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consoles need an immediat catchup update


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I think you take for granted how clean the console updates are. When things like ESO and POE first came to PC they were hot messes riddled with bugs and progression stoppers. However, once they worked out the kinks in PC and it finally shipped to console you guys didn't really have many (if any) of the initial issues that made them literally unplayable.

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To those who think the updates should be closer or at the same time as PC I will present you with a reason why.

Let me tell you one thing about PC updates over Console updates. PC in general probably has about 5-10x the amount of bugs that consoles end up getting. Some of those are absolute game stoppers.

If both would launch at the same time Consoles would have to go to cert 1 week early as that is about the time it takes to cert. In thistime PC could still get some fixes and in general PC is getting fixes mere hours before release and easily drags out about 2 days.


DE starts fixing through the weekend. next day, PC updates. bug is fixed. Now they start porting the fix aaaand apply it for cert. now wait one week. about 6-8 days after the update went live that bug is finally fixed. but it created another one that got discovered 2 days after on PC. but it still has to cert.


That is just not doable. so DE had two choices:

  1. Stagger the PC updates to get them in line with consoles EVERY time. meaning the release amount will drop significantly and still would not secure you from bugs.
  2. Stagger Consoles and drag them 1 month after consoles. Take the mayor updates, bundle them with all updates that came out since and release it in one set

You do NOT want to be stuck with some of those stoppers for even over a week. it is hell. PC players who have been around when the second dream came out know that fully.

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1 hour ago, Sajochi said:

If you go back read the OP's other posts, they do this often. Very often. It's become a meme at this point, and they've been told the same thing before but they don't listen. Here's a tip, don't waste your time on this one. Your sanity will thank you. 

Well that explains a few things. Thanks for saving me some time.

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On 2018-09-22 at 1:27 AM, (XB1)EmpreyonQueen said:

now with both consoles so badly fallen behind pc we need an immediate update within next week to catch us up with pc I'm not waiting 1 month and 6 days for each update that doesn't catch us up with the current pc build so if anyone here agrees say so now . thanks your loyal Xbox  master  

Can't sorry. Doesn't work that way. 

DE aren't machines. They can only work so fast. 

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On 2018-09-21 at 7:33 PM, (PS4)Napalm13b said:

     Nobody knows the actual reason behind it taking 4 weeks to get updates on console except DE. We can just speculate. I love DE as much as the next Tenno but I dont think MS and Sony are the sole reason behind it. Last Revenant update took what 3-4 days to pass cert but 4 weeks to get to us? I know how you feel though. It does stink when everyone and their mother is talking about the new content on PC, putting out builds, etc. and we are sitting with our thumbs in our bootybuttcheeks. I feel like we are forgotten about sometimes. We miss out on the excitement of having something completely new.


   We do not need to come up with excuses for DE every time there is a problem. We need to band together and get an answer from them. They are the ones that made people feel like Digital Extremes owe's everyone for the game being where it is today so it shouldn't be an issue to let us know why the releases are the way they are. Granted they don't owe us a darn thing even though we do throw money at them lol. Wish they could throw us a bone once and a while.



DE can't work that fast. I don't know if you or anyone else had realized, but in order for DE to push a console build, they have to recode alot of their work. Consoles are built very differently from pc's and run on very different hardware. In order to run warframe on a console, DE have to effectively recode everything just for you guys. 

So don't complain. It's extremely difficulty already working under immense pressure to finish venus before the end of the year, let alone also work on consoles. I'm almost positive DE right now are train recks and most probably need a massive break to sleep and rest. 

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On 2018-09-22 at 6:35 AM, (XB1)Dredd1973 said:

World of Tanks is another F2P game and it's just like this. Console versions are always behind PC versions, and not all changes made to PC version even carry over to console version.

I think the lag between PC and console WoT is several months.


Also, Defiance 2050 devs have been telling people the XBox patch has been in certification for 5 weeks now, so this isn't just a DE issue, seems endemic to the F2P genre as a whole.

Because not only does it need to go through cert, but also alot of the code has to be rewritten to work on consoles. 

The reason there's a delay on F2P games is because they release a pc build as soon as they have it whereas alot of triple a games, or big titles like overwatch will actually have a patch ready for pc maybe a month or two months before they actually release it so that they can rework the code and push it to consoles and then time it just right to push both the console and pc build at the same time. 

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On 2018-09-21 at 9:11 PM, (PS4)chubbslawson said:

I thought that was why they screwed up our ui system , so we would get our updates closer to pc

And nothing has changed, even if they said something like "all platforms now have the same (meh) interface 'cause it's easy and more fast to sent updates to cert on console", we still got the updates after 1 month or more. Maybe it's more easy for them to adapt updates to console with the same UI but they still sent to cert after 1 month.

Pc players can't really understand console players.

Edited by (PS4)cleefsentence
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18 minutes ago, (PS4)cleefsentence said:

And nothing has changed, even if they said something like "all platforms now have the same (meh) interface 'cause it's easy and more fast to sent updates to cert on console", we still got the updates after 1 month or more. Maybe it's more easy for them to adapt updates to console with the same UI but they still sent to cert after 1 month.

Pc players can't really understand console players.

Well one thing is that it is not done yet. Only a small part of the UI overhaul is live atm though the most major stuff is in.

Then again it was more about more frequent updates rather then closing the gap. Because, like you said, the porting would be easier and faster to do making more frequent updates possible.

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On 2018-09-21 at 10:02 PM, (XB1)HAPPYHapyJ0YJoy said:

Someone creates a problem then says that they should be excused from blame for the results of it because they had that problem that, you know, they caused. Seems to line up fairly precisely.

And while it may lack some tact... that kind of left the topic with first post which ended with "Xbox master" or somesuch and didn't really improve much from there. So... when in Rome.

It's not that they got too big. It's that they accepted 70+ million dollars from a publisher in exchange for ownership of the company.

Which is all well and good. It's a fine company. No doubt worth the money. And if the brass decided it worth relinquishing some control for those many, many zeroes all the more power to them. That's the beauty of capitalism.

However if no one accounted for the fallout from that in their budget? Now whose fault is that? Theirs or the consumer? And it results in delays, who is inconvenienced? It's the people paying for the product, not the people who got 70+ million which caused it all.

They don't get to use the results of their payday to excuse delays for the consumer to whom they are selling their product. If a business makes a decision which negatively impacts those who buy their wares... they should be held accountable. That is also the beauty of capitalism. Part of the invisible hand that rights the ship. If a business does something that directly impacts the consumer in a negative way, and the customer excuses it, they are a pretty terrible consumer (and I have some choice real estate in Florida I'd like the sell them, a bit moist maybe, but still good, still good...).

That is, of course, if the consumer feels inconvenienced or a negative impact of some type. Personally I don't. Either by the fallout of the acquisition, or by the decision not to expand. Plan to get Prime Access in a few days. I have other games to play while content syphons in.

However, while i don't have a problem with it, that doesn't make using limitations that DE suffers, which DE themselves manufactured, any less of a terrible way to try and excuse DE and deride those who do take issue. In this case there are plenty of better things to take umbrage with (like the "master" comment as a pretty good for instance).

It's just a really, really, really terrible and myopic argument to make.

Holy cow that's a lot of ignorance pretending to be otherwise.

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8 hours ago, Airwolfen said:

Well one thing is that it is not done yet. Only a small part of the UI overhaul is live atm though the most major stuff is in.

Then again it was more about more frequent updates rather then closing the gap. Because, like you said, the porting would be easier and faster to do making more frequent updates possible.

How you do make more frequent updates if consoles get only one huge update every month or more?

Let's take the tennogen items as an example: in the update of June we received the syandanas from round 12, no skins. In the update of July still no skins from tennogen round 12. In the update of August, after 2 months, we received the skins from round 12.

In the update of September we received the skins from round 13 but no syandanas, again.

Soon pc players will receive the entire tennogen round 14, meanwhile we are still waiting for the round 13 syandanas (that will perhaps arrive in the October update, but it is not said, see July update).

Edited by (PS4)cleefsentence
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If anyone is wondering, this is one of the reasons it is called PC MASTER RACE. Peasants should just accept it and put down the pitchforks and torches.

Joke aside though, releasing patches monthly is way faster than the alternative.

If they start sending for certification all the smaller patches and bug fixes:

Small patch gets sent, 5 days for certification, in that time another patch or bug fix or two is sent for cert, but the first must go through, now you've already lost a few days, then another week for the bug fix, how long before this stacks up. Now imagine that one of those doesn't pass straight away due to reasons. Eventually this method will stack up to years.

EDIT: Did some looking around, apparently since this May, PS and Xbox have same day certification. In time patches may come more frequently. This still doesn't change the fact that 2-3 certifications weekly would be needed to keep up with PC, not counting the difference in consoles, so even if its 10k a certification about 2 per X-box and twice for PS4, that's about 6 certs a week, 4x a monh, 24, each being 10k (if it is 10k, since more sources point towards 40-50k). How would that still be a viable business model?

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4 hours ago, (PS4)cleefsentence said:

How you do make more frequent updates if consoles get only one huge update every month or more?

Let's take the tennogen items as an example: in the update of June we received the syandanas from round 12, no skins. In the update of July still no skins from tennogen round 12. In the update of August, after 2 months, we received the skins from round 12.

In the update of September we received the skins from round 13 but no syandanas, again.

Soon pc players will receive the entire tennogen round 14, meanwhile we are still waiting for the round 13 syandanas (that will perhaps arrive in the October update, but it is not said, see July update).

Well, Tennogen is a whole different issue of getting the item creators to agree to sell DE the cosmetics so they can ship it for consoles, and DE like to get something out rather than keep most of it to go at one time.

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3 hours ago, Atsia said:

Well, Tennogen is a whole different issue of getting the item creators to agree to sell DE the cosmetics so they can ship it for consoles, and DE like to get something out rather than keep most of it to go at one time.

Before Umbra and the UI changes we were getting the tennogen rounds in one block in the same update. Something has changed and i doubt that the cause are the tennogen creators. The skins aren't all from the same author so unless all the authors rejected DE offer in the last 4 mounths then it is DE who refuse to release just a part of the items (x skins instead of all y for example) or fails to adapt and include all the tennogen items in the same update in a month in time for the cert.

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The irony here is that the cursor UI was intended to unify the platforms and allow for faster content generation. If we are going to continue to be backlogged by over a month, can consoles at least get a UI that works well with a controller?

As for the other updates, with Fortuna being so close I don't see consoles closing the gap any time soon. I guess console players will get to pick between playing Fallout 76, RDR2, and Fortuna.

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Am 21.9.2018 um 20:33 schrieb (PS4)Napalm13b:

     Nobody knows the actual reason behind it taking 4 weeks to get updates on console except DE. We can just speculate. I love DE as much as the next Tenno but I dont think MS and Sony are the sole reason behind it. Last Revenant update took what 3-4 days to pass cert but 4 weeks to get to us? I know how you feel though. It does stink when everyone and their mother is talking about the new content on PC, putting out builds, etc. and we are sitting with our thumbs in our bootybuttcheeks. I feel like we are forgotten about sometimes. We miss out on the excitement of having something completely new.


   We do not need to come up with excuses for DE every time there is a problem. We need to band together and get an answer from them. They are the ones that made people feel like Digital Extremes owe's everyone for the game being where it is today so it shouldn't be an issue to let us know why the releases are the way they are. Granted they don't owe us a darn thing even though we do throw money at them lol. Wish they could throw us a bone once and a while.



this. you loose most of the excitement while waiting weeks for stuff. its a bit like ....6 weeks to christmas but u always know what ll be in the package. there is no sprising effect any more. its the only "bad thing" for me on warframe

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10 minutes ago, Hohstadt said:

or you can google it and stop being a lazy good for nothing. 🙂

So you don't have one. Good to know.

The point being that everyone thinks they know how the certification process works but very few people ever provide evidence to prove what they say. Since I haven't made any claims about the certification process I have nothing to prove. You, however, haven't proven anything other than your own ignorance.

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il y a 9 minutes, Hohstadt a dit :

or you can google it and stop being a lazy good for nothing. 🙂

please post a source for the claim.

i wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

Call me lazy if you want, but you are asking everyone mature enough to doubt what is being told to them to do a research instead of providing an evidence of what you claim.

Was searching a bit but found nothing peculiar, but i am lazy/bold/$&*&*#(%&ed enough to ask you to provide evidence so we can settle this thread faster.

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3 hours ago, Hohstadt said:

You do realize that updates have to be certified by microS#&$ and sony right? and they can only do so many updates a year?

Citation needed 

2 hours ago, Hohstadt said:

or you can google it and stop being a lazy good for nothing. 🙂

being rude yea that will defiantly win your augment in your favor (Sarcasm self test complete) 

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Anyway seems that DE can release minor updates or fix even after a major update is sended to cert. Around 30m after the release of the last console update (Revenant one) we got an hotfix that changed the abilities of Revenant in the same better abilities that pc players received with the release of the Nezha Deluxe Collection. In theory we should have received the previous version of his kit not the new shiny one that went live on pc only when the update was already sent to cert by DE.

Someone can give me an explanation? 🙈

I really appreciated that hotfix btw 😉

Edited by (PS4)cleefsentence
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