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Vulkar Wraith - Go-to sniper for fortuna open world?


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am i the only person who thinks the vulkar wraith will be the go-to sniper for the upcoming open world on venus? i talked to some people in game about this and it seems the VW's only competition is the lanka. if you think about it, the lanka isn't usually good for use as a sniper and is rarely used as a sniper. most of the time it's used as a sort of mid ranged laser canon. it was confirmed that the venus open world will be much larger than the plains. that fact alone raises the necessity of a long ranged accurate sniper rifle for players who want to satisfy that niche.


the vulkar wraith was made to destroy corpus. this sniper has very high impact damage which is great against shields, and it has puncture damage which is good against robotic enemies. it has insane multiplier on the max zoom head shots. it's easier to get head shots on corpus than any other faction because grineer mobs look like their back is merged with their head and infested are just weird. so if you want to battle corpus you can stack toxin damage on the VW to go through shields, or you can stack electricity to destroy robotic mobs. the lanka simply doesn't have that kind of flexibility. i suppose the lanka has pretty good accuracy, but when you take into account the travel time and the charge time it becomes a terrible long ranged weapon in most situations.


what do you guys think about the VW and the practical use in the venus open world? how do you feel about what its performance might be compared to the lanka?


also if anyone wants to buy a vulkar riven i will sell you for 4k or highest offer above 4k. it is unrolled, unfused, never used, and has the legendary D polarity. this riven opens the weapon to grineer mobs as well. if you want your vulkar wraith builds to have a vast increase in flexibility, abolish the annoying reload speed, and absolutely take you through the venus open world like a boss then buy my riven. no one else has an unrolled vulkar riven with these stats. this is the rare legendary riven.


Edited by Jakomaru
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2 minutes ago, Jakomaru said:

this is the rare legendary God Tier riven.

yeah no. not even close. you don't have any crit on that Riven, it would need + Damage, + crit chance, + Crit Damage and a negative such as - Status Duration. then you'd be looking at something "god tier". that applies for all snipers, not just Vulkar. also "legendary D polarity"? you know that that doesn't really make a difference right?

what makes Vulkar good is that it's also forgiving: follow-up shots in the event of a miss are quick and easy to do. I prefer the higher per shot damage of a Rubico or Vectis Prime sometimes though.


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I haven't been impressed by the usefulness of snipers in PoE. In theory it's a nice idea, but the reality is that enemy spawn range (and despawn range if they're unalerted) is so short that you may as well just use a regular rifle. If the spawn range were increased to the point that the damage falloff actually impacted gameplay, that'd be one thing.

Vulkar Wraith is my preferred sniper, because it combines good stats with a low minimum combo. Popping heads on Venus will be fun, though again I expect pretty much any other primary aside from mabye bows will prove far superior.

And I think I'll keep my +300 dmg -40% recoil riven. I barely have to re-aim after each shot.

Edited by motorfirebox
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This is actually one of the worst posts i’ve seen in a while, especially considering that you’re over MR16 and had to have been playing the game for a while. The vulkar wraith is a sub par weapon in a class of generally high quality weapons, not to mention you never even bringing up the vectis prime the best sniper and fawning over less than mediocre garbage. With a crit chance of only 50% WITH point strike and no slash, the weapon is extremely impractical for any normal content, especially if the large spiders compare at all to eidolons. Shoving the lanka aside and actually managing to be so disgustingly wrong that you say that it’s worse than the vulkar wraith is insulting to anyone who actually knows what a decent weapon is. The only redeeming part of the Vulkar is that it has 25% status chance. That doesn’t even help though, its good qualities are completely overshadowed by the garbage stats that are no status, 3 seconds of reload, and only 8 bullets in the magazine and your abysmally low chance of actually killing any realistic enemy. And nearly finally, before i deal with your worst sin, “Made to destroy corpus,” anything can destroy corpus, they are literally the second easiest faction to kill in the entire game.

Now, for the absolute worst thing you brought up, your riven. Ignoring the fact that rivens are a garbage system that’s hurt our economy so much, the absolute state of everything in that paragraph is laughable. Nobody will pay 10K for your garbage riven for a garbage gun, D polarities are hilariously because they lower the value of rivens if anything, and “legendary god tier riven” is just insulting to anyone with a functioning brain. Even if it’s a meme, just why and how did you think this was okay.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)squishystar10 said:

The vulkar wraith is a sub par weapon in a class of generally high quality weapons

 in Eidolon Hunt. everyone knows the best sniper rifles for sniper sorties are Dex Pixia, Regulators, and Exalted Blade.

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Two words, my friend;

Vectis Prime.


A lot more words than that:  Vulkar Wraith is a pretty mediocre sniper rifle.  There's no really 'good' talking points for the gun.  Sure, it's 8 shots is somewhat forgiving, but the relod time is extremely long for those shots.  Rubico has it trashed in the crit department, Vectis is just amazing, Vectis Prime is amazing-er, and Hek, even the Lanka can be a great standard use gun once you're used to leading your shots, as opposed to strictly being this memetic 'anti-Eidolon cannon'.  What I'm saying here is, nobody's buying that Riven, and I'm still taking my Vectis for use in Fortuna.

I mean it doesn't hurt that I got a +Dmg, +Reload Speed, minus Maximum Ammo Riven for it, which, ammo economy in Warframe, let's be real, bigger joke than 'Vulkar Wraith being worth a damn'

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10 minutes ago, xveganrox said:

 in Eidolon Hunt. everyone knows the best sniper rifles for sniper sorties are Dex Pixia, Regulators, and Exalted Blade.

I almost fell out of my chair laughing! Because it's true XD.

Edited by EDM774
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43 minutes ago, (PS4)squishystar10 said:

This is actually one of the worst posts i’ve seen in a while, especially considering that you’re over MR16 and had to have been playing the game for a while. The vulkar wraith is a sub par weapon in a class of generally high quality weapons, not to mention you never even bringing up the vectis prime the best sniper and fawning over less than mediocre garbage. With a crit chance of only 50% WITH point strike and no slash, the weapon is extremely impractical for any normal content, especially if the large spiders compare at all to eidolons. Shoving the lanka aside and actually managing to be so disgustingly wrong that you say that it’s worse than the vulkar wraith is insulting to anyone who actually knows what a decent weapon is. The only redeeming part of the Vulkar is that it has 25% status chance. That doesn’t even help though, its good qualities are completely overshadowed by the garbage stats that are no status, 3 seconds of reload, and only 8 bullets in the magazine and your abysmally low chance of actually killing any realistic enemy. And nearly finally, before i deal with your worst sin, “Made to destroy corpus,” anything can destroy corpus, they are literally the second easiest faction to kill in the entire game.

Now, for the absolute worst thing you brought up, your riven. Ignoring the fact that rivens are a garbage system that’s hurt our economy so much, the absolute state of everything in that paragraph is laughable. Nobody will pay 10K for your garbage riven for a garbage gun, D polarities are hilariously because they lower the value of rivens if anything, and “legendary god tier riven” is just insulting to anyone with a functioning brain. Even if it’s a meme, just why and how did you think this was okay.

This guy is not happy ^^

I do agree with your post though, 10k for that crud

The mastery rank would let you assume he knows better and is just trolling for fools

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My Vectis prime with CC, puncture?, and reduced capacity riven would like to have a word with you young man. Also, that Vulkar riven is not worth the price you are putting by a long shot. If it is, then the rich people in warframe have lost their minds. 

And to answer your questions:

1 hour ago, Jakomaru said:

am i the only person who thinks the vulkar wraith will be the go-to sniper for the upcoming open world on venus?

what do you guys think about the VW and the practical use in the venus open world? how do you feel about what its performance might be compared to the lanka?

Apparently, you are the only person who thinks the Vulkar Wraith will be the go-to-sniper for Fortuna. 

As far as practical use is concerned, any weapon would work for Fortuna because most of the content is low leveled. Come back to this post when more details about the new Eidolons come out. Assuming the Eidolons have the same armor as those in PoE, then Lanka will win every time. With regards to killing the Corpus, the differences lies with personal preferences because their based stats do not matter. 

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I'm kind of sad to see the hate being dumped so hard on the Vulkar Wraith. It isn't all that bad of a sniper. Everyone's equating it to like the Akbronco Prime of the snipers. I've seen some people completely blast Lanka rivens out of the water with a vulkar riven, so I guess it's more of a personal playstyle and preference. 

I used the Vulkar Wraith for a good number of my Eidolon runs, only recently just started using the Lanka. Although it doesn't really matter seeing as I'm always playing Trinity and my job isn't to DPS. 

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So did you make this post just to sell your riven? 😄

I think the funniest thing is you bang on about the vulkar wraith being designed to kill corpus and then try to sell a riven with + damage to Grineer 😂

By the way that riven isn't even worth 500p.. 10k fkn lol.

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26 minutes ago, Bao said:

I'm kind of sad to see the hate being dumped so hard on the Vulkar Wraith. It isn't all that bad of a sniper. Everyone's equating it to like the Akbronco Prime of the snipers. I've seen some people completely blast Lanka rivens out of the water with a vulkar riven, so I guess it's more of a personal playstyle and preference. 

I used the Vulkar Wraith for a good number of my Eidolon runs, only recently just started using the Lanka. Although it doesn't really matter seeing as I'm always playing Trinity and my job isn't to DPS. 

It is kinda the worst for having the lowest base crit chance and slowest reload speed.

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5 hours ago, xveganrox said:

 in Eidolon Hunt. everyone knows the best sniper rifles for sniper sorties are Dex Pixia, Regulators, and Exalted Blade.

That would still be more effective than a vulkar wraith with his riven 😄

Edited by Zilchy
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Vulkar Wraith is my sniper of choice.
- oneshots Sortie Mutalist Salad (just like any other sniper)
- great against Lephantis and other fights based around shooting weakspots (just like any other sniper)
- I like the zoomed HUD
- it has 10$ camera instead of normal scope

It's apples and oranges thing.

Lanka, huh, damage in insane, but selling good rivens is too grofitable to keep it.
Rubico has indeed very nice stats and absolutely awesome sound, but I dislike its zoomed HUD.
Vectis P is the most comfortable to use and most versatile sniper rifle, but doesn't come even close in damage department.

This riven is trash though.

PS. Oh, and for quite large, but still hermetically closed mission node "open world" 50m Plasmor is the best sniper.

Edited by saradonin
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7 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

I haven't been impressed by the usefulness of snipers in PoE. In theory it's a nice idea, but the reality is that enemy spawn range (and despawn range if they're unalerted) is so short that you may as well just use a regular rifle. If the spawn range were increased to the point that the damage falloff actually impacted gameplay, that'd be one thing.

This is sadly true. When i was rolling my Rubico riven i once had +80%zoom on it..so i gave it a try in plains.

The zoom was great...but the view distance and spawn distance not so much. I could see the outpost with low rez textures and no enemies spawned. Had to come much closer to actualy spawn enemies..which made whole zoom useless.

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I seriously dislike Lanka - i want sniper rifles to have a quick response, not charge up time.

Don't forget Rubico - especially if you are not a twitch shooter pro  to get constant zoomed headshots.

It has the highest crit chance and crit base damage out of all  the snipers. And it'szoom levels boost crit damage instead of headshot damage.

Also 1 shot combo initialisation. And shorter reload.

Vulkar has only the advantage of dead aim or better riven disposition (if you got one/bother with rivens).

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Lanka > Rubico = Vectis P > pretty much the rest of the class. Assuming of course you can aim and don't mind the quirks of the Lanka. If do mind them, which is pretty reasonable, then you can flip its position with the Vectis P and Rubico for non-Eidolon content.

6 hours ago, Bao said:

 It isn't all that bad of a sniper. Everyone's equating it to like the Akbronco Prime of the snipers.

It just doesn't hold up to its competition anywhere near as well as AkBronco P does, but it's kind of an open secret that shotguns with 100% status chance are pretty ridiculously strong.

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