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I have experienced a lot of people that have gone fishing while I've been farming for the new frame Revenant and I find it so annoying cause they are just leaching from other people kindness and I don't like it, like if you are going to fish for an amp then go solo cause it's pretty boring when you jump in on the plains playing the highest leveled mission and you just see someone going to fish. So like I want to know if more then me have experienced this and would it be a good idea to like add some griefing report or do you think it would be a problem or like is it only me that wants this. Btw I know that I got S#&$ English.

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5 minutes ago, lolibonker said:

I have experienced a lot of people that have gone fishing while I've been farming for the new frame Revenant and I find it so annoying cause they are just leaching from other people kindness and I don't like it, like if you are going to fish for an amp then go solo cause it's pretty boring when you jump in on the plains playing the highest leveled mission and you just see someone going to fish. So like I want to know if more then me have experienced this and would it be a good idea to like add some griefing report or do you think it would be a problem or like is it only me that wants this. Btw I know that I got S#&$ English.

Report it, the only way you can combat people like that is to submit a ticket to the warframe support page: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us 

Just be careful as there are people on this forum that are pro-leecher and tell you it's not a problem and/or tell you that you should just leave them to fish/mine because bounties are easy.

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Or how about this, DE should DISABLE fishing and mining in bounty missions even incursions and being active only solo or a pre made group( if u want to fish with friends or mine) this would stop the leachers to fish or mine.  When a bounty or incursion objective goes up make it so that fishing and mining is imposible

Edited by g0thv4mp1r3
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Just now, g0thv4mp1r3 said:

Or how about this, DE should DISABLE fishing and mining in bounty missions and being active only solo or a pre made group( if u want to fish with friends or mine) this would stop the leachers to fish or mine

This also works.

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2 minutes ago, saltygr33n said:

When it comes to the plains, I just mainly solo, so I don't have to deal with things like this. It's somewhat less of a hassle to solo, then again, I don't do a lot of plains these days.

Exactly this.

I don't get it why people go on public sessions and then complaint about being matched with the wrong players ( whatever underlying reason that is ).

If you want full control, go solo. If you can't handle the mission yourself and you need more players with the same goals as you, ask for help and setup a group.

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Leaching on actual Konzu bounty queues is bad, but there is nothing wrong with walking out onto the Plains of Eidolon with group set open and then going mining or fishing.

If people don't want miners or fishers, they can make their group friends only or go do Konzu bounties. 

I make lots of friends with people in game just fishing in publics and let them know I'm running good bait if they wanna come.

Edited by Erytroxylin
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Have to admit I've been guilty of this on a few occasions, but with me its a case of being put in teams of far superior players with better gear etc. (also being better at parkour).

I've tried keeping up with them, to no avail, and everything is either done or dead by the time I get to the location.

I'm not gonna spend the rest of the mission just following them around and watching, so I just go off and do my own thing.

They evidently don't need my help, so I don't see my "leeching " hurting them.

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2 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Have to admit I've been guilty of this on a few occasions, but with me its a case of being put in teams of far superior players with better gear etc. (also being better at parkour).

I've tried keeping up with them, to no avail, and everything is either done or dead by the time I get to the location.

I'm not gonna spend the rest of the mission just following them around and watching, so I just go off and do my own thing.

They evidently don't need my help, so I don't see my "leeching " hurting them.

I don't think this qualifies as leeching IMHO.

Leeching would imply a clear purpose where the player just wants others to do their work for them.

Granted, from the players that are completing the bounty perspective, it's not possible to tell which scenario are they dealing with.

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20 minutes ago, g0thv4mp1r3 said:

Or how about this, DE should DISABLE fishing and mining in bounty missions even incursions and being active only solo or a pre made group( if u want to fish with friends or mine) this would stop the leachers to fish or mine.  When a bounty or incursion objective goes up make it so that fishing and mining is imposible

I realized this is a really heated topic, and as someone who solos plains with Nidus often, I can assure it is very easy.

It also becomes easier to obtain rare ore and more from nodes in the higher bounties, I have yet to test fishing, but I assume it also proves higher chances, that Norg might not be as rare as everyone is saying.

I'm not for leeching, but there is a reason they might be doing it at that difficulty. I personally rather be rewarded their fish if they aren't going to help, if they are going to get rewarded passively for your work, you should get rewarded for theirs.

As to what the others are saying, if it is punishable, it still requires extension work on our end to prove it.


It pisses me off when I do a syndicate mission public and randoms want to rush it not hunting for the marks, datum, insignias, and I think they should be punished for forcing me to extract. They significantly increase daily rep.

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I have so many conflicting thoughts on this issue that I don't even know where to begin.

If they're MR10 and under, I don't care if they leech, because there's usually someone spamming Mesa's fourth and it's not like the noob is going to get any action. It's a little annoying when they don't even bother to try, but that Mesa probably not going to give them a chance anyhow.

I don't report higher MR AFK people either, because I remember that one time my sister came home with take-out and asked me to help her get it out of the car. I was in a survival and we were already beyond 20 minutes, so if I left the wouldn't be able to get another player. I didn't mean to AFK more than 1 minute, but then she wanted to talk my ears off and you know, she brought the food. I finally excused myself, apologized to the group, but they were already at extract and most likely hated my guts. In other words, sometimes real life happens.

Every once in a while, there's that player that shows up at the Mot and tries to hide in one of those spots, they come in with Banshee or Ember thinking they're going to wreck, but end up bleeding out several times in the first five minutes. So they try to go to a hiding spot and wait it out. I find these players annoying.

I'm not sure about the whole reporting other players thing. Some people are too quick to judge and if they see someone stop playing for more than 30 seconds they will automatically assume the player is leeching when, in fact, they might of had a soda or coffee spill, or their controller died.

Leeching is wrong, but so many of us mod our weapons and frames to obliterate maps I wonder how many of the "leechers" are actually just tenno that have given up trying because the MR22 Saryn is massacring the enemies so fast.

Just some food for thought...

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

end up bleeding out several times in the first five minutes. So they try to go to a hiding spot and wait it out. I find these players annoying.

Well, their options are: 1) abort 2) extract and hope the others will too 3) hide and wait for the others to want to extract

Suppose that you are in a group 2 hours in and you're the one bleeding, what would you do?

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

Leeching is wrong, but so many of us mod our weapons and frames to obliterate maps I wonder how many of the "leechers" are actually just tenno that have given up trying because the MR22 Saryn is massacring the enemies so fast.

This sounds like me...but then I'm just a lowly MR7. Its kinda annoying because I know I can do the high level bounty missions...but there are just so many more advanced players who can do them a whole lot faster. :sad:

This is the flip side to all the high level players complaining about being teamed up with noobs in public. Much as we'd like to contribute, we just don't get the chance. Fortunately it doesn't happen too often for me, but its pretty dispiriting when it does. All you can do is watch the rest of the team disappear into the distance and nuke everything in about 10 seconds flat.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

Well, their options are: 1) abort 2) extract and hope the others will too 3) hide and wait for the others to want to extract

Suppose that you are in a group 2 hours in and you're the one bleeding, what would you do?

If I go to a mission and bleed out 2 times before the five minute point, I abort. This will give the group a chance to get another player that is possibly more prepared than I was.

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1 hour ago, g0thv4mp1r3 said:

Or how about this, DE should DISABLE fishing and mining in bounty missions even incursions and being active only solo or a pre made group( if u want to fish with friends or mine) this would stop the leachers to fish or mine.  When a bounty or incursion objective goes up make it so that fishing and mining is imposible

Fishing maybe, but mining no. Nothing wrong with taking a quick second to carve a gem out of the odd rock.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

or just don't PUG. I see people are still expecting 100% efficiency from a system that can match you with anybody. one day maybe people will learn.....

So because you can't make something perfect, you might as well not bother trying?

k den

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1 minute ago, Pizzarugi said:

So because you can't make something perfect, you might as well not bother trying?

k den

No. IMHO, you can and should try, you just need to set your expectations right and assume that if you're going to end up with a group of random players anything can happen.

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5 hours ago, g0thv4mp1r3 said:

Or how about this, DE should DISABLE fishing and mining in bounty missions even incursions and being active only solo or a pre made group( if u want to fish with friends or mine) this would stop the leachers to fish or mine.  When a bounty or incursion objective goes up make it so that fishing and mining is imposible


5 hours ago, AnGeL_KRoM said:

Mining and fishing should be disabled during a bounty mission. 

Or, make fishing and mining also shared with the entire group. That way, we can also "leech" from those leechers.

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6 hours ago, lolibonker said:

I have experienced a lot of people that have gone fishing while I've been farming for the new frame Revenant and I find it so annoying cause they are just leaching from other people kindness and I don't like it, like if you are going to fish for an amp then go solo cause it's pretty boring when you jump in on the plains playing the highest leveled mission and you just see someone going to fish. So like I want to know if more then me have experienced this and would it be a good idea to like add some griefing report or do you think it would be a problem or like is it only me that wants this. Btw I know that I got S#&$ English.

So how do you define leeching? I regularly fish/mine while my team does the bountys but I bring pheonix renewal oberon and keep them alive through the whole thing while I am fishing. Is that leeching?

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