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Elite Onslaught is Pointless Boredom Because of Saryn


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Alright, to address the OP's post.

Spores, I'll admit, worked better for me under the old system. The timer was virtually a non-issue with proper maintainence (IE, pop the things with gunfire/melee while holding an objective or on the move). I'm still split on the status change, on the one hand, Saryn 2.0 could virtually permanently halve the health of every enemy in her range. Saryn 3.0, on the other hand, can strip armor fairly quickly (depending on the build), which at higher levels arguably does more effective damage to certain enemies. The scaling damage was never an issue for me, since I built a purpose made primary/secondary for making toxin procs to boost my Spores damage (done properly, literal infinite damage scaling). However, I never needed to use a Molt as a Spore-vector. My build normally only needed Spores to be cast once, then everything for the next however-long-I-damn-well-felt like was Spores running continuously as long as I maintained my upkeep, so that synergy for me was entirely unnecessary.

I would argue that the current mechanics of Spores are actually unnecessarily tedious. The 2.0 Spores spread at halved range on the ticks causing an enemy death, and the stripping out of that mechanic now requires more dedicated chasing...or sacrificing a portion of the built-up damage to recast locally if your spores have now escaped visual range. The old Spores didn't really have the issue of self-terminating, as you could adjust their strength up or down with the application or withholding of further toxin procs. IMO, the maintenance required of Spores now is just inanely high.

Molt always could draw fire, stripped existing statuses off of you, and blew up for toxic damage. The only thing added was a moment speed increase, a buff to the threat level to draw more fire than it used to, and a mechanic similar to Snowglobe and Iron Skin. The only thing lost was a substandard synergy that made for bad Saryn players. I feel Molt could be more useful, but I'm relatively satisfied with it as is. My only wish even back in the early days of Saryn is that Regenerating Molt had simply been a part of the ability, since a melee-caster concept is going to be taking damage wading into the enemy.

Toxic Lash is where it should have been all along. The old Spore-toxic synergies made TL amazing for sharply increasing your DOTs very quickly, but it would have been even better if you could have had this buff when you needed to back out of the combat, get some distance, and regroup. The energy gain being stripped out is a side effect of Molt being un-Spore-able now, you only ate enough energy to justify it if you were spamming Spores into a Molt-turret and finishing with a Miasma blast.

Miasma is in a weird place. Before, it used to have the conditions to become effectively 800% of it's base damage (2x from viral, 2x that for toxic, effectively doubled by viral's healh debuff), plus the ability to be even stronger by detonating a local Molt with increased power the lower Molt's health was. It had a short stun (no change here), and threw a Corrosive proc around as well.

Now, it's doubled damage from Spores, longer duration, and creates a "sickened" condition where any source of enemy death on Spores-afflicted targets spreads the Spores (including tick damage). And it puts out a Viral proc on everything in range, the lower energy cost is nice though.


If I had to suggest anything, it would be as follows:




-Spores keeps Corrosive damage.

-Spores loses it's infinite duration and passive scaling.

-Spores gains a static damage and status chance per enemy infected, to a maximum threshould. For example, at a base 10 damage and 50% status chance, each enemy infected (up to 10), Spores damage is increased by 10 and its status chance by 5%, to a maximum of 110 damage and 100% status chance per tick/spore at base power.

-Spores gains spread on death by tick at 50% or 25% full spread range.

-Spores gains the ability to spread Toxin procs on infected enemies, at a base 25% of the current total toxin procs on that enemy. For example, an enemy with 4 Toxin procs at 25 damage each, Spores would take 25 toxic damage and apply it to spread targets as a new Toxin proc.

-Spores reapply to prior infected targets, replacing the oldest Spore on the target if the target is already at the maximum amount of spores.

-All other current facets remain the same (Spores applies the maximum amount of Spores to a target on cast, each popped spore will spread 1 Spore to all targets in range, current base damage, range, and status chance remain unchanged).





-Molt gains the benefits of Saryn's base armor, giving it equivalent DR. Scales with health in regards to mods.

-Molt's explosion damage scales with its health increase gained while invincible.

-Molt's explosion will pop and spread all Spores in range, this occurs sequentially AFTER the damage and toxin status effect is applied.

-Molt EITHER replaces the current speed boost with an invisibility effect for the same duration OR gives a static amount of health back to Saryn on cast

-All other current facets remain the same (Molt's base health, damage, and range remain unchanged).


Toxic Lash needs no changes




-Miasma does no damage.

-Miasma causes a blind effect for the duration, instead of a stun.

-Miasma instead causes Spores in range to "bloom", doubling their tick damage, changing their damage type from Corrosive to Viral, and generating small AOEs for their tick damage on each infected enemy affected by Miasma for the duration. Uninfected enemies entering a radial AOE of a Spore in "bloom" while be infected with 1 Spore, stacking if they enter multiple "bloomed" Spores radiuses. Enemies infected this way are NOT blinded, and their Spores do not enter a "bloom" state.

-Miasma doubles the toxin proc carry of "bloomed" Spores.

-Miasma possibly receives a duration and energy cost increase.

-All other current facets remain the same (Miasma's range does not increase).


These changes, as opposed to the OP's proposed changes, would create much more fluid synergy, encouraging players to use their abilities in synchronization. Saryn would still be the DOT debuffer (stripping armor with Spores, halving health with Miasma), but she's better able to support her team by softening up the opposition with more easily controlled damage (as opposed to currently, where to keep up her DOTs she often has to leave the squad behind to go chasing Spores, or bite out a chunk of her current damage to cast it again locally).

Edited by (PS4)WhiteWolfMoon
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9 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:
  • Current damage per second is hard-capped at 100,000 damage.

Ok, so it only goes up to 300k DPS per target.  My bad, didn't want to mislead anyone there!

So, you don't want your damage to build up because you want your damage to be able to build up?  Lets not play this game.

The bottom line is that this is a power whose gameplay is literally "spam this a bit, then #*!% off to somewhere safe while it kills everything, then spam a little more, etc..."  It's great at killing anything and everything in the game, more or less autonomously.  It is a literal death sentence; once infected the enemy is going to die, sooner rather than later, regardless of its level or defense types.  To claim that "nuke frames" beat out Saryn at mass kiling is silly, especially since she is also one of these "nuke frames;" Miasma is right up there with the dumb radial nukes of our day, on top of Spores' silliness.  


Yeah when people have videos up of weapons and frame powers doing pretty much millions of damage a shot.

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6 hours ago, -Signs- said:

I'm going to the honest. Saryn 2.0 can only "one shot" the map until about level 60 with just molt + spores. The base damage + viral proc aren't enough.

Spore damage scales quicker than enemies until you are around 2h30 in MoT. Meaning you always lose spore damage from enemies dying too quickly.

Again a self regulating measure. the better managers of spore can keep the higher damage output for longer. The ones no so good at managing it loose damage faster. 

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il y a une heure, moostar95 a dit :

how are tanks overall selfish? you don't like rhino buffing you, inaros healing and tanking dmg for  you, nidus doing whatever it takes to keep people like you alive. this is another reason why I play solo. 


Yeah, most "tanks" in WF are more like defenders. Rhino buffs, Gara shields (either team or objective), Same Frost. Zephyr/Hydroid provide some CC, Chroma buffs.

Wukong has a problem, that he does not bring much to the team. But everybody knows it, and Wukong is on buff list. Same Nezha. Or Atlas.

Zephyr buff is niche/not very tanky.

As for Saryn armour stripping and mass Viral proc is form of team utility.

As for Saryn, her kit now is good, and changing it with "rework" would probably break the frame. What could be done is to slow the rate of Spore damage growth but keep corrosive proc. So spores would be more like prep for Miasma or mass armour stripping. (or map "sonar")

There is Oberon's Hallowed Ground, which is base 100, lets say we have 300% AP (which is not that easy, and requires some sacrifizes). Hallowed Ground has moderete area but limited. In the same time Spores which are cheaper, have larger range and duration, can break 300 and beyond very fast even with build without AP.




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Saryn is awesome. She has a synergy only few Warframes can show up, too.

When I read all the nerf-criers' posts, I feel like punching faces, again... Yeah, her abilities rock hard, even dominate in ESO, but everywhere else there are enough Warframes to compete with her power: Volt, Khora, Banshee, Nidus to name a few... or anyone with a maiming stick.

And let's not forget all the specialists. Would I take Saryn to Bounty-Hunting in the Plains? Hell, no. For me, that's Mesa's domain. Would I take her to Spy Missions? No, that's for Loki, Ash and Ivara. Mobile Defense? Maybe, but if I want to play it safe I bring Limbo (little bubble, little complains). Syndicate runs? For Defense and Interception, yes. For everything else, I prefer Valkyr and her rip line movability. Arena and Index? Inaros or Rhino. Hijack? Mag.

The list goes on and on. At a certain point (or MR), the ability to score tons of kills becomes secondary. I don't know about you, but my priority is to bring the right tool for a job and that's, most of the time, not Saryn.

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On 2018-08-16 at 9:40 PM, ActionPoohole said:

So a bit of a vent thread here: Yet again I run into another Saryn on KUVA survival

You're not wrong, but Saryn won't be nerfed anytime soon, due to potential player lash-back.

Spore is basically her ultimate, but in ESO (Elite Saryn Only) because it's her 1st ability it never gets 'sealed' by Simaris meaning she can spam it all day.

Scaling abilities are awesome, but not when they're also overpowered. I saw a Saryn on a sortie exterminate and she just killed everything seemingly several tile sets away while running along. There were basically no enemies left by the time the other 3 of us reached a tile.

I don't get why this is still a thing, if I was a games developer such a glaringly overpowered ability would have been nerfed within a week....or never have been made at all, due to you know...TESTING, which clearly is a process that never happens for Warframe.


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vor 24 Minuten schrieb Akimbo:

I don't get why this is still a thing, if I was a games developer such a glaringly overpowered ability would have been nerfed within a week....or never have been made at all, due to you know...TESTING, which clearly is a process that never happens for Warframe.

Sadly that seems mostly true (who needs to pay beta-testers when you got a playerbase who does the job and (at least potentially) pays for it) and because of that...

vor 25 Minuten schrieb Akimbo:

but Saryn won't be nerfed anytime soon, due to potential player lash-back.

this never held them back in the past, at least not indefinitely. The only thing special about this case is that this skill was already reworked like 5 times, the last few only recently. Maybe they don't wanna seem shilly-shally, but well, that's what you get.

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39 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

Sadly that seems mostly true (who needs to pay beta-testers when you got a playerbase who does the job and (at least potentially) pays for it) and because of that...

this never held them back in the past, at least not indefinitely. The only thing special about this case is that this skill was already reworked like 5 times, the last few only recently. Maybe they don't wanna seem shilly-shally, but well, that's what you get.

I think my main worry is that they'll leave it for so long people will be really shocked when (if) they do nerf it and the outcry will be larger against it. Better to nip these things in the bud (pun intended) before it becomes so commonplace that people start to rely on her too much.

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vor 12 Minuten schrieb Akimbo:

I think my main worry is that they'll leave it for so long people will be really shocked when (if) they do nerf it and the outcry will be larger against it. Better to nip these things in the bud (pun intended) before it becomes so commonplace that people start to rely on her too much.

All i can say is: Spread the word.

DE has a rich history of reworking frames (most of the time for the better), sometimes only after years tho. It's up to them to learn from it and thus prevent upsetting parts of the playerbase.

Edit: In general it seems wiser to be careful and rather set numbers too low initally, then buff if neccessary, than the other way around.

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20 hours ago, -Signs- said:

Certainly more interaction than infinite duration and 100k scaling damage. Like I said, I can literally pop a spore and then go AFK and the enemy will die eventually. What other frame can do this level of interaction? But hey it's just my opinion.

Um. No. And I'm not going to explain this again. Your ability to understand this is about the same as your ability to maximise the new spores efficiently.

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It would be great if DE and Community dont just break the Saryn as a result of some ESO reset bug. If you nerf Saryn all your kills will be stolen by Excalibur, Mesa, Equinox, Ash, Volt, Chroma.

There is a slightly problem.with spores and how fast how good they can get. It is 25e abillity which can nuke room, map, at any level with minimal interaction.

So here are problem solvers:

  • The spores damage growth is halved. It is only 1 * AP (not 2 at max level) per affected (max 10)
  • Max damage is 1000*AP. (Not 100k) It could be higher with Firefrenzzy or similar augments. (mix of corrosive and fire/radiation/frost...)

Yeah that will be nerf, but without smashing frame completly so that is nice.

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4 hours ago, Me.Church said:

Um. No. And I'm not going to explain this again. Your ability to understand this is about the same as your ability to maximise the new spores efficiently.

Maybe you can help me by explaining how infinite duration is more interaction and I will admit that spore turrent is not good interaction either. 

At no point did I say holy S#&$ I'm bad at new Saryn, we must have old saryn back huh? Maybe you should read the post. I have no troubles keeping spores active but I just simply do not like how they changed spores. Hence why I made this post. I see you have failed to comprehend the point.

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4 hours ago, Me.Church said:

Your ability to understand this is about the same as your ability to maximise the new spores efficiently.

You're too narrow minded when making this comment. You blame the player not being able to keep spores up. When enemies don't scale nearly as fast as saryn's spores. This means you will have huge DPS dips. 

Enemies have 2000 hp for example. My spores scale from 15 to 2500 in the time it takes the enemies to scale from 2000hp to 2500. Meaning all the enemies die. Then I lose 20% current spore damage per second. Meaning it would put me at 700 damage in 10 seconds, considering how slow enemies come. Making this ability impossible to keep up unless there is a special enemy such as  a noxich has innate damage reduction.

Ask any Saryn player or try it out yourself. Even in ESO, it will still occur often. Don't take this as an insult. Just try it.

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14 hours ago, Toran said:

Saryn is awesome. She has a synergy only few Warframes can show up, too.

When I read all the nerf-criers' posts, I feel like punching faces, again... Yeah, her abilities rock hard, even dominate in ESO, but everywhere else there are enough Warframes to compete with her power: Volt, Khora, Banshee, Nidus to name a few... or anyone with a maiming stick.

And let's not forget all the specialists. Would I take Saryn to Bounty-Hunting in the Plains? Hell, no. For me, that's Mesa's domain. Would I take her to Spy Missions? No, that's for Loki, Ash and Ivara. Mobile Defense? Maybe, but if I want to play it safe I bring Limbo (little bubble, little complains). Syndicate runs? For Defense and Interception, yes. For everything else, I prefer Valkyr and her rip line movability. Arena and Index? Inaros or Rhino. Hijack? Mag.

The list goes on and on. At a certain point (or MR), the ability to score tons of kills becomes secondary. I don't know about you, but my priority is to bring the right tool for a job and that's, most of the time, not Saryn.

At no point did I ask for a nerf on Saryn. She is currently a very good frame with some slaws. I simply pointed out some of the ones I think are flaws. Maybe take some insight from this post.

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14 hours ago, Akimbo said:

Scaling abilities are awesome, but not when they're also overpowered. I saw a Saryn on a sortie exterminate and she just killed everything seemingly several tile sets away while running along. There were basically no enemies left by the time the other 3 of us reached a tile.

There is a lot of moving parts in this. What was the sortie level? What map was it? What was the enemy faction? Were you walking and taking in the scenery? Spores isn't a directly "scaling" ability, it does a flat value of damage that increases the longer it is active (to the cap of 100k) meaning that it eventually will get to lethal levels. The key word is "eventually". It DOES NOT kill a level 60 in the same amount of time it kills a level 100 (so on and so forth) in so far that it will take longer the higher the enemy scaling goes and only if you can keep it up. If you want to see "scaled" damage go look at destiny where your guns take relatively the same amount of shots to kill any level comparable enemy no matter how strong you get.

Now we reach the fact you say the mission type is Exterminate. Generally, most maps of Exterminate get sparsely populated with enemies at random that spawn in rather slowly. If she is doing well she cant be spreading Spores any other way than recasting it a lot and locally spreading it otherwise the Spores just kill their targets and die off. But the act of constantly recasting it is going to keep her lethality down because of Spores mechanics (especially in a lapse case). Likewise if she is keeping spread range potential up with Miasma, she is burning through energy. Any time that she fails to keep Spores up, especially during sections where enemies might not appear between tile to tile, her lethality is also going down. If she is doing so well she, herself, likely can't keep up or the rest of her squad can't navigate a map faster than a snail pace.

In short, I think your anecdote is full of crap. But if we are going to trade of anecdotes I am obliged to bring up that Saryn use to be my go to map clear frame for just about anything however now because of how Spores work she is a lot of effort for a task that a handful of other AoE DPS frames can do better. At least in non-endless kill game modes anyway.

Of course there are certain niche cases with smaller more confined maps (functionally built for Spores as contagious disease themed ability), like Hydron. Defense is generally not the greatest mode for Saryn (she's okay) but Spores mechanics don't work well with wave mechanics so much that other AoE frames work just as well in relevant levels. Hydron just happens to be one of thee tiniest tiles in all of existence (even the majority of Onslaught tiles).

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5 hours ago, -Signs- said:

Maybe you can help me by explaining how infinite duration is more interaction and I will admit that spore turrent is not good interaction either. 

At no point did I say holy S#&$ I'm bad at new Saryn, we must have old saryn back huh? Maybe you should read the post. I have no troubles keeping spores active but I just simply do not like how they changed spores. Hence why I made this post. I see you have failed to comprehend the point.

I just said I'm not going to explain what reb and pablo already explained in the prime time. I said that ages ago. And btw "I have no trouble keeping spores active" is in direct contrast to one of your earlier posts. Maybe you're the one that needs to re-read what you wrote.

5 hours ago, -Signs- said:

You're too narrow minded when making this comment. You blame the player not being able to keep spores up. When enemies don't scale nearly as fast as saryn's spores. This means you will have huge DPS dips. 

Enemies have 2000 hp for example. My spores scale from 15 to 2500 in the time it takes the enemies to scale from 2000hp to 2500. Meaning all the enemies die. Then I lose 20% current spore damage per second. Meaning it would put me at 700 damage in 10 seconds, considering how slow enemies come. Making this ability impossible to keep up unless there is a special enemy such as  a noxich has innate damage reduction.

Ask any Saryn player or try it out yourself. Even in ESO, it will still occur often. Don't take this as an insult. Just try it.

Thank you for proving my earlier points. You clearly do not know how to utilise her properly or build her properly from the sound of it. FYI reb and pablo also specifically mentions power strength in the prime time. But by all means, continue to be ignorant.

And please. Do not ever PM me again. Thanks. 

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  1. Enemy Armor/Damage scaling needs to be more paced out.
  2. Range of abilities in almost all cases needs to be lowered.
  3. Enemies need to get into closer proximity before being able to 1 shot you. Enemies could also have dodge-able shots like the current wound up sniper shots. Or abilities that show their path before hitting said path. (Anything that can be countered with dodging or active abilities to mitigate when need be, but not a constant ON or OFF defence)
  4. Defence missions need to be designed less poorly as to allow line of sight only abilities\weapons\etc to be useful for faster clearing as well as be constantly flowing rather than a wait between every wave which further pushes towards the need for non line of sight based AoE to clear them as they spawn each wave.
  5. Enemies need to not be so cowardly, and really BADLY need to stop getting stuck. Please fix this.
  6. Weapons\abilities need more damage fall off to not only cause enemies to need to be closer to you to kill you, but also need you to be closer to them to kill them.. This would make better use of flight speed mods.
  7. Game needs to focus more on close combat and reward you for skilled play. (This doesn't mean that newbies don't have their place to enjoy the game too, they'll just find it more challenging to get scaling rewards. And if they aren't willing to put in the time or effort to get better at the game then I believe they shouldn't be rewarded the same as players that put in more effort. That's how every other game I have enjoyed has been, why does Warframe insist on rewarding both laziness and lack of skill? Everybody gets a Ribbon in Warframe and that's why it appeals to so many, but there is such minimal additional reward for going that extra mile that veterans get bored too fast and keep hoping for new content or probably just stop playing in larger blocks.)

1. Why would they do this if they don't care about endless missions? Most people leave at wave 20 which marks the end of the first rotation. There's not going to be any challenge for a player with good mods on wave 20 of anything in this game (except ESO). There also wouldn't be any reason aside from curiosity or boredom to push any further. That's on DE for leaving these endless missions out to dry. The game mode needs scaling rewards to stop the wave 5-10 extractors. Or, idk, some sort of matchmaking where you opt in for longer mission runs and can choose squads beforehand.

2. I don't agree with this. Less range would be pretty bad as some maps are massive. Take Mot for instance; there are huge open rooms that a max range frame can't even cover. Enemies spawn randomly and can be super spread out at times. Maybe it would be better to modify some of the tighter maps to be roomier? Idk

3. You can prevent yourself from being one shot. There's radar, specters, staying mobile, using your frame's or weapons' CC if you have any, etc.

4. Defense with more LoS and continual waves would be nice; let them keep flowing. You know who would benefit the most from that? Mesa and Saryn. Mesa would outclass Saryn here so hard if your changes were implemented. But as a team these two frames would be able to do wonders with constant enemy presence. Primarily in Defense the issue seems to be poor pathing. Enemies are spawned in the ceiling or get stuck on a wall, etc. Random stragglers or late spawners slow the wave progress down and people get bored. 

5. Enemy AI/pathing/spawning does need an improvement, totally agree. ^

6. You don't want to be one shot but you want the enemies to be closer to you? But you said that you think enemies should only be able to one shot a frame if they are close? So you want the game to force you into situations where a lethal horde of enemies can pile up around you and the objective point... and then you can do actual damage and hit them with abilities. Sounds awful for mid-end game to be quite honest. 

7. Scaling rewards would be awesome, firstly. Secondly, about the game needing to focus on close combat... they are reworking melee entirely right now. Hopefully it'll be a lot better after the rework. Maybe not the close combat you had in mind but.. there is no closer combat than melee so... Also idk what your idea of skilled play is? This is just a PvE horde game. A bunch of enemies swarm out, increasing in difficulty over time, and then you kill them all while completing the objective. I've seen how the 'skilled play' works in terms of staying in survivals for hours. You're all huddled up together just cheesing. Many would find that rather unskilled, to be fair. They would call it more a test of patience. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that play the game who would say that focusing on close combat would be horrible. Most of the maps have obstacles that are easy to get caught on and the mobility aspect of frames just doesn't fit that bill very well. You (and your pet) also get stuck on enemies so i dunno..

8. Saryn isn't an afk frame at all, by any means. There's no toggle to her AoE abilities and she can't face tank enemies either. So idk where you're getting that idea from. She does damage over time to enemies. In endless missions like kuva survival, enemies are visible by everyone while still marked by her spores. Some rooms allow for her spores to spread down hallways but that is also just some rooms. Not all. Whether or not she chooses to use 4, everyone has time to shoot at the things if they want to. Use your radar and shoot at stuff. Basically just use your radar and go to the red arrows. Them's enemies.

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30 minutes ago, Me.Church said:

I just said I'm not going to explain what reb and pablo already explained in the prime time. I said that ages ago. And btw "I have no trouble keeping spores active" is in direct contrast to one of your earlier posts. Maybe you're the one that needs to re-read what you wrote.

Thank you for proving my earlier points. You clearly do not know how to utilise her properly or build her properly from the sound of it. FYI reb and pablo also specifically mentions power strength in the prime time. But by all means, continue to be ignorant.

And please. Do not ever PM me again. Thanks. 

Seriously.. some people can be so rude. You weren't born with all the knowledge in the world.. 

Hey maybe you can teach me how to keep my spores up... But no you choose to be that guy.. even though I'd love to learn.. Apparently I'm building her wrong too, maybe you can show me a build that I can use.

"Do not ever PM me again. Thanks." Just real nice community. 

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