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Energy drain


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Right now Im approaching 1k hours played and so far the only thing that i hate is energy drain. why bring a frame at all if i cant rely on or even use it's abilities? why make the effort to build and conserve energy only to have it stripped away by the mere presence of certain enemy types? at least nulifier silences have a clear counter play besides spamming the pizza button (pro plays) or if something with an energy drain on contact hits me i can switch to op mode but having the blue fun juice drained out by proximity is just lazy design and to get this element of difficulty your trading the most fun aspect of the game while punishing resource management and even composition and weapon synergy? im sure there's plenty of reasoning to defend it which i wont attempt to invalidate but the end result for me personally is not wanting to play another mission. I don't think adding this small amount of challenge (which is often to just have a ton of pizzas lol really? what a skill ceiling) is worth all the fun that it costs along with other skill sets that iv already mentioned.

Now since cheesy treats ARE a thing this is mostly a game ruining issue in onslaught (at least for me), but luckily i don't care That much about onslaught unless im testing weapons. but what about those of you who do? does energy starvation make it more fun for you? I certainly hope it doesn't send you on a raving tirade like it does me lol

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5 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

agreed, energy parasites need a rework.
like the drain should be LoS so they cant be draining ur energy from 2 rooms away.
and killing them should refund ur energy or something

Killing them before they suicide should refund energy and they shouldn’t be able to zap you through doors or walls

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20 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

agreed, energy parasites need a rework.
like the drain should be LoS so they cant be draining ur energy from 2 rooms away.
and killing them should refund ur energy or something

This is more of a necessity at this point since with how buggy this game is it's pretty common to find energy leeches inside walls or under the map.. By the time you find them it's already too late. It's busted.

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31 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

Dead leech's don't drain your energy.    Kill them.   Problem solved.  

Wow, that easy and none of us thought of it?

While I agree with you I think OP is lamenting the fact that energy drain is a debuff you cannot avoid with good tactics like you would with nullifiers. Late stages of survival against the infestation you get like 3 or 4 parasites at the same time and you can kiss your blue bar good bye if you don't have some form of nuking. Not a game breaking thing since I know what to expect at that level and can play without powers but lore wise is wrong since a particular infested has to say "we fear nothing but the demons of the void". Not something that I can't live with and don't really care if it gets changed or not but I do feel energy draining enemies are lazy game design and should be somewhat updated (maybe returning a percentage of energy upon death like someone suggested?). I dunno....

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5 hours ago, Ragingwasabi said:

so they cant be draining ur energy from 2 rooms away.

Well, considering Energy Leeches have an aura of just 15 meters, what tiny-ass rooms are you in for this to be happening?

5 hours ago, Hypermega said:

why make the effort to build and conserve energy only to have it stripped away by the mere presence of certain enemy types?

Because it provides a condition against which is leveraged a player's ability to trivialize the game. Abilities range in power from 'barely worth the Energy' to 'makes the whole mission play itself' in pre-Sortie levels, but most of our abilities are weighted toward the latter. We're far, far stronger than anything the enemy has chucked at us, and so until our foes get stupid-strong powers too, nerf the pants off most frame abilities or develop leagues-better enemy AI, they're stuck with giving us management problems instead of a more skill-based form of challenge. In the case of Energy Leeches, your challenge comes in the form of paying attention to your surroundings (and its enemies) or watching an unforecasted change in your Energy stores. This rewards attention to details and curtails mindless mash-face-on-4. As long as you keep an eye on your HUD and can see the obvious glowy edge around the occasional enemy (outside of Sortie, they're always the same 1-2 enemy types in each faction btw, should be easy to spot), you're fine. If you have a serious issue with it, push for more dynamic anti-Warframe enemy tactics, or go play a game that's even easier than this one.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)brettles1983 said:

Energy pizzas

I know, ok?

But they are the counter, as silly as that is. 

I have about 300 of them atm. I am super lazy when it comes to energy management so if I see that I’m low, out comes a pizza. 

At the end of every mission I’ll craft another 10, hence my count of 300. They are just stockpiling. 

Consider yourself lucky. I’m in constant need of Polymer, I use Energy pads like drinking water, and I always forget to build more. However, I’ve survived.

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If you found yourself having energy drain then maybe get out of there? Go to operator mode - dash out. That's what I like and hate about the infested - they have this special type that drains your energy and consider of backing a little bit. It adds a challenge to the game rather than standing in one spot and spamming skills like at ESO. 

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Since Corpus Scrambus units got an UI that shows their AOE, i think Leeches should get some form of this aswell.

And this will probably be implemented by DE since they have done that to other enemies already.


When you are in a Survival with hordes of enemies coming at you it can be really hard to find that one enemy that drains your energy.

If there is a Nullifier, you can clearly see it and know on which enemy you have to focus on.

But since leeches can appear as pretty much every enemytype in the game, you dont really know what you have to look out for.

This isnt a problem in lowlevel runs where you kill everything instantly, but on higher levels where you are the one that gets killed instantly its kinda annoying that you have to look at thte name-tags of enemies to find and kill the leech.

Edited by DreisterDino
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26 minutes ago, Olphalarepth said:

Wow, that easy and none of us thought of it?

While I agree with you I think OP is lamenting the fact that energy drain is a debuff you cannot avoid with good tactics like you would with nullifiers. Late stages of survival against the infestation you get like 3 or 4 parasites at the same time and you can kiss your blue bar good bye if you don't have some form of nuking. Not a game breaking thing since I know what to expect at that level and can play without powers but lore wise is wrong since a particular infested has to say "we fear nothing but the demons of the void". Not something that I can't live with and don't really care if it gets changed or not but I do feel energy draining enemies are lazy game design and should be somewhat updated (maybe returning a percentage of energy upon death like someone suggested?). I dunno....

Yes, it is that easy.   If a player cannot deal with the enemies in the game, play lower tiers till they can.   I like the design as it kicks players not paying attention in the balls.  Just like the poor easy buttoned Corpus skater army used to for players that don't pay attention.  RIP.   Or when you got caught and set off an alarm on a high level Corpus tile, endless Bursa's would come till the alarm was reset.   Easy buttoned.  It goes on.

You have weapons and mobility for a reason.

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No, enemies need ways to be able to fight us or the entire game just turns into mindless button spamming against enemies who cannot fight back. 

Eximus Units are a boss tier enemy; You aren't dealing with them routinely, and the game is expecting you to change up your tactics to deal with them. 
You can evade Ancient Disruptors or CC them before they become an issue. 
You should also look into mods like Hunters Adrenaline or Rage which give you energy in dire situations where energy starvation becomes an issue. Pair these with some health regeneration mods and you can even make an undying battery of energy that circumvents enemies who can drain your energy rapidly. 
Try just generally playing better as well. 

Edited by Acos
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The only place where this bothers me is ESO, since often the entire mission is spent with 0 energy, it just slows down the game and makes it a bit boring.

Also, obviously I can spaz about and look for a place with no leeches so I can regen some energy, but that's even less exciting.

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2 hours ago, _Vortus_ said:

Yes, it is that easy.

How can I subtly hint I was being sarcastic using even more sarcasm? Sorry I was writing out loud. Uhm...ya

You are quoting me when I already wrote I agree with you. Just think it's lame to put an enemy skill that cannot be countered if not with the old "kill and forget" (it's not like I was going to let them walk around anyway). I believe every faction should have a way to block warframe powers and while Corpus have the nullifiers, the infestation has the parasitic eximus (other factions have them too to a lesser extent) that simply hops around and screws you over with no interaction. At least the corpus kids have their safe space bubbles.....

I know it's hard to come with a unique way for each faction to negate powers so I'm okay with the current setup, not a big fan of it but I don't dislike it either.

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Energy leeches suck (lol), but they're also one of the only things that stop us space ninja demigods from rinsing enemies 1hr+ into a survival. in other words, they make sure we're not too overpowered. I do think they should get looked at though. the range on their Aura is massive, I think making it like Scrambus' abilities where they emit a large (but not supermassive) bubble that drains your energy while in it would be adequate enough. they only need to be able to drain energy at close range, since 99% of the time we are fighting up close anyway.

alternatively, they could make it LoS so that energy leechers in the next room behind 2 sets of Doors can't get a head start on your energy pool. there's a few options DE could go with, but given how long it took to address Nullifiers, I wouldn't hold my breath. 



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