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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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Thralls are still hot garbage. Just give that ability to Nyx, it doesn't fit Revenant's theme at all. Then create something new for his 1, something more Eidolon themed. 

By the way that MASSIVE energy cost increase on his Danse Macabre is unacceptable. Revert that change at once.

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4 minutes ago, RIFTMAGE said:



Especially after last update Reave ability should have energy leech property(maybe like nidus). Or it can restore energy only from thralls. This is definitely necessary. Because for now these ability properties limit Revenant's builds and potential.(3rd ability are used only with press 4 and win build. This is so boring and useless.)



That's actually a pretty good idea! That small change is perhaps the thing that is missing and would tie his whole kit together. Mesmer Skin > Enthrall stunned enemies > Reave enthralled enemies for energy > Dance Macabre. It would make his kit and abilities a lot more interactive and dynamic.

Edited by Anakincho
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Enthrall: You can cap this thing at 100 for all I care, the Thralls don't do anything useful, other than lay down that beam of light when you kill them. Most enemies have guns, so they don't need to walk into the beams, so you need to micromanage your Thralls to a chokepoint, then kill them, which is easier said than done. They can also be damaged by teammates, so if you're team doesn't know how Revenant works, they'll kill your Thralls before they can do anything,


Mesmer Skin: It's a great skill, while it's active. At base, you only get 6 charges, which isn't enough when you're in a group of enemies, and the fact you can't recast it means if you're in a wave based mission (Defense/Interception), if you end the round with 1 charge left, you'll have to get hit, then recast it and hope you don't die. Even if you aren't in a wave based mission, 6 charges is just so bad. Why should I use Revenant, when I could just as easily use Gara, Mesa, or any of the other Warframes with a damage reduction ability? I can build them to reduce damage far easier than I could Mesmer Skin, and they last longer with less modding.


Reave: This thing costs too much and takes too long to be useful. The only time I've ever used this thing was a way to spam energy so I can pick up energy orbs during the affinity challenge. The fact you need to use this on Thralls to make it really useful is also garbage, because like I said prior, your team can kill them before you can Reave them.


Danse Macabre: Completely useless now. The only reason it was so useful before was because almost every other ability he has was (And still is) useless. The "Overshield" orbs the Thralls drop are utterly useless, not only because shields in general are useless (Until we get Shield Gating), but because the amount they restore is so little. The fact Revenant himself has almost no energy is a problem as well, We're talking 50 energy for a Mesmer Skin, 7 free casts of Enthrall, 25 for the initial cast of Danse Macabre, then 40 MORE energy for a single boosted second. That's 115 energy out of 188 total. You would still need to recast your Mesmer Skin as well, so really you're using up 165 energy when you're in the heat of it.


Passive: A knockdown on shield depletion? I mean, that's kind of cool, if stuff is nearby you to be knocked down. But most enemies have guns and don't need to be near you to shoot you. It also knocks down your Thralls, which is another reason Thralls are so useless. You have to leave your Thralls so the knockdown doesn't affect them, but you need to be nearby them to use Reave and Danse Macabre on them. His passive is so worthless if you're using Thralls.


Overall, Revenant needs a complete rework. His Thralls are useless. Unlike Nekros Shadows, the Thralls can't be healed and can be killed by the team. The Thralls should only be killable by enemies and Revenant. Otherwise, any Warframe with a nuking ability can kill them before you set them up in a chokepoint, if the idiots will even follow you to begin with. I find myself waiting at a chokepoint in the map for enemies, Enthralling them, then killing them instantly just to set up the beam trap.

His 2 does nothing if you're surrounded by more than your charge amount (Which happens alot). His Mesmer Skin needs to be recastable.

His 3 needs not only an energy reduction and cast time reduction, but to leech more on non-Thralls. Anyone who doesn't know how Revenant works will kill your idiots before you can leech off of them, leaving you dead before you can restore your shields and health. It's like the Revenant is in an episode of Dragonball Z. It takes two episodes to charge up his Reave, but before he can do it, Piccolo comes in with his Antenna Beam to kill everything.

His 4 needs a complete rework. Costs too much energy, the overshield drops don't provide enough shields (And the entire concept of overshields is useless anyways), and the beams only damage stuff so anything above or below them beams are fine. Ultimate skills are suppose to be ULTIMATE. Ultimate is defined as "the best achievable or imaginable of its kind" yet Danse feels more like a basic beam weapon.

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Additional thralls was a step in the right direction, but friendly fire needs to be removed from thralls. When your team is killing everything so quickly, there's no point to even using them. It just becomes a waste of energy and/or time. This forces Revenant into being a solo frame. Only allow friendly fire from Danse Macabre. And then there's also the issue of enemies turned ally still counting as enemies for missions like defense that needs addressed. This was an issue Nyx has too if I remember correctly.

Mesmer Skin

I think this should be refreshable and have slightly more charges. Those charges disappear way too quickly when you have a horde of enemies attacking you all at once. It would also be nice to have an effect on enemies stunned by this ability. It would make picking them out of a crowd and enthralling them easier.


This seems ok-ish. I feel like it costs way too much for what it does though. If the cost is reduced and it can be aimed in any direction, then it gains some utility in the form of quick movement. It's leeching effect should also scale with power strength so it can actually recover a meaningful amount of health and shields. There's also an opportunity to adding some sort of support by adding a buff of some kind to any ally frames you pass thru.

Danse Macabre

As for the energy cost for this, I think it should be returned back to normal, but make it so the energy cost increases the longer you're using it. Or perhaps just tone it down a little bit. It seems a little too high at the moment. Especially for the boosted mode.

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Just now, Ssalem said:

Thralls are still hot garbage. Just give that ability to Nyx, it doesn't fit Revenant's theme at all. Then create something new for his 1, something more Eidolon themed. 

By the way that MASSIVE energy cost increase on his Danse Macabre is unacceptable. Revert that change at once.

This, too. Hell I've seen a guy online just outright call his 1 "#*!% Nyx", and it's not at all inaccurate. Just let Revenant spawn vormulysts, have the amount spawned scale with Strength and the time they're out with duration. Not only is it easy since there's very few new assets to spawn (maybe a retexture, and a new cast animation) but it lets us have a proper summoning frame for the first time! Not a reanimator like Nekros, or a paired frame like Khora (please also rework Khora. Her kit's both all over the place and tripping over itself in redundancy), but an actual frame that summons things. Following this trend his other skills write themselves.

1 Spawns 4+ Vormulysts that draw aggro. On death they charge the enemy that kills them, damaging enemies in their path. Damage dealt and number of summoned Vormulysts are based on power strength, and how long they're out is based on duration.

2 Gets more charges, and stunned enemies spawn vormulysts when killed. Stunned enemies get the current "Enthralled" icon over them, marking them as for easy targeting (as if Revenant is drawing vormulysts out of enemies that'd dare attack him)

3 Boosts damage dealt by vormulysts charged through, and also adds charges to mesmer skin (because shields are useless, but mesmer skin could be some Hot S#&$™ with a few tweaks)

4 Is restored to the old function because it was fine. Vormulysts killed this way also leave behind the pillars on "impact" with an enemy.

Best part is that this kit still gets the vampire AND eidolon themes accross as  well. For vampire fans you get a mist-shrouded creature of the night that summons "bats", and eidolon fans get beams and vormulyst add-ons.


And I get a frame I can enjoy, and really that's the most important part of this: HAVING A FRAME THAT'S FUN TO PLAY WITH.

Because, as it stands, Revenant is not fun to play with.

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12 minutes ago, Anakincho said:

It's a real shame since I think the Revenant has one of the coolest designs in the entire game. It would be a shame if he suffered the same fate as Khora. An OK frame that you would use for the cool factor turned into a sub-par gimmick that is out-classed by almost anything.

Or like Titania, who hasn't received that much attention ever since her release from two years ago.

That's another thing I agree with; why nerf Revenant's Danse Macabe when you have frames with more powerful AOE abilities? 

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It's alright.


Thralls are useless. I don't know if you guys really learned from the problems Nyx had, where, without something like Mind Freak (and debatably with), mind controlled minions are useless because they simply cannot kill other enemies at a reasonable pace. In order to make this ability truly worthwhile you absolutely must include a huge damage buff for the thralls so that they can actually kill enemies and not just be meat-shields that get cut down in seconds not only by other enemies, but also by you and your teammates.

Mesmer Skin

It's fine. It's not very good, it's basically a worse version of Mesa's Stagger Shield but with a discount on Enthrall which is still useless.


It's... uh... the scaling is really bad. This ability is pretty damn weak. Reave should do half or more damage to enemies you pass through or maybe at least up to half with power strength. 8%, unaffected by power strength, is utterly puny. The health return can stay about as much as it is, whatever, but the damage needs to be kicked WAY up.

If you're thinking 'half damage is too much, whoa!' Consider that I could do 100% of an enemy's HP in damage by killing them, with a gun, far faster, and without spending a single point of energy. If you're gonna' make an ability scale, which you should, make it scale well. 

Danse Macabre

It's pretty good. I like the animations, it feels fun to use occasionally, I think upping the energy drain was a smart decision IF it involved buffing his other abilities in an appreciable way, because right now Danse Macabre is the only jewel in his kit. Sadly, that didn't really happen. 


All in all, Revenant is kind of disappointing. Reave practically isn't worth using (I could get the same amount of HP back from a single lifestrike hit and deal probably fifty times the damage), Mesmer Skin is a weaker retread of another frame's ability, and Enthrall is another time you guys have failed to realize that the standard enemies are straight up useless at fighting each other. 

Edited by Glyphicality
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The solution to thralls seems painfully obvious to me.


Revenant is the sentient/eidolon frame right?

Why do his thralls not function like eidolon vombulysts? 


On death they should become ethereal. Ethereal thralls should be affected by void energy, reave and danse macabre to generate energy or pop into an AOE explosion.


Imagine, you thrall an enemy and your teammates kill it. Well instead of screwing up your gameplay and intended ability combos this action STARTS the combo. Thralls already have duration so let them exist in void state for the remainder of the current duration. Killing them with void energy could do a multitude of things (whatever is most appropriate). You could pop them causing AOE damage or force the target to drop an energy refill or health refill. Danse Macabre could be used to kill them as well as void damage to give synergy between the 1 and 4 without forcing operator mode (but leaving operator mode as an option for teammates). 


The overshields thing is so anti-thematic with the frame and lore. If you're going to give him a lore-related shield mechanic then it should work a lot like the actual eidolons. But since enemies do not use void energy it makes more sense to just ditch that idea altogether and go with something that works with the general gameplay mechanics. 

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Some small little quirks i found since revenants release that are still noticable.

Enthrall: everything is fine but the thralls are far too unenthusiastic about killing their former allys, Some also go far as defiance and attack the player with ground slams (if they are heavy) or outright refuse to aim at the enemy except you. some thralls also attack but stop attacking then look at you like they are literally trying the best they can to totally ignore you.

Mesmer Skin: i have not seen any real benefit other than the enthrall cost reduced to zero on stunned enemies. The fact more than 6 attacks can happen in a few moments is like having iron skin only being able to absorb 6 shots. It just doesnt seem worthy of any recognition. It also seems to randomly just not work period towards enemies.

Reave: from day 1 i noticed this ability does next to nothing, literally the amount of health stolen or shields taken are next to 5-15% i would only gaine 10-20 health or 10-15 shields. This is at default which is just plain not worth any investment.
Also this ability has the most shortest duration in the game with it lasting only 0.75 -0.04 seconds. This ability in my opinion has entirely worthless to use if only to run away from enemies a short distance.

Danse Macrabe: This is probably the only ability i currently like VERY strongly for some unkown bewitched reason, something about the moonlight maybe? The laser damage is ludicrous, the only 4th ability in the game to do roughly 1000-5000-6000+ damage over a few moments for next to no energy, even with your changes i can easily use efficiany mods to allow me to just float around firing death lazors at anything. if something somehow can resist the damage its only for 5 seconds or the right click will strip them of their mortality in a few seconds. This ability is the only one that reliably does what it says....albeit a bit too effective to warrant using any other ability as this can clear a room faster than anything other than a few select weapons (Zarr/Plasmor/Phantasma/Corinth)

Desighn wise i think revanant is interesting af, but everything falls short when your dancing in the moonlight.

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Enthrall is poor for CC - it's most effective use is to pull heat off an objective and then KILL the thrall in a doorway or similar location.  The pillars are small (too small IMHO) but last a while. I simply hate the lockout on it. Either have a cap and upon reaching said cap cause the enthralled enemies to take damage, maybe die and pillar or release them. Half his Kit is on problematic lockout and his other two abilities are ridiculously expensive (more now). So the free enthrall synergy with his 2 is also useless, since it's an unusable bonus 80% of the time.


I've been playing him for his 2 and 4 because his 3 is a nice movement ability but too expensive and it doesn't reliably leech anything when you dash through them. His 1 I would LOVE to use more for its trap mechanic but the lockout makes that impossible. You're being punished basically for using the ability that DE wants you to use over his 4. His 4: it makes me feel really silly using it but it was kinda cool. Liked the adapting damage as I thought it was unique. Now it's way to too expensive for being a not-amazing AOE DPS. It's range is too low, kind of unreliable - it hurts the eyes using bright colors and you move too slow. If you charge it, same thing just less efficiency and only arguably more damage as the range is still significantly smaller than Mesa, etc.


Listen, I was hoping for a jack of trades, and with a few bugs it was. Not GREAT at anything but GOOD at various roles. Nerfs before fixes are always a great way to turn off your player base, and a great way to kill hype for more content in the future. I hope that you aren't finished DE.

Edited by nokturnihs
Stay on topic for the thread purpose
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What I would do

Enthrall: Give us 10 thralls and have enthrall be an AOE, yes it's more then Nekros but unlike Nekros, thralls can be killed by your trigger-happy teammates. Also have the damage pillars be wider or speak out enemies

Mesmer skin: Give each stack 10,000 hp so they won't be broken by every single stray bullet. Also have the stun be a small AOE 

Reave: Restore 5 energy for every enemie passed through, also make it less clunky to use

Danse fancy name: make energy a second 15 not 20, also allow us to control the height of the lazers by looking up and down. 

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Whoa, Revenant came out underwhelming and they nerfed him?


After throwing some forma in him and realizing there was no content he could do better (more efficiently) than warframes I already dedicate to certain mission types I was hoping for some buffs.

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I wonder now ..
If the 3 is intended to remain a movement ability .. And that everyone complains about its cost .. and that to be simple, it is a dash of vombalyst, accomplished by a eidolon warframe .. Why not move that on his roll ?
In the same way that Limbo has his dash to get in and out of the rift ?
This would give the opportunity to rework the speed of the power activation, because it will have to become very fluid to be performed during the jump, and this will release the 3 for the introduction of a whole new power ..?

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I've spent a few days trying different builds and playstyles out with Revenant in a variety of different game modes.  I have come to the conclusion that it's just not a very engaging warframe.  Regardless, I thought I'd share my thoughts...



Even after the buff, Enthrall is an ability that is next to useless in any content you care to name -- if only because it affects so few enemies and those enemies do so very little damage to one another.  The range of the ability also feels punishingly low and the spreading mechanic might save you some energy, but it also reduces your options by tying up the thrall cap and preventing you from targeting the bigger, tougher enemies that you want as thralls.

If you're playing solo, you get a modicum of crowd control out of your thralls, but it's often more annoying than it is useful.  Thralls will push out into adjacent areas, preventing enemies from clumping up for easy killing in chokepoints like doorways and the like.  In a group, you might as well not even bother;  the thralls will die before they do pretty much anything at all.

Suggested Fix:  Increase the range of the ability.  Replace the thrall spread with a mechanic which causes thralls to deal bonus radiation damage with a high status chance.


Mesmer Skin

Perhaps your most useful ability on Revenant, Mesmer Skin will keep you alive by reflecting damage back at your opponents, stunning them in the process, and letting you get in a few free casts of Enthrall while you do it.  While it's a nice ability and adds significantly to your survival on Revenant, the low number of charges and long cast time make it feel like you're spending more time casting the ability than benefiting from it.

Suggested Fix:  Increase available charges and allow re-casting while active to refresh those charges.



Reave is slow, clunky, and expensive to cast.  At best, it is situationally useful to recover your health (but not shields, since most enemies do not have them) while inflicting minor damage to a small group of enemies.  At worst, it is an ability that you feel actively punished for using.  It's yet another ability that suffers due to its opportunity cost.  Yes, you could use it to hurt some enemies and recoup some health, but why would you when you can kill considerably more enemies with your weapons while relying on a sentinel to heal you without expending any energy at all?

Suggested Fix:  Decrease the energy cost and increase the movement speed while using Reave to match that of similar abilities (such as Hydroid's Tidal Surge).  Instead of doing bonus damage/drain to thralls, instead deal bonus damage/drain to enemies affected by status effects.


Danse Macabre

Though this ability is actually quite powerful, it is no way, shape, or form engaging to the player.  Despite the laser light show visuals, it is perhaps one of the least fun warframe abilities to date.  Given its energy drain and ability to kill even high level enemies quickly (ancient healers aside), the best and most efficient way to use the ability is to simply toggle it on and then use your movement keys to slowly float around the map.  Sure, you can use Reave to re-position yourself and top up your health and you can press fire to boost the damage, but both of those cost energy so you're incentivized to avoid them.

I was actually quite surprised by the mechanics for Danse Macabre given DE's stated intentions to move away from "one button wonders".  

Suggested Fix:  Convert the ability into something like an exalted weapon, where you can move around relatively freely, but where your weapons are replaced with eidolon laser and energy attacks (which require you to aim).  Keep the pirouette attack as your right-click or press-and-hold option.





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increasing the amount of thralls was a good idee, the increase of energy drain wasn't. the 4th. ability isn't anywhere near as overpower as other ults, other frame have and even though you are "mobile" while using it, the way the beams work makes far less usefull in most environments that aren't flat. if you though about the skill as one for short use (which your commend about the better synergy with the greater amount of thralls indicates), then you should drastically increase the speed of the casting for it, decrease the energy cost for casting it and increase the movement speed while it's active - increasing the movement while boosting it should also be considered imo. an increase of the base-energy amount would also be a good idea - if you bring it to an amount e.g. loki have (i think loki-p with a primed flow has about 724 energy) it would at least help to keep the 4th active a bit longer to be of any use in a defense situation or to cover someone reviving/hacking and not using a big chunk of ones energy.

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Do something for MESMER SKIN, there are videos from Mogamu and Aweblade already running showing 1 major bug when the HIT u get deals more dmg than total EHP ( aka fatal ) which will completely IGNORE all the stacks, and that ability needs a grace period ala health conversion between 1 charge being consumed and the next ( 3 secs like the armor stacks of health conversion ) and a faster casting time. among several other changes. and you nerfed the energy drain seriously ? which i could go by with, but u didn't even optimize that 4th ability after all the feedback.

his 3 is still totally garbage, a pinnacle of uselessness so far

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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Thanks for the changes to the cap on Enthrall. It feels a lot better.

Enthrall: To be honest, the cap feels much better now (after all, I did suggest the amount of Nekros' shadows) - so thank you! Otherwise, I only have one other thing related to this ability that I have to suggest, though I'm aware that I shouldn't count on it. One of Nyx's problems is that her mind-controlled minion(s) simply do not do enough damage to other units. In order for them to be anything more than utility (shield osprey, ancient healer, etc) and an aggro redirection tool, their damage needs to be boosted, similar to that of the mind freak augment. I get why that'd be a very iffy request since that'd just be hurting Nyx even more, but at the end of the day, that's really all they need.

Mesmer Skin: I love this ability, but I definitely think that it needs to be recastable after using Revenant more. If we get low on charges, we can use our energy again (similar to Chroma) to reset our charges to whatever it may have initially been. Once I'm down to one charge I feel myself actively seeking out an enemy to take it down so I can recast - this isn't good. If this ability was able to be recast, consider me 100% pleased with Revenant.

Danse Macabre: I don't use this ability too often, and I really only find myself using it to gain overshields via killing thralls when I have the time. Otherwise, the default energy cost isn't terrible now that's been changed, but the boosted cost, understandably so, feels even worse now. At the end of the day, it's your decision as to whether or not you're going to lower it, but in my honest opinion, it should be.


Otherwise, I'm still having a lot of fun with Revenant, and he certainly hasn't disappointed me (might even be my favorite frame at this point), these are just things that I believe will put him in a better state.

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So why did you even make the ability danse in the first place? It's completely obvious what was going to happen with it. Now the change doesn't make a lot of sense, even with the old energy drain it was super expensive. Even using a max efficiency build didn't give a long cast time, he could've used a base energy buff if anything. Now I'd outright have to forma for primed flow and honestly, with his kit and that energy drain he isn't even worth formaing for. I hate to say it but full kit rework maybe?

Edited by Firetrucksrule
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I'm not a fan of the extra energy drain for Dance M, and if I'm honest 4/7/whatever for enthrall really doesn't matter as i'd always target the strongest enemy type and bounce around while they infected/killed each other.

Reave however does need a movement/casting time fix, as its main purpose is to replen health. By the time you cast, you're replacing health, you've lost while casting!

Dance M - i'll continue to bore everyone by saying while its a great ability, it belongs on another frame (Nezha). Switch the 4s between the 2 frames and thematically as well as utility wise, it makes better sense. But as that'll never happen, reducing the current cost to 15 energy makes better sense. Not too little or much.

Mesmer skin - Good ability that can run out of gas real quick in high enemy count maps. While stacks work on frames like Nidus where there is synergy between stacks and abilities, I'm not sure the mechanic works here. Unless, you go back and change enthrall, increase the number of slaved enemies and use their death drops to power Mesmer skin...

However, I'm actually enjoying the frame. Not as much as did when Nidus came out but he's got potential. He just needs a clearer theme and purpose as opposed to being the love child of Nyx and Bonedaddy.


p.s. As Rev is meant to be composed on Sentient energy, i'd have thought his passive would have been status immunity from Sentient weapons or a timed invul buff (including POE sentients)?

Edited by Kidkilla
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Just now, Firetrucksrule said:

So why did you even make the ability in the first place? It's completely obvious what was going to happen with it. Now the change doesn't make a lot of sense, even with the old energy drain it was super expensive. Even using a max efficiency build didn't give a long cast time, he could've used a base energy buff if anything. Now I'd outright have to forma for primed flow and honestly, with his kit and that energy drain he isn't even worth formaing for. I hate to say it but full kit rework maybe?

It's a get out of jail ability, not a I'm going to kill everything in the room ability. Rev doesn't need a kit rework, just a clearer picture of what he was meant to be.

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3 minutes ago, Firetrucksrule said:

So why did you even make the ability in the first place? It's completely obvious what was going to happen with it. Now the change doesn't make a lot of sense, even with the old energy drain it was super expensive. Even using a max efficiency build didn't give a long cast time, he could've used a base energy buff if anything. Now I'd outright have to forma for primed flow and honestly, with his kit and that energy drain he isn't even worth formaing for. I hate to say it but full kit rework maybe?

I'm assuming the point was to periodically go into it to kill your thralls all at once and gain overshields. However, this is entirely pointless, as overshields are weak garbage, especially in the amounts the thralls provide.

Ironically, using Danse as a AOE room clearer is not only better, but way more enjoyable than using it as a thrall murder spin.

Edited by Frostyinferno
emphasis on how pointless overshields are
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11 minutes ago, Kidkilla said:

It's a get out of jail ability, not a I'm going to kill everything in the room ability. Rev doesn't need a kit rework, just a clearer picture of what he was meant to be.

A get out of jail ability should not leave you vulnerable, unable to parkour or even move decently. Furthermore it'd be dropping defensive procs like blast cold fire or electric then, not procs designed to help you kill mobs faster.

Reave should grant invincibility frames like literally every single other ability of its type. I've seen a lot of really good ideas for it but that's where I'd like to see them start there.

Mesmer needs some way of regaining stacks. I'm not a fan of recasting because that's kind of cheap but give us some synergy to restore charges.

Enthrall needs some kind of way to restore thralls. It's perfectly fine that they die fast, it's not cool that you can't recast while using Danse, it essentially punishes you for using your ult. It could also use a better synergy, overshields are useless anytime you don't have damage resistance and damage resistance is technically useless when you have 100% damage reflect up.

Assuming they do, by the time they alter every single one of his abilities to be good it will have been a rework. I'm not asking them to throw all the abilities away, but I am of the opinion that they need to seriously rework how those abilities function and interact. I think Revenant actually has a reasonable amount of end game endurance run potential, technically speaking his one and two scale stronger the stronger enemies get, that honestly excites me. As it stands though the scaling doesn't really do much for the frame because his kit doesn't work well with itself.

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