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Adaptation is a bad idea


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21 minutes ago, Absens said:

It helps squishy frames yes.

And it makes Chroma, Mesa, Inaros, Nidus etc,etc literally unkillable Gods.

Wonder how will they handle this.

But they were always immortal, and as said several times, it's not a feature for free, you're going to have to sacrifice some important mod to put it.


And Mesa will get hitkilled by melee anyway, you need to adapt first ><


Edited by Peter
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1 hour ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Riven mods... "overpowered" primed weapons... and now mods like this... this logic will never be enough for the nerf herders.

Being able to choose how they play isnt enough. They want to choose how YOU play.

If you don't want don't use then lol.

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People are ignoring the simple fact that only high survivability won't save your ass in long duration missions, because you'll lack dps.... you can survive level 50000 but if you can't kill em, what's the point ? Get your facts people and stop whining already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

and a frame that has 15 base armor. a maxed vitality and steel fibre with max rank arcane guardian has more survivability than a maxed adaptation with either maxed health/shield mods.

the mod isnt as good as people say it is, and you should actually test it yourself to find the best setup for either your warframe or for adaptation

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Yes its so op that most randoms regardsless of a frame, even the likes of inaros and frost still die in arbitration in the first 10 20 minutes, theres been exactly one random group that I played with where no one died, out of many and many runs. 

Mod's can be good but it doesnt overcome peoples stupidity. 

Edited by -Temp0-
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this mod is actually good , as said before , that mod need a skill complement to be usefull , if not , it change nothing since you are allready dead with your 300hp......  90% damage reduction is not much when you have 1hp left after the adaptation

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18 minutes ago, Tainted_Fox said:

and a frame that has 15 base armor. a maxed vitality and steel fibre with max rank arcane guardian has more survivability than a maxed adaptation with either maxed health/shield mods.

the mod isnt as good as people say it is, and you should actually test it yourself to find the best setup for either your warframe or for adaptation

You shouldn't waste a mod slot on Steel Fiber for anything that has 15 armor, it makes it roughly 31 armor which is 9% damage reduction instead of 4% with 15 armor, your EHP is much better off with Gladiator Resolve.

But yeah, I might be saving my platinum for something else than adaptation since the stacks can drop and it really doesn't protect you from everything. Vigorous Swap seems like an equal mod, if it only had 5-10 second time instead of 3 seconds.

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43 minutes ago, GOOFBALL1 said:

You shouldn't waste a mod slot on Steel Fiber for anything that has 15 armor, it makes it roughly 31 armor which is 9% damage reduction instead of 4% with 15 armor, your EHP is much better off with Gladiator Resolve.

But yeah, I might be saving my platinum for something else than adaptation since the stacks can drop and it really doesn't protect you from everything. Vigorous Swap seems like an equal mod, if it only had 5-10 second time instead of 3 seconds.

yep, your right. but that doesn't change  my original point

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Le 15/10/2018 à 19:08, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru a dit :

It needs to be reevaluated most definitely.

It's effectiveness was highly exaggerated. It's whatever.

This is pretty much the way these topics go 😄

It looks OP on paper but in practice is not nearly as powerful as it sounds, or as some YT content creators made it out to be. 

It IS powerful, make no mistake, but testing it in a controlled environtment in the simulacrum makes it look a lot stronger than it is. 

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No, because challenge don't mean fight with ennemy that one shot you and have to much damages.. it's ez to do but it's not a true challenge;.

Challenge mean you need to use strategy, cordination and one fault can cause the mission to fail.. The mission that are the most close to that are trials and eidolons... so no this mods don't make them really ez so you arguments is invalids

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On 2018-10-15 at 11:52 AM, S.Dust said:

With how thing have been going the game finds itself in a position where many of its higher level players are requesting more of a challenge in order to pass the time,

Then don't use it. Besides, it's only a good mod on frame that were already relatively not squishy and didnt have a hard time surviving. Adaptation on Nidus/Inaros? Overkill. Adaptation on squishy frames is useless. You die before it can stack up.

For squishy frames you'd want to use rolling guard. But nobody talks about that one and how it makes squishy frames so much more playable.

Adaptation is more for mid tier frames when it comes to survivability. Ones that aren't godlike survivable but can take a couple hits. Like Oberon/Excalibur imo, and using it on frames like that you really do have to give something up to fit it mod space wise.

Edited by Erytroxylin
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