is not affected by power strength mods. However it is stackable. Warframes like Nidus and Inaros with no shield will gain the 50/100/200/300 shield counted towards their health so gaining 100/200/400/600 health towards their HP. When Legios or allies leave the ability range the additional potential HP and Shield stats will stay for the duration of the ability. However leaving the ability range will cause that you won't gain any immunity phase or the Rage Effect


The wall and circle formation are somewhat redundant ( both just do more effective HP in different ways) the arrow formation is insanely good( Rhino Roar with  a crit buff on top of it)

Here a new way to organize your formation

Arrow still the same, offensive formation

Circle, defensive formation against melee enemies

Wall, defensive formation against projectiles.

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb keikogi:

Had the time to take a deep look on the warframe gota say the visual are gorgeous and the skill fit well the theme. I love the overall aesthetics and the armor sets looks good. I think the syandana is bit too bulky but I generally dislike all the wings syandanas so in this area my opinion has heavy bias.


Now my feedback on the kit.



10% finisher damage helps but the player can’t feel it, maybe change it to finisher speed.





It is quite good when phalanx is active but with it is a simple straight line knock down. You can add a powerful debuff to the main spear thrown so it is good on its own. You can also add melee scaling to the main projectile (the phalanx one can’t have this scaling because the AOE damage would be insane)





The damage aspect of this skill is too weak, the mobility aspect is nice. Maybe give him the ability to create week spot on enemies so it scales better. You can also add the effect the he claws of the eyes of the enemy he is attacking, the enemy is not open to finishers but will suffer the sheath multiplier form melee attacks and the spear thrown.



I really like this one, I don’t know if it good or a bad but I like it.






The wall and circle formation are somewhat redundant ( both just do more effective HP in different ways) the arrow formation is insanely good( Rhino Roar with  a crit buff on top of it)


Here a new way to organize your formation


Arrow still the same, offensive formation


Circle, defensive formation against melee enemies


Wall, defensive formation against projectiles.


Glad someone actually gave feedback on him once again. I will look into his kit and probably will take your ideas into concoderation as I do like them a lot

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Having a look at the enemies concepts so here my overall feedback that the minutia on each enemy.

Overall I like the visual desing and like the effort you put to make threatening enemies.

On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

The Tactic Crewman:


On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

He wields a Gammacor as his Primary

I thing the gamacor is a cephalon weapon.

On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

Energy Shield in front of himself that can be destroyed by everything the Tenno can throw at it. 

I think you mean can't be destroyed , looking at the context.


On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

While kneeling down the Tactic Crewman sends out a Signal to spawn in 4 Little Hyenas that will attack the Tenno. 

Make him drop parts for a hyena companion and I'm sold.

On 2018-08-24 at 8:00 AM, LOD07 said:

He is a very aggressive unit and has Shields like the Spiders in Fortuna. (basically 3 lives) 

If you going to give an enemy break bars ( you cant damage this enemy more than a certain amount , until he goes invulnerable) , give this enemy diferente combat phases. Like first phase ,uses ranged weapon and is vulnerable to ranged fire. Second phase , is immune to ranged fire from the front (he blocks it with the sword ). Third phase I don't know , maybe he drinks kuva and becomes immune to everything but void damage ( I know this is altering your concept quite a bit but I've run out of gameplay idea)

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vor 6 Stunden schrieb keikogi:

Having a look at the enemies concepts so here my overall feedback that the minutia on each enemy.

Overall I like the visual desing and like the effort you put to make threatening enemies.


I thing the gamacor is a cephalon weapon.

I think you mean can't be destroyed , looking at the context.


Make him drop parts for a hyena companion and I'm sold.

If you going to give an enemy break bars ( you cant damage this enemy more than a certain amount , until he goes invulnerable) , give this enemy diferente combat phases. Like first phase ,uses ranged weapon and is vulnerable to ranged fire. Second phase , is immune to ranged fire from the front (he blocks it with the sword ). Third phase I don't know , maybe he drinks kuva and becomes immune to everything but void damage ( I know this is altering your concept quite a bit but I've run out of gameplay idea)

i appreciate the time you took to take a look at them. 


if not the gammacor what else? I would like to give him a powerful beam sidearm… i am currently not able to think of any weapon that exits in the game...i might have to give a new weapon as well. 

yes the shield can´t be destroyed right. 

well hyena parts as much as i dislike meta meme bs...that one is..once i am completely done with the royal knight and my plans for him i will focus on the tactical crewman and then you shall get your hyena parts.


for the grineer. i do understand a couple problems due to lack of visualisation...stay tuned everything will be shown soon...

but indeed he will change his behavior...

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15 hours ago, LOD07 said:

not the gammacor what else? I would like to give him a powerful beam sidearm… i am currently not able to think of any weapon that exits in the game...i might have to give a new weapon as well. 

Have You considered the ocucor.

Edit: If I were you, I would display the legios art at the start of thread outside of a spoiler tag. People like visual , so it a good way to drawn people in to read the rest of the post. 


Edited by keikogi
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vor 17 Minuten schrieb keikogi:

Have You considered the ocucor.

Edit: If I were you, I would display the legios art at the start of thread outside of a spoiler tag. People like visual , so it a good way to drawn people in to read the rest of the post. 


The occucor could be a thing.... I might change that with Legos thanks for the suggestion 

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  • 2 weeks later...

To get kind of an update out here... 


I am working on the second chapter of the story and putting a little more effort into it. 

I also am starting with learning animation and rigging blabla.... Meaning the plans I had for the character will delay even further than I wanted them to but whatever. 

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Finally... I had so much trouble with these abilities. I do appreciate every feedback towards this. 


PH* Name: Janos
Stats level 30:
Energy: 150
Health: 300
Armor: 150
Shield: 300
Run speed: 1.0

Personal movement:
…  does not jump like all the other Warframe. Instead he glides on a trail of energy. 
He only produces that when he jumps and has a direction connected to it. If he jumps and doesn’t move forward, either to the right or left side or backwards it doesn’t create this trail. Same applies to bullet jumping. 
However when he aim glides he stops producing the trail. 

Passive: Janos creates an 7m aura surarounding him whenever he starts a mission granting a damage boost too all allies including himself towards blinded enemies. 
The damage increase to those enemies is 10%.

1st ability: The Bat-Man (don’t have a proper Name for it yet) 20
 he swings a bat to hit a ball of energy towards enemies in a cone shaped direction in front of him dealing 100/200/400 damage per hit. Once the ball hits an enemy (auto aim once ability casted) hits other enemies in the same cone shaped angle where the ability was casted with for 3/4/6 seconds 
Enemies hit by the ball will be inflicted with blindness for 2 seconds. 

2nd ability: 30
Janos slashes with his energy roller blades over the floor an  creates a foggy cloud in front of him creating a barrier that lasts for 10/20/30 seconds blinding every enemy inside it and reveling them to the Tenno and also increasing their damage taken by Tenno firearms or melee weapons by 50% (not moddable) 

3rd ability: cheer up 50
Janos motivates all allies within affinity range giving them a boost to the following stats by 20% for 10/20/30 seconds. 
Sprint speed 
Jump strength 
Aim glide Time
Headshot damage
Energy efficiency
Dodge speed
The percentage on this can be increased by strength mods

4th ability: Lightning Dash 100
Casting this ability causes Janos to stop his motion and he starts charging a dash. Depending on how long the player holds down the button the longer Janos charges his dash.
During this charge Janos becomes immune to any kind of damage and absorbs any kind of damage to be released when dashing forword
During this charge Janos has a cone shaped area in front of him where the player is able to see which enemies are going to get hit by the dashis the.
Holding down the ability button will start a 3  energy drain per second and reduces the cone but increases the range of the dash.
The damage at the beginning without holding down the button is 100/200/400 + 20% of all damage taken per enemy.

The Damage scales upwards to a maximum charge damage of 1000/2000/3000 + 50% of all damage taken per enemy

However while the normale dash without a charge causes electricity damage on all enemies hit within the cone for 5 seconds.
 The  fully charged one  creates a carpet of electricity surrounding Janos final dash position that lasts for 10 seconds and has a 15m radius. This range can’t be increased. 

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