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Limbo, turn off the rift!


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3 hours ago, Yatazanami said:

thank you for your service . spellchecking officer 😂

but my grammar? seriously? that is your comeback? and if your quote (I dont rage and foam, I quit and find another squad.) is true then why are you even here ?

I came to converse.  Checking your grammar isnt a come back, just a low shot in retaliation for your calling me ignorant and assuming I think i'm better than a limbo player. (You were waiting for a comeback? Did you have a retort waiting or....?)  Im not arguing, simply came here to see what the rant was about as I had experienced trouble playing with a Limbo not too long before the post was made.

In fact after reading my posts, I'm having trouble understanding how they could possibly be misconstrued as raging and foaming.  I'm not anywhere near raging and foaming and i think its funny that you think I am.

Have a nice day.


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so most of these comments are what you would expect "Its not my fault, you need to know my warframe abilities instead of getting angry", Which is true, to a point. But also, it shouldnt be a thing for people to get mad about in the first place, poor design choices. I personally love using limbo for grineer mobile defense and the occasional extraction mission, but outside of that, i wont touch it.  Limbo played poorly and in the wrong mission types, is frustrating for everyone else on the team. Limbo played well and in the right mission types, great addition to the team, some people still may get frustrated, warframe gets new players every day and they haven't hit that critical mass of warframe knowledge yet,.
Frame blacklisting is a cool idea, establish a preference for teammates so you dont group up with frames that drive you nuts in the public group finder. Some people dont like Kill frames, i find those people to be weird, i dont like Loki outside of a spy or rescue mission, or limbo outside of mobile defense and excavation, personal preferences.

Other people shouldnt have to take action just to negate something your warframe has done, it should if anything be an action to receive a bonus or your innaction causing nothing to happen at all (Press X to enter Limbos Dash genned Rift). Getting mad at people who are getting frustrated by the limbo battlefield shakeup is childish, particularly since you know exactly why they are getting frustrated, but you still try to blame them for your own deliberate choices? If you play Limbo, get used to the Flakk, hes fun and effective in the right circumstances, god tier on infested excavations, but hes also a frustrating inconvenience.

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11 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

People are literally frustrated because you use it, even in the less "invasive" way you can possibly go.

Try not to let it get to you, Limbo is going to probably have to stew around a while before the built up stigma dissipates. 

About the only time Limbo irritates me is when there is a Limbo using a gigantic Cataclysm with Stasis on a Defense mission and turning what could be ~40 second waves into 3+minutes. Pretty much outside of that instance, which I really don't even run into very frequently, Limbo is fine. 

Eventually people are going to realize that and move on, it's just going to take time. 

Edited by Oreades
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Past experiences do tend to influence future ones. My tolerance for a bad loki is basically non existent, waaaaaay to many bad experiences. only real option is to be that good example. in this instance, a effective team player with minimal if any "Accidents". Its usually why i avoid using the banish ability at all, 2 and 4 or i brought limbo into the wrong mission xD

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If I want defense in a mission I'll always choose to play with a frame like Frost. It's just a much more enjoyable time. Limbo just makes it so you have to play around him, other defense frames just let you do your own thing for the most part which just creates a more enjoyable time imo. 

Not to mention those Limbo players who choose the most obnoxious color for their energy that just makes things harder to see. 

I have nothing against Limbo players, I just personally enjoy playing in groups without them.

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I only use my limbo for sortie mobile defense or excavations, with minimum range and max duration so the bubble only covers the objective, then I go into the rift and emote dances until the timer runs out. Haven't had a single complaint from any squad to date.

The true way to play Limbo.

All jokes aside, Limbo is fantastic and I wish people would just do the minimum research required to understand how he works.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm honestly so freaking tired of this myself...
Even today while I was in a defense mission as limbo I got asked to stop using the rift cause our Zephyr was too dumb to use their Lenz by staying in the bubble or by staying out and shooting at the enemies outside. 
It's really frustrating to be always told not to use your frame at all because the people just do not understand the way they have to play with "x" frame in the party or because they just want to see their big ass dps numbers and nothing else.

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5 hours ago, Elyann said:

I'm honestly so freaking tired of this myself...
Even today while I was in a defense mission as limbo I got asked to stop using the rift cause our Zephyr was too dumb to use their Lenz by staying in the bubble or by staying out and shooting at the enemies outside. 
It's really frustrating to be always told not to use your frame at all because the people just do not understand the way they have to play with "x" frame in the party or because they just want to see their big ass dps numbers and nothing else.

When it comes to explosive weapons specifically I'd say there is a decent argument to be made for poor interaction with Cataclysm + Stasis. Since enemies will be affected by Stasis the moment they touch the AoE of Cataclysm and the AoE is constantly shrinking enemies at the edge of Cataclysm will be constantly popping in and out of the Rift, as the AoE shrinks enough to leave them outside the Rift and they take one step forward to again be in the rift. If you fire an explosive weapon at the enemies thus clustering at the edge of the Cataclysm AoE a good chunk of them will always survive regardless of which side of the Rift you fire from because they will be on the side of the Rift that you aren't.

Edited by Golineth
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On 2018-09-20 at 2:47 AM, (PS4)brettles1983 said:

I had warcry active, which boosts melee attack speed.  All i was doing was hitting them for zero damage faster.  Havent got time to stand still and look around to figure out how the rift is working, things are trying to kill me and the best defence is movement

If you or they are in the rift then even if they're trying to kill you, they won't. If you're so confused by the rift just look up what it is. 

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15 hours ago, Elyann said:

I'm honestly so freaking tired of this myself...
Even today while I was in a defense mission as limbo I got asked to stop using the rift cause our Zephyr was too dumb to use their Lenz by staying in the bubble or by staying out and shooting at the enemies outside. 
It's really frustrating to be always told not to use your frame at all because the people just do not understand the way they have to play with "x" frame in the party or because they just want to see their big ass dps numbers and nothing else.

It's usually better to keep the fighting as simple as possible to get the best possible killing efficiency out of your group. If their killing efficiency is getting stunted a single limbo player, is it the 3 other player's fault or the single limbo's fault for interrupting the flow of combat?

Edited by Im_a_Turtle
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13 hours ago, Im_a_Turtle said:

It's usually better to keep the fighting as simple as possible to get the best possible killing efficiency out of your group. If their killing efficiency is getting stunted a single limbo player, is it the 3 other player's fault or the single limbo's fault for interrupting the flow of combat?

The first thing I did after encountering a Limbo and not knowing how his powers interacted with mine was research. So yeah, I'd say the three players need to do what I did an l2p with a Limbo.

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I remember being in a grineer sortie rescue mission and just when I got to the destination, taking the shortcut without having to touch the panel, limbo uses cataclysm (must have been max range build) and ended up preventing me and some other player who took the shortcut from rescuing hostage, since we couldn't break the object (fan vent) blocking our path.

It's not limbo, it's the player.

Edited by saltygr33n
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7 hours ago, marelooke said:

The first thing I did after encountering a Limbo and not knowing how his powers interacted with mine was research. So yeah, I'd say the three players need to do what I did an l2p with a Limbo.

I'm confident that the reality is that players either don't care or aren't obligated to figure out why a single player is forcing them to play their way. Limbo players need to think ahead, restrain themselves, use their abilities intelligently and in a way that will not hinder their whole squad. I use Limbo plenty but that's the truth of it. Pubs are not going to bother looking it up therefore Limbo players need to be smart about spamming banish/rift.

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1 minute ago, Im_a_Turtle said:

I'm confident that the reality is that players either don't care or aren't obligated to figure out why a single player is forcing them to play their way. Limbo players need to think ahead and restrain themselves and use their abilities intelligently and in a way that will not hinder their whole squad. I use Limbo plenty but that's the truth of it. Pubs are not going to bother looking it up therefore Limbo players need to be smart about spamming banish/rift.

Agreed. Yeah, some of it winds up being on the others, but most people will adapt on their own if the first step is taken by the Limbo. It's not all on one or the other, but the Limbo needs to be considerate about what they're doing first since nobody's going to accommodate for a jerk. I leave Nidus's and Harrow's alone because that's what they like, but if one were to come to me, Imma do what I was gonna do anyway. Because either they've come to help, or they're inconsiderate, and either way, I see no reason to change up what I'm doing. Same goes for me though. If I want to help somebody out, I don't bring the rift unless strictly necessary. I leave it at wherever I'm protecting.

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On 2018-09-20 at 2:42 AM, (PS4)brettles1983 said:

Because we dont know.

Has there been changes to the way that rift works?  Because it is bloody annoying.

I entered a random squad defence with my Eternal Warcry Valk P. Start shredding mobs as soon as i land and this one f wit gets on the mic and says, "what did i just say! "STOP IT"!

He then goes on about his rift and how good it is and casts it again.  I try to hit something and the enemies are immortal.  RAGE.  Was about to grab my mic and blast the hell out of him because the rift was slowing things down.  I didnt do that, headset was in lounge room and i was in bedroom lol. So i just quit and let him rift the bejesus out of whatever he wanted to

Now i understand my anger is mostly because i have no idea how the rift works, but please, dont use it if you have a squad member that is tearing things apart faster than you can.


Ehh imortal? Werent you the only one in rift and enemies outside? If thats the case just roll and you are out no big deal.

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One of my friends mains Limbo and has tried many builds. He is a Godsend when played with friends and played well. The first time I met a Limbo, the player had a medium sized bubble placed extremely well during a survival infestation... while the rest of us were level 0 frames. We lasted 20 mins with no issue, having nonstop energy and killing everything in the bubble. I now realize he must have had high duration because his bubble would barely shrink over time. 

However, I still groan when I see a Limbo. I had to research a ton to play with Limbo and play as Limbo. I can't say any other frame required as much work from me to work with them. Random rifts in the pathway are damn hard to see at times and without playing Limbo yourself or research there is zero indication in game on how to get out of rift. That is bad design and makes encounters with Limbo very likely to be frustrating. Nobody should have to google things to play with you. In rift you can't damage anything, can't pick up loot, etc. It took me getting frustrated with cataclysm on mobile defense interface to Google the issue and find out that operator can bypass this. 

Nobody should have to google things to proceed with the mission at hand because of one player. When a troll Nova put a ton of teleporters by a hacking console, we all could easily see why we could not reach it and were being bounced behind. Very clearly indicated by the game. There is nothing in game to tell you how to get out of rift (from portals, not cataclysm), how to interact with a panel while cataclysm is on, or what works on doesn't work between real work and cataclysm. You can shoot from inside frost bubble or Gara shield or volt shield and can see that enemies aren't able to shoot you. No real indication that cataclysm works the same way until you find out the hard way seeing no damage past the first two dudes who got frozen entering and then the 10+ dudes behind them outside are unaffected. Outside researching, there's nothing in game to explain why some enemy in the rift isn't taking damage. And even with research, some frames don't have dps abilities and have to just wait for braindead Limbo over there to kill his own banished (or rift spreading) targets. 

Other frames make slow down your gameplay or make it more dangerous or troll you. But only Limbo literally requires you to have played him and/or researched online to not be stopped in your gameplay by their abilities. And it doesn't even require for the Limbo to be actively trolling, just less cautious or party minded. 


And no other frame gives me a headache like a Limbo with a light colored cataclysm. Sweet Jesus. 


I blame DE on this, it's their design. I also blame them for having to research outside the game on how to get rid of Volt speed. When an ability impacts others negatively, the game should make it clear what your options are. Being unable to interact with the environment in rift is stupid. 


And might I add that you can easily meet a Limbo before you unlock operator. And definitely before you ever get around to farming him. 

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14 minutes ago, DeaHamlet said:

One of my friends mains Limbo and has tried many builds. He is a Godsend when played with friends and played well. The first time I met a Limbo, the player had a medium sized bubble placed extremely well during a survival infestation... while the rest of us were level 0 frames. We lasted 20 mins with no issue, having nonstop energy and killing everything in the bubble. I now realize he must have had high duration because his bubble would barely shrink over time. 

However, I still groan when I see a Limbo. I had to research a ton to play with Limbo and play as Limbo. I can't say any other frame required as much work from me to work with them. Random rifts in the pathway are damn hard to see at times and without playing Limbo yourself or research there is zero indication in game on how to get out of rift. That is bad design and makes encounters with Limbo very likely to be frustrating. Nobody should have to google things to play with you. In rift you can't damage anything, can't pick up loot, etc. It took me getting frustrated with cataclysm on mobile defense interface to Google the issue and find out that operator can bypass this. 

Nobody should have to google things to proceed with the mission at hand because of one player. When a troll Nova put a ton of teleporters by a hacking console, we all could easily see why we could not reach it and were being bounced behind. Very clearly indicated by the game. There is nothing in game to tell you how to get out of rift (from portals, not cataclysm), how to interact with a panel while cataclysm is on, or what works on doesn't work between real work and cataclysm. You can shoot from inside frost bubble or Gara shield or volt shield and can see that enemies aren't able to shoot you. No real indication that cataclysm works the same way until you find out the hard way seeing no damage past the first two dudes who got frozen entering and then the 10+ dudes behind them outside are unaffected. Outside researching, there's nothing in game to explain why some enemy in the rift isn't taking damage. And even with research, some frames don't have dps abilities and have to just wait for braindead Limbo over there to kill his own banished (or rift spreading) targets. 

Other frames make slow down your gameplay or make it more dangerous or troll you. But only Limbo literally requires you to have played him and/or researched online to not be stopped in your gameplay by their abilities. And it doesn't even require for the Limbo to be actively trolling, just less cautious or party minded. 


And no other frame gives me a headache like a Limbo with a light colored cataclysm. Sweet Jesus. 


I blame DE on this, it's their design. I also blame them for having to research outside the game on how to get rid of Volt speed. When an ability impacts others negatively, the game should make it clear what your options are. Being unable to interact with the environment in rift is stupid. 


And might I add that you can easily meet a Limbo before you unlock operator. And definitely before you ever get around to farming him. 

If there's one thing I would change about Limbo (and there are a few things, to be honest. I love him, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to his flaws), it would be to make it so that other players could enter and exit the rift somehow, independent of Limbo's actions. The only requirement would be an enemy in the rift. Attempting to interact would grant a buff that caused rolling to let you enter the rift. This would be change number 1 simply because this is the primary cause of frustration.

If there's a second thing would be the rift effect. It is FAR too vague and hard to see right now. Even as somebody who's used him to death, I still miss it more often than not. It's a slight sheen and a slight blobby effect around their feet. That is not enough, it is impossible to see in groups or in certain lighting conditions. Changes I would make would be to make enemies and other entities partially transparent when in the opposite plane to a player - so when in the rift compared to the normal plane and vice versa when in the rift (possible less pronounced in the latter case). Maybe effected by the players energy colour. I'd also make them intangible, similar to how Operators in void mode work. If nothing else, that'd make it brutally apparent to a new player that the enemy cannot be touched. It's not much, and I'd appreciate it if frames had some kind of tutorial accessed through the codex at least, but those two changes would at least make the transition easier by making it clear something is up.

Other things would be QoL changes, including pulling you out of the rift to access things, some kind of tracking of rifted targets exclusive to Limbo and a visual indicator on Banish's range.

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On 2018-09-19 at 7:39 PM, VanFanel1980mx said:

In one of the aforementioned sortie missions I was called out for reminding them about banish, so I stopped banishing the operative, it bled out in less than 5 seconds and I was still blamed for it (because I wasn't nearby and I stopped using my abilities to paralyze the mobs.)

Sticks and stones

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I will always drop out of a Mission if I see a Limbo. Absolutely hate having a Limbo on my Team. Can´t stand how the graphics look inside his bubble or when he banishes me. If I want to play Borderlands I play Borderlands FFS. And don´t say I don´t have to get into the bubble. Limbos will cast that thing all over the place.


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