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Taxiing should not be possible.



What's the point of putting prerequisites on a tileset if folks are allowed to get around it by getting carried? If a toon can't access a tileset or missed out on an alert or event, too bad! They need to unlock their map. To me, it's a slap in the face to all the players who work hard and earn the rewards to see taxi riders get handed rewards just for joining a squad. 

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This isn't a question, so I'm going to pretend you asked: "Why is taxiing allowed?"

Warframe is a cooperative game, which means it's good to play with friends. When a new player joins, by being allowed to join their friends' squads they can get quick access to drops and rewards that will really help them out. They're still motivated to play through the lower missions though. It's frustrating not being able to select missions yourself.

What is the alternative, though? If players could only run missions in order, their experienced friends might be kind enough to join them and rush them through the low content. They'd have no chance to learn the game as high-ranked players tend to rush ahead and complete the mission as quickly as possible. They would still eventually reach the missions you feel they have no right to be in, only now they could select the mission themselves and wind up in random squads where the other players would have to do most of the work.

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See, that's the problem: rushing the low players through early content. This is where they actually learn the mechanics of the game - by slogging it out slowly through the early missions. Kind higher level players think they're helping the new players to enjoy the game faster but that bypasses the learning that comes from struggling. The problem of getting something for nothing is they have no sense of achieving anything and they continue to expect to be carried to tilesets they haven't unlocked and whine when they miss out on events and alerts that they could have been enjoying with everyone else.  Being brought to missions and being allowed to leech the rewards that they didn't fight for doesn't encourage them to try to earn the next one on their own. It just reinforces the perception that kind players will continue to feel sorry for them and give them handouts instead of a hand up. I'm not against helping a new player complete a mission that they are able to access on their own. I'm against taking them to missions where their only choice is to go hide in a corner because it's either that or they spend the whole mission dead or dying.  It's not fair to let them have the rewards just because they whine "I want it/need it but I can't get there without a taxi".  I believe in "git gud", not "gimme-gimme".

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As a player who has "worked hard" (your words not mine) and unlocked every node in the game....... I really don't care if people get taxied. 

Most of us have gotten taxied at one point or another so to say there should be no taxiing is more frequently than not a hypocritical stance. In fact it's arguably beneficial to the game as it allows people to play with their friends in the event that they are going somewhere that they don't currently have unlocked. 

DE already solved the "big" issue with Taxiing in that it used to permanently unlock the node, now it doesn't. So if they want to keep going to that node they are either going to need to find perpetual Taxi drivers (good luck with that) or they are going to have to work their way to unlocking that node. Even the most Taxied players are eventually going to get tired of spamming LFG for a ride and either A) work their way to the node or B) quit the game. Contrary to popular belief 100% retention isn't healthy for a game, having some turnover isn't just fine it's beneficial. That said huge volumes of turnover is also unhealthy but the small percentage of people who are going to leave because they can't get a ride are going to be inconsequential. 

So Taxiing is already a self correcting "problem". 


You know know what's a bigger problem than Taxiing? Higher "level" joining low "level" missions and totally obliterating them with like 80-90% of the total damage. If anything is going to chase off average new players it's being brutally hard carried by some rando MR10+ when they are just trying to learn the game. At least the people asking for a Taxi are actually asking to be carried, assuming that they aren't just asking because there is an alert ending in 10min and they have 3-4 nodes to clear before they can get there and can't do that before the alert is over. In which case they are more than likely competent to run the alert node on their own but through pure chance would otherwise miss out on it. 

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On 2018-09-16 at 3:17 AM, (PS4)Firebrandd said:

What's the point of putting prerequisites on a tileset if folks are allowed to get around it by getting carried? If a toon can't access a tileset or missed out on an alert or event, too bad! They need to unlock their map. To me, it's a slap in the face to all the players who work hard and earn the rewards to see taxi riders get handed rewards just for joining a squad. 

"getting carried?

Getting carried is all those players that don't even attempt to help complete the mission objective. Sadly it happens all the time.

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.

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11 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Sorry, it seems you accidentally posted this in Players Helping Players, when you really intended it for the (very popular) Players Ranting About Players subforum.  

Perhaps a moderator can move it for you.

As I stated above, had I known the proper thread to have posted this in, I would have. So yes, please, someone put this there.

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On 2018-09-19 at 12:15 AM, Oreades said:

You know know what's a bigger problem than Taxiing? Higher "level" joining low "level" missions and totally obliterating them with like 80-90% of the total damage. If anything is going to chase off average new players it's being brutally hard carried by some rando MR10+ when they are just trying to learn the game. At least the people asking for a Taxi are actually asking to be carried, assuming that they aren't just asking because there is an alert ending in 10min and they have 3-4 nodes to clear before they can get there and can't do that before the alert is over. In which case they are more than likely competent to run the alert node on their own but through pure chance would otherwise miss out on it. 

So true, when i was a beginner id get angry at those players, coming through and killing evwrything before i could get there.  It also drove me to get better, so that i too could obliterate a level like them and i can now.

I still like to randomly drop in on a low level node and follow noobs around, just as a back up for them, killing large mobs if they are struggling or applying buffs or even just waypointing POI.  Its a nice change following them around and only participating when they look like they need it.

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i played everything solo as a beginner and that was much more fun cus i could take my sweet time on everything like actually exploring whole maps.. i only did pub for bosses cus they actually seemed difficult( of course now trivial to me but hard at the time).

there is sometimes the case when baro appeared in a node i could not get to which really sucks. perhaps i could have been taxii'd in if someone invited me.

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I also have all the nodes unlocked and I really don’t mind it at all. I want people to stay with the game and it is a pain for them to always ask which will drive them to complete it. I got taxied many times from a friend so I know I need to pay it forward just like I give rare mods away to lower mr players because it was done for me and the more players the better the game will do as well as the more content will come as a result.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Toolriz said:

I also have all the nodes unlocked and I really don’t mind it at all. I want people to stay with the game and it is a pain for them to always ask which will drive them to complete it. I got taxied many times from a friend so I know I need to pay it forward just like I give rare mods away to lower mr players because it was done for me and the more players the better the game will do as well as the more content will come as a result.

Exactly this. I spend the other Sat watching chat, taxiing people to Baro who asked. I understand the frustration of wanting to get there but it's just out of reach.

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I don't think taxiing is the issue per se, but getting access to nodes (like Saturn) that don't connect to your existing set of nodes (like an incomplete star chart that has just unlocked Mars).

I think if players stopped getting credit for those nodes that don't attach to their star chart, that would probably solve most of the issues around taxiing because it still forces the player to play through the content and generally obey the unlocks.  As far as existing players with disconnected star charts (like a returning vet that never completed a junction), they should retain access to their existing nodes, but must work from Earth to reconnect everything to a single contiguous set of nodes so they can progress as they would expect.

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On 2018-09-15 at 7:17 PM, (PS4)Firebrandd said:

To me, it's a slap in the face to all the players who work hard and earn the rewards to see taxi riders get handed rewards just for joining a squad. 

Wait. Is completing the star chart considered as "hard work"? Or even being hard? Hello? I don't mind taxiing people since most of them can't do said alert/event because they just started/didn't unlock a node. So I guess I'll keep doing it. I'm not the "omg you're asking for a taxi since you didn't unlock Pluto and Ambulas Reborn is going on, no trophies for you" kind of person.

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There's helping out, and there's spoon-feeding the little pretty princesses who stand at spawn in or extraction while the rest of the team does the work. THAT is what I am railing against. I am not the only one who hates this kerrap. (Yes, I found the appropriate thread where I should have put this post.)

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On 2018-09-15 at 12:17 PM, (PS4)Firebrandd said:

To me, it's a slap in the face to all the players who work hard and earn the rewards to see taxi riders get handed rewards just for joining a squad. 

Pretty sure you're creating the drama here.  

Nobody does enough work to get to a planet for anything to count as a 'slap in the face', that's such an overdramatic take.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Firebrandd said:

There's helping out, and there's spoon-feeding the little pretty princesses who stand at spawn in or extraction while the rest of the team does the work. THAT is what I am railing against. I am not the only one who hates this kerrap. (Yes, I found the appropriate thread where I should have put this post.)

lolwut. You're complaining about people who go AFK?



There are three things people actually taxi for:
- Time-Limited Content, like alerts and Baro
- Bosses for Frame Farming, typically only done by friends due to the time commitment
- "Content the experienced player wanted to do but the new player would benefit from" (Index, Sortie, Hydron/Akkad, etc).

In the first two cases, no real harm is being done, it's just getting people access to potatos and certain
In the third case, the experienced player is accepting responsibility for the inexperienced one, and the inexperienced one is accepting being carried for whatever rewards are being offered. This doesn't cause issues, in fact it honestly alleviates one of the biggest drags at earlier levels- a lack of efficient affinity farming options.

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what exactly is the OP's complaint?  people getting taxi'd isnt a problem esp if you arent scraping them off the floor every 5 seconds, is this an actual taxi complaint or mr complaint or something else?   no actual details have been provided to back this thing up.

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