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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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58 minutes ago, Azvalk said:


1) Move this power to make it his roll, like the Limbo dash.
> It gives the opportunity to design a brand new 3.


I like this suggestion.

It can even have a moddable energy cost (not more than base 50) and maintain its current attributes. 

As long as the cast speed is just as fast as it is in Dance Macabre it should be great.

Edited by Madway7
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12 hours ago, VioletGoblin said:

I just did some testing and I found that Mesmer Skin is just trash. After using a Nullifiers for testing I ran into major 2 problems.

1. If Revenant can't stun an enemy like a Nullifier, the stack number won't decrease. It will still go down, but you wont know if it did or didn't.  

2. If Revenant is hit by damage higher than his total of health and shields, he will just die no mater how many stacks he has left. This means that he has no scaling right now, and he can be one shot on sorties 3 missions. Doing index right now would also be a bad idea.

Edit: He might be great in low risk index, since he seams to be able to Enthrall just about anything.

THIS needs to be highlighted because it's a serious issue, i've tested some stuff too and came to the same conclusions, whether it's a bug or not, 1 stack of mesmer skin should negate ANY kind of dmg, whether it's AOE dmg , DoTs or one 10.000.000 dmg sniper shot.

They wanted to give mesmer skin that stacks mechanic going poof after every instance of dmg received, they better fix it or otherwise rework it already and make it different.

But yeah so far it sucks big time, it's already bad that a burst of 5 rounds from lvl's 1 can consume 5 stacks in 1 sec, let alone incurring in this "bug" when the hit is dealing more dmg than the total EHP and IGNORES totally even 15 stacks

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il y a 16 minutes, Madway7 a dit :

As long as the cast speed is just as fast as it is in Dance Macabre it should be great.

Yes, of course.
And I know that the Limbo dash already annoys some people when it comes to our favorite travel combo, sprint, jump, aerial roll.
But precisely..

"Warframe is a game about speed, and high mobility." Steve's words ^^
So, when DE has an idea of mobility power, which is supposed to serve the mobility of the warframe, you really should not neglect it.
And this ability has every reason to receive better treatment.

- Revenant needs mobility to keep his invulnerability charges longer.
- Currently the use of this power breaks the dynamism of his mobility.
I just saw it at the moment, I was under the effect of a dot of poison, and in total panic to find an enemy to pass through, but because of the time of the activation, the enemy had time to move and I missed it, 3 times. (and I have Natural talent)
- Warframe is becoming more and more open world, mobility will continue to grow in the game, all mobility powers must be 100% well designed.


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 1~3 ability seems like no problem. Just worried about 1st ability 'Enthrall' can be ignored by high dps warframes or other source of damages. But during the play, just change the point of use 'Enthrall' it is good skill. Other player kill the enemy who already affected. This will losing the chance to spread out to the maximum 7 units. However, 'Enthrall' has other function for create damaging area when affected enemy dies. If, enemy dies so fast it can make chance to 1,000 damage/sec field created. So personally that's okay.


But, 4th ability 'Danse Macabre' need some change. It's basic function and state are good, however it's sweeping area type ability... it will make player choose one way play style like collect the energy-> Use 'Danse Macabre' and again(Simple play like camping). This is almost matched Mesa's 4th ability 'Peacemaker' old version, just different is auto-aiming or all direction attack. These are strong and giving the hard action to player who play them. But Mesa already patched for need to moving the aim point after activate the ability. How about Revenant's 'Danse Mascabre'? Just after activating can damaging all the area. 

 Now this is just personal opinion to change('Just' Suggestion). 

- Revenant are themed of Eidolon Teralyst series. So how about change his 4th ability to Gantulyst's  'Laser swing' attack. Not swing, I mean 'Laser cannon'

Every Eidolon has swing their gun in the area during the battle. Just imagine about Revenant use his left arm for energy supply to his right arm by grabbing. After that he will firing the 'Laser cannon' follow the player aiming cursor. Player can be high damage to their enemy and also need to keep his or her eyes to enemy which will be melting down. 

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17 hours ago, ShadowOptics said:

The idea behind that is that Revenant was the "warden". He's not explicitly tied to a Vampire/Ghost/Eidolon, he just uses the power of the Eidolon to "focus" his abilities through. Abilities that work to benefit a team are part of the Eidolon's skillset, the vomvalyst's collectively heal the Eidolons on the plains. 

You said it yourself, it is the vombalysts job to aid the eidolons to their needs. Which we can roughly translate that others should be ones to support the revenant. Also Revenant was just cleaning up the mess Gara made and was simply labeled as a warden, he is no jailer, besides he did a terrible job at being a protective warden after he tried to shake hands with an eidolon.

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  Back at it again at Krisp- Revenant Feedback. Can't help but noticed you guys made some change's to Rev in the last hotfix. So I thought I should drop by again and give you guys another holler.

  I wanna start this off a bit more positive so let's jump right into it! First off I want to thank you guys for the new animation/FX on Revs 2 and 3. I love the more spectral look of Reave. It makes Reave feel more Eidolon, and ghostly, you know. Plus the addition of a sound effect for when Mesmer Skin goes down has been working wonders for me. The SFX has helped me out several times already and I feel this was a step forward in the right direction in regards to polish. These changes alone got me hyped for Revenant all over again.

However there are still some bugs i'd like to have fixed and some changes i'd like to request. I'd like to start off with the bugs first, I'll just list them off Because the list is short and I don't wanna forget about them.

1.When Kavats, (and possibly Kubrows, sortie defense targets) are attacked by thralls, they can become thralled. This isn't bad in and of itself, however when the Kavat is downed while under the influence of Enthrall. they become impossible to ress. Please fix this.
2. Nullifiers can shoot through Revenant's Mesmer Skin regardless of remaining charges. As no other warframe defensive ability works this way. I assume this must be a bug. Please fix this.
3. Mesmer Skin still seems to not display a number of charges while MS is still active on some occasions. This is not as bad as a issue as before since I can now hear when MS goes down. But it is still a issue, please fix this.
3. Reave does not restore shields when passing through armor based enemies. This is a bug?
I'm sure you may be aware of some if not all of these issue but I believe it still bears repeating.
4.This could be bug or simple a lack of polish but, shield pick-ups drop from thralls after killing them with Danse, does not have a sound effect on pick up.

Changes have been been made and more experience has been gained. Thus my opinions have slightly changed. I'll try to keep this organized, balanced, and concise.

The Passive: I still like it. It's range for a passive is good and the effect has been consistently pretty clutch. It's great for by just enough time to flee and put back on MS. Additionally, I think once his Nodachi lands with Melee 3.0 this will come in handy more frequently. For people that play at range it may not be as frequently useful but for melee that'll be another story.

1. Enthrall: You buffed his thrall count!! That's great! Thanks for that! however getting to 7 thralls is difficult in a party and though having additional thralls does help his damage traps stack. I'm not so sure that helps them scale very much and so I have two proposals.
  A. Allow us to charge Enthrall so we can enthrall multiple enemies at once upon release, and possibly at the cost of additional energy spent. Personally I don't want to loss single target thralling so this is the idea I came up with.
  B. Allow the damage type of the pillars to change based of the thrall that was killed and give it a decent status chance. i.e. Grinner thrall = Corrosive pillar, Corpus Thrall = Magnetic pillar, Infested Thrall = Gas pillar. That said, i'm not a numbers guy so if you can come up with another way to make the pillar scale, that'd be great.

2. Mesmer Skin: Hey, hey, hey, it's pretty good. Thanks for the polish, fix the charge display count bug, and If you could make self damage use up a charge instead of killing you through MS. that would be great. Other than that, that's whats up!

3. Reave: I love the new animation, and I love that you can cancel it early. But if you could make this ability start up a little bit faster that would be swell. 

4. Danse Macabre: First of all let me just state this. I love the animation for this silly ability and I will fight to keep it if need be... With that out of the way I do wanna talk about something else. I notice y'all turned up the energy spent on this ability in the patch notes. But too be honest that's not really what I want to talk about now.

  Personally even with a cap of 7 thralls I still think that 50 shields per pick up is way to low and makes the Enthrall/Danse loop more frustrating and unrewarding than it otherwise would be. Once again, I'll ask you buff the pick-ups to grant 100 shields on pick up to make the loop less frantic. As oppose to the current 50 shields on pick up. It's also possible the chore-ish nature of Enthrall/Danse can be mitigated by allowing mass enthralling.

  Also there is still polish that can be done on this ability specifically i'm referring to the shield pick ups. They have no sound effect when you pick them up and it drives me up-the-wall. Compounding the fact that they're each only worth like 50 shields. It feels like you're doing absolutely nothing please fix the lack of a sound effect. I'd like to suggest maybe the sound you hear when pickup a sentient core perhaps.

and finally... 

Overshields: I was going to leave this for another thread entirely, but since Overshields is a mechanic that is tied into Revenant's kit in addition to shields being his highest defensive stat. I feel it's imperative we start taking a crack at it now. My proposal for buffing/improving Overshields is as follows:

1.The maximum amount of Overshields you can have scales with your modded shield stat.
2.Once you have Overshields, your Overshields will decrease by a fixed fraction of the damage your regular shields would have taken.
  A.I would propose somewhere between 50-75% damage reduction to shield when in Overshields
3.Once damage taken exceeds Overshield gained, they'll be treated like regular shields once again.

  I propose these change with the intention to add value to Overshields by increasing the value of shields indirectly through Overshields as a defensive stat. This will make Revenant's Enthrall/Danse combo more valuable to both him and the team. In addition to recreate the shield durability of an Eidolon, with Revenant.

In Closing: In this feedback I wanted to show appreciation for the changes that were made that I happen to like while also touching base on what I like about the Revenant currently as whole. Before getting into my assessments on his abilities and how my opinion on them and how they've changed over time.

 In regards to the Overshields proposal I made. I decide to make it here as oppose to a creating a new thread since I believe they're a integral part of Rev's kit. Because of this I believe Revenant maybe a good opportunity to prototype and test mechanical changes to Overshields. This would prove to be beneficial to all Warframes in the future.

Finally, I thank you all for any amount of time you took to reading this. Hope you have a wonderful day.

P.S. I really didn't expect this post to go on this long. If I make another it'll be shorter..

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Been playing Rev a bit the past few days and I have some feedback to offer, and, something I think is a bug but might not be...

So, here goes:

First Ability: Enthrall
Increase base range to 30 meters
Decrease base duration to 20 seconds

I find the first ability to be somewhat lacking in range (and range mods aren't really useful with any of the other skills from what I've noticed), but the duration tends to be longer than is needed to do anything useful with, especially when going for a moderate duration build (say 150+ duration).

Bugs?: Can Enthrall the... Stalker? What?
I mean I don't mind making Stalker my Bi- I mean whipping bo- uh, my Thrall, but that feels just a bit overpowered? Is that a bug?

Second Ability: Mesmer Skin
Enemies need a better indicator of when they're stunned by this. That's about it.

Third Ability: Reave
Increase the base duration to 2 seconds and base width to 7 meters

As it stands, Reave doesn't really work as an escape skill in much past levelling content like Hydron. It doesn't need much to work better, and I feel it would work great as an "oh S#&$" skill with these changes.

Fourth Ability: Danse Macabre
Nothing wrong with this. It's my favorite ability.
But there are some things I'd much prefer than what you've decided on for this ability.

First, I'd prefer if range determined the maximum horizontal angle of the ability. Say for instance at 100% range the ability starts at -10° and goes up to maybe 10° relative to the horizontal plane or something. And then something like 200% range it goes from -20° to 20°. Or maybe -10° to 30°. Or something like that.
It's not necessary, but it would make more sense than it currently does (the width of the beams increases? Is there something I'm missing here?)

I'd also like if we could speed up the spin rate by pressing shift. There's no reason for this except I want to spin faster. Like, I don't care if the dps doesn't increase or if it costs more energy or whatever. I want to spin faster! 

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8 hours ago, nokturnihs said:

Yep every frame is playable at high end without abilities. Totally true. No overseas girlfriend just a wife and a good job as a developer where I set my own hours and have a pretty great life. I was backing out of the conversation because you obviously are unreceptive to any ideas not your own and that is steering the whole purpose of a feedback thread off topic, And the rest of this community is pretty amazing overall. 

That abrasiveness will get you nowhere. If it has so far you either live in one of the few cities where that works for you or you got lucky. I'm definitely not young but if you're as young as you act, then maybe I'm just a grown up picking on an arrogant kid? I don't think so, but honestly I don't care. 

I don't really care about winning kiddo, and I never did.I'm glad I got your insecurities to show so spectacularly! Good luck with that. 

I thought you said you were done. For someone that keeps trying to pull the high ground you're just as stubbornly arrogant as I am. Only real difference is the roundabout way you go about it. At least I have the decency to be direct. I mean look at this: you've steered this exchange away from reverent entirely and still have the gall to act as if anyone else is at fault. At least when I'm going on, it's (mostly) relevant to the topic of why a frame/mechanic is in dire need of fixing. Like you can't even stick to your own "i'm done with you" post because you absolutely need to have the last word in. Also abrasiveness is great: it smooths rough surfaces and exposes things that might be hidden underneath...like someone's need to validate themselves so often on an internet game forum, then claim they "aren't trying to win" as if it's not the most obvious lie in the world.

So, once again, I'll put down the issue here: thralls. The rest of the kit has interaction with them (his 2 gives free casts to make more, his 3 drains more from them, and his 4 turns their deaths into lackluster overshield pickups) meaning that they must have more importance than the average 1 like ember's fireball or mag's pull just being the usual "deals damage and slightly disables the enemies" so it should have at least have the same benefit as similar abilities in the same way Shadows and Mind Control have a distinct inability to take damage from other players. NOT make them invulnerable, in spite of what some narrow-minded people might think, just squadmate-proof. That's not a big change at all and multiple people have already expressed the same thing here, on youtube and even in-game.

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Yes, another revenant post that we all have the time to look over.

tl;dr: Revenant becomes a shield monster by (ab)using over shield mechanics

Don't worry this will be brief and demonstrate at least a few easy fixes that DE can take to get Revenant to where players will enjoy him, and even see as an End Game Frame.


1st Ability: Enthrall

Literally, this ability works perfectly fine, but the thralls should no longer be damaged by allies OR yourself. The only way you can kill them is by enemy fire, or revenants abilities.


2nd Ability: Mesmer Skin

Toss the abilities, make him go invisible, and able to walk through enemies, upon which they drop small amounts of energy and, if they are thralls more energy and revenant leeches shields (does NOT create over shields in any way)


3rd Ability: Reave

Another ability that unfortunately should be tossed. In replace Revenant should be able to latch onto a thrall and drain their health/shields into over shields and a damage buff.


4th Ability: Danse Macabre

No longer should this be his "bread and butter", up the drain again, also up the damage, as well as making killed enthralls drop over shields SEPERATELY for each player.


Passive: All damage is applied to his shields first and armor is also applied to shields.



The idea behind reworking his 2 and 3, quite simply, is they don't really synergize with the rest of his kit. His 1 and 4 have a great synergy idea behind them that his other abilities don't take advantage of.


By following this "setup" revenant focuses more on killing his thralls and abusing them for buffs and over shields. This also fixes the issue of "herr-derr nyx and rev are the same".

Perhaps, if these ideas are utilized/inspires DE, they might even make them stronger by introducing smaller synergies/buffs that I simply am leaving out for simplicities sake.


The ability to not only create a damage buffer with his thralls, but also creating tons of over shields for his allies, creates a fantastic frame for increasing the survivability of his team, though only slightly as over shields are maxed at +1,200 to you default shields.


Additionally id like to see revenants health decreased to 200 (or even 100) due to his passive being a bit more powerful, as toxic statuses will not be an issue for him now since his shields at lvl 30 is 675, and with a maxed redirection mod, he would have 3645, and with the additional overshields, we are looking at 4,845 hit points, of which will have 105 armor


For comparison, Inaros with a maxed vitality mod would have 4,620 hit points and 200 armor, so this setup should not be considered "OP" for a warframe...


I'd really like to see what you all would think of this more vampire themed setup, as it not only fill in that idea, but also by using the shields as the sort of sentient backdrop fills Revenants thematic setup perfectly.


Oh also, thank you DE for even releasing a new Warframe when you are so busy on your next big update, honestly this one caught me by surprise and I didn't even think you would have released him for a few months now. As such I hope this post comes off less as salty and more constructive than others you might get

Edited by Mason3ck
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26 minutes ago, ShafinR12345 said:

People are enraged.

It will be better if they change energy cost to around 15-16, not 12.5.

15/s is a good middle ground for sure and allows for a bit more flexibility in modding.


Also. The shield passive, overshields bonus and mesmer skin are not complimentary. 


Frame that has a passive on shield loss, way to generate more shields, and a skill that outright negates the need for shields altogether should be reevaluated. 


Edited by Leqesai
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I only have one thing to say about the passive.  I have yet to see it activate, so I am unsure if it suits him in between Mesmer Skin and Over-shields.  It doesn't feel entirely suitable for how I perceive he plays and from what I've seen.

Possible idea:  When he is hit by an elemental proc, Revenant has a 20% chance to be immune to that status proc for 15 seconds.

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I do not like to say that something is useless in a warframe, especially when it is new and we are in the period of constructive feedback, but for once, the passive is really, useless.

Revenant's gameplay style is based on his invulnerability charges, and increasing his overshield so he does not get killed when it has to be recasted in front of enemies.
So a passive that sends a tiny shockwave, if we lose our shield, will have no effect against the danger that has just destroyed more than 2000 overshield.
° - ° it's not complicated to understand.

So, I would gladly exchange this passive for the fact that Reave becomes a dash similar to that of Limbo.

I also saw another interesting idea of passive.
Health will never be attacked until our shields are 0.
The way the shield of an Eidolon works.
This could allow us to avoid all the health dot that are still able to reach us even though Mesmer Skin is active.
But, with the possibility of having over 2000 overshield, and Mesmer Skin, such a passive would too easily guarantee his survival.

So I do not know..
look for something else ..

I liked the idea of the spectral form of vombalyst when health reach 0 and the obligation to go kill some enemies quickly while remaining very fragile during this time, maybe with 3 small charges of invulnerability that would not be influenced by the power strengh.
( with all our abilities deactivated, except the dash..)
Or maybe, with all our weapons inaccessible, and with damage on our dash.

Edited by Azvalk
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1st Ability: Enthrall

Literally, this ability works perfectly fine, but the thralls should no longer be damaged by allies OR yourself. The only way you can kill them is by enemy fire, or revenants abilities.

I agree that your allies shouldn't be able to kill your thralls. There have be so many times now where I use it then they immediately get killed by an ally or they get killed shortly after by an ally. I'm banging to feel like it's almost a useless ability unless you're playing solo or with a group that knows not to kill the guys with the marks over their head.

I think all his other abilities are perfectly fine though.

Edited by FrostSheep
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It seems I'm not alone in thinking that your allies shouldn't be able to kill your thralls. There have be so many times now where I use it then they immediately get killed by an ally or they get killed shortly after by an ally. I'm banging to feel like it's almost a useless ability unless you're playing solo or with a group that knows not to kill the guys with the marks over their head.

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I have been using Revenant almost all the time since 23.6.2 hit and at 2 Formas my feedback is as follows:

His casts take way too long. Sometimes it takes longer to cast Mesmer Skin than it takes for a horde to destroy it. And most of the times my Enthrall targets die by my teammates hands' mid-cast. Don't even get me started on Reave's delay. Enemies move out of the way by slowly strafing while it's being cast.

His synergies, although present, feel lackluster. Being able to get more shields and overshields from Thralls is good, but very basic.


Fine as-is, although a little bit more range would be appreciated, considering even levels as low as the higher end of the star chart shields just get depleted by almost anything with burst damage (such as Hyekkas and any Corpus unit with a Lanka). Maybe make it look a bit more Energy Spike (not as visually noisy, please)


It's pretty good now. I love how it doesn't hold waves back on missions such as Defense.

The animation is still too slow and the fact anyone can kill them as easily as any enemy makes it so people just kill them by accident or just because they want to, which makes it an ability with cost and high risk of it yielding nothing. Makes it a lot less better at contributing something to the team while Revenant takes other advantages from it (health and shields).

Affected enemies should just become immune to ally damage that doesn't come from Revenant himself and take away the ability to Enthrall bosses and special units such as them, so that it doesn't mean the ability can stop progression in the same way as Nyx's Mind Control and Nidus' Parasitic Link can. Since they don't stop mission progression it should work just fine and make it more player-friendly and team-friendly. Would also bring it more in line with Nekros' Shadows of the Dead, along with the 7 units limit.

Make it so these enemies have better aggro displacement. As it stands, most units just ignore them and go for any objective or Revenant himself.

Energy pillars are kinda fine, albeit their range is a bit lackluster unless used in very specific spots such as doorways.

Can we get a counter so we know how many Thralls we still have? Checking the map can get confusing in crowded spaces. A counter in the Buffs would probably work wonders and be noticeable enough.


Mesmer Skin
Now that's a real troublemaker. It's buggy in various situations, the charge counter doesn't round up or down and even loses its number until it loses a charge once you transfer out and back in.

Absolutely any damage that doesn't come directly from an enemy or that comes from an immune enemy (such as Nullifiers) goes through it in full force, meaning Nullifiers and any units inside their bubbles are still able to destroy Revenant through the ability by totally bypassing it. Very inconsistent when compared with other defensive abilities.

It just feels clunky and too situational, while being incapable of lasting against any group of enemies you'd find in most places. It's too easy to burn through charges when dealing with whole hordes, which is a constant in Warframe.

Just make it so when you activate the ability it gives you damage reduction ONLY ON YOUR SHIELDS (similar to Nova's Null Star, but on shields only instead of health only) and make him status immune. That should steer him closer to a the Eidolons, since he was modified by the Sentient that resides on Plains and all of the Eidolons depend on their shields to defend themselves. No more stunning for free Enthrall casts. It's already cheap and would spread more than enough with the changes proposed above.
Should have good synergy with Reave, as you'd need to keep your shields up or you'd be a lot more vulnerable (again, much like the Eidolons themselves)
I would propose these stats for it:
10/20/30/40% damage reduction at rank 3, affected by ability strength up to 95% reduction (not so strong as to be a gamebreaker, but strong enough to make his defenses more consistent against incoming damage and more in line with Gara, Nidus and Mesa)
8/16/24/32 seconds base duration, affected by ability duration. (Recastable, for the love of Tyl Regor for his tubemen. It's not fun to wait behind a wall waiting to recast a skill so I don't get destroyed in half a millisecond).


Life steal and the movement during Danse Macabre are useful and the skill is pretty good as it is now. Although I would advocate for it being able to work as a 3d mobility so it allows for vertical movement, allowing it to be put to better use during normal gameplay for mobility in more practical ways. Would need no changes when used in conjunction with the suggested changes to Mesmer Skin, since it'd be a way to keep shields up while repositioning.


Danse Macabre

Still a good trash-mob cleaner, but has trouble against heavier units, but is pretty fine on that aspect since it still eventually deals with them up to a certain point by itself (positively surprising considering the damage only scales by reflection without a multiplier).

Ancient Healers and Toxic Ancients make it absolutely useless. Ancient Healers nullify procs and reduce damage (making gas useless) and Toxic Ancients also delete gas procs. Just give Sentients a special flag that hits Ancients with Radiation so their auras stop working. 

Give it a multiplier on reflected damage. Enemy damage is not nearly enough to deal with other enemies without a multiplier. That's why Octavia's Mallet works so well and could make Revenant's dps and kps scale better at higher levels (he still falls off way earlier than some other frames' similar abilities without scaling or modded damage)

Energy drain of 20 per second is a bit too much, considering any enemy that actually needs attention requires boosting, which makes the cost skyrocket and be almost impossible to sustain. There are probably better solutions to stop afk defense clearing on him, although I sincerely can't think of any at the moment. Making him harder to use on normal actual gameplay doesn't really feel fair to the players that actually use him actively.

Edited by LULAWS
Removal of factually wrong statements after further testing
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Not much of a point in keeping those thralls alive though seeing as how the ability is just an overglorified radiation proc. besides that most of the benefits that enthrallment has is after the thralls death.

The only problem here is the ability just isn't able to catch up with the rest of your party members, and making them invincible to allies wont solve a damn thing.

Edited by ConsumerJTC
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12 hours ago, New_Zion said:

Pretty strange that you compared revenant to Inaros. Although the two of them are the only frames that have a spinning attack ability.

Didn't really compare them, just couldn't think of another frame that had 2 mechanics that could compliment Revenant's abilities as well.

All about that effort to reward, and reusing mechanics with a slightly altered outcome should be low effort.

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PASSIVE: Unnoticeable and I built around it. Using Augur set and shield recovering weapons. I would love to see it bigger and fun to build around.

ENTHRALL: Love the ability. I especially like that it doesn't hold up defencive waves like Nyx does with her mind control. This should be extended to Nyx. PLEASE!!! So annoying to see waves held up because some mind controled enemy is derping around and isn't marked because Nyx forgot about it. Seeing you guys allow thralls, this should be on Nyx too.

MESMER SKIN: Great defence ability. Kinda wish it was on a timer instead of charges. Big thing though is I hate the mist around the character. I have bad eye sight and it is made worse by having this mist floating around the character. I tried going to shadow black energy and that didn't get rid of the mist. Just really annoying.

REAVE: Kinda slow to cast. Like to see it more like Rhino charge.

DANSE MACABRE:  I would like to see this also more of a directional charge. I love spin to kill things. Any game that lets me spin at mobs is a win for me. Ever since Diablo 2 barbarian I love spinning at enemies and use the stances in Warframe that let me do that. Just something about this feels meh. Probably because it's so floaty. I would love to see it as kinda fast charge too, spinning around like a helecopter blade of light beam death. Maybe even bouncing the warframe off of walls and enemies when they contact one. Right now in it's floaty state just feels... boring to me.

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(Yes, I'm on ps4, but I got to play Revenant on my pc account)

With DE's recent attempt to shift balance away from Revenant's 4th, it really makes his other abilities problems even more apparent. 

-Why use your Enthrall when you can just kill the enemy. The pillar of light that the thralls leave when you kill them deal little to no damage at high level, and your teammates can kill thralls which pretty much waste your energy. 

-Mesmer Skin could be a really great ability, but it's really clunky. The cast animation takes forever, and the charge system and not being able to recast this really hurt the ability. 17 charges just isn't enough since enemies are shooting left right and center. And to recast it, you have to get hit down to 0 charges. Not to mention, nullifiers will bypass your Mesmer skin for no reason. Not sure if this is intended or not.

-Reave, for what it does, is kinda bad. Going through enemies to drain health is alright, but for 75 energy, you don't get much health for it unless you go through a big group of enemies. I feel it would need a secondary effect to work. 

-Danse Macabre was perfect, but encouraged low level map cheese, so the energy cost was nerfed by 60%. 

Since danse was nerfed and knowing DE, the nerfs probably will not be reverted. Here is my suggestion to give Revenant more usefulness to his kit instead of making him a 1 trick pony.

 Passive: Converts 10% of damage to Shields to energy

The original passive, which was a radial knockdown when your Shields went down didn't fit Revenant's kit much at all because Mesmer skin negates damage as long as you have charges.

This new passive will encourage Revenant players to use the synergy between 1&4 to get overshields.


-When first casting thrall, the enemy is marked, this enemy can spread the mark

-When marked enemies are killed, they become ghost, and join your team.

The problem with Enthrall was that your teammates could kill the enemies, making you feel like you wasted your energy. Now enemies that are thralled will fight for you no matter what.

Mesmer Skin:
-Cast animation is shortened
-Mesmer Skin only uses charges against damage to health
-Nullifiers no longer pierce Mesmer skin.

This should reduce the charges consumed drastically, since Revenant has high shield values. Lowering cast time means that Revenant will be able to cast Mesmer skin in battle easier, and fixing the nullifier issue will make him more consistent with other warframes against nullifiers. 

Enthrall & Mesmer Skin Synergy:
-Killing a target marked with Enthrall with Mesmer Skin active will grant you 0.25 of a charge for Mesmer skin, killing 4 thralls will grant 1 full charge of Mesmer skin.

This will eliminate the problem of having to wait for Mesmer skin to go down before recasting. 

-Energy cost reduced to 50
-Can take Shields and Overshields 
-Easier Movement and camera issues fixed

Reducing Reaves energy cost to match it's effectiveness. It should also take Shields when health is already full and Overshields if shields are already full.

Danse Macabre: 
-Does bonus damage to enemies stunned by Mesmer Skin
- Can now cast other ablities during Danse
- Energy cost remains at 20 per second

Allows synergy as well as quality of life changes while using Danse. 

Shortened Version of Changes:
-Thralls marked will become specters
- Mesmer Skin only uses charges when Revenant is dealt damage to health (So charges will go slower)
- Killing a thrall with Mesmer Skin will grant 0.20 or 1/5 of a Mesmer skin charge
-Reave has energy cost reduced and can now take Overshields
- Danse Macabre does bonus damage to enemies stunned with Mesmer skin as well as allows you to cast your other abilities


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"I am the shadow of Death.  I have walked with Darkness since before memory, so that We may consume the deserving.  Prepare yourselves for consequence, for in this moment I shall reap what you have sown, and you shall learn the nightmare of the weak...  DANCE PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Wait, what?

Edited by TyrianMollusk
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