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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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I have a suggestion to tweak his 1 ability. As we know Rev's kit is very dependent on his ability to enthrall enemies, his 2 is a defensive "armor"  that stuns enemies that land a hit on rev, which grant a free enthrall on stunned opponents. His 3 leeches more health and/or shields from enthralled enemies, and his 4 creates oversheilds from killed enthralled enemies.

However, there is a major flaw with this kit, and it would be his 1. Enthralled enemies are almost always gunned downed instantly by friendly players. There is no way to utilize his kit to the fullest, since there is no way to enthrall more then one enemies for less then a few seconds. 

I purpose that we change enthrall slightly to work much like Nyx's 1. Nyx's 1 ability mind controls an enemie. The Target will receive active damage from enemies but is immune to friendly fire damage. Instead however the mind controlled enemies accumulates friendly fire damage. Where upon the end of the mind control duration, all accumulated friendly fire damage will hit the mind controlled target, killing it or damaging it substantially. 

In short make it so that enthralled enemies do not take active damage from friendly player, but instead accumulate friendly damage. Where upon the end of the enthrall duration, all accumulated friendly fire damage will hit the enthralled enemies. If the accumulated damage kills the thrall, they will leave behind a pillar of fire. The sole exception to this rule is the Rev himself, Rev will still be able to actively damage enthralled enemies. This is so that Rev can choose where to manually place a fire pillar, and for Rev's 4 to be able to generate oversheild. With this method, Rev can still have his army, which is his feature, and he can utilize his kit more fully.


Edited by Yin111
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Some Feedback after a level ~50 infested survival with 155% ability strength, 199% duration and 175 efficiency:

Danse Macabre drains energy faster than drops can restore it, discouraging the use of other abilities. Energy drain units shut down ability use entirely. Also, Danse Macabre stopped killing effectively after a few minutes - presumably radiation would be a better damage type against infested because of various ancients.

Reave is kind of nice but it really needs to be more flexible and be usable in any direction instead of being locked to the ground. I died during Reave once, the cause was poison I believe. It is also hardly affordable since your energy economy is already negative with Danse Macabre.

Mesmer Skin cannot be used during Danse Macabre. It's long cast animation, short lived effect and my starved energy pool made me avoid this ability. It looks nice though.

Enthrall felt pretty useless. It was able to cluster enemies if I stood aside and waited. Might as well proc radiation with a weapon.

The way I see it, there are 2 ways to play Revenant: 1. Kill with Danse Macabre and move via Reave. Seems to cost too much energy though, also you are firmly stuck to the ground. 2. Shoot things while picking off tough enemies with Enthrall and cast Mesmer Skin whenever possible. Seems bad. Enthrall really isn't impressive and if you get oneshot without Mesmer Skin you will get oneshot with it - just a couple seconds later.

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Not sure if I missed this in some hotfix sometime ago, but I was playing khora in EOS and tried to whiplash a teammate revenants thrall, whipped it like 4 times before realizing it wasn't taking damage. Then I shot it like 5 times with my tenora and it died.

Did they change revenants thralls to be immune to abilities sometime ago?

(Still waiting for that re-re-rework btw for rev)

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4 minutes ago, birdobash said:

Has it been? I was pretty sure that teammate revenant in Mot axi fissure nuked the original 4 thralls i had back then 🤔

That's probably because Revenant is designed to kill Thralls...

But yes, I noticed it in a survival with a Frost who liked Avalanche on day one.

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Some updates to my thoughts on Revenant:

I just learnt you can cancel Reave with another press of 3 while it's in animation. However, the full cost of energy still applies, whether you travel 40 meters or 5 meters! Cost for Reave should be placed as a duration-based drain that drains more the further you go, so you only get charged full energy for going the whole length, 50% for going half the length and so on.

Also to repeat myself I need to emphasize the point that Reave needs a slightly faster cast animation (Mesmer Skin too) if not a slight energy cost reduction. At this point it feels like a clunkier and more expensive Hydroid Tidal Surge even if it does have its own perks (Tidal Surge could also benefit to have this duration-based drain while we're at it).

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Simple solution to any pet frame. DON'T make them, clearly. AI in this game is hilarious, and it doesn't even bother to do what it is supposed to do, so yes, no use for any kind of pet frame. It was long back with NYX, but hell (no one plays Nyx, right?), then we had our pet doggos and katz, but who cares, they are dumb and get locked in anything these days. Now we have Khora, with her own pet to get stuck to whatever sticks out of the ground (impenetrable PoE stones and grass ftw), and now, we get mind controlling Revenant, which is also close to being forgotten, by how stupid his thralls become as soon as he possesses them. Yay. 

Rework PET AI, this is a very major step for this kind of frames to actually have any meaning in a game about mowing hordes of enemies. Else, it's just another MR fodder which will be fun for a while, and then left out of general use, and worshipped by a mere 1% of players who actually can stand issues with those frames.

For the specific issues, almost all had been said, 

1 - clunky, slow, thralls die too soon in non single game, those beams are well, silly.

2 - chips off way too fast, needs more stacks or grace period, and for the love of whatever, why do you punish players with animations?

3 - too slow, again, animation sucks, wayy too unbalanced in terms of movement, when packed with duration becomes almost non usable because you are stuck in animation for hours (ok, seconds, but, feels wrong)

4 - bayblade frame with issues. Again, you allow other abilities to have "unlimited" access and when it comes to aoe uncontrollable spin frame, you limit it totally with not only obstacle check, but also range/height check. Great. But, not really.

Passives in this game are long but forgotten, as they do literally nothing, except for Mag, because self vacuum is always great and should be on every frame doing bullet jumps.


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4 minutes ago, youssefhashab said:

Just give me more minions or more lasers thats it

How about putting lasers on the minions? That way, when Revenant starts a thrilling dance his minions join the fun! And how about Revenant actually dances during Danse Macabre while lasers sweep over enemies with his every movement instead of just... spinning right round like a record?

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This thread actually feels pretty pointless. The alterations they’re going to make are that reaving through allies with Mesmer skin active will give them an as yet un named buff. So a frame that was only really viable in solo is now getting a synergy that will only function if his terrible defensive is active while he goes through allies who will justifiably never stay still in a fast paced ninja mobility game and will probably have just killed your thralls a second after you made them. Asking for a lot of goodwill from players DE.

Who asked for this?

Also how do his powers relate to any of the lore he has?

He was infected with sentient tech after fighting a tentacle eidolon alone for presumably centuries and none of his kit is even remotely helpful against eidolons.

Ps. I use zenurik mixed with 207% duration, 130% efficiency, a maxed prime flow and the Rakta dark dagger. With all this, I barely noticed the increase in his 4 cost, but the energy isn’t the problem. The problem is that it’s a terrible boring ability that people have described me as the ‘New Limbo Eye Cancer’. Changing the cost was like putting a band aid on a fractured skull.

Never thought I’d say this but  even Nezha’s abilities (Rework looks good for trap frame) were never so fundamentally flawed and lacking in fun as this new frame.

Edited by AbsolvedJudas
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After some real thorough Rev playtime this past weekend, the ability that really bothers me is ENTHRALL.

There's a duration, thrall hp, friendly-fire damage, ability virality and it's his #1...

I think if the ability hierarchy is switched so Mesmer is #1, Reave is #2, and Enthrall becomes #3 I would feel better about suggesting some meaningful changes like:

  • No friendly fire
  • HP scaling based on mission level (it doesn't matter much because the AI is, well...lacking)
  • No duration in lieu of using a % of your energy pool to maintain.
    • if you drop to 0 energy, the thralls disappear

I personally feel like Rev was sold by Rebb on his Enthrall ability coupled with the insanity of Reave, and durability amidst the chaos with Mesmer.  Danse was just a show piece.

I spent hundreds of hours (like many of you out there) grinding this game.  And now working full-time (and then some) plus having kids has empowered me to open my wallet for frames like Limbo Prime, and presumably, for Revenant...

But if this frame doesn't get the DE love that other dev favorites do—especially after all the great news coverage, praise, and promises—I think it'll make consumers like myself a tad apprehensive.

And, maybe most importantly, this frame is a part of the crown jewel that is Fortuna (along with Garuda and Railjack—yes, I know it's not all in the same update).  Revenant is part of the ongoing vision for the game, and it's important from a marketing perspective (as well as a game culture perspective) to make each frame valuable as we approach 40 frames and beyond.

Start making sub par frames now, and that'll hurt the culture that surrounds this community.

But that's just my opinion.

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9 hours ago, Xyhon said:

Passives in this game are long but forgotten, as they do literally nothing, except for Mag, because self vacuum is always great and should be on every frame doing bullet jumps.

...or they're horribly inconsistent in terms of quality.  IMHO Ash, Excal (Umbra included), and Nekros have some viable passives.  As DE adds more frames I think at some point passives will need to be readdressed for long-term viability and balance.

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Thematically speaking, the sentient-infected warframe doesn't feel very... sentienty.  His fourth ability and some of his visual and audio effects do, but gameplay wise?  Hardly at all.  The whole mind control thing would be more in-line with an Orokin-themed warframe since the towers have that neural defense system.  ...honestly, if Revenant had been an Orokin (tower) themed frame, his skill set would be more or less perfect.


I know skill changes are unlikely, but if I could have anything...  I think he'd need more boomy, blasty, lasery abilities like other sentients use.  And his passive or 2 could be some brand of damage adaptation some sentients have.


It's also really weird that the, lore-wise, "anti-eidilon" frame is bad at fighting them.


Focusing on skills, keep in mind I'm going by what I've seen and read in-game.  I've not looked up detailed interactions on the wiki or anything.


Passive -  I've... never really noticed it?  Also, Revenant's high shields suggest slotting mods like Redirection to make them even higher.  But you want to run out of shields to trigger the passive.  His stats clash with his passive here.


First -  As many have said, Enthrall is pretty useless in a group setting.  Removing dangerous enemies is nice and its cool it spreads.  But most of the time, thralls just get mowed down, sometimes even by myself since I fail to notice the thrall in the crowd.  Most of my experience with this ability is either removing a foe from the fight until they die or my friend playing Revenant complaining constantly in voice about people slaughtering his thralls.  It feels like a weird hybrid of Nyx's Mind Control and Chaos, but falling short of both at the same time.


Second -  Ehhh... lack of duration is nice for pre-casting, but charges run out fast in combat.  Kind of a meh defensive ability.  It needs at least recasting and some way to easier pick out first ability vulnerable enemies.


Third -  This ability is just... bad.  The heal is minor for the energy cost unless you hit lots of dudes or manage to track your thralls down.  You also can't control the distance, so you can fall short of foes or go sailing off into the distance.


Fourth -  Expensive, but really cool.  The spinny animation is a little silly, but the ability is the highlight of the kit.  And apparently thralls killed with this drop something?  Dunno, never noticed.

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3 hours ago, Hearsay said:

Fourth -  Expensive, but really cool.  The spinny animation is a little silly, but the ability is the highlight of the kit.  And apparently thralls killed with this drop something?  Dunno, never noticed.

If you killed the Enthralled with Danse Macabre, the Entralled enemies drop OverShields.

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18 hours ago, AbsolvedJudas said:

This thread actually feels pretty pointless. The alterations they’re going to make are that reaving through allies with Mesmer skin active will give them an as yet un named buff. So a frame that was only really viable in solo is now getting a synergy that will only function if his terrible defensive is active while he goes through allies who will justifiably never stay still in a fast paced ninja mobility game and will probably have just killed your thralls a second after you made them. Asking for a lot of goodwill from players DE.

Who asked for this?

Also how do his powers relate to any of the lore he has?

He was infected with sentient tech after fighting a tentacle eidolon alone for presumably centuries and none of his kit is even remotely helpful against eidolons.

Ps. I use zenurik mixed with 207% duration, 130% efficiency, a maxed prime flow and the Rakta dark dagger. With all this, I barely noticed the increase in his 4 cost, but the energy isn’t the problem. The problem is that it’s a terrible boring ability that people have described me as the ‘New Limbo Eye Cancer’. Changing the cost was like putting a band aid on a fractured skull.

Never thought I’d say this but  even Nezha’s abilities (Rework looks good for trap frame) were never so fundamentally flawed and lacking in fun as this new frame.

well don't hold ur breath the goodwill is almost never done ,they really kinda just do what they want,people don't even think they play their own game  and with the recent frames ,fixes,nerfs,buffs its certainly showing , I honestly don't have any hope for garuda or any other frame going forward if these are the frames they are gonna be pumping out for the future of this game , I've never seen this much backlash on a frame in forever I'm very disappointed and saddened, when the alert for the cert came in on console I honestly looked for about 2 seconds and went about my business, hype for console release is null and void as I know the needed changes won't be being implemented anytime soon or even at all.😕

Edited by (XB1)IStudioGhibliI
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I'm enjoying him so far, but the mesmer skin is blinding. I don't know if its meant to use energy colour but mine certainly never does. It is consistantly a grey mist that is really hard to see through when Im running. Im running into things constantly. My energy colour is purple or mint, the mesmer skin "mist" has never been either of those colours.

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5 minutes ago, Zanchak said:

I'm enjoying him so far, but the mesmer skin is blinding. I don't know if its meant to use energy colour but mine certainly never does. It is consistantly a grey mist that is really hard to see through when Im running. Im running into things constantly. My energy colour is purple or mint, the mesmer skin "mist" has never been either of those colours.

I'm having the same issue the mist is just obstructing vision not sure if it's intended or a bug some of the mist that envelopes him bears you energy color while most it doesn't, hopefuly the extra mist effect that doesn't bear your energy color gets removed.

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