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How was your first death from the stalker?


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1 hour ago, FierceRadiance said:

Mine was back when they first introduced him, so nobody had ever encountered him (and of course, DE kept mum for the first couple of months). He was just a complete unknown. The lights flickered, a voice spoke out of nowhere, he APPEARED, one-shotted me, and was gone. Shocked the crap out of me ~ "WHAT the HELL was THAT!!!????"

That's scary honestly.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)RayofLight65 said:

I actually do remember my first encounter with him on Earth. I just kept saying he's gonna rip my a** off and shove it through my chest. When he popped up, I instantly ran when I saw how unlucky  my squad was. The Banshee ended with an arrow through her heart, The Volt got his throat slit after he got slash dashed. The Rhino was popped full of throwing knives and clotheslined with a blow to the face while I got an arrow straight through the head. 

WOW, he annihilated you all, that's incredible.

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1 hour ago, ChadAgWing said:

I was an MR22 Oberon playing with some pubs over at Hydron to rank stuff up. Stalker (not Shadow Stalker) arrived to beat the hell out of one guy and I had everyone on Iron Renewal with the Phoenix augment. We all thought it was going to be easy since we were pretty much above MR18 except that one guy. We rained down damage on him only for all of it to be reflected back on us. Little did we know he was using Nyx's Absorb ability since that wasn't present in his Shadow version. We were left scratching our heads about what happened since we all seemed to still be alive while Stalker just disappeared. I looked at our health bars and it seemed that my Phoenix Renewal proc'ed on everyone which meant that we got pwned.

tl;dr - Stalker pwned an MR22 and three other people with their own damage.


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1 hour ago, CyberMane said:

> be me having finished to build a Nyx literally 1-2 days before and levelling it up.

*lights flicker*

"What is this? Is my computer about to lock up again or - wow why is my teammate shooting me - wait that's not my teammate - WTF WHY AM I DEAD"

*lights flicker*


Based on a true story, as well as months of pure dread at the thought of him coming again. That is, until payback came.

Go get your revenge!

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1 hour ago, (PS4)brettles1983 said:

Oh the dreaded Stalker.

The first time i met him was horrifying.  Destroyed me in a blink of an eye.  The next 3 times after that he would appear when i was trying to level new frames, and continued to just pawn me, so frustrating!!

Now when i meet him it brings a smile to my face because I, and my frames, are ready!

Was playing random pub the other day when this 12 or something year old just started screaming in fear into the headset, i couldnt even understand what he was saying, it was pure S#&$ your pants fear. I was like dude, stop screaming into the headset, WTF are you doing?  Thats when i seen his Stalker.  We all took him out for the youngun and he was thrilled lol

I love the way he just walks towards you.  SO cool

Brought back memories.  Good times


Yeah, good times.

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59 minutes ago, Plushy said:

I can't give any specifics since I've probably blocked off those memories but I can tell you it felt a lot like getting bent over. STILL feels like it every time he shows up!

I'm not very good ;~;

Same, maybe if you finished most of the quests after the war within you can maybe visit Onkko.

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55 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

Bout 5 years ago I was roaming around a corpus ship when he attacked. He spawned on the opposite side of the room as me. I looked at him, he looked at me, and he threw a single despair. That one despair headshot my mag, killing me instantly. 

Wow, a perfect one hot.

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My very first time on Venus after finally beating Vor on Mercury (this is in the very early days of Warframe, just after the closed beta). He appeared partway through the mission and I assumed it was some special Corpus enemy (because I'd never fought them before and they seemed pretty high-tech), shrugged off my Braton fire, ignored my Mag's powers, and cut me to pieces with his scythe.

I didn't get the courage to try Venus again for a month.

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First time I ever went off Earth (been playing for a day), my friend saying lets go level you up so you can do everything. I barely knew anything about the game at the point of time, my friend convincing me that I should try the game (best decision of my life). Low levelled volt, mark-1 braton, mark-1 bo and the lato pistol, I was the definition of weakness. Luck enough, my friend had just gotten Trinity Prime, and oh boy did I feel immortal. That lasted about 5 minutes. The screen started to flash, and all I heard in discord was 'Oh s***' from my friend. As a new player, a MR 14 saying that caused me to panic. That's when I meet the enemy that haunted my warframe's nightmares, the Stalker (my friend saw him as the shadow stalker, but if you haven't done second dream yet you cant see him as the shadow stalker). As soon as I saw him appear out of thin air, and run straight at me (my friend was behind me and the time), I screamed 'WTF IS THAT THING NOPE F*** THIS S*** IM OUT'. I attempted to flee the conflict, but it was too late. I was destroyed instantly, utter shock consuming me. This was not what i was told was going to happen. I had never been downed by an enemy yet, and I was attempting to keep that streak. My friend was able to kill him in the end, the fight epic (if epic involved lots of swearing and running around), and that was when I knew I had encounter an enemy that I could not defeat.... Until about a day later and had a heap more stuff and he died like a Grineer facing a Loki Prime with a Galatine prime blazing with the energy being channelled into the blade.

I should write stories lol

Edited by Preciselemur
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I've previously never played much shooters, let alone something as fast as warframe, and then this guy just up and slid in whispering "htaed htaed htaed", spawn, and i kinda observed him. Then he started pointing his arrows at me and i jolted to the next room not knowing he'll lock it once the door closes. Remember the sewers in the void towers where you can find caches? i hid there and cheesed em with mag and a karak. Or so i thought, he peeked in and one shoted me.

Edited by (PS4)watt4hem
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Slow and frustrating. The first time Stalker came after me, I managed to kill him with some effort.

Second time, I was doing a mission on Mars when the warning came. I tried to prepare as best I could, but I was running a forma'd Exalibur, trying to level him up, so I was nowhere near my strongest. Shadow Stalker apparated in front of me and proceed to dissolve my shield and health with ease. I managed to evade him a few times and even tried to fight back, but couldn't do any damage, as far as I could tell. After his third attack, my frame fell lifeless to the ground.

Worst of all, he then began mocking me, before vanishing again.


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