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Once again, it is time to stand together in an orange wall.


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Ladies and Gentlemen, the ribbon has surfaced once again!


It's time to go to get your orange on and make a wall at Larunda 1! 

But some of you may be confused and we got a massive surge of new players since last September, so let me explain for those out of the loop. 

Last year this happened. 


Needless to say this was horrible, but it gave us all a chance to show our support to those affected by Leukemia, and so support we did. We built a magnificent wall at Larunda 1 made of merciless, orange, cancer killing space ninja's and proceeded to stay there for 3 days straight. It was truly heartwarming to see a good portion of the community rush to the wall, all of them declaring 'F*** Leukemia' by being there. Some of us even posting links to Leukemia donation sites. Some people going out of their way to advertise the wall and get more people in. And even some actual Leukemia patients dropped by. I still have a picture of the event on my desktop to this day. 


(Yeah a green light got in the way but what can ya do?)

So I once again call upon all of you to join me and flood the Larunda relay with your anti-Leukemia attitudes. Let's make sure this becomes a yearly tradition, and show the support that made DE make the Harmony Ribbon a permanent thing! 

This one's for you, ImSavior.

EDIT: If you can donate, I highly encourage you to do so here. http://www.llscanada.org/ 

Edited by Spartan336
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So... I mean this is okay and there's no problem with it, but you are approaching it like it is actually...beneficial? What does a video game collection of people making a "wall" effectively do? I am genuinely asking how you feel it will help.


I mean, I don't want to look like I am slamming you for bringing attention to problems, but the ribbon itself does that, and most people don't really follow through on something that has no actual effect on the issue, because that takes work. That takes volunteering and/or donating. That takes some form of effort, and no one is going to be moved very much to real life action in such a way, for any reason. (God, learning that doing SJ/Charity work nearly broke me.)


Again, I'm not criticizing the act, I think it's your ... really intense post about it. As if you could just flip cancer the bird and it would diminish or end. My mother and my Mother in Law both had breast cancer, and my mother in Law is on a sort of partial disability even worse that regular disability, (I think you are just supposed to die with that program, I often feel that way about the common SSDI program, and her benefits are barely beneficial,) but I don't think they would benefit from a wall to fight Breast Cancer.


No one is logging off for the night and donating a ton of their monthly income to leukemia research, (and then there's the profit in keeping an affliction around when long term treatment brings in more money than cures, etc etc etc. Basically things none of us want to mull over when loved ones get cancer, and I presume also if you are someone with/who had cancer.)


Maybe you could try to encourage your favorite streamers to hype donations for leukemia. I lost my very small viewer base to a month and a half long super virus cold that then became a stomach infection, so anytime I stream for charity, which I am honestly permanently doing, I get nada. But there are all kinds of websites that let streamers raise money for their choice of a charity. Pick the most popular (in your mind) streamers that are warframe partners and find a way to discuss hyping people into some donations.


Then when they hit the funding goal, you could round up your friends for an orange wall, and they could visit it.


I don't know. I haven't been doing any social justice/charity work in awhile due to my illness getting worse, though it has improved a little. I don't have resources for you, unfortunately.


Oh I do have a warning. If someone suggests cutting off your hair for cancer patients, please research which charity you go through. (Which you should always do, anyway.) Locks of Love, for example, throws out most of the hair they get and charges patients for the wigs. Pretty disgusting. I don't know which charities are good for it as my hair rarely gets long enough before I shave it off or into a floppy/mohawk or something else and then dye it. So I never delved into that.

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5 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Maybe you could try to encourage your favorite streamers to hype donations for leukemia. I lost my very small viewer base to a month and a half long super virus cold that then became a stomach infection, so anytime I stream for charity, which I am honestly permanently doing, I get nada. But there are all kinds of websites that let streamers raise money for their choice of a charity. Pick the most popular (in your mind) streamers that are warframe partners and find a way to discuss hyping people into some donations.

That is a fantastic idea. I'm going to have to look into how to do that properly, but it's something we should fallow through on. 

Your concerns are valid. You can't just prevent cancer with a virtual wall in a fictional game. Providing links to charity, promoting it in chats, and other helpful things only go so far. However, you can help give people a boost.

You'll notice that at the end of my post I said "This one's for you ImSavior." That's because last year a player with that exact same name entered the relay and asked who was responsible for the wall. (Everyone pointed at me and it was a bit flattering and embarrassing.) He then PMed me saying that this was one of the best things he'd seen and he told me how much he appreciated it. We entered a long conversation about his situation. Apparently he was a few months into having Leukemia and he was playing Warframe as a sort of escape. It was a tragic talk, but it warmed his heart and made him very happy to see so many people in the wall giving up their time for support. When he friended me, he even gave me this message. 


But as you can see, he hasn't been on in a long while. 295 days now. I can only hope that he's ok. 

We will contact the streamers, get on Prime Time, rally many into the wall and see if we can get something good going. But even if the wall flops, as long as someone suffering from Leukemia cracks a smile at the silly orange wall in the relay, then it will all be worth it. 


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Oh yea get DE staff and their stream involved. They may already be planning something, but see if you can help.


I'd suggest some streamers, but I am not sure who would be pleased for being volunteered to do a long run of the game for charity. I don't always see when charity events are being done.


It can be hard to contact some streamers, so you might need to do some digging as most of us make our whisper access need mutual follows because of trolls and harassment, because Twitch literally does nothing about it. 


Extraneous, semi off-topic comments



I have walls of proof of people creating homophobic, fat shaming, and racist names and even donating 5$ just to get in a message they thought would come up on the feed about how I was a lazy fat n----r tr-nny h-mo and I was going to hell. I am neither black or trans so two of those were confusing though obviously absolutely deplorable regardless, (also I think guys are cute too, not just girls,) The best was when my boyfriend was briefly on screen, he has a bushy mostly white beard, they started making names like 40yearoldpedo and making comments of him dating a 20 year old fatty.

I'm like hahah you think I'm 20, I'm almost 40. I am taking that compliment with or without the fatty addition, I have no shame for my weight. The live or die decision I made to take the med (changing it twice now has just sent me in a downward spiral each time,) that made me gain 100 pounds in a few years, all within the shorter periods of time I was taking it, well I hope I made the right decision but there's nothing I can do about the compulsive eating it causes either way so I might as well be comfortable with my fatness. No shame in being a big girl in my mind.



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It's finally in the middle of the day. Let's get this wall started and stand against Leukemia and Cancer as a whole. If you can spare it, please donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada, as that will not only help with the fund as a whole but also help those effected by the disease at and around DE. http://www.llscanada.org/

Come Tenno. The wall awaits.  

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20 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

I will do my part by putting on a sandwich board with "leukemia is a thing, invest in gene splicing" and walking around town looking at people weird. 

Yes I have a wearable dry erase sandwich board.

You know while I posted about how just a wall isn't very effective, you making troll comments about people caring about leukemia and even just showing they support the finding of a cure is so cold and excessively arrogant. Its pretty gross, I what I'm saying. Save all the rustled jimmies and hate for your visits to reddit and 4chan, or those feelings might peter out and then what would you do? You might be stuck feeling empathy for your fellow human beings!

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53 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

You know while I posted about how just a wall isn't very effective, you making troll comments about people caring about leukemia and even just showing they support the finding of a cure is so cold and excessively arrogant. Its pretty gross, I what I'm saying. Save all the rustled jimmies and hate for your visits to reddit and 4chan, or those feelings might peter out and then what would you do? You might be stuck feeling empathy for your fellow human beings!

Im going to go ahead and say it. Every time you call my posts troll posts it makes you a liar. 

Also if anyone is interested there is a link on my profile listing all of the cancers to ever exist. If we need to be aware of this one, we need to be aware of all of them. Its all cancer. 

I bet you didn't even know about Retinoblastoma. It makes children go blind. 

Now for the big question: How many of these people flopping around in a general line shape have actually donated to these cancer funds? If you haven't donated then this campaign has completely failed in your instance. Make sure you ignore how much the CEOs scrape off the top of your donations though. 

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29 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

Im going to go ahead and say it. Every time you call my posts troll posts it makes you a liar. 

Also if anyone is interested there is a link on my profile listing all of the cancers to ever exist. If we need to be aware of this one, we need to be aware of all of them. Its all cancer. 

I bet you didn't even know about Retinoblastoma. It makes children go blind. 

Now for the big question: How many of these people flopping around in a general line shape have actually donated to these cancer funds? If you haven't donated then this campaign has completely failed in your instance. Make sure you ignore how much the CEOs scrape off the top of your donations though. 

So like, what your saying is people aren't allowed to support causes, because then you have to support ALL the causes. Hey while you're at it, please pay for my bill for the electroconvulsive therapy I got for a number of months that didn't actually work. I mean, you have to support everyone or nothing at all. Do you support treating Bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders, or finding a solution to type I diabetes? Throw OCD in there,too, that always ads to the fun! Because I am here for donations, and it will go directly to the source, not some CEO. lol


So do you donate to all the charities you undoubtedly checked with regards to transparency and honesty, or are you just desperately scrambling to justify your inaction on anything?


How much have you volunteered your time and donated to orgs that work to cure Retinoblastoma? Since it seems to be the charity that you value.


Giving to one cause doesn't necessarily take from another cause. No one is stealing from Peter to give to Paul. 🙄


If you read my original post, you'll see that I agreed that a wall doesn't mean much, then suggested an idea of contacting streamers to do donation events, and that does work. The OP seemed quite into that. *fingers crossed*


Honestly, if your opinion is as you state it is, your apathy should mean you don't even bother clicking through to a post like this. You should be busy finding ways to get more of the pie for yourself. Because there's no value in doing what you can to brighten the world, unless the whole damn thing is engulfed in blinding light I guess.


If you were intending to ask what volunteer work I do, I do food reach out for the homeless and poor, (despite barely scraping by myself.) I also volunteer and am a member of the NAACP. Oh and if someone on the highway is pleading for money to help them I try to see what I have and give to a cause that is very direct. I don't care what they spend it on, because homelessness and malnutrition are hell, and many of the people on the street are mentally ill. They are "my people," so to speak.


I very much believe in doing and giving what you can. Any acts of kindness and help to push back against the awfulness of living, which I struggle with and therefore want to see others not suffer so, (it's called empathy.)

Edited by SpicyDinosaur
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5 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

Im going to go ahead and say it. Every time you call my posts troll posts it makes you a liar. 

Also if anyone is interested there is a link on my profile listing all of the cancers to ever exist. If we need to be aware of this one, we need to be aware of all of them. Its all cancer. 

I bet you didn't even know about Retinoblastoma. It makes children go blind. 

Now for the big question: How many of these people flopping around in a general line shape have actually donated to these cancer funds? If you haven't donated then this campaign has completely failed in your instance. Make sure you ignore how much the CEOs scrape off the top of your donations though. 

I have lost a dear friend to Leukemia, and I have donated to LLS. Sometimes, for some people, the best they can do is offer awareness, to bring an issue to light so that people more capable than themselves can help. Yeah, I can only donate so much so often towards the effort, but if there's a chance my efforts bring others to donate, then it's worth the effort. Even if someone themselves can't donate, they can still talk about the issue and ask those that CAN afford to donate to help. You never know which dollar from who might be the dollar that went to paying the researcher that cracks the issue, or pays the last bit for the breakthrough research equipment needed. Ever dollar matters, and every person raising awareness matters to that cause.




If this guy appreciates it, what the hell is your problem?

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